Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 29 Jan 1966, p. 8

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min UHMVA CF Hw lknlul t1 mamml Gmva nn Mmml Hday mqflicnflrm more Inta ulnr elmhum limo bun nwnnvd hr 11 mam aka Annmmnl lhnl qw clnl publc henna nl mm ML he le an awllcnliun tur llw uhMn mnumnlu linkrd In It UIV rlmhim mlumk l0 lmy up ho Iqu ma nrlumkn llmr 1m han nn llw tlv rlmn Innulrr HI lw Iwhl In lawn Fm Lu gm le lu um ullwr lvmmlmnlm mm mm Mmt nry mm in tho lustary of all bydcctium lhmflllnz was going awrst Mm many ho amtm mml Mum and inmmu pa lcy 5mm in he allml apart and mum and mm dum nxe mull in Industrial ay offs 0n awry sido hm wcn ammrul remark mu stm the MM and dzhlr wallar Irqmlnz wk up In 100 wr ml 711 mnnwn ham mu llu NinaK Alu limu CHAN IV mellwr CHIN TV ltluwnlun HN TV Cnhmy IlMllW Malo Jaw Kuhn lJMCIV mm CPIU IV lurmmu 110 TV Ullaun HTW MIMI md Jll IIIHIM nml JONvfV lnhnA VIM T0 HXIIJIIMINI mmsfnmwd Actuafly wu wn now has majority of unly mu in the mumm mm or 002mm But he has been living on tho rawrs edge so inn that our seem nimosl comfonamo margbL So somaticnu wax Hm social ist win that most observers see It as significant in inlcmmioml well national affairs giv in Wilson his blggul boost since he came power In 0c labor 196 with majority cl Labor Kncrcm its mu im Ioid in holding the hiflma man lnal community In Thursdays Liocliun described by he flory Evening News of Landau as one hymnst uxrnord mama Mll July datum II In nllv In lmwlcm Mar ummmnlnfly vlmml Hw um ninhi mm ulwn Hwy nor mally thI In vfl 91w nir Illnkrvlamn wliml mm In Mm hammlumnl llvllhi 1le lwm 1n Inm ml mum ymlvl hull um lhln IM Hm uva xlnlul mlur TV rml Jan louiv 11w Mu nnwl whnlv In an my mth mu Inf lwq MunI Innm man um mm mm an IMVM IWIM IMO 1mm MacSWEEN Cmdhn Pm sum Vrller Suddenly Hamid Vflson 49 looks tall in flux saddle Labor Hull North bnlccuun victory has added dramatically lo the mm of the mgmafic prime mlnister and tramformcd ha British political landscape mum lmdnw ml FIUIV Mwiu India 11 Stations Get Approval UK Byelection Victory Great Boost For Wilson 0U DIVINH RECON 11m MM WWI wllal Dav 1cm who each day fires Ounwas Monday gun gets an assist from crane crew placing the Unce KiSJhn OTTAWAS FAMOUS GUN RETURNED Intuimubnln bankcm he may hit more conlidcnco 1n Ihe pound sterling They could lake the byclcclim as evidence that rolm um um pnrlinx the govemmcnla finan cial policies 51d confidence in tswntlnl or he Howran hidu has In may and cl agnooonm To some dong the luck linn mewmm vindicalhm kaono support of Unimi 5mm policy in Virl Nnm lclminx candidme ho Lrlrd In win he Labor nlc Ill Hull 011 um hsue was dalmch by me VDUH In rmxmhuimu an mm min 1V the only Mn Ion do Dom mmm In 1M nmlwm HIM lmnnil re color lmnvnlulonn Eight naum MIMM fur pormlwiun lrnuvrm mlwnk lungnm or mm on film or ldmllul In mhr 11Irw H1 Iionl hichuln FllrlV Ilmlluu ML and KLWTV Win41 1m HIM IMIHHWMN pmml in rams MM ll nwlimhmq um mm In lhe mucnmwnl 1qu in mml Hwy mu lvmml nnmnnl La an byeleclion victory shnuld enhance Wilsona posi tion at least psydzolngically on his official hip to the Sowct Union scheduch or nexl month The husiaru will be 1m likely to col they are mrnlm for ha last in Wh flu must present pwcmtl temptation Wilson has frequently said he intends to soldier