Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 3 Feb 1966, p. 1

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55 Truck Firms To Get Pickets llmn It mhillly Mw lmlnn MI mm nler lhlu vmk ullh hr Mokvr Trmupmt hulmlrlnl llrlMInm llunnu rryrunnllnz Hu rumpnnlu Iml ll mu Inn onvly My llclin NHL TM Mun mrmlwuhlp nlrtl In or III mm ulml ll 11 Jtdni rmHHInHun lwnnl ur ommtndulinn ur nrw nun hurl TOIIONTO CW11m Inlrr nallona nrmhmml Train lrrl llml lndny wlll nlckcl Ivucklnu nxnpflnlu Inmmd In Onlmio Imrlulnz industry huMawn llny Tnuxm chnlr mum In Ilnlnul hnrunlninl wmmllm uld Walnudny mm Mr Tanxnrl MM In an nur le Hm pirkrllng will allow dllchm drrivled an Ivy Hm vm mlllul nl modan Tunlay In lmmlmu Onl Thn Ilnlnn Owl InlrmlNI Illlk In Jun 20 rmly mum nnvi llnllvl Truck Ml IM lml TumInn wme ml ll He said Ute medical care In snrnnce debate which lied up he ham or twn weeks last year would cumin today and the 1966 budget wouid be presented next ch ay The new mudirarc bill has mn called fraud and Ill pcclcd increase in he pm nclal nah lax In the budget is cxpcdcd to cause conlm vcrsy In other legislature huxiness Tuesday blll to repeal section the nghway Tralfic Act to pcrmlt lulu pnssengcu tn jurcd In accidents lo seek compensation 1mm lhe car driver wax propvscd by El mer Saphn 1LSudburyL Kelso Roberta mlnlslu turd and luresls mld hL deparlrmnt In xtnrllng pm mm at mhnbililnling 71100 000 new ol private Most In nuthem 0narlol Edwnrd Dunlap PCFor est lllllt called for lndapen don provincial action In re vamp nrchllc divans laws Gum Spunk Al RCAF Camp HaydonP flabby Hull Ruck 44 GOIIhP Ron Slplmn Mud llmio Clumbor ComJ Ann LindortaG Edllnvhld Elly Spaml John Robars ended legislature debalcs Wednesday wllh pre view of expccied battle before session end IEAMSTERS UNION FLAMES IGNDLED lrom smouldering debris at Eatons Dunlap Si 5er this morning bmughl firemen back to the Robgrts May Present 66 Budget Next Week gIiginoaglojn Comm7 Dulll NolluoID DhlvchS TORQMO CD Prcrnlcr 102m You No In THE EXAMINER Today TheHometowx1 Daily Newspaper For Barrie and Distflct Wally mu shined Mo nmlhsouth mhIL Thu campmlu mmedtntrly relnlhlul by clmlnz mnkn and lhllmnfl 1mm nIl maxim of he bunnu In Ontnrlo mylnl thnl Ilrlko unlml one Ilrikn mm Al Tm unionl IMI hurl IN to krrp IQ mulnrlly III H500 men an lhn job mTAWA rm Finanre Hnllltr Shaw nail annwlny lllnl nlwll will Rho munlfr mumm hp ulltlmu Irle dwwn by Wmhimflm mm Im mmm FA mrnl nhrmfl Imp my Mum mull an II Cnnrllm RM The picture taking wcaflmr Earldlilouwiljmbc the first mom oral unm Tmnnk lamina Jul and Fl IIETALIME CAPE KENNEDY Fla AP hatbox lhaped mechanical weather man amng Into orbit around 1h can today In herald the start at the my fulltimc warldwida weather executing upernflnu my mum operational xa tollile system if tricky uric ol manoeuvre during the next 24 hours can plan It In posi tion to send bad to earth pdc lure of cloud lormaliom and norm palm It camcnu will probably not be Iunud on until Friday morn 1mg olliclals snld spacecrall be called Km Mr Envimnmtnlnl Sur vey Sflclllle operalu luc Canada Will Take Measures 0n US Investment Curbs US Launches Weather Satellite worst pmpcny damage me to hit Barrie in allmm 100 years dld $100000 damagel The in destmynd the department Seem where Nsday nigjxl the Albcr Valhci PC 05h awa member of he legis Ialuns select committee an aging suggested Ontario could save mnney by boos ing oldage pcnsinns rather than provide subsidized hous in or the nod WINNIEV Womanl SportsI Ihmn4 112 ll Uwy do lw uhl Maxh qullu pmuml In Iswu III own lutdnllnu In wow Sam lime nun Inner hmll Ilumlmkr Ibo Ink lnnmln lulll mhlwl