lllll III ml llmwhu id Ik mm ImIl In ll lrlulluvm umlllillcc or ulllvt Milly ll um um llw leum he luvl Mr hrlulnl with 111 lwnnll Inkm In rnunly Iv nllrï¬ um alum In haul Wbm Illnn rAn Illa mun mu mm In Inn Icn umnlfln luv man 1M mmly lwl Lulu nwny huh will Md AWAIMI flan mmlnpallllm II lungénu Ilwm In mm id mum We mm Nll nu rm Iuipahlm in Mum Mum lalml walla many trlllnllml mm WWW In mn And My um All Ir p1le mllm Jamey lald mum1 WM ham to salmon dwlvnl ll mu lime nm II Navy hunk NMHN munlcï¬mhlw pmumluly or Irhqun up Air Alarmy my Imlm 44mm mm In an Imvy lnr lha minty do mnnd would In mM um um nrl repnru Thur Im mm hy KM lmnnm nmnium un der Ibo ï¬ninmnmip 01 Gun army now of Om Council went Ma wmmlllxw whole dimm lhc but In 0n mine Mum finl mm 14 Ml mmtnded um no mum he alum lb hmlullm hr the minty to It Inc Hwnlmn fowl went Ma mmmmn dob In tho Iim Mm Wlmdm Pom MW at int ay of ch Fnhnmy mlm In 0n mm mmlflm Council Passes Resolutions 0ver To Legislation Committee Misth mi we com mu flu or was mam lo Ibo anxle mman cl manly 0mm Ming In mm mum Mr Sxmpsm was puma munly mum OOmmEanu last Year when wu flex ova on allywide Other salaries Wm vimm In painstalung detail by mu Thrm other mu dmged two hr he bed Sim 0w Jammy mm the aevtmnan Mm committee Hueaded by George MacKay Neva ol 0m hm hm In the county 1mm During he February session which mm ymtuday will be dimming the 1mm oomndum mum um em My Iflmm and domed their usual bminm the my budget wm um am in InEmdusva mm mm man My decided trim Couny mm wm dcbzmng Ihu finance oommxllbel rpm reviewing he salary schedule fur mnly employees last renew was made in 196 Simone calmly may be Iookingl By adjouran Im yrs tar new Amment commjs day they had nppmved twa of 550m WWW 19 decislon tho our ï¬nance committees re made on his salary dunng iLs pod heating Hams ytslmiay your or due posnilh alum increments of $500 Tho maxi mum salary $11000 The fun gum um Mr mm wjll be pand item Commissioners Salary Causes Heated Debate fCOUNTY COUNCIL Tmeynixp Ahny and RCA minim mm Ontario and den In IIudy recent mange 1n the Royal We Saving Sc cier manual Organized by the RCA Mazatlan and Physi day clinic new cm TOUGH LIFE savmccounsm ncï¬r CAMP 301mm and 11m Mmly 1va dMlI lnhl mum MI WIN hum Hw wluny Ire Intl In Mum 01 um um Irr not In pm on Ania Ma tub In 010 IM mu ml Tmumm Awrlnllnu Md Ibo nladu Mum15ml ï¬lmy Hm nm munly Mle In Mr lln Auwinllm Mmm mmliu 5an my me mummy 7111 Th mmllm Will IM In Rhm par mm wdulml yum Um mlmly Um Auxrum 310 and llonwutfhka wmm mm that In dulxmuinl man slow Knuth lam 1mm owned Inéxvhhml mtmldmï¬um bu no mm and that munlrlpamlu In Um um be up Ulla la lho mmo me It mum hand anI to be mm mcndnlion manna mm mum that Um mm lat Onlmia Mlmlciml llamln Ip pmvnl ho wbernun mu Ibo mme given lmn 111 or the mnmnwu nl munic Hm la Orlllll unlvonim Mnly npplml lo In board or mprmnl 04 bylaw um mm lhe mu llu hoard mush nu mud dml lhc yrnu In Ihirh Hm urnM Inado he Minuer mml MIMI Hwy mny pm In the Rift The mini bylaw um that lb lim mum FILM lo Ib mlmmy Imni mall ho mmln nm 10 In Um yrnr on which nMnklion Alam Iml Im an NM Inllwml mu on lb lm duh MEHIIEIKHIIII 12 uvul we um at Mon hum WM mud to the legislation commiflm Mlnr llnanu mnmntm had Wm mmlod that no Ich taken mole mm Comcd wm told an the nv lnx hurl boon nmdo In the pay menl to pnrHlmo tumors 1m spiked all hmlcd do mun Duw um p15 mnih mum Ina Wilma batman the in4 men and the assosmntnt cam miuoa the budget WM cut down to the gum mnud yrslm day mom The budget submitted by the msmmtmmmweo or 1966 last months council semen 3165 Dalton jfxï¬yf To dome said we wmmimoncra salary was lhe turning Pain in lhc councils dcdsion to no omr to mumwide assesmm um Council was Md Marthe bud mlwa Emma ho mu last you or in ya aper uu for the an added Tvm Joslin reeva of Onllin mmhip said Mr Simpson was him fur hc pan on the under standing he mum be paid $9000 N5 amount was allowed or in the budget csï¬mtes or noun lywldo 85555an sytslcm dur