Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 4 Feb 1966, p. 2

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Skiing Excellent Throughout Area nLUH MOUNTAIN hlllnl IntDI Emllml Muhlwmmk IMIM 20 Indie WIUI natural mow lmo up In at rim 0M lnrh lmh llll Ml HI lll maum GEORGIAN IICAKR onllhup warm Emllml Tvm brim ol MI man mmle parlml Inn ll tn ll mm 2mlr Ml Iml T4 nvulhlula The nullnml Tnummlry Iri IlA do not Knuth with minim nrrmlkml unkml hr clllUu they be 1th tawny from lM hlllx ml mm The mm lam bank from nmmmm Inumvw will curry with mining and prior uro rum munr math Clvcnm Mvnld 00w Mu mm mlillml lollown Homst cy when th wck mnlmnu lor Canndnl nnumnl rmsummuy skl tenm are tunnan lhmunh heir final blah Iknnn Lu mm nualn llsb lIxrcllml MW £1th to 13 1mm parka hllln with lmh cover cl nonr ly lmh Snow Valley his mini le pmwd pncluxl base running lmm elm lo 10 Inches In depth wilh Nsh full of nm inch with ma Tban and mo rope low In opomtvm Night Ailing cnnllnm wctkly Wulmdayl Friday and Shimmy Lu Iclkmdl hanlhmlng momle ha one plenum by mxlucl Ski Mom in Catwth Ontario haw no sborma ground cam running In ccllm momma through lhe mum Mm Anmnve std wishing enter thls years contest may contact Mrs Arnold Neal Pmlimlnary Judging is sched uled for the Continental inn this Saturday at pm with final to follow Later the same ever My Winner ol the coveted tille will no away not nnly Wlul the ash and muchnndse awards but trophy awarded firs ln I9 It bears the names of 1964 wlnner Lmn lcharnon now Mrs Zinn and he 1965 queen Mrs Lorraine Carter In addmon to duties In mm man with various cvenu ol the carnival the queen wlll pnrtlcipam alang wllh cum lop mnimmls in asihan shuw during festivities at the arena Feb 15 This years queen will receive cash prize of $100 and mer chandise donated by local mar chunls IvaJucd nt flGfl Judges am looking at moflsnfindcd girl 16 or older to wear die cmwn hls yearv xnd cnlrits will be accepted until the weekend Contest oillcial report 14 appll cation have now been meiwd and while ii was originally planned to slap neccpllng enl rlcs MAY the deadline has now been ended lo Snlnrday SKI REPORT Carnival Queen To Be Selected Saturday Night Quecn of the Barrie winter Carnival relgn om evonl from Feb lo lo 11 will be chm sen lhls Saturday lmm man bevy of local beautlcs mom couramm in die Barrie Wintgr Carnival Quecn éompclillon to be held REKTOHE MlM NIAGARA FALLS NY Ml Thu urmd Mm nl Jwyenr old man wu nInlnnl lo body Wtdnnday during live hour apenllon In Nlunu Full Memorial Ilmpllnl TM mun Amlmon Febh Fall ml hi Inn meml lwcen the wrlxl and mm whllu Inldin nrbnn in ruck TAIJSMAN Klmhuloy Ex cellml 0M Inch mm all on mrthnnimlly mm hm of mm nchu Tnar hm that lim Mad mp0 ow MANSFIELD Allbloul Good to Emllmt Ono tn out Inches powder aver paclmi base All to Inch Thma Tmn MOUNTMNVIEW Mldlnnd Excellent Packrd hm of six Inches Pom Xi and we ION tow OMAUUML BAY MOTOR HOTEL Owen Sound lIxtellmt Tm Inch packed hm NM and hair um Don Pearson Duluth Minn esota he Hm place winncr in New York hm weekend hopes to Win the Player World kovhy and the $0 In prim mine lhh goes with ll in additionin lhcsc illlehold an official of tho Barrie Win Mr Carnival nnd Imperial Tm ham Company said that the top slx iinlshen in the international xnnwmnhilo cumpouuam in Lake Placid New York last weekend iuvo cnicrcd HIE comchiLlon hem Adaiher wistanding driver Hob Eastman has entered the upcoming championship which ieniuru ihree individual evenl ihe speed race siniam and cross country Eastman is ihe reigning marathon champion in lhe United States He won his lie at the nautical chumplom ships United Stale National Oham plan Steve Am of Hurley W15 consln heads the list of com pion Steve Ave ol Hurley WI consln head the list of com4 palhm who will be appearing here Feb 1211 Ave won his due inst month at Ihe US nn Iona competitions in thin lander Wisconsin 70 DUNLOP IT mome fiIvera ml commie 1n the flu annual Players World to be held as part of this yum5 Barrio Winter Car nlvai Feb 1013 lu mondlllon your plum and 9M you am your qulum an pull Ind Ialr Now and Rocondlllomd Plum Now On Snlo THE BETTER PIANO C0 MAKE MUSIC um saturdayae the Com mal mu the eight