Hyurlrrul hank lhal HIAIQHMI mlzm mun In Mm Mmllnn mmde llmn nanhnfl In Inwla In dvlnmrnl lhvr CHM llhm mlumrl nonmy 31th II In nlm hm Iflnfll lbwp ruled Yanndllm Illmu lb lnnnre mmIIkr InIL Annoying in 11 Cum mm Mt Mm mill Mum Iv nu Mldlmr Il ml III uhlfllnu have lwl In mhmr 1ch an Tnnmh Mnnu um lhrvr ulwu Iho ll with inn llul mith be avrunl mm mm uur mm paltry New Democratic Pariy lender has armed the new bill ham it hnx taken nway the high risks mm privnie rnrrim hfl said but left them with the lucrative The new bill accede to sev eral oppwilhm demnds par ticularly prapoul that the xovommanl and um privale in aurance companies M11 insur lnce to nnyona wnnllng It Under he 4953 legislalian privale Insurance currien would have been nble Io charge Mnh risksthe chiefly and the sickmom for medical insur ance Premiums now wfll be hi mm cvuyonm Tho prlvnle canlax wlll be restriclrd In Ihe sale 01 group Insurance No group will be Allowed to purthuse lnsurunne from he government unless the member algn Individually group insurfiucu market Th yrcmicr told Ihe house he ywld call second reading the governments medical care insurance bill during cur rent mslnns The 1965 legisla tion was approved but the gav cmmcnl has complclely rewrit len it this year store and an adjacent bowling alley and resulted in seven wafer and smoke damage to neighboring hrildings Exam lncr Pboio HALLELUIAH HES WOBBIED mqu ed Wednesday nlghl um mlybe Cnnndl xhouhl hmn an month new nnllonnl Inxhcm la wilh nnllonll lult We In lot compinln inu In hll country ha laid my rally We no denmnuu purple hlnk well he mm Cnnldn In our nnllnnnl Anthem and 3M Snvn Ihu Own In our man hymn nul mmellmel Illn lhlnl our nnllonnl thLm should llnllrlujnh lln Worried Tpnomp 1cm Prime vrnuld ull lulm lay Slalr Mlnlnry Ilhhml Hmlrln lul Irflmlnl lhvl II dink hnlml Iwculm II Ina mun1mm muulrt rau In lmmn In no whimu In Ih WM Ilnylnl NH Musslrr mulll MIMII HA MIN11m mu In llul III I91 Vtil nmrl today In III murder III hlnmle Cumlnru Maoluv Ind hrr mphm Mrlvin Linn Iuw The worm should mke mp lo find he pegson rcsponsible and am that he is dealt with UNlTED NATIONS CF United SIM mustmd enough lupporl chmsdny lo IIIIEI the Vlrlnnmcu war be are the umw Nations Smur Ily Council but all mm point In dilllcult road 10 pence Jnrdnn harkbd lhv US pro pnsnl to haw the 151mm Coun cil nkr up the Vicumnmc Ix Iuo wilh duldlnx vole all lhe counrll mumnd mul lng called Mnmlny the quul of US ambassador Ar lhur 1011mm Amhanarlnr mum Iulnnuhn llle hll munlryl nmmlmun hy um or any II In Ilnirm mm Nurn Imam Iml dmulleur In the Mm rr hnuwlmhl mmmn Innblind lumen Olhrr counlm In buck Ihe 54 wave fit Vlnl Nam on Um touncll uendn Wm nrlL nln New Zealmd 1m Ndhe laud Amnum Uruzuny Nn llonnlln JMnnAnml qnpun Thu Soviet non the null lo knock the Vlclnnmm Nrm Imm lha Agrmln and mu airml hy llnlanin In rnsllnl mnllru volu mee which Ipolro ulmnxly nunllm he pm luvul nlvllulnNL nlnnx Illh Nl mm Mull AM Uganda muunlun n1 Ilm Eendll prommral quullm mu lm 1vorn thc lulumwnumofiul ll nmm muln lhnl flu 54y ml Unlnn will emrlm lhll mm durln IM lmlhromlnt lull mllo Ilehalq said later in Toronto chi danI we in upon defiance the law and tho province would stand behind local nulhoriUco in sum to combat Inch acllon qurln OmanIo Cindi fhursdayl FIbrulry 19¢ OSHAWA CWA crowd of 1000 union pIcketl threwA mow pafiz 59cm only NM InluncLlnn hmlllng plcficung at the Mrikohound 05min me we was read by an 01an cofyflylihcdfl Wednpsfiq night There should also be dy namic putaershlp among emmenu In givethasenlor ext Iun an opportunity lomainuln himself is produdive mem ber society ink thecommit lee headed by