Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 31 Jan 1966, p. 1

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Health Ministers Open Meeting In Ottawa 0n Medicare Plan SAIGON CWOne naw jet bomber was downcd loday as US nircmll carried nut mu raids on North Vic Nam end ng 37day bombing pause that was the cornerstone Pm dcma peace offensive The ln was rescued Skyhawk crashed mile cam bu us Mr amphibian uscubd he Continue Search For Fire Victims llrrrl Hunt at Ihp Mr lhmw In Mr palm mm hm mrnl anlm rhnpml Ihrnnzh lco rnrrutlrd tlrhm am no lllnl mlh lrmrn xlvnh while Harm Lulud tlwm Sunday Th pmvimn nlm may nhuw hm hm Hwy an mpaml In mnu lumml VP Iulv Im mle Jan so Im mu hy lhe Mun mman In Ilnlt muml Nan ONION Ml nrkul lMlml nl Inkum up rhnnvd bunu Adiy helm lhu ulnh lnr vlrliml tnanuu nl Mu IArmnmlnl Holrl Irmale by an rxplnxlnn ml Ilrn Frulny Ml tlnlmnl nl IN 10 lhu Tm Iranh mnm Ilnwly undt Ihn Ihvnl vein In Mr nlrnrll lmrurn ullo damnml flu mm mu Pbmrmlh Mel HTMA rnnmmrl Mlluni wrllcll rm Imm Im mnmm pun hm lmlny II Mun ml movlndnl hvallh mYnhlru mullnx lxlulml rlnml Ilnnu me Iho lunIIay mm rmngr liul MIMAI In vlunlhlm Ih HHIIP IVI mmqu llw Nlmnl Mm my nwhral mu lnxlillml In mm Mm Almlinzhen Incl nla lb wrung mlh hum WASHINGTON AP Im dnni Jnhnwn told his allow Amrrimns nday that me nu lumpllun of bomban Nath Vitl Nam doe no man the ml of our own pursuit pcnrc Jllluunn xnrd he hm mkrd nmhassmlnr Arthur Pnldbtrfi lo mk nn immrdhlln mmln We an1 Milan Smurin Inuncll In prmnl In report an lhe nihmllon In Vie Nnm mat esumption 0f Bombing Does Not End Peace Move LB IN BOSTON 101m Year No 25 Navy and air urce piInL who Th9 Hometown Daily Newspaper For Barrie and District HuthIHI Colnmhulnnrr th Ill If Ymk Inld lw would rnunc llnw lhe null Ihnuhl rnnllnno nllrr ha beam nu Ihnml up 4H Club loldul Mn Mlku Dulmu In Pom For Immm 10 Flllmmm Stun Id On th Slmcou Ann lelvn Edllovlul4 Clly NamT 5pm Clmlllui Thoup Comm WullmS Dulh Nollm Womona Dhlvld5 51x the dead um lnund In the hmmrm Ind Ihrrn Iho upper floor nl ha Parr mnunl Tho IDUI known vlrllm Mn Barbara Hrnurllnn Hmhm VHM Sunday In hnxpllnl lhru olhm mm was un holplul dang Ill mkuman laid would lain 10 Mun lnrk In truth Ihr Mm uhm Inn Md minhl lulmd lhe HIVIHUI will MUN 04 nllrr ml rnmllllnnn Al mm Johnson mid this rtporl and resolution will be mpnnslve Ihe lplril rcnnwcd lppul of Pope Paul that has our lyinpnlhy The nrcsldnnl nsscrlcd Hut bombing of leh Vic Nam wu renewed mar 11 was dem mInul lhal the was no mud nm or mm on tho pm ul llnnul Thu lull that ended lhls niorn lmz wns llu longest since the bombing at Nnrlh Vic Nam hu gan an regular basis almost yenr xgolu Rh and nuvlullnn which can opnn $2 way lo the conference ll Returning pilols all no MiG aircraft or missiles wm xlghled duLinxleraldx hi bridges storage am and communication lines In the nnrfll rcpomd heavy armalr can fire over Ihe second lar gcla cluster barge about 25 miles south Vinh In THE EXAMINER Today mmmrnlnlor hvr 11w klnl lrnplal Dally Miami be In Mnrnn nlntlfl II mrnrnrr nl UH wlr Ihlm In Um nullh rnlrmy II wry mlym prmMMlo Thu nrllrlr qunlml Ivy Ncw hlnn nrw nzrnry um um whim lnrhulmx Ih nmlm mum Alrrmll ranlrr Enrr prise um mm In Hnulh Ihlnn ml unylnl mlulnru mm Ilnuuh mm lho Mnnmur mun My mum mum nflnlnil lurninr MK Knnl mm v5 hm or the VIM Nam War The first announumcn he resumplion bombing Wu me xlnlcmcnl Issued jointly by ihn Soulh Vicinnmcsu Hov crnmcnl and lho 115 mission in Salgnn it mid The prime minislvr of ihe Republic oi Viol Nnm nnd lho Ameriun nmhnssndur ln Vltl Nam nnnounce lhnl Unlled Stair Ilrmil today