Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 29 Jan 1966, p. 6

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lh Mm new Xl my mm mm Mrs Ernest Hndgsnn mm on Mrs Jnck Rumble Mrs Giorge Ncsbiu Gillord and Mrs George no on behal Smcae South District Womens Insfituw attended mcellnl called by FVl0 Board mamr her Mrs Lane Goldwater full report or ha FWIO board meeting and further de Iails of the mw dbtrlot were given by Mrs Lane Tentafive dawns for the live district an nuals were set This running was held Jim 17 in the board room Dept 01 Agrgcrmun Rania urn pdChurrh mu ulzmm nl nml anm non dungu um ITody Anmy rm Man Mfllan 750 lmmn xnnm unImuy or lJl Dnnmm mm Mluu mu IFmlfl mun bnm th clump uDumh th Menm are extended to Mran Mrs Thomas on be hiflh son in Alllslon Jan 17 Another LOL euchre wasv ihold in 1110me Orange Hall last Wednesday evenlng When players were in allmdmm Prizes was won by Mrs George Holt Mrs enll Harris Mrs York Ba lfililvllmnieson Impqu IJ II wnA Klnldnm mum at Thlnn nndllu Tlenl nun nrm Thulu rumuuouxly 1m 530 24 conm ual In mun Student mod II winI mu SSH humn Mn pm Luth nOunm an zFrlnk mnu 4nm mum mum hmulnr Hhrhnllnl Haul anmm 11ml XNIIC mu LUMHIV Munll 11 lmn 1m 11 Impm zTm Anmr Cnnmn smnouu Hlullm Jaunul 3mm JR Emmy 700 sum mm mm mm uv lIVMI rm um smw Uml um mm ID Mummy11M huh ZBUFFALO LEAREIE 4BUlFALO fiTUMNTO llflAMlLTON SATURDAY JANURY 19 EVENING 400 ISO 31mm JMuslu Show 911 Lomr 4CIIS G0 Clmlc INewl Ind Spam IlGXEII Mull DAfler Full 114111 Cunar llLanl John sum 709 mm 111 mm mu tGmumnh 410 Isyuuum Du sumrly Hillbllliu Zfimflr um cum mum mo Alum Hum Glauon Hume llSlllndll IHIVI Gun W111 mm L00 510 24pm In Acuon lBuxs Bunny llJonny mun 600 201th sMr Ed 54mm Film Margo all and Kén 510a mm mi mm AcImdnl lhlmes Juowllnx 4015 G01 Cllnlc DMler Fuur llMnl John sflver Woy In out on in umwer 430 Wynn Dani mu MIt Ahln um um MONDAY JANU1 SUNDAY JANU TELEVISION PROGRAMS THORNTON ny ms noun smgcoz mung Naws Mnhll 133 lmlly Nthnun xnmm ul mm 4D Th Nulan SUNDAY JANUARY SD EV my MORNING Lmn mun MNUAM ll 2nunmn tlwnlnlfi an Mu In mm 70 Wrinunl Ln wcnen nhlp 11m Lv Army 114 cum my MORNING AND M112 OON lFlwwr tIllul nuon In sum lI mum Jnnnlu aLen am On Mavxe walllht For Gum 530 zrm mid lNfll Hockey tSrcre Aunt xlDnuu Pmy 900 2snuxdu Mum lDlnca Plxly ml pLusll vme nnnl Inc Dlhlu 710 xnlwlly mm TM Mccm IIlllln IImr AIM nm ll xMmunl Ilu JXhlalllmlll Nag lMr um nn llnn Hum 411m Hyll IAhn mm 1200 3Jmmrd Im In Ill Inn Nu Town Toey It ¢5rlllu Ill lloun 144 my rm 0m lNIIC NI In all 4491er In omnh uw Ih Hulnlnl um lml Lucy ll mumm 2Sum ma Sumnu wl cm llelrl JTh LMM Wand Ne wmnn Alxll book can Album TV ITh Mont Jun1 lulllvln Am fiulllvln 130 mm mu rim um um 1hanan 11 Inn Hm hmlm om Law In II IN In IIIuIImd km Inm onu In Mo 4m mu I4 sunny Mun Dull Oan Into My Ft 11 only 1100 11mm JChurch Bums lwaqmv 5mm ly hwrlll Mm mu 2H ver Nnvy chklu Ginon Oclock Hm 130 1130 15 chmuu Hm Ycu Wu lunIly mum vl Lyn Inn Llw nu In le Tmm 1m Imy Mr Inn IIJmuv hum IPMIIMMI vuu Mr and Mrs Spencer accode Chad Henry Bank on mowrtrp to lda when they will hohdly for few weeks The Young Peoples cholr lmuy United Church made then debut last Sunday mumth Mrs 1mm War is their leads Peacock has said his arm on Hwy71 north othe village to Jun loomrm also of math Sympathy is extended to Dr Mrs deell Ramsay 000k lown in the loss their bnr lhcr Nicol Wilsun Alllxlon who paged away suddenly In Tor onto and whose uma1 was held in Amman Ms Saturday mwwm door prize maria Mm Wes Hon 1116 HI leaders am getting ready or the next mkct Slee ping Garments Mesdnmes Finldninor nbpler Keith Really Ivan CaldwelL me and Wmmnfiqlgh aitendedthe rainin school In SLmud Oomnunlly 11 Jan 20 and AND AFTERNOON ENIN INING lanu lwmn Yauu Lord th mllm WAD lWhl My UM zAura nmm 4qu momnnm Am 01110 Maw mu Second cmlul lull 10 noun mm Wmmn nTh MI 114 mm mm JThrouth lho lam Tarnan vuumr ucnm cm 230 lAdvlnlun Thrill lSavm my Mind cmnn IDv Kudan llSundly Wm Chlldnnl null tAl MM Yum Jun 1mm lmu our mm In mm If amon xnu nul ITm mm In lnlhuullmuc Pull llell In CIIIHM all mu um run mm mumr1 In IIHHI lNnu swam 25 IANI Hell lMovh SlumLy Your tlma show munu Mum llNlll wumr 590m