Liberal Senator Davldfiroll of Toronto The is big one but the committees outlook lsno pessl misflc the committee said It added Weeping mommendatiom Meeting All levels 0L govern mplqyprs and individ nah Include suggestion that all Canadian at 65 receive gunmuteod minimum inéoma mallar fight OHAWA WONMama re lorms 1n altitudes mdusist anon lnvglvlnz Canadaasenior dflmsare mmmendcd by 111 mu committee on the 1114 Call Key Witness In Mossler Trial UN Will Debate Vietnemese War 1000 Oshawa PiCkets Tear Up InjunctiOn STARTINcwImr IN mount Imomef At 65 Is Urged Time building an Bain arrived to read the in junclion Earlier mumch lng attended by David Archer president of lhe Onlnrio Fede rallon of Labor CLO had on domd decision to defy the In uncllon issued Monday in Tor nnioM Vlclnnmtse pom tnlkl In he carrlcd out in lhe lrumcwurk me Geneva acmrd 1934 M11571 31nd not In the Sunr French Ambxusador flour Stydoux polnlcd om Ihm peacu Inlkn In the Securin Cu In wnuld be ruillm hornuso th Vic Nam nnd Saulh Vlcl Nnm well Cnmmunlxl mm AM no mornle wvrld orgnnlzalinn Mr Wuhan said We dont condone that type of action for momcnl The djxnlly and area the ix entitled Io be respc The Iniunclion Hmllcd the number or nickel 10our aimkm mm dimivd up mull up In lulgh mnlmd kuuo ljuninrfn drplrifi 5mm mg The 65000woxdreport tabled Wednasday la the Sonata lay um mung other things then should beg nazlonnl animal on 309151 research to gather Illilhe ncc essary lnlormaflon national commlsslan on lhe aging Medaldine all prozramsn Mm eflort lollnd employ null 101 qlder wnrkcra in cluding campaign by Ihe Nafionnl Employment Serv ice changes In federalprovin clal training programs In the bentm 01 older worker The qux9l fine ginclog VThe Wu Mum Int withqu nutinch economy mth or Ipecllllzedeflldency an crer ln Cumin Io tiely when youth and an BUZZRRD BLMKETS OSWEGO NEW YORK ROTHERIMM England New mlA locbmollvu and lrnln tullided nearly hall mile beA 1w ground ml mine here today Hum nlne minor Thu mull occurml at he Silverwwl Colliery one the binnul plu In the South Ymb mire ranlllcld Protected by police Mn in was pcllcd with snowballs while read the amt nrdor and some pickets Jetted As he reached the end at the order It was matched lrom his hands and ripped Nénlyon Mir fire Jury one gcrlausly plum line has pruenlcd publication ol the newspaper the citys only daily since inst Thursday when lhe asmcmbcr Oshawa unit of the Turn Newspaper Guild ICLC mm on strike at The Times owned by the Thomson Newspaper le mun Prinlbrs and nrcssmcn Ihavu not crossed Ihn pltkef H165 PELTED WITH SNOWIMLL 1m mow an IM Lake 1mm lly 1M Aunn um youIn Mme Ith NH IMII Idiom Ilonl the Iron floor and three each two other enlranm to Th0 Timex builthl Butvlho mast larreachlng re omrnendutlon the one nalllng lot guaranteed annual Income It age 65 The commltlee jug zest establishment of tech nically compel body to Iludxllncome need and develop sociallyacceptable mlnlmum In the meantime it recom mend that single perm get mlnimum Income of $1260 and mmch couples 52220 The loderal zovemmcnt would ml the gap between existinl in GUARANTEE man Miners Killed In UK Collision Grcaler financial assislnnce or older homeowners Wlder coverage lhenver 65 in any mediulcare insu nu program Impfoved Institutional care including lhe licensing and supervision of All nursinl home ln llnnia Hrcmcn were sllll on he mno wIUI one ruck Ilnng wilh new lollcc nfllrm Mule snlvaxo mw wen in ndlnfl pump and Ital lrum Iho Cily ML Simmons who expects to be in mnlu lnr DAB nr lwo days lhl mornan Mum In probe Um lulnn of unl an conununlcd hls ohscnnllon on he Iron IECUOII lhc pm my and wm up ladder