girls gbove bell op to bottom Top Drivers Entered In Players World Plum Bowl Tunod Rmml Several to North American 1owmnhlh rlvpu will mmmu 1m 3mm mm co Rnpulud Din ullll mm Mnmlrnh II Cum mm the Meme mu Insul 1chan In warrnnl cmvlctlwn Mn Aniellnu mm ml Jamel III In Jamilum cuwmln the mom nr wm HIle IDNDON OnL CPIdim John loarhman II Harris churned wllh dnnnrmu drlvlnu In Nov lenr muhlon hero whyh filled lwu lamina FAME Prclldcnl Wllllnm AIIA dmon Iold About 500 pwplo nl lending We Imlnl mceumz In Slrallard Ill lens $00000 In Ihnm cnpllnl must bu rnlmd wllhln be next four month If orlglnnl lnvrslmenls are be Ialvugnd Thu coopcrnllvn he 500000 dowmpaymcnl an 1ho Fcnrman Packing Plnnl In Burlinglon yenr nun when lulled In men mom my men 900000 mi the royal cornmlaxinn Inquiry plfwuj mm Iuflcxllmn 51 Mr line Campth Grunt the cam archoldm yesterday pledged more than $50000 in support new of sqlfhc om hnrl hll mu dumlurd It We ouewr he to operative which was ihe subjeci of Roy al commission inquiry in lum my my uu survive Firs CoOperauve Packers of flame will not take the alter buz Farmen MUcd Meal Co DpcraUva under wing FAME shunholder mnllnz was lod 1m nlghl Bame Man Has Case Dismissed THE BARRIE EXAMINER FRIDAY FEBRUARY 1366 fiInlanonally famous Jean ligu Bombardier of Duluul Min wmm uuul mm rmuu One driver who did not com pete at Lake Placid but has on tered the meet hue Is young Randy Hues of Roman Min nesota He ha current class ogummued syncs Runnebup Blll Bucklin and Germlin Desmairis Herve St Dnge and Lionel Beauflcu along with Ava round out the top xix campctipqn from Lake Placid BARBIE FIRM am Vivian McChcsney Benny Lahaie and Trudy Owners centre sisters Vivian and Gwlem hstain and right CITY NEWS Not Interested In FAME Merger 72M old mnlmtl spunk chnflm Inn belwa Um mmcinlinn nml unlou npnsrnflnu Mme 500 Ind ulllrm ml 100 the nxsoclnllon nwmhm xhlps hnvn been drntllnrkml aimr Lle mnnlh on mcmmh II prowl urn M01111 MHXIIO Tnurhm In Mulln lnulnwl Ir mm lem inrolun mm In mo T0 RESUME TALKS MONTREAL Cl Ilrnrc scnlnllm the Canadian Merchant SonlLe mhl cm and the Lake urrlrrs Assurin llon me mhrdulml In nxunu nrgoilnlinns Monday In an IIan In resnhfl II nlnumnnllx Mr Justin Grant bhmrd lhe Ins on the Fonrman plum nn poor leadership nnd faulty or unniznllnn lo xel nId from bolh levels of gornrmmnl And nlhcr 0nnrio farm nrgnul muons Inflcd us well mlssinncn wns nmalgumallon wth Comm Barrie Ho uvcr Mr Anderson said ycslcr day Comm had turned down the Idem loner from Inglis prcsldcnl of Comm rend lo the Ihmhuldcrs snld nnmlgu mation the lwo firm was Impossiqu and directors of the Barrie mDp believed the ab mwlion of Mn plant was lnfndally unsound ieur winners It pinawd In announce Hm nppolnlmonl of Aubrey lmnl Gmwral Manager of Haskrll Mnlvr 5a In Nrwmnrknl Mr ilraul ll oll qunllflwl or this pmlllnn b0 cauw In rxlvnshc nxlwvlnnm In Ihn nulmnnllvo hnluulry In lhn past Aubrey MINI spwlnl Ilnllallnn In all his Mum aml rmlomm rum llmio and mum In call In on hlm any llmf Approximately 100 entries are expected to compete In lhe Players World and annlher 200 campelllors are slated for the amateur races to be run Snlurday Feb 12 Merchandise prize will be awarded to am ncsola regarded as the golden boy of tho sport due to his youth looks and dangerous driv lng ability is also expoced an entry Lmdahanncuy and HIM Ffillausher Examiner PM top mhmwnr Mafyunxgu THE FORD MOTOR OF CANADA AUDREY OIRARD 0m the years Mr Kerrs mnsl memorable experience was he Varrlors Day and at the Canadian Nalluna Exhlhi Ion Ma ycars no He said the wlhlLsinsm which the crowd showed gnu he hand an extra Incentive lo play Our ranks cm swelled uim Ihc ROM Pipe Band lrom Camp Borden he added TRY EXAMINER WANT ADS PHONE 7mm several engagemenu ln Barrie and dlslricl usually on July 12 and olher bl parades They played at July 12 celebrallans in Tomnto or the past two years ll is my blggul lhrlll lo see them permrm We are how proud to take the band uny uhcre because at the excellent manner in uhich they perform sald Mr Kerr Ex po mninr Angus Munm has been hclping youngslm in training throughout the winlct months He has been doing wonderful job mining our begin nus Mr knrr said Squadron Sal