Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 4 Feb 1966, p. 8

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ny ms no chhnd vhilnrs mm Mr mud Mu lxlnhlvn um Mrs Drnllcy and Min Halhrr Down mm Euchre hm lxrn hrld In llnlly Community ltnh luran Innunry Aprmsnml by Lilllnl lhll Wl lrllr winnm Jim 15 NH lAlnhlnn Amnl John Inn Wllllnm Mlnlrr Nll Mmhlm Ilmhin Ihll nmvarllz Jan 72 Emmy All Illnrk Mn Hrnhnm Iim Mnhlun Mn annlnn II hillrl Mn Mar me Mum Jan 23 Funk Downing mm Thm mll MI rurllrn Fri Ihr rummunly Clll Imrtl umnsnriuu mun nnm Allmlninu mm duo In mum umcr Tmlvlml mrmlwu ul Lllflnt HUI WI MN tour lhrmlih the In hall um Inan Ilnlhnu lnr llvclr January mrrllnm Hmn Mu urnnsnl Iur lry mmp Ihlp rnnvmr Mn ll Inlth ml AH Mm lruwrunl Ixy Hm Mm dr vu OI uwd m1 ur tllrary Imlh drrnltmmll Ilu nmnlm HIM 1n IruInuuml Mr lunrh nml kluul mllmu mum Imam Inc nppnlnl lw lmnl annz llv nmmlmfly mm In gm my mum un rrnnvmlmu Mrvnry mu pmnmm n1 Ilsmw NL lmlnvhnfl II 1M nml II hm Mlhl In In lw IIHHNI In ullrw Hm mrrfinz In Frlv my uhlth um mmrrwl lly Mu Ilmhar ml Mn 1an lnmn an Hrth ml Ilnmr Jo Mllmhl The reception was hcld at he home of Mn and Mrs Alfred Pollardwhcrc he molhm Hm groom and hrlde rccclvcd the mm MIL MHsnn mother ho brldc rmircd Marin blue drug and corsnuu ngcnmntlnm The xrmm moanr wnro rule green dress with comma n1 rcd carnallnm The rnnpln spent thclr hnneymonn In Toronlo whm Ihcy wxll lakn up nsl dcnrn In lhc mnr Iulurc TOUR HI HALL Ilnlly llnilnl Unmh nnmml mrdlnn mu mm in llm Sunday Sthnnl mum JIHL Tut1w um Imrut Annual mwm 1w Irrn In All ulnpnvlnwutn And oHIvrrA lnr llw rnmln rar wnu rlerlwly Jmk KNIer nprn lhr rek rnd at SchflXlll comcnllvn In Drillln puny wgddin was snlcmn rd llm parsunm Mans lleld Friday at pm where MargnrzL Allisnn laugh Irr of lr and Mrs wry AI lisun bnmme lhc wit George Pollard son at Mr Aaml Mrs Alfde Pollard nI EvcrolL The bride dressed In Whlle suit with bnuquel of red cama lions was nccumpanlcd by Irene Drury bridasmnirl wcurmg coral dress ujlh navy accts mrics The mom was Accom paflind by Rickey MdLISOn Mr nnd Harold Mann Judy and Debmc spent Sunday inTornna with Mrs uolmcs William Henderson of Bax icr had the misfortune la injure his bank Thu annual supper and can xmgaiionai meeting oi Evcrcii United Church was held Jam 25 with hot iurkcy being served services in EmmUniicd and Anglican Churches were hnld ns usual dcspiic the snow siorm with goqiniicndance in both Mlnr lenglhy illness in Slay ner Nuulng llnmc Evelyn Pearl Robbins wile of lhe lalc Elmer Jenklns passed away in her 71st year on Wednesday Jan 19 Many beaulllul floral lribule were resolved tram her nends ln Barrle Tornnlo Illlls lan Camp Burden and dismcz Others were Irom Eventh lurnnch Canadian Leginn La dies Auxiliary Cnnndlan Legion Everett Anglican Church and ll llaseball Club Guclph Funeral szrvlces we re held lhc Thnmax Funeral Chapel and Interment was in Alllslon ceme tery Jun 11 Mr and Mrs Delmar