TORONTO CIJ 50ml DI an erlrnll wnrllnl In Illa lmlnnr UnL nu Ir paynu lnr 0qu hnqullul Inwrnnu uhhh MI nvnlluMe In lhcm 1141va Tmllrr lulnuls This ï¬lm will be dwwn lhn Central Unlted Church on F5133 11115 rash and dramatic ap preach to lhe Ilory ol the heart the red blood cell and the dr culnlory system Is the ml of lwr yum of intensive work by PDr Irwin Moon Ind the Ital It Moody Instqu Selena in Wm Angela CIIIIUmlL Sccnflsla al Mls found um um humnn body 11 qulle Ilmunr In an automobileexcept lnr nu llmnu PM Salkm Llnyd Wml mm MUN MD Fndym award 5m quuAIIJIyma llkxknwlm John Malay 04ml Lana Dim Mkakh Bimini Elï¬n1175M suf idem space or youngsters In dchlngu lm hockay game pedmy on Saturdays The com mission decided heated area will be marked of to It com Ion Receive Passes In Music Exams mum Ix PIANO Homn 1m Mmdurd Im ï¬tsm ï¬ï¬‚xharpe law that mm le Vlll IMNO Flnt dun hum Durban merixlt Vlo Imuuws Major Renovations To Be Made At Arena Dy mnml IIIle III pmvlslnn Int Unlmky hMpHnI luxuriaan IMI Apply 0an ln mlllrnu An In Mr Robert who replaces Jim Baorman slid piam will be made ta brighten up the nrenn layer which he said was too narrow and crowds could not be controlled Lighting and heating iotniiing an estimated cast at 310000 will be installId in var ions area oi lire building ml IW mm as Hon nmro KIM Donna film lcquah Vrlml Mn Therm Arranged In ordcrolmalL 8010 mm mama If lulu dmh eta MurLd iztfll Mill VII PIANO Wnl Elm lam hm Hughy IalIowlnrx 1m may uIcqulu ln unmimï¬om LEM molly who 11ml Cm mygumy mm mm 15 Pay Insurance Cant Use It audience 39 whim maze 7017111033 vessel In human bodylre in store nlver of me produced Moody mum of Sciencc kick at the bald beat lng humt and personally guid ed our pugqugt the 10900 mfle Mr Robcm pointed cut that Barriu City Council approved this nnnvadon last year but noLhIng was done It cm be Barrio Arena will undergo major renuvnunn this year my caning to Gerald nobem who was last night nppolnled chair man of lha mm nomadaim mm VIlkwkr Im Joan Bird Inside Of Beating Heart To Be Shown On Film Feb 13 hum Ronmrs sealed centre wu Meddnahvmd Barriel Amu mmmlnlm GRADE PIANO PIANO Ronald Mrlrm Cumr Anna nmme Iul ldlr mum GRADE PIANO morn Joyce MMflnm llama Helm 11mins Msz Dnllcy Bomlv ï¬sh or Elmth 101M Katherine icngrmn munl Im Knlhy Cough J6me Homphl qual Jcmm mm GRADE lMNn Pam Robert Emume Susan 11km Jam baking Marlon lhlky GRADY IV PIANO Pm hmld Merriam le HI PIANO mam Swim Gum Jnmu Veil WI Sarkxml Im Nnnq II MerL MDH ll PIANO Chm llama Grnham um me mu Mm flchlnylon Equal Hui vqqdm Incl lhal It has 30 lrllllon cylln ders that he human heart ls um most powerful nnd preclya pump or ll she Illa can be Immd anywhere and that tha red blood cell the key to one ol the moat amnzng lunsportallnn yxlems ever gevlsed In the mm Dr Moon use an automobile engine In explnln what mnkos ho lwmn madllm lick They no IImHIr ha says because they both need fuel oxygen and mnoval oi exhaust or waste gms In an auianur hlla enxmo these motions are perfonmd by more system 4ch Mr nuke and almost whllo In the human body Man am all performed through tho bloodstream whlch Vncl romblmflon Iucl and exhausl As long as members slmsscd the Med pavung the parking lot It Is hoped that this 111 be under taken by next years commitlee mplcoedjn 1967 ry pmvldc mvica or the community and the lowest posslble cost Mr Robert said palnting out that approximately 50000 persons Vt It the 8191 egchyear Proschool skating will be available each Thursday mam tng at n0 charge We want tn encourage much of this type Than will he repalrs made on at too at the mm