vch Inu lhc wreckage lhlbflflh ond slorcy window mun aria hm Murahall nflice In Taronln had nothing to report of noon Wm hm 54ml Imm wln dim mm an mm and Mn um um Irl pc ond noun Do li Firemen who doused he re klndled flames said lbcre was little danger this mnrninl lo olhcr More In lho block Smouldcrlnz maflmm In roar tamer of the gullcd build ing are believed lo have blari cd he new tires Mnnnwhile wor men were building barricndan mnl Inc two buildings as nlhcr curl cd of appliances lhul cscnpcd dcslxucLion and Insurance In vestigators Inspcclcd the ruins Investigation hum lhc origin ml the blaze canlinucd lhls ancr noon Simmons the On Flames broke out last night and again early this morning In rubble left nner the Tuesday night fire which desuoyed Eat onl Dunlap St Ilore and an adjacent bowling alley in the biggest properly damngn lire Io hi Barrie In almost 190 ycars BUILD HARRICAHES comes and lhepropqsed mlnlA The commluge due no esti mate is cm of such pm gram in delnll But It says hat minimum lncnme 01 $1500 year were established or all penons our 65 About 10 per can Ihernor 560000wwld need Average supplement of $400 The report says that wllh the money saved by other as slstunce programs the nal cost of this would be about $100000 000 year The candlllnns for eligibility hpaxt ram age would be In years resldence lnCumdn and hat ne cash lncome 1mm all game hehelnw the suggested minimums Applicants would merely lill out asimplillcd tax mum and than would he samplechecks from lime in lime to curb abuses Will Continue Business In Barrie Ollicial Says Nol Moro Than 10 For Copy 12 P350 TUHONTU llIlilnn Mm Illtr luurm Alrnlnl Wmluu my night hm ha ha any plan Inmm Email at IAMrnl all mid ha hm mrnlly rm muulne ankle um MM ho In orrparml lnr In HI and nwflnwhlle ermlnl In ml lulu puma mrnL Ind Ml mmisa In HUI lmllllllUOn did 3W1 Ipakcsmnn or he llrm lnltl The Exnmlncr loduy the cum pany lnltnllnn nl law In llnrrle nllhounh ll has born lrulxlml whnl nrm Um nrw operallnn wlll lnkn at him It will loaded llo Mld llmo have Inn mm many Inu pomlhla rumnu about Hm mm pnnyl plan lma Ilw llvr Only 1m Inlmly Mr and Mn Vlnnnl Lmllnw Mm Mmplrvl room nlmv Um name nauqu Mndcmy lml hrir Iuvmr mu lemmmu In Hm Imk hare id he emplny pr why dil you ufl me you III In my uwlom him run ml 1m ymm mm MM Dpflllkrn of Mhrr Ilnm Inm nxcd from mum and um dun In Hm hlmo Mun mount up yemnlay and mnnnml IM May while lbs in la 11 nmrl andwrllm In Iha ma mum hark In cuplrd by Euont lor Unic last 11 ycnrl WM partially taured by lnsuqmm Mn Smilh mid In live departan sum wal 000004 SM lnld It wont be known several week why Ihtr the building will be rebuilt KndiHK decision lram Eat Enlonl loduy opcncd Mm Mrary mail nrdcr office In mo WBll en plnzn Dick thdcrsan conwnor he Burr nnwling Academy mid 12 alloys Mm du lmytd but Could nM mlmaw dnmnxo nvwflmw way than Mrs Smith said she was In lormcd that loss In lixlurc alone BATON FHUH Pearson Denies Retirement Plans Low tonlghl 15 degrees Jug tomorrow 25 degrees Fen ull Lummary mm to page ive ofjarria Department of Public Works were bud at work again dnininx the basement Dix Smoke Shop Ind Armsunng Hardware the two adjoining buainesm la lhe west Ealonl burned on mm exinyvork was necessary when mime bring mm caught lire agaim Tho basement wcré pumped dry yesterday but were filled again following the second nub hmak Insuranto adjusters have con firmed Illa 1051 will be In lhu nclghborhood of $1000000 ac cording lo Mrs Smklh wire at he mm the build lng leased la Eamna CONFIRM L058 Tim Nymrold building oc SENATOR DAVID CilDLL HERES ONE

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