Ing dobaï¬e in Odobor THE DEBATE Mr Macsz salt the meal mndAdwers Job had Wihflity undrr countywide system Also the salary of 311000 was paid by ha counties wflh the system The DepMmml of Municipal 313000 cal Educ on Dcpariment fllevcflnic was highlighted by lecture by Prof Kirk Wlpper of the University Toronto national lechntcal director of we 11155 For 12 hours each day then wem lectures dem onstrations and prawns Study assignmenu preceding me mum unnnwlul I250 lu nwlnmm 500 Ilol 1W0 1ka HI paid Mmllar pd lur lhdny vi rmkw my lair um 01 Inmate 41 11000 om Ifl rut lip MM Mu 1M hunk mm mm mly glad In om wlth motlmwd on Mr wily II tin can wry 7min Another mmly lmmml to lung mar nllnml mu Ibo EMU mmnwr Ha mnmlï¬l 500 by In lin mu enmmum Inn MINI um um um IN yurl In by mm 500 County man In mfluldnv tic In war mmmmuanru at my lulc muc Im II nur mun Iluvlnn in ume NJ pl RM my man KW III rar Human by In human mm kw II MW um noon IN yuar Win In Aunqu unvan mmm Inmldxunly Mr Mm mm Wmhm Imam lrr Ibo original Hum mmmlllNl mmmluum but was not put lely 1mm Minkwy mvc ll HANKduh lnlmduml IN cmlli mum 1M nanny ha 0001 year mm 1mm mm mo max lmnm mo 1M my MM 01 mnlunim Mm ld lawn om mull heard to nym hymmlmu WW Ir Mom was made lho luluy be 310500 wflh mm WM 01 $500 or two yam Na vow wm nlm lost Mr Iknmlm lhm math um moo wuh mm mum mo dam deu mid he cqmjynmw mam hum mmï¬wy mm lieu ed arzummt with Mr andon Mr Pram made mm 9m he earnmlmen mum In the mullon It Ly two he said he mes 511000 for tha job but he dm 9mm jab alum working so hours Mack he said He has In good zen eral knowledge 01 the county and hm he kmoa the num nll be well not deputy mve mppwd 1mg up hemm Mr Camfï¬ï¬ N1 min nbau The added mspomibuuy and diflemnl condiqu 01 am new Job wm Wed by Cook deputy mm Bradford 11 so mane cLse 000 he gain nu an lb enuncy muwxut mevé HAlhgton hnm entered the dcbaw And cd NT Qinyp William More VNBYC Stay Lll ch council at this pom to he care Iul Mr Slmpsm is experienc od handling he pmbicms of Simcoe cwnly mmml he saint This Feb and the ML have to be produced We cant ml mud he said Earl Brmdm mm Cold waler asked it it was true that if the wt commï¬sdum did not an $12000 he muld quit Egandan wasde this Ya man is dyspensab be edami mummy AWL the Parttime asseslora wen mud disuse quaï¬md mum nut his wan aha ElelNlm WANT MB PHONE 7mm strict R138 axaminallon eon cludcd the course Above CpL damn Wanen applies direct Nsusdlallon to LAC Jim ma del while other instructors check points From Ml Sgl Bill Hayward din dlreclor Capt Frank Pendock and 5qu Mr Ernie Baxter Iqamendcd FLEETHAMS RED WHITE GREEN PEAS SCOTTIES ORANGE Juice NO DEALERS PLEASE SOFT ABSORBENT FACIAL TISSUES NO DEALERS PLEASE CHOICE QUALITY NO DEALERS PLEASE SOUPS Bflflflfl 59c cï¬ï¬nï¬ï¬ï¬dï¬55¢ CHOKE PLUMP TENDER CHICKEN Legs or Breasts yb 59c SAUSAGE LUNCHEON MEATS Phone CHICKEN IN BASKET 1b 45 Addms INSTANT COFFEE s139 Mule Lu Mud Selwned Skinku Mlple Len Well Slruked Kindle Nlmo MHBGHBINE BEST BUY SAVE lac NIPPY MILD PIMENTO MAPLE EEAF eoz PKGS OFF PACK CHEESE SLIEES 59 MAPLE LEAF FOUR VARIETIES 02 VAC PAC SPECIALLY SELECTED PLUMP YOUNG GRADE NO DEALERS PLEASE SAICO RECONSTITUTED BEST BUYI SAVE 50 24 OFF PACK MAXWELL H6USE 1002 JAR CHICKENS TENDER YOUNG WHOLE CUTUP BIG PRIZE DRAW STEHKETTES Map All Mlld Cured Cryavnc Halves Bu For Lunch or Snacks Alwlyl Tender 50 85 OF SUGAR 2nd Priu TURKEY 31d Mn 50 H3 POTATOES In Prim 79 49c HABITANT mm uu wanmun JOHNSONS PLEDEE 79c villi Raspborry BEST BUY SAVE SO NOURISHIING BEEF OR CHIClleNl2 0x0 cums ZEGB JAMS BEST BUY SAVE lOcl SHINE AS YOU DUST WITH kunmnl HIIM FRENCH FRIES llb flu MORTENS MEA TPIES Bu Chlckun Turluy Tl 53c POTATOES Brussel Sproulsiif 33 SWEET MILD FLAVOURED SPANISH GARDEN FRESH Frozen Foods ECONOMICAL NUTRITIOUS SWEET CALIFORNIA SUNKIST SUNSHINE FRESILPRODUCEI ommuns 79c Sinwblrry for $1 flue Illlh an HADDOCK FISH HICKS Ill ESSA ROAD BARRIE No so 1h Bil cyaniLAarosoI Tln $100 49 liOZ TINS 2802 1le 4802 TINS 39 5179