Thump spent last wcekcnd with James Peacock and Ivan Mrs Harvey Lloyd Is pa lcnt in Toronlo hospllal Mrs illle McGilI palicnl in A1 Hslon huspilfll whcn she under went surgery week ago and Is rcpnrlcd Ia be dolng wall mus JENKINS THE OLD IHOME TOWN By Stanley By AN ROBBINS SIMCOE COUNTY NEWS HOLLY EVERETT nnmml Sunday TM rlw mmm WONT FOUL HIDMITMK AUMIH HILNI leiln umnvnllvo mrnllnr Hf lmlvav mm mm vmnmuy XWKI mum lmma 1m mm umllnl IHHIrII uzvul rulw any noMImx fur th mu rm lnuurv Inrk anrr lnlullrr Hr Almlh L1H Hu lmmnml Mllvlmml Uvmlmt lrr bl uhlnh lu mmvlrvr INN In linrl um um 0man ml Qwhr lmlvru nmuzm lhry um payinn 1m mmh wulnn Mn and vhvinl hm mmh mum nml Mu lhlmlu nm In 1mm mum nl nu huh hnnw n1 lhe umkrml Iwnmm rruunnum wmr mm mm Fnlrvl lnr Illrl uri Iul mu lLlHflNlll lulul Imnjnhm nl Allrnunml llll knmlay IHun Huh Mlulll In Irnrlnm Innd llmmlnl MmKnllwlnr Eulnur um IHIN rum anmflu Hr lhr Mrrlu rnI Mr nml My Hum HM urlr Ivnmhl for urvkrwl 31 VlLlhinnlmu Lnuy mul um ll trlmlm up In Irrmirwrkrnri 11m Wunlrun mlx My ThomM Church hr rry surround mum puny Thursday mornan nl Ihv hullu Mr and Mn mm min Hr MIN WILSON Mr Murray limnn hm rr HIIPI llunll nltrr MM In lrlw lam irmrnl Hunxulnl In nr Iy hm Mrv Ilnridu ulllu llln uslcr Vn clcamn lo llle vlllagc Mr and Mm Ken Cran nml Mmlly uhn have moml lulu lhc Camp brll nnnrlmvnl Paul lllclumls and Ted Hey nnluh Blullfllll lrnm TcMhrrs CuIIrXr lnnghl um ml ucrk Shnnly My Public IHIm Iullrrxml 11 by plant Monday or holiday In idu nil his usllr Mr and Mu llnuslon It by lmin las Mck or hollduy in Vnnmuvor MM Mu mum has rnlunml antr spending mun in TM onln with Mr leIRhltl and ann inlnw Mr and Mrs Ilcvnr The annual meeting at SL Thomas Ladics Guild was held Mnndny ntnlng at the home of Mrs idling with I1 mcm bars present Mrs Marlin prcsldcnl presided and Mrs Pclcrsnn was Lhairman he clcrllun at lhc ollnwlng officers or 1966 Irbsidcnl Mrs mm vlcbpresidenthIs Sullon socralnry Mrs Pel crson tronsurcr Mrs Mc Crackcn sick rummillcc Mrs Wonky baaar cummil cc Mrs Simpson and Mrs Sultan LunLh was served White and Mrs Suuon muting will be held Hlnsnns Feb TRAV IRS By PATRICIA MCCIIACKEN Sympathy the village 15 ex tended to he lamilies ol the late Mrs Mary Ymmg who pask ed nway Monday Jan 10 at Ihc Royal Victoria Hospital Bar rie also to Mrs Jan Plolrowskl In the passlm of her mum Mrs Crossman GUILD MEETING Mr nnrl Mn MHHI nml Lauri Pétérém aim riro Ralph Petersen at Mr muting rcccmly Explorers and Tyros enjoyed scelng slides and hearing about lilo in Holivla from missionary Misg Jclinck aunt Exglnr Welcome is extended Ia Mn and Mrs Drake and family who have purchased by slccl Holly Schoo and are making lhclr home there Mrs Levi Sriglcy is patient in Royal Vicluria HospitaL ML and Mrs Jack sum and family or Phelpsmn arc spend ing some lime wilh her parw ems Mr and Mrs Rodgers Attending 4H Tralning schnn were MrsuE Lackic whu wlll be cadet and Mrs Fisher assistanL The course