on wimoul an election mlongmheisablemcarry oug hi pqfldes Amid tha Weller of specula tion about March poll it pmsiblo Wilson means exadly what he says and hero wdl be lgo Ewan before October at ho canted Today it seems sure that Wilsonband unlmcsecn and disasz setbacksmud be Walkaway winner In spring election ton barrel on 115 mount The ham missing Friday when Mn Davis arrived at Nepcan Point was found near lhe Unl Mn hum with limp panuml ml mm In ml WM Fm Mum mu in wr Mm at mm Ivy huh MM Ikl MINI IN Imamm an your prompt Md oarml Ir ll ymr Innmwu Mk nuIrinl wnll dunrt Ivor Aml Mply ml pw All vnim IIIIIAMMI or mm year 11le mold mvm Nu mum mmle lvvr mly 011 NR 100 IIIHIIMI lIvIrlu HA 14 CLAPPERTON ST 726 ll QUALITONE HEARING AID SERVICES BAHERIES All Standard Maker $100 per pkg SIIMuvlon Or Your Money Relundod Records show hat the elec torate has apparently gum lhmugh lhme phases in the 18 months since Wilson came power Mowing an hifial homymmn Labwr was slag gcred by he km ol socalled sale can in byelecllcn in January last year other in dicators showed 1963 swing the Oonscnativcs Public opinion polls have showed rcsurnmoo in Labor mmpml since the beginnan of 010 Rhodesian crisis in Septem verain of Ottawa campus is believed amdonts look the barrel or winter carnival parade next week OSHAWA CPD Oshawa only dnHy nmspapcr The Times did not publLxh again Friday the wand day Her drum called by the Oshawa ammo Ihcvlmvnto Ncwwapcr Irinlm luran hack nxnin Prxlny mm pkxd lino SL1 up by Ilnkmg mcnibIm Ihc guild mm and lry mmflxm of other labor unions in the cily me mild members present edimrial druflnhnn huslnm mam ndvmidnu and mnmtm nngf emnlo us nw mmpany nsn uva down union demand or nmlmd pmmlon pmledmx mcmlm Knlnnl mm duo In lumwmllmlv mmumy officiqu dedimd comment on nlrlke develop ments nml spoch or mion printer and prossmen had nothln In my about Iumm ne llnn Wklynix lhu nowmamrl 130 murky vim rm nn nlnke mmhy wrro him My Edda mm llm Unflwl Auln bdrm 10 In llnHMl Slrolunrkml America 117 Md workm mm buildinx lrnIlM Many ll lhn gummy plrlwtn mfqu Friday Mohuufinu Mm loak Minn prom Mckfl Ml wkly wnnn mmaso In mm clawfimuom Quin he mgmnny wm ourqu 510 Annuan 1n Ihn ham of nnmlia Nmzpmm Oshawa TimesSummons Against Newspaper Strikers BARRIE QIMMTUNI or ONII lmnlh fur mly rim ml haliuliul nflrr mind lur mm mm may umlly Ih Mllmllll mulnl lumanln IN whim of QIMHTUNIC hominl lid um ml nailslml uu Mr mm by Aaqu rmllnrtln my mum Why talu mm on Inninl an IMmmml you may My AMT you haw MINan ulvm ml rm mu hflllmml lmn Fur lumin kllmumum rall Ir mil Mm QUALITONE HEARING AID SERVICES ANNOUNCES NEW IDEA 1M writ Ian penmm as ddendmlu Mm Gnu and Shirlcy Fania Whlury Pka Radclillo and Elizahtlh nultcr 051mm and Mary Vxlllumx Pickering Township However their rules in he alnke um um mentioned unua to be guided In these mafias by he moluthm of Congress approved Aug 10 1964 Johnson xaid in letter to Senatwr Vanca Harlke Dem IndJ principal author of the letter lo Johnson Thurs Laurislan chlei editorial writer and columnistof the Chalham News was presented Friday with Press Journals Mc Aree Memorial Award as Can ndas Columnis of the Year in l965 Ld carrying on business as he Oshawa Times was 1ch Friday at 041mm Hall in Tab ll mm 0w mxpnpcrl mllrilnr said he wnlrnu mew drum ma mllmiw ame mmt belwrm