Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 4 Feb 1966, p. 3

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GUEST SPEAKER at the CIVIL Club of Barries din ner In honor ofiho Barrie clergy was Gordon Bate left vicepresidmt of Civilian In tunatlonai Mr Bate is seen here with Alderman Fred Smith centre and club pres dent lemPerlardTho dbr not was held yesterday at tho Continental Inn Civitan Club Honors Religious leadership Is the only guide In todays undertak ings Gordon Bate viaepresi dent of Civltan International said last night at dinner In honor at the clergy oi Barrie The dinner WM held at the Continental Inn in conjunction with Civitan international Cicr gy Week Mr Bate praiscd the clergy calling them dcdicatrd men who are contributing greatly to better community and making each town and city better Race in which to live lie stressed that the clergy is vitally important in this day and age and that we should utilize these men to greater extent Mr Bate recommended that all service clubs rteacquaint themselves with the rules of so ciety and delincd service as the rent wepay tor the space we occupy on earth Membersof the clergy ln ciudcd Rev Rosa Adams SLAndrcwa Presbyterian Greasar Grace United Rev Malcolm Summcr Westmins ter Presbyterian Rev Donald Jay Central United Rev David Proctor Colllcr Street United Rev Walker First Bap tistL Wesley Jones Barrio Church of Christ Capt Wild er Salvation Army Rev Donald White Cane Week To BeginISundqy Your EyesOne Fair for Lilctlrne is the theme of While Cam Week which begins Fob through to Feb 12 School Trustees Will Hold Forum Up to 100 delegates are ex pected to attend lemon at Codringion School Saturday rponsorcd by the Simcoc County Trustcrs and Rslrpnyers As lactation Featured speakers In the day long session are Parnell superintendent oi the curriculum division Ontario Department of Education who will discuss curriculum trtnds irom kindcr garten to Grade in James Thomson of the department who will speak on enlarged school areas and Mrs loan WaLson secretary and lIcld dir cclor of tho Ontario School Trus ilfcs and Ratcpayers Associa II The public ls Invited with rcg istrntlon beginning at 930 am This week is sponsored jointly by the Canadian National Insti tqu tcr the Blind and tho Can adlan Council at the Blind it is an fimum week thizyoar rmp the proven of blindness At least 50 per cent of blind ness can he preventh iirst oi all If sou notice the warning signs of eye trouble and sec ondly It you seek prompt mod lcnl attention said Don Fergus on Barrio District Field sec rotary Some of the warrian signs oi eye trouble may be frequent headaches cloudiness bclorc the eyes seeing double and clum slness it you notice any sign oi cyo trouble ho sure to sock advice and help said lilr Fcr guaon while cine Week is obsoncd nationally The wecir commontcs with the White Cane Bowlcrs Tournn meat which this year will take place in Brnntionl Tito Barrio ileavcrs team of blind howl ors in Barrio dislrid will ho competing In this unummcnt Barrie Atoms To Compete In Newmarket Hockey Tournament NEIVIIIAIIKHT ilarrio Kins mcn Atoms are one oi eight teams partlrlpnting in the Now rnnrkct Novice hockey tourna ment Saturday Kinsmon Atoms open the one tiny compdltinn at am uinst host Newmanth whllo billion lilmloay Gmgclnun 0r Ililn Kltrlwnrr and Part Hm nro mum in other first round turtles In the nurturing First round Imus have scr tlnn bracket The Consolation illlo game Is not he ma pm slnrt while tho grind rhnmpiunnlllp is Iiillod for INS pm At Ncwmaim nn Following Is the romp cio tnur nammt unmiuic with all gamu nt Nowmarkct Arcnn First Round llarrto vs Ncwmnrhci it ran Millm vs Iilllllfl it Am mgrimm vs trillia to am Kitrlwntr VI Iitt How ll lrInltlnall ltmlnltowmarict wlnm vs hilltmldmiaay VIIIIIKY HAROLD ion SERVICE till AAA AA In All Maku Aaltuulnd Drain for VANGUARD matuN TRlliMlll rnl srnnrn cans 7i nuuau mint Newmarltctllanie loser rs Illiltllflyhlllllll IM li5 GcorgctmnOrlilla tom vs KIIchrntrIort Iiopo loser 215 Orlilta Gmrgclown winncr rs Port IloiIcKltchmrr winner at 315 pm miwlnilon rhampimslilp at 46 Grml Champlorutilp at 516 Wright Ciu SHIRT SPECIAL For limited time we shirts clunod nre featuring 100 Ior IIIIOIII titltllt II