Sloop Xng Garments will be held in he community ccnlrc Girls 12 26 years are allglhh For lnformaflon cuntacl Mrs Lackic nr Mrs Fisher SHANTY BAY APTO by Mrs February at Mrs ll Snulh plays the mm nlno or Irn on he Icucl npadu drrlarcr wln5 wIHI lhu Hun en lrrx dummy wilh lrumu and rrlnrm Ihr lhrw of spam lulmdim play lhe lurk Snulh Haws low Ily playing In Ihls manner In 4A3 um 53 mm um This prubhm was rampant by Paul Lukncs and appeal In 1w Ixrilish llriduc Magazine Va shnulrl rull lhu dinmnml In dum my draw he advmc lrumpx nml INILI he drurc spades If Snulh Inflows wuh lhu live or six ulnys he uvrn um Itll lnnkrs llw hnlnnre he Irlrks rrxnrxllus hm NIth plum nml Norlh rndplnycd nl lhh pmnl DAILY CROSSWORD AKJI Anz in AIJZ lumm You are dcrlarcr wilh lhc West hum nl lhrc Nuirump meh lcads lhu six of dlnmnnds and ynu in the rim ilh lhc Jatk How would you play the hand You are dcrlarcr with the Vzsl hand at El rlnbs Nnrth loads the qumn of dlnmamlx How ouId you play um hand Dczr Dr Mulner have grandson Ihrce years old Ills daddy scolds shames and pun ishes him or wetting lhc bed but at the same time allows mm to have several glasses at juice chr pm Can threeyear nld be cxpe led to keep dry Inn mum nmwm mum AIva Admum 11 mm sum ummnm llvrr AL mnfy ram nhmvn In Vnrnm In unnnm runylll 1nmpm mm Hunm um 2L nnuu mink Hum 211mm 2L rm fwd Vnr mm 21 Irmnuy 11 rm an Emu um mlr au Eulmn Some peopie pay loo much nucnUon to he liguru dentin Mrmd pressure and not enough In other indications their degree 01 health nut da pay nitgnilnn when he urges you la inse some weight get little mare bxmisc slop idling our work or other ro spansihlliiiu drive you no in cessantly aim vacation go more sleep stop drinking so much aihcrwise inckie some ho condiflons which are mak ing ynu poor risk 4A vnxou 9K +Azuu AUIIOHH Lemurl lllnl Imrd mum rhlrllnln In mmmIl vlnkllll mum llOlymplu llyml 1L rein15 This is snmelhlng tn be kept in mind not Just for insurancg examinations but whenever yaur doclnr begins In be con cerned nbmit yaur blood pres sure Dont expect him givé you pill that will make every Uflng all right It lsnfiL lhalslm plc nus pulse eduy Insumca companies are aware lois but they still have to establish cerlaln gcnctnl criteria to cvahgaflng risks Rather mu declslof ismadr on cbmblnallon considera llnns Age wclghl past hlslory pulse rate build and even her Its that blood pressure fludualcs and some perfewy healthy people develop rather high pressures when under emo lohal strain lncludlng lhencr vousnm ol golng to lhe d6cor or having an insurancc cxaml nallnn Dur Molnar My husbénd 50 and has bgcn turned down several llrnes arinxuranc be cause or his blood pressure The doctor says everyanel got up and down butaccozdlng to the Insurance company lhls val nbnormal Can you expllin7 Mrs By JDS$P11GMDLNER CONTRACT BRIDGE DOWN mupwurm Guild NuulMul Th ml llmdrnnl Md mu 71n Inn at Lump mnnr mm Pillow 13 llnmul mwa mm Im 15 Jump 11 ann T0 GOOD