nlilckui in iicnlxnnied mm in Norlh WM Nam The American mnkumnn db clinrd lunnny rr qugnllvyns Ila mm mm oflhc lint rnM would be nlvtn lhn ru ulir my yrlrllmu tnnkhl The homunx palm nun Dre Ian the alllrd Chrislmu remlxrc Mulch np ME 5mm Vic Nnm 0her navy plane from In Ranger and the carrier Kiny hawk lam bombed bridges wxgchoyscs nnd alorngg depofs The Mr farce began IL mike against the north at 945 am lncnl firm Him Flns nmndcrchlcls hit highway my camplnx nboul 20 mljcs nonhaasl or Thanh on Les lhnn hall an hour Me second flight of flunderchicls hl ha barn mulh Wm was hm that huvy flak wm encounmtd Mutemcnl nid the navy plant knocked out hridga 11 miles southeast the coastal city of Dan about 38 miles norm he dzmilllarizcd zone dividing North ml 50th We Nam The bombers also damaged the upprnachox In ferry Innd in In miles northwest of Don lloilhe Ilalcmenl Id Tho firét strike May was tanled out by bombers oi the us 7ll Fleck curler Ranger China Warns Britain Over Hong Kong HUN K0 Ilruhu ifiarrfi UK Announces New Rhodesia Curb The nwnuru mmulnm Ivy mum Imnl at Hyde lnA rlwlr Immnm ban um km 1mm llhmluln mmm odnnulny lnlnl Ivan on punm mu viMII In llhndullwilh mul hlr um Md or Mlnlumn purwm LONDON ZlLIHIM MIMI Ior Wllmnl uwmul lmlny unnmmml new muluru mum lllmlnl mm mm Hy rml all hurl hrluun Ilrll Mn ml Inuknwny mum lernn mlnny TORONTO Cll Enema nflnlu mmlxlcr anlln mm In dny hnl Cnnminn Orrlkn ml lry mu burran or Impond And ho dnulylod whelhar crlllu rrnlhn he mun Mu Innm lily of he walk whlch In dent prmvlum cxnclly lhnl film no Mr Mnrlln old lunrhmm mnlnl 01 hr CIMIUMI Club lhll lha Indtmndenci 94 Can nlnn nNIKn mllcy in wilt lublinlml hy Ivnllnblr Menu Illlmuuh Ihr ovrmrmnl wlll not dum In nlllu or lhu uh ol lionan Wh ml nn MIN In lulu AIR dlllcvrnl mm lhll am or Month in In Thin Ihr xvvlnl whlch mm In bv overlmkml The new program whlch he nld would cull nbnul 35000000 lurlnz he ncx tour or live yum lull lnla llvo mnln BIN Cnrdnallan urinu xmcmmcnl dcpnflmcnlx ln valved caring or lha lnrdcd xuch wellre hullh and oducnllon llrcnnmnn lhu pun ln ho plum by partnll and Val Dr antas xpoke lo 0m lnrln Psychlalrlc Assocmlan In divlslon was set up in July by Health Mlnlsler Mal lhew Dymond Belare um Dr mm was director or he chll drcnn psychlnlric rcscnrch In ullute Al Mndnn On one ha Ionmust xdlaxnnslic Ind malmcnt centre In Narlh Amerkn WRONTO CP new $5000000 plan or care 01 men lally marded person In On lnrio was outlined Saturday by Dr Donald Zarlas direclnr the mental rcardaflnn services divisinn the Dnlarlo hullh dcpmmcnl Emit OMIrlo anqdn Monaai Jahiliry 31 1966 Foreign Policy Not Borrowed Martin ABOUT 15 CARS piled into each other Sunday on tho mllurmrlh Tomnlo when Health Dept Outlines New Plan For Retarded It In lmllvhhlnl Cnnmlllnl may Innr or Unuer wllh mm Kmflnmonl lhey cunnnl lusllllnhly deny lhll Hm drrlnlnnl wrrn Ynnlfllnn um SUDHURY CPIA Isyum old man and lccnngcd xid worn seriously inbred Sunday nlghl when mu nanlc front yard suburban Hud lmry homo Whtll our nlliulul hum Ind nut Judumtn 01 mile uInr Illunllnn cuinchle with me flur nullnnx lIun we quite happy In ldrnllncd Mm vllml In rnmmun vnl hlrh nrrnrgllnuyurm COLD WEATHER CHNCELS TESTS ll mu Ion rnhl Thu In fllmlnr Gus hiichuul um rmmn lum vunxlnl lmm hlzh mu la law pl 191an Rumlny mvlu ll Immulhyl In rmqu IM mummy nlne um Immlh Illrk It lml lluuleyml In rlrlny Oh lull TM ultr Im1 Man run Innd out rlnlmd Plane Crashes Two Are Injured windblown smw mailed haz ardous driving mndiuam TM collision set up chain KTIWIZNH IUINT MP Thu NAHnnAI Hulely nunctl run Inln urnlvlflm lrxlny In allrmuu