the building whch ls wescndy lenk hug and causing car perman ent damage to dmsslngmxm and the Iron otflcc put again he sald heat ed arenwill also be installed to Itgge Ice qchlnery last night lnauma mm but Mn we ta right at Reg Wclham exlreme right We Allsopp William was mappth mmtary mm Nixon and Mao tnasum Committee menr Lam Hle FLUTE im CIA am New GRADE PIANO Darn Do MayHunk Iculpv In and dulzner will be xuu lnclum Feb 15 the llmic lubllc Llhrnry when Aha wlll uddmm mvmlmu of ILIrrloI Art Ilnh Ilom In HutLIpul Hungary In mu Iha came lo Cnnmln In my ninldosln nmmm Mm Pnknrfllmt In cxlxlwl ed her work widely In Canada and nlmml llcr mrk Inn lwn rcprmnlml In anlunnl inl kr nl mwla nvrmunl Art llnlcry Came Mul ullln lhu nine and llrmuln am In mnlrrr prlvnln cnllrcllunn HM lmn ncmnmhhrvl um variety nl work rnnllnu rum large Archllrtlurnl mnplum lo THUR Imerlm and mm pur lrnLl lwmh tn 1minle my mind 5M ruperlnllr known Mr memnrhl mulnl ml mlnlnluva bmnm Assodmlan at cc of $40 rcccimd approval and mm bcn of we cducalkm commit lco were nutrde allmd the assodatlon midApril on moo in Term Will Address City Art Club atlon Agricultum An nylcultmal committee Iv pqmnflaï¬on ï¬rm the 0mm Agricule mi anmhcr $300 to he Coqu farmers UniogL Coundls finance wmmiucc under chairman Hoyd Prldliam recommended Ilia gram along with another to Womens Insti uhm in the ma The Slmme County Worm5 lmlituie brandi to mmive $300 and be ï¬ve local brandws will divide $100 among them selves Council also voted to appoint Gardgm Calder and Arnold VancLso it npmsentaflvcs on Um Simone Counly Farm Saidy Cmmcil and named Eu gene Srpilli L9 vn the Feder thing as pésslble HM Mr Roberts Simeoe County Council Tucs day Meda $2000 grant to the Simcoe Courly FcQLralian of County Council Awards Grants MilS PEDERYJIUNT Im hem human with the mummy mm rmlmï¬lmu mm mam mm Nb flmlhl pay hmam Thomas Taylor waimmn nl Iho cadm Miay nomllmlng mnmm 1d Imam sdmul lruuoel mm mm an army n1 our lam wed ufly young cm Ml leave Mr nu lmlm my Imm mnxlnl mm mml mo lo 600 annually an animal llo clad the mm lelKrI WWI mo yum1 amortmm Mm ha 700 mnlly and with Shy llnlkojmyp $57M GM MM the aimlug column dealxned to give wny Ilowly driver L1 mood Into It by headvan colllean This would help reduce the chance of chest Mud the company said The new brake dcslm Incon poram two lystom so om nlls lha other could sun oper nle lo sloplho car warning all will flash on Ihe danhbonrd one mum falls the company nld WINDSOR 0M nm Mgm 51mm mulxmd My ieaunu mu ydema mm on In milmac OSHAWA CPlGmal Mr on Canada Ltd annaunced Iodty It wlll Insml collapsiblo nearing column and dual Tbe Innmmcement made no mention ponlble price change because lb extra SPEED SKATING 11 elementzny and secondary sdml speed skabng events or the whim camlval will be held at am Saturday Contest agtts should ppm to lheoal WHITE CANE WEEK Your Eyes 01 Pair for mum the White Cane Week whim is cur mtly being held in Barrie um Lll Sahajdyl Ms vycekl Sm maxim adlan Nannal mum for the Blind and the Canadian Cowl ultheBlind 12k uneduca llonal week 1h year empha sizing the prean blind ROTARY CLUB lame Flame of the Ontario Department of Welfare will In guest speaker at the weekly Iunclmn meeting the Rotary Club Battle Thumday at 1215 pm at Commin House Wm Ibo xhlbnkm mm by flw RCAF wins willle 1L3 regular inl at oclock at live club fogms ugh Si T111 assodaï¬an wall prisencea with two wheel dram Windsor Teachers Threaten To Strike If Pay Not Raised CARNIVAL BALL Thc am Wlnhfl Carnival Ball will be held Friday at 9111 at Embassy all Safety Features To Be Installed HM Um