Dunlap III IIII lllll Clergymen At Dinner French st Georges Anglican Rev Joseph Molltnris Lutheran Church ot the Good Shepherd Rev Boll Essa Road Presbyterian other Civitan International guests were Ray Armstronge governorelect at Canadian Dis trict West and Reg Matthews iicutenantgovemor oi Canadian District West Representing the city of Bar rie was Alderman Fred Smith Mr Smith said that no other segment of the community the province or the wintry plays more important part than our religious leaders in this day and ago some at the vmrid leadrrn instead oi consan arms and ammun ition as solution to agitation and distress should try to ap proach the leaders of religious organizations ior some good common sense thinking Representatives Imm local srrvice clubs included Ernie Walker Barrie Kiwanis llcrb Fowler Kgnpenlelt Kiwanis Charles Wilson Rotary Lomo omr Kinsmen lloss Clarke FARM PRICES MONTREAL iCI Agricul Iuro department quotations Eggs Wmlcsale price to country stations lion cases Eeralarge tillx large medium 37 small 3031 as 32 Eggs Average weighisd priccs wholesale to retail In one dozen cartons Extralarge 528 Allnrgo 504 Amcdium 425 Aasrnail 66 Oiierings ade quate Demand good WINNIPEG iCI Rapeseed futures prlcc advanced and other commodities wrre steady in light early trade today on tho Winnipeg Grain Exchange Ex port Interest was quiet Oats opencd highcr May 903s barley it higher to un changed May l1ilt flax lower in unchanged May 199 rye to Iowor May LID rapeseed to lit higher March amt rm annalsEXAMINER rnmnv rannuauv rats Probe IVCorifiriueisif gvanfo AFirefl cause Investigation continues today into the cause oi the 51000000 the that Tuesday nigb destroyed Enrons Dunlap Street store and on adjacent bowling alley Water was still helrig pumped out of basements oi the ruined buildings this morning as Barrie JFiro Chief Dan Keast and dill clais oi the Ontario Fin Mar shnls ofilco probed debris in suranoe Investigators have been in town since Wednesday An insurance adiuster yester day conilrmtd that early estim ates placing damage at 1000 000 werecorrect according to MrsA Smith whose hus band owns the buildingJeased to Eaton IAPA GUESTSPEAKEII Gord Braniil of Coilingwood Shipyards will be guest speaker at the next industrial Preven tion Associations dinner meeting at the Continental In March at 645 pm Ills topic will be The Domino Technique oi Accident Prevention CARNIVAL RALL Ihellarrio Winter Carnival Ballle he held at the Ema bpssy iiali Friday Feb ll Tlev hats are available lrom local Rotarlans and the Gaamber of Commerce oliico CGE NEW EXECUTIVE The Canadian General Eicc tric Social Club will inauguran its new executive tonight at the Embassy ilall BOOK DISPLAY book display sponsored by the Canadian Book Publishers Council will be held in Oaidey Park Public School limb from 330 to 530 pm All in tcrestcd teachers and parents are invited to attend LICENCE PLATES Deadline or getting new ye blcle licorice plates and permits will be Feb 28 and there will be no cxtcnslon on this date it was announced today only 306 pcr cont of ihnplate and per miLs have been issucd so iar compared to 251 pct cent oyear ago SALES MISSION Kindred Industries Ltd Mid land is one of sevch companies represented on salcs mission sponsored by the Ontario De partment of Economics and Do vclopment on today business tour oi Florida and Georgia Tho nine Ontario salesmen are mem bers of the 54th provincial gov ernment sales mission QUIET NIGHT liarrte City Police rcportcda quiet night with no traiiic mis hnps or criminal occurmnm at any description BRIDGE CLUII Eleven tabics were In play chncsday night at tho regular session of the Barrie Duplicate iiridgo Cluh held hi the Barrie VIIIYWCA in the northasouth poaltlon Ernie lrvlno and Harold McMahon placed first with Mr and Mrs Charlie Parsons Mrs John Currie and Mrs lion liar dy and Cal and Mrs lom liigclow all tch or second place In the castwest poslthm Uh CAN IDB SERVE YOU on Thursday iehmary 10 10th lllr Lionel llanfcy of the Industrial Development Bank wrll beat The Continental lnn llarrle Ontario In this district and throughout Cnnnda many pcrmnn and Inns In practically all types at busincmen Including Agriculture Comtructlou Mnnulncturlng lroltrstionnl