manngcmrnl and Um mngrnsiukul and prem ma nnkm under mm hm tmlmm nm rcqulml la wk during hn nlnkr WASHINGNN AP Pres ident Johnson has dismissed an appeal by 18 Democratic mm or lurther consultauon nl whether resume aIr mike an Norm Vietnamese targela He uld It lsrinceasingly clear that have had unlya hostile response to lhe presenl muse Ih bombing Nnrlh Vial Nam But he pledged un flagging pursult of peace and gave no Indication when de clsion on resumlng Ihe alr Ilrlku would bemad¢ Johnson reply Fdday ciQed 1964 coymsshmal resolufitm which gave him broudpowerl to xepal armed allacks an US 105cc and to repel armed csso TORONTO CED Victor Edward Barr publisher he mommy newspaper trade paper madu he presentation luncheon Mr Lamina Bl began his newspaper cnmr with the old Chmham Plancl early ln Ihc mnlury and has snrvcd hi on lire newspnpcr career in Chat ham 1M wrii an sock court order restraining the deten daan or nnymo ch mm inter brim with The hmnn cm pluycu nte mmpany ntsn slmflnx damage sutl against he ivo or nlloxod nttomu to induce bmnuh at contract and to intimidate HEWW Emu The award presented twice previously to Gregory Clark at Weekend magaune and Pierre Berton than with the Toronto Star was established in 1958 alter the death at Mr Mclme veteran columnist ot the Toronto Globe and null Mr Launslon whn received silver planar and set books was chosen or he 19 award Mr Barr said lor Ms longvlcrm service In the Held cummunily Journalism in Canada and or Ms outstanding contributions to cducnlion In the area served by his newnA paper Mr Lautmnn Bl began his newspaper cnmr with the old Chmham Plancl early ln Ihc THAMES FILL ATLANTIC CITY NJ MP Surn nrnl conirnmpllvu pm him mmlillon mlmhliu Ilnhelu II New ank Unlvrr Illy mnllul renqu phynlrlnn mld Irldny Dr Herbrrl mhmu Ialvl the mm In druzl will wanml IW uhrn hick vrrrrnlngo unmcn nklnz hrm um mind In marl 1llnhrllrl In KHAN lulrmnro lull Noled Eolumnisl Receives Award VIETNAM Hm STRESS Further Consultavtisné Appequls Dismissed 726M Thasenaio1s also endorsed ralalemtnil onposinn resumpiinn nl bombing which have been made during iheiast two weeks by Seniors Fulbright Dem Ark chairman of tha lordgn rein lions cornxruilce Mike Mansfield Dem Monm the Democratic Iaadet and 6120ch Aiken Rep Vt The xeason thera ls no peace there nnw he said because few lanallul leader belonging to 01 hopelessness iarc pursuan the old cynlcal strategy or rule or ruln MUST STOP THEM But clscwhm in Canada ex lrcme cold conllnucd with lime rcsplle lorccasl or the week cnd The Prmric remained locked In deep Irena now mare lhln mnnlh ald dny in which ha senators said we believe you should have our collective Judgment before you when you make ynur iudgment on resuming lhe bombing Sennlor George rMcGayexn Dem DJ who also signed the letter said We expressed our view the president and he knows aur volition is clear dont take his note at any indicallnn hes dcclded to resume bombing North Vie Nam simply Ihut hes leaving the opLinns open The only rclalhcly bright weaer picuru was in British Columbia where mum coas ul Iyslem lhal brnughl drink to some Area Friday was gra dually brcnklng down lhe Inle rinr cold But lcmperalures are rlill below um In the northern lnlzrior The heavy snow Ihal hlt Ihe MnriUmcl dlsrupled communi callous and power lines NDDRSE