moo mum up PRESENTATION TONIGHT SECURITY lhom me your out urndunlln mm trachea Mono no um um numlror likely would mama unlm Ird nrn wuld lncmm Immm tx mlmml anthem would loavo lur mam clswwllm plied to Um with cmhcrl millgo ammion only Toad wlth denta min Nth swimlea M12 Taylur conï¬rm that on many mm odml Md are lmtxudinz with mm 31 ammuka uhkh nfltm The rommlllu recomudl that nporlm be permitted in mm pmoeodlnu In In courts except or tho denun callon mum and amp yinm Mmmu eyldcnpa Ls exmuly maniad by judge llnqwncy say In Im that com justice can hallw Imam 10671 pmv chfldm ox people Involved In mid minus dese on shnnld not be whilshed The cammlllce on hmnlle da cetdlnzs In private Thu radiuml uncUUn of flu press has been to alert the pub lic lo Improper or undeskablu micuur VJudgc llnmfllon of the en Iu nnd Inmfly court In Simcoe County said she very much In favor of sdnflmu portal to uvcnllg courg II wnnld not be who to make everything public but the press were allowed to attend reporter vmuld have Mint Idea what goes on and the public mid become better In thin lar Vï¬ï¬fuï¬uï¬ Simcoe County Judge Marjorie Hamilton has endorsed lederal committee on Juvenile delin quency re roommendlng lhal news reporter be admit Ied to juvenile court male us right provided lhey do not publflsh name any Juvenile Involved The nme tabled In the Com mans Monday by soudlor Gen and Pcncll says lhat the Juven lln Dclinqucnls Act is not ex cit on Ihe subject private caring but ha this pracuca LI 5mm lilawchiq anada Judge on said that In inmin court certain cases luth as common assault publication of the names involved could act as elcmnt Hmverknnme ll HIM mm Mle um nvnlw wmw um my Mens Committee of Barrio amtmm Mcwrigmmz 10m aqnuqkmhyls Iancg Wm Nmnm Klan uwu mmum Inuur nnlu kuu mmnan Mon night banqmt at Burton Ron mm Romy For llmllcd me we are alluring THE CHRISTIAN Babes my awn 11 plum JUVENILE COURT Should Be Open To Reparters Says Judge erahf Clnnorl SHIRT SPECIAL The ban on idcnliicauma juveniles would be extended in television and radio media that am not menunmd in the ad which Wm drained in 1900 The comxmiiee suggest that the numbe of mm at any juv eniie cunt hearing be limited to flame min pool arrangemeni and that the general public be exciudedi The report also mains that lb ban on idenfllicaflan be ex tended to minor Involved In sex case that Are heard in adult courts Harpars Pharmacy MM 12 Panhug Ilml BRECK SHAMPOO 12 oz and CREME RINSE 02 $250 Value ANUSOL Suppositories 12s Sug Llst $150 ARRID Cream Deodorant Sug Llst 78c CONTACC 10s Sug Us $149 DELSEY Toilet Tissue Twin Pack ENO FRUIT SALT Lavgo Sug Llsl$ 19 EXCEDRIN 36s Sug Lin $125 FACELLE ROYAlE Mens Slzu LADY PATRICIA 20 Moro Hair Spray Sug Us 99c 79c OSTOCO DROPS 50 cc Sug Us $425 319 MICRIN Oral Anllsoptlc Sug Ust $Il0 79c NIVEA CREME oz Sug Us $143 Ll VITALIS wllh V7 401 Eng List 79 73c CONFIDETS 106 DUNlOP ST DIXIES REOPEN With Replaced Stock Mm Flre All Damaged 0r Smoked Goods Replmd Come On In And See Us lm Rd 7202011 Allandale Drugs limited guest speaker Frank dam on Guelph Dalton Kirk qzrgon Walker and Rev SUPER SPECIAL Smoke Shop Record Bur Suï¬ Ll He robe decision wag niad 7an change site or the camival In Fair 6mm Cannot Opeï¬ Club To PghliéfngZ 12 mm to 0119113411 wasde leing mm glam Camval yam on Sab av lmlise ware omimmd out Sheba Shrine Club to hold an In Iemaï¬mfl Miners urhng bun xplel In We on Feb 1112 has all been mod and expect chm 150 mm hen It was arranged long be Beme Curling dub hold private club Homoe The is be wed 7319mm rm Pharmticy 7mm 66 Dunlop SO MacKays zs3c 143 7289057 we