HEALTH By JAY BECKER mood préssurg Can Fluctuaie Wflmfl pllnu Inna1 Ann 110va mam 111411 blnl lhllr NIM Ill 2tWIlown Tlnn IDAnmll Ilmll mun lnlmul Ml Illlll mun lurn ana lhnt he made Hume taken In Unit ll um last only North ou tnnmt alien to In use the 00m my Mame mm mlghl hnve he quun and make the damale diamond you make In mlnlnke ol planEm your nuance on the nut rm head llncsse you could no down 80th mllhl wln he hurt With the king Mum diamond and he nnirnrl umhl Ml it tum4 out Ml Nurlh had Ihu AQloh Mr mundl Vln oi am you have nlue pos lllve trimthree Apadu hurl dlnmand Ind cur clubs sure way making the ronlml In tall club In lhe Jark play the nine mad and finesse Only ll all le chmm All do doclmr no down an In mom mcndcd llne of playl the hurllincssc when alum as 1m resort wins South has no spade hlghtr han the six Sourlhwcrrs in duhuse Ind plays spade lawn than SENS SimUJ has lhu queen of apadu If Nada has the slnxmm or doublelan Innen spadu he npadu nre divlded clarcr make the cnnlnd In bath oliawlng we URGES RESTRAINT KINGSTON CF Revenue Minister Benson has urgedae strain in price and wage in creasas In 1966 and warned that ane oi the major prohlern of the year will be in keep tight rein an the expanding ctnnomyi Speaking to dinner mended by about 50 member ni the Canadian liianuinclurera Ann ciation Wednuday he laid Ton rapid an expansion in ex pcndituru prlvaia anrl public would contribute tnyinilallonnry Condillon and lead in due anurse In irusiraUng reces Note to Mn El 11 Your plsl Illnesses and mediation in no way prevent you from having flu shot Rather flu shot wlll be excellent prolccllon or you whlle you are mupernllnx Aylllph locus of lnlectlnn in lha nose an be lhe 19mm or bolls elsewhere Sometimes treatmenbwilh one of lhe abu biollcs will clear up Ihe condl Bonn Vhbn hair become inflected his canspread rendin Ind oflen tend to be nlher porslsl cni Pulling such hair in creases the risk bl spmding the infection uwm nunn 11k noseand 111 L1 inmo lhingzuveryone 11min remem berhmjbors many organlsms not lhe 1mm which 11 1h staphylococcus germ and or several month June had the problem of inhaled hair In Utennsci My docl9r dpel not seem greatly cnmed éxcpl In caulian me alas pulling them nul Scaldhlz Alandlg and punish menl am not ellecllve cum Andvcerlulnly chlld wqIh trouble should not have loo much 1qu ha In few hour belare he goes to bed It mum his problem mom dilllcult 133d What should they do Dnr Dr Molncrfl Im mi mm nflzk mm MM Ilu mm we wrm MD WAR OVERHJCWAR LAW rs cw or gems DELEGATES sswe TNE nary OF VERfiAILLES AT THE PARIS PEACE TALKS 65 sows hngamI mum gamg to relclsobut his ml mssim has gum find ant 55 yo or of lug Fly fl Huang to Etfll 1M Amt Eur THE WAR HA5 WEAREa HMAND m5 LOSS OF me sous GREAYLY GRIEVED HIM MARCH 1421 DOCTOR wuznfs HARM EXAMINER FINDM FEBRUARY El 0mm BUT IN m5 FALL OF N22 mu wsr COME Burk WEED LWD GWE £38 1mm ll

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