Ilul ll nnnunl ukhldlnx lml lln lurflnn lull an In mcnls fur bropcr coordlna tion 01 their sum with those of gavemmcnl Sudc lo enable maximum use lobe made of misting communin acrvlou with the nqw services to be establish Eahlishmcnt diagnostic servlm ncmss Ontario 0penini 01 small midnnm for the Iclnrdcd In lhe com munily The plan Indicalu hrcak unlegr grnups wllh arrange Influenza Swnps BrluIn WNDON wont Tm morn Ith um 1mm ham million mndlnl mam kakmk ulnmlul Io MN Ml yegrly 191003 4onpr Ilkme UNITED NATIUNH MI UR Amhauavlor thur Salt lm mm In lmlzlm Mum MM Inlay In an Ilnnxgllntg mllng 1M Unllul NIUM Emmly numl un hm IM Mamamau an 1M VIM Nnm mu The plum ll Iklnquimcd lxpor Culv had laken of mm In the nllermxm rum lirlxl In Blemnl Thumhm nuth nl Sudbury and landed at White walcr Lake amide Ter min In let out nnolhcr pawn fer befure lnkinu on for Sam ury Human in lhr no1 L1H hry hoard he plnnc liming llw nerl morn hum mm llxr molar mLulnl lmdly The plmw urnml power Mm mu NW him 1m Irrl lrum Mr lluwca homo IIIIIJJIVIILE Cll HIW lirllrnlll AIM mm lhallfl wilh Inn 01th wlu mruplmw In um um hall milllun ML lArI ljwmlmmt Ifilipllfll mm lulu had he mars Soolu lmmodlalo UN Mcnllng Polite said Ihu pdul Wesley llnvm llrmler lvwnxhin and Suzanna Lammuc la curd lluumlup mm In ml mu mndilkm wull undctmnlnml injuricx In Smllmy General Hus NEIL Neluhhnn min plnnon dmr mm mom me no wmknlu Cobull Clurgn Am prpod lhml drmml Dr anlu xald ln Ill lnlcr vlew um new lacllltlcs Already have been opened Ind other are in lhc plannlng man But lllo prozrnm must be lmple mauled gradually because of the ahonnxe dlralncd Mall Woman Crilkal Following Fivo KINGSTON WP Ml 1HIIIH liriIlInuL llrmlvy lnvrmy In nnlrnl mmhllnn in luupllul Illr Imlny MIDI lnuM In ml r1 her Duly lullmun Inc Mm fiumlnn away mm the old concept largo remolé Illpurpose insli union and call 7r smaller units dengned lo med In need dimrent Kroups he rclardnd nearer their own ham motion wjllch eventually ih wlvcd between 50 Ind V60 6P Wimpholo LATE NEWS upon lho Ihnvrl and mm mums in umlmlun about Mann deman mcuu was the Imvlncinl Police olhu nmc lmrrlrd 0mm awuul conllnuous phnnu culls mm accidents rcmjtxta or hell and Im lnlnrmmlnn nlxml hinh ways FIHNII Icrlllcnl were perm 51m noon Mummy mum MIIHT Int Imuur ncclllrnl rlllxlxl 45 filmlny Nmn mu Mal up nn llnllwny 400 In ulllu nmlh nl Hurrlr Ihunnnr mu ruumulfil Ill IN All we win no Injurm rm Imuu lnrr Um like 13 um Illnlwny nvrrmu umn llIll Iml dnmnu vm nulmnrnllvrly filmum Mun lnduy mu um harkrd The pair mo rapped In Inc Mr lrom 100 RJD umi 00 lhu mornlnx lhcy uwd hul lank durin um lime lo keup heal In lho car Itlame reporl that My are both good shape nnd awaran Mrs OFluhtrly hnj Infltmd na Illwflccl mm Mr euloer slay In glut Alnlllfl chirlr all highway 000 milrofl had gone to Toronto Mrpon In plck up Mrs OHahmy who flow In from the Ens Cons and when Ihcy Influd to Irrivo at heir Barrie dalmatian mm was started hy the lamlly 11w which was discavcrcd by Mur ray NH mi morning at 730 but it was Kmpossihle or Mrs oFlnhcrIy to wade thmuxn the deep drills Food was brought In the car and she mm finally re lenst from the vehicle uni lrnnspnrtcd avrr the snow by IadSki41m vunui by an area cm Barrie Public Works Superin tendan Neil Fox sald all avail able city equipment was out am today to clear main thor oughtarcs but no pttort would be made to handle the snow on rtsidmlial slmls until the storm had nbntcd Thomand ot Barrie motorists wnlmnted by huge dritts on driveway walked to work or lhumbcd rides Many other attained at home when Informed that state or attire tn