OPPOSITION Johnm renewedln sxmch Friday MI Ilhelpqlhit ace can 130 rémrred vor Le Cong nlora to the north can finally be convinced hnl vIolencz will not prevail For our hohfifslme Sacra tary Dean Rusk was questionnd Snowbaund me rs breathed easier loday Huh worst alorm his wlnlcr crawlpd slowly norlhwnrd after dumping up to l6 inches of mow In some area Thundu mum and PH ay Mutilimes Hi By Wars Storm 01 Winler Sim Digging out By THE CANADIAN PRESS Ollm hlullliuhl mm am 1906 onomuon um um lluhl Tlmv lnlNcnln Ilml Conlvdnmllon llln In mm leh AnmlicaulmnunflnutlmuslpmuwuivuIluumncacompaninu look fovwmd In mvinu oven mom Canndmm In llm yum lhoud Thlu lnclunlu In dlvldundv coupled with steady 010th In liIu Inlumnm In 10m nnd vim 015 In main own he pm ym whack hound manngumanl and qnumlion In 1000 Contndmllon Llfou lndivIdunl policyownm wm be mm mcmd 078 mllllan In divldondl nn Inmasu 0650000 om Iho loinl nmounl pnld In 1965 Al Ihu Iamn limo our Cnnndlnn policynwnm will continua la lncoivn lhu hlgh mo lnlomu on livldcndu lot on deposit Tnlnl bonoiil pavmonu In 1005 lnchulinn Dévldnmlu and dumb also nuw mom6720 mllllnnol wlvlch living pollcyuwnm Incaivnd 315 millaon In mnluwd vollclon unim monl Income hunllh limhililv and nllm beuulm Good News from Confederation Life Ii Minivrll IU Mumrw llm 571 11 UanI Mnrl Ihmrr lrlrrlumr LWJMI Dividends to policyowners increased 13 v1mvwvw man or South Vic Nam F3191 thdmxa Rusk argued hat the Unllcd Slate is only carryingnu us treaty cnmrnllmental The war could and almost lllcrnlly wlthln 24 hours ll Hanoi and Peking would glve up lhclr el Iorl lo sclze South Vlct Nam by Kim Scnnie foreign relations cnmmltiec on United Slaies x1014 icy cauiinned against nuclear brinksmanship and asked by Senior Fulbright Dem Ark in iusiiiy the enormmis sacrifice oi iivcsand treasure iri Vie Nam nusk appcared below flu committee In support at the us admlnistrafluna request to an emergency omlgn aid Fulbright asked whelher ap proval of the fundwould be taken an approval In llerlleg egganflslnn of the war angrcs is not him 1m asked to give approval 01 any unllmflcd qxpanslan THEYRE CONCERNED The posslbilily of an expandegi war obviously weighed on the minds committee members They kept quesllnning RIuk un Ulhe pleaded an urgent ay mytmem Fulbrightha leader In Ihe Sen ate drive 10 persuade the presi dent nut to resume he bomb lugs of North Vie Nam naw spearheaded effort by the com mmce member pin dawn v5 pnlicy and Just hnw la goes Snowfluriies were still Inlllng today as the storm cased northA ward east 01 Cape Erclnn Tem pcrnlures started dropping sharply In the wake of lhc ilonn In Ontario cold winds im 50 miles an hour were reported Friday and the wind chill lumpcrnlure ranged from so do grtcs balnw mm to 10 below Ilrandcd school buses and can celled some allHun mm WINDS MHZ Hill Vind chill is dclcrmlncd rnuxhly by adding the number ol dcurccs below zero la the number ol mxle an hour of wind speed The result is what he lemperalurc would be In lmvu he Mme chilllng ellch If Ier were no wlnd DriHlng snow clusnd scvcral schools In he Kilrhcncr area and Tnmnla Island any wllh 1m passenger had to be freed CMCQQEQQLLKQ AT w4 HEAD UlrlCE ILOON BIHEEY YDHONO Pmlacl Ihe on you Invn cannull 0n the Prairies weather nrccasim said there was no Indication the temperature will