Mada Williams of the Grey and Simooe Forester is acting lgand olliwr In spite of continual bugging by me several good pipers know of in be are cant find time lo War weir services he said wh ads as acting pipe major said the band is mummy looking or new members wuld like in see we pipe and drum bands In Harrie he said Some pm im endlessly and are more ad vanced than 0mm Mr Kerr cxppinuj er an the band die Mr Kerr canin on his en deavor and in 1962 um hand at tihalod with Grey and Simon Foresters 11w hand new chums live drummers nine pipers and ghmcrs oil with children and bring them along to the best of our ability Mr Kerr said He said that in file inter vening years many excellent musiclanvs havocome and gone Mr Ken sald 1L wasamaz lug how many pipers wen bid lng unda Ihe bushes once he began arming the band Ha ab tamed ivo drummer and three pigers orlhe pension we and bands of key and SimeonForesters i511 eully equipped with hunflng Slu mans and lull length socks When the band is more mature Mr Kerr hopes to ob ainull dress There Is no mm again 513m hg said Ce Iuminl chnlrman recalled Mr Kenn He attempted get plpfi bands from other areas but had lILLIo muss Knowing was piper mm way back Mr Cox apprnnghcd 111 he said your in Kerr armed ihe original Barrie Pipe Band iwip celebrate Barries moth birthday Assch with ma band for 13 years he has watch ed band members come and go and is the only miginai parti cipjm To she pipers and drummer of Grey andlslmcoe Foresiers Associated marching along Burriea minslrcct In full dress lg the dream or Tom Km the mlys postmaster and originator oflhe hand in 1953 flw NM levmlnmrnl In 1w whlrh mnl IL ohw Hlllmm lb In for Vrdnudnyl fifth pm Kgflfififills Organizétiofi OfPipe Band lb tin for Please Nola lie aéks what channels it any am available or clevlsion mig inafing broadcast in Barrie Drillia Midland and iiunlsviilc and whether any application has been made by anyone tor TV broadrnsiing on Channel in Dr Rynard is asking whether the appllcallon or moving Chan MI mm Barrie Toronto includes an application or an Increase in auvpul power for die nations The questions are lhe result of mom mum that Ihc Danie slalon may change is channel mm In and that unolhcr 1bmnlo stationm Channel is to he authanmd by the govern ment OTTAWA Special series of questions about Ielcvisinn service in the Slmm Cmmly am has been placed on um order paper by East Slmcoe MP Dr P4 Rynard THE PIPES and drums crs Associaiedl pradlcgdlli the Grey and Simon Forcsl gently al the Bank Amwury MW Bynard Asks Questions On TV Service In 001th Area Ward Ward Ward Ward CITY THX INSTRUMENT FIRST INSTALLMENT OF 1966 CITY YAXES IS DUE BY The CARLING BREWERIES Limited PLEASE BRING 0R MAIL COMPLETE TAX NOTICE WITH YOUR PAYMENT Whats all this talk about the Simply this Carling brews Rod Cap Ale only from malt and hops No com or rice No additives to dilute the flavour So Red Cap drinks lean and crisp tastes like theres something to it Makes sense doesnt it At The East Simcoe lllP waan to know ll dccisian has been made to grant licence on Channel In any the same three areas and an applica tian hasvbecn made for the 0p cralian ol satellite television iransmluer in Barrie Orillla 01 Midland we Orillia and numan aha if 50 by whom me 011 Clly Police Mpllal OPP EMERGENCY NUMBERS February 01066 February 11 1966 February 15 I966 prruhry 17 1966 NOTICE WJJAGGESI Carlingch Cap Alc mm 711535 VII$951 7mm Robert Flcxwlling win be happy lo mac old and new ncqumnl mm Al hu new lmalinn 19 Gollicr 51 Telephone mum or evening 72558311 Emory Miller Real Esme brak cr lake plcruurc In announcing hner Robert Flexrolling has jointd his sales stall Bob 15 ell experich in the Real Estate business havan hem nclive loc ally for me pm years If ynu are thinking changing resid ence or roquira mnrlgnac funds uc supxrsl mu lnke ndvnxunpu 91 gcbs mde experience In this ROBERT FLEWELLING each week under the ditto tion of Tom Kerr Drummer above from lull tn right Doug Taylar John Imric Larry Williams drum instrur or Jim Woodward George Cam and Larryxwflllams Complele flock £07m your every mid Aqumium sunny Bradlord 725285 ZlLl fiovlul Fish

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