which they were unploycd would not be opened NIGHT IN CAR Benny Dmitmtt Lay Street and his molthnlaw Mrs OFtahmy had the ricnm of spending the night their car when It became duck 1n the cent Strcd JUSj Most rural schools and the public and separate schools in Barrie were closed Barrie Central and North Colleg lates were open but rural students were absent because scllgol buses had been cancelled Most of ihe Barne industries were shut down or work ing with skeleton staffs and many relail stores did not opgn their dqogs until upon Gray Coach bus serv co was hit hard but buses were still operating on Highway 11 between Barrie and Toron to One bus was stranded in Wasaga Beach all night passengers huddllng in their seats and another was pulled of the ditch near Fennells Corners heavy snowfall whippedlntu hugedrilts by 40 mile anhour wlnds paralyzed Barrie and dlstrlcl today Apart from main arteries roads were blacked and itmay be days before traffic returns to normal Here are some of the developments More than 100 fishermen Were trapped on LakeVSimcoe when vislbility dropped to zero number were rescued but the others were advised to remain in their huts until thg Vweather clearedr 40MiIeHour Winds Block Roads Strand Fishenfibn Nol Mora Thu 10 For Copy 16 Page ANIHZMHA mlrlha flru lru Inm llmiu In hvlr In lllllkh mull Emmy urnl mml hln II My In Aushnlln 1w mov orm mm mmmllo mm mm 1mm mlvnl hm um Runny an MA my la Tiliop rlngm Nolan grammar urbooln lummu ulnhlhhment In nu Vlrlnrun mummy when hclulll mod mmlhl Md le Smblh rhnimmn llw wlwltc Mk mmmillre ml vlml pawn In lrmnlu it Damn it lmsflrlr lle mu rlly wm nummnnz ma 0pm All mnlu nmh lml numn leuuihlmn HN brlni Ilwln EIIHIRI lvmnmululr by llvlfl Ilfl 1lld HM hrllru Ilm Noun muhl rl mulml In rrllllrnllnl Ilrrrll mHI Im mum hml ulmmi and maln Ilium unr IIIFHNI Trlqdwm chum um hrnv ily Inmlul jwoyulr plme hmnn or plum mph mm 1er Trlephnnr mm xuimrll no In In heir plmm Hr In Infrxlfnrlr Illnlslll pullrc prumiml 10 um rm 11lu Simme In hrth In Irv nhlxcmwn hul laid Hwy would make nu Innvr unlil vh lMllly mnkM hr lrlp umle Ivrllcml llml Ml INN luluHum arr xlrnmiul mm lrw Inlln Hi llny fnifl AI the storm Inlcnsilind lhn flnrrin Public and MN schools mlvlm parmu tn km rhlhlrcn hump Um schools would rrnmin HM Thn hhm thh mro om nan llnrrla mnlrnln um hum Imd lnmlly rm to muh rlnwmm but nume walk at Unlmbrd th Emergency go were sent out by the local radio sla tion number nl Industrial iwl lhcir unnloym anlhe downtown Barrie slam purlle llml lhcy would be open until mm TM Prince Charles Rests After Long Flight ere mand ed on highwayl and Ildcmadl and number of people spent hours in Ich whichs wnfllnfl or hidmny umwlowx or truck mm gauges Garage wcra lnundalui with can and many lnslanct only genuinn emergencies um being han and Mlnesing community hall was opened today or rmtnrisLI Mran by huge drills Imp way 26 Provinan Pullcc sent om plows lo FARM la bring sis child In hospllnl Wian and drifting snowlo con Mnue Law tonight High to Inon dezrges Fanlull tn fall the road situation was in con linuous skin of change Ear Her today Highway 26 was re ported open bu by Man wax closed Main as the snow con tinued nglwny II was open mi morning but as Ibo day wore on it was wellnigh Xm gassatgle bclwcen Rama and rnvmcial Police lheir mu reduced when some men could me get inln Barrie advised dhlrifi molarisl Do It UN roads and gel mam In hotels or mMcl until the slum hni cleared and mad brought back 10mm smur up and poliu were endeavoring loyayangle the sngru turnrior pa iv Eff2

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