rise above zero bcfm Ihe end of gherrmnih OTTAWA CF Financa Minister Sharp told delega tion of mayou Friday the gov ernment ts wtlting to listen to arguments but they would have to bemowcrful ones to convince It the Muntclyal Devetnpment and Loan Act 1963 should be extended beyond next March The Canadian Fedorallon of Mayor and Munlclpalluca pr scnxod its hnnnal brie Prime Minister Pearson and members of the cabinet leekflns an ex tcnslnn or ycArln the lamb Inllon adopted originally lo en couragq specdnlp 1n munici pal capxial spend nmnmm lawman mum mmnyu mu Mr Sharp said Ibo It has performed Ill function find dlmcult rlo argue today that the economy needs to be stimulated partlcularly All the Md construction The maym brie laid the extension was needed to enable many municipalities to com plete the projects lhey had started Mayor Victor Copps at 11am ilton president at thg feder atian said the extcruion would have contra inflation17 cttect permitting stretchout at work thét otherwise might have in be hurried to have cumpictcd by the March 81 deadline In Quebec ham lwo In our nchcs or snow was expected lo day wlth Inmpcrnlnm In me lo dcgruArnnge Albcrl Sash lhc lcmptmlura plunged Friday In rccnrd law or 111 dale 55 degree btlow mro There em winds up lo 20 miles an hour In most areas wllhAlizh agow The bch malnly embodying resnlullons adopted It the led crallonl convenllun in Wind sor 0n last year also urged Brandcnlnz the scope of Ihe Natlonnl llouslng Act to full Hale financing of capital pm jccl or orderly development of urban communltlel An lndcllnila exttnslnn ol wrlluofls cl NHA lnans or trunk sewer and sewage treat ment plants Incrcased lcderal financing hospitals De lnn munlcipal taxes and home marlgage ln lercsl payman from per sonal income In computing Income taxes Full payment by Crown corporations munlclpal laxcsl by lug alter ll became ice bound In Toronlu harbor cold lnnp Milne Prairies Dec It And has luld Ill but cw day llllte Mayors Present Brief To Cabinet mlundl la milliflnl plld In Olhu mm town mimonl In An In nu Iulml rumnu la nulmyowm lumbarnu May we um you zany cl um Annul nnnm Juu Mum vuu mull Cunludmuun Uh mm up nlIIM Somi Muhhuhll imm our sun Annual open 0505 mHIan 01 MW Ull Inlmlnco I10 milhumcullvlmuunuln am 1on milhonl In nunfan in hm muunu Iqulvnluu 39 when In ammo m1 BOAC ML Pcarsnn promised amp the cabinet would unn aider the representation car iuiiy But he said it had to con sider taisv its own iinanciai needs and the constitutional Jurisdiction oiyihe provinciaL governments as the incorpon ators of municipalltlca Ikmfll nvmm AIIWAVI IMVDMIIUH WI AM HAM REASONS BOAC offers you 29 excellent reuons why you mould fly In Europe this summer re cord number of 29 mm alllmic flights from Toronto Therel lure to be one do SI withyourmvel plum Jet dircct to London by numb fioent BOAC RollsRoyce 707 or Alr Canad ailnt D0 in From April mnnlllnllo lures Ire an Iowa Exnmole 2lvdny Eoonomy Excunion Toronto Rom will cost you only 3465 tIIma raving of S40 Como to Illinl of it lhul amtm good rrasom Tlm maku SOI See your Travel Aunt Hell givc you mall mom vf Iuhlxhuvummnl FOR RESERVATIONS AND TICKETS CALL mm 71665 to fly to EarnIa Ills summer 0K Johnson Travel Sevvica Wand Wm NannyL 4m cu um Ktuek mm Llemu

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