ncrviccn Iourlnt nan Recreational liuninomm lirnmportntion nud Wholmnio nnd Ilclnii lrndm have obtained Ionnn from tho lnduntrinl Development Ilnnk to ncqulro Iniul buildings and mnchlncry In Incrch working capital to start it new bunlnmu nnd for ollmr rtunm lfymi connidnr tlint it can be norvlon you run Invited to nrrnngu nn npmlutnwut with tho IDII roprmcnlatlvo Ity telnpliuning Mr liiuiiel ilancay at liio Continental lnu lclepilnne 72041014 or In ndvnnm by writing in INDUS TRIAL DEVELOPMENT BANK 250 University Avrnue Toronto Ontario lricphono loll1145 Meanwhile an Eatons spokes man said the inn will definitely continue to operate In Barrie but it wontbe known for some time what form the new opera tion wliltnkc The company opened temp orary orderolilce in the West End Plazayestcrday Manly to 25 inmilles evacua ted lrom neighboring apart ments during the tire moved back Wednesday andTbursday while nearby stores moppcd up Mr and Mrs VlnmntvLudluw who lost their possessionswhsn flamés Iswept Ibrougli their apartment abovetho bowling alley moved Into Muicaster street apartment LOCIII GENERAL Mrs John Graham and Ray Du iour llnlshcd first followed by Monte Kay and Mrs Jim De war tied with Mrs Roy Smith nnd Mrs ilarry Young ONE TRAFFIC ACCIDENT Ontario Provincial Police In vestigach one minor traitic mis hap yesterday Cars involved were driven by James William Rico RR liawkesione and Raymond Wesley Snow RR Oriilla The accident occurred at 510 pm at the iith conces sion oi oro Township twotenths of ad mile etst oi Sbnnly Bay Roe Parliament III II Glance By THE CANADIAN PRESS THURSDAY Feb I966 The Commons began de bate on spending estimates starting all with the depart ment at cxtemal affairs External Affairs Minister Martin announced that trade embargo against Rhoa desla is being made lilo pcr cent Wallace Neshltt iPC 0x Iard saldva special session of Parliament should have been called before economic sanctions were imposed on Rhodesia Andrew urcwln NDP DENNISSHEARD LEFT aaucs akocK cam RE AND sos WILLIAMS Rotcarious Hear Talk Coin Operated Laundry There should be oniassocia ion In Canada tor coin opera ted laundry establishment own ers according to owneroperator Bruce Brock Mr Brock member oi the Rotary Club at Barrie gave classification talk yesterday at the clubs weekly luncheon meet ing at Community House Our aim is to try and up grade this service to acwmmo date the women who prcier neat clean dignified estnbileu mcni he said lllr Brock pointed out that the Toronto Greenwood chal lenged tho government to say what disagreement has with US policy on Viet Nam Finance Minister Sharp anv announced Canada is selling $00000000 worth 01 gold to rcduca its reserves Malcolm IIolcht iPCNew ioundland said Newiound lnndcrs will fight any attempt to take Labrador away from that pmvince FRIDAY Feb The Commons mccts at 11 am EST to continue dc bale on spending estimates The Bennie is adjourned until lilanday night coin operated laundry business the average woman doesnt ical ts serving the publicvln that it ze that suds dont mean eloan is providing equipment to people liness who do not have their own and saving the housewife great deal oi time Today woman can brag in her laundry leave it for one hour to do her shopping and re turn to lind the opcratian com pletcd Mr Block caters to every person from the average himse wifo to the minister who writes his sermon while eating for his laundry and the teacher who cor rects examinations lie pointed out that the brand of soap should be very inn portant consideration Today BAY CITY UPHOLSTERING ANTIQUE AND MODERN WORK Bcautlful Samples Frce Estimates FREE PICKUP AND DELIVERY Phone 7287433 BARBIE Upholstering is Our Bast ners Not Just Sideline Ill BRADFORD ST intu 2sooo IMPRESSIONSI WITH THE FAMOUS PERMASTAMP NO INK NECESSARY RUBBER STAMPS OF ALL KINDS COMMERCIAL PRINTING DIVISION nu BARRIE EXAMINER 16 Bayiield St II The Price And OunliiyCompnre Why Not Buy Canadian BRAND NEW STUDEBAKER 72665 37 CANADAI OWN Cal 1er autrulx vusrn Axum it full ONLY 00 no hidden extras No down psymsnl II you quality Up to Ito month to pay Fin payment in Mauls IIIIYS SIMOOE MOTORS 94 TIFle ST Whera Service Is First 7282317 mummy wt

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