HBloekhunel 00 1115 SMIMM Wand ITo hll mm CTa TH In 7mm hzund IMIll llDrmnl lum IJD um Imam Ir mm 117 Mn II Ln 7m Mu urunny Lumpn1 IMO 44 mm 1110 IAnlwtrlnl Strike sslr rnmu Dnh tTed Mm vsmirum llConunenlll Mlnla INK 17W MI 1m rum Mom mum IMO Hume nIlm Gun W111 mm nmmnuuu um cumy 1100 110 lllumln lunlll UCluh 11 Dana lva In my II ma Hm anlrml my llhy 1441 nummm 5mm llSvutrum ICannlry mudr tcmeu 11mm Irlluorm nnm Snlu An inwmwm an mum umu Thus Iron medleallnn when requredv can be given Indet Inluly without 2mm While thus are quite lew type of anemia hey can be deed Into two main Classm cnUons Those in whlth the blood cells do no have enough Iron and Ihase In which Ihere are not enough lhe cell which carry Iran The femur is more common fixd lhc hypochrorplc lypc one he oulmndlnx cnrd player In Um world Hm hand whlrh drmonsrllu hl Ikill dtclam Jordan was South nlnyinu xix diamonds and Wm ltd mm Em 00k lhe HnK wllh mu and nlurmd hurt whlch South xulluL When person needs nupple menul Iron thepause In anamla In which the blood stream 11 not provided with enough of it In cut can reasonable mount of Iron luken In pill capsule or other form merely make up for Inch amounts as Ike body should hnva but has not been letting Tme In active me rheumatoid arthrkls there re quenlly is an anemia nnd In that Instancartha anemh doe not mpand to Iron therapy menan that just or those who may be interested It obviously does not apply lo you Mun The usual cam is some chrnnlc loss of blood and with lb 105 blood Iran lost llcmorrhnlds or an ulcer are Openlnz leadqueen mm It is generally rocognlud lhnl nubch Jprgilnn of Phllldelphlu Jordnn nuw played lhe Ace and nnolhcr Ilnmond Wm unaw In low and wu hm turd wllh he probltm whelhcr or nut to mm It lrue mllht mulrnllf lhal dcclmr does but in ma on run by vlnylnz to drop quccn rnmrlhnn lin neu Dr Molnar cbuld wa iron tablets day hive hurmlul eflecls II likenfor loo M151 hnva arlhrlu lulmy cal and wonder lha7lnm could hive left dcpnsics 1n the blood Vessels and cuuud poor circIdnllon bin11311 hypocbrumlc anemia What nre tho cause and treatment this Iyp Excessive intake pi iron cm can trouble but in qniia dilg crank way Usually Jilin in volves theintesumi tract diarrhea or constipation Iron duesn allect ht blood vessels or circulation nm does It must arthrlm DAILY CROSSWORD JOSEPH MOLNER wasr 41mg qut N154 412 The blddinx Eu 5mm Pun run PI Pu East dualcr NorihASoulh vulnerable hm °Altllu labtuned Ilrlll 115mm llllar my ll Yuk mm 20 Mulrlll lndlln ralulmn in mm 31 MIN mwkvr of ml 150191 Icy unfunnva 161mm rune nummu It Inhyplvlkl Away 10 Mmmlaln nymrm LAM dlaumn gum mm inllul 410mm mm Mill Amman Rho In Irfiyll 301mm WMuh 11m AOHOSS LHOHOW num IAIr 11mm nkknunc CONTRACT BRIDGE nu xuon +Ama In NORTH Wm Pu Pul Pu v1 muullvaly ll Arhl nxmnnml Ll mk 110w Hill1 nmplu llVI main 51m Inhool In 01mm wha wnlkl rrlyon 11mm T0 GOOD HEALTH By JAY BECKER Excessiv Irpn Intake CanBe TrotbleSome Noll IB Dear Dr Molnar Alter giving birth my first nhfldJ was gut in Isaiauqn until time lo no me asked my doctor why and he said hurl bun wm yogrgixpifiln this Mm Br srreadinz and many Institu Ions have special lsnlallnn units for that purpose Any Inconveni ence to you may have meant protection or dozen or him dreda of others Including new born babies Denr Dr Molnar was under the Impression Ihal there was nu cure or pernlclmu anemia but Ihe enclosed clipping say cm be cured by uklng Vlla mn BILM Cured ls lhe wrnn wardl Nu cum is known Hui laklng BIZ compensates fur the dls case as long as you keep on taking it Its like Insulin for diabetes Insulin doesnt cure ll bill it makes up lor the bodys lack of sulfclcnt nalural insulin was ctrainly nrcldcnl that Jnrdan chose In lake lhe dlnmond llnesse He hid good reason to da an He knew mat the hand could scarcely be made txtcm with ha aid squeeze and he Increlare mentally had min one dtlcndcr holdlng of our pad qndjhycgdubs He had almdy Judnd 1mm he oppancnll Allanco during ha hlddinu um lhdr hum wen dlvldcd 55 Conscqucnlly when Wu 01 lowed lo the mend dllmand lend Jordan could not auumu 22 rump divisionhut would man that East had In black card lmxend 01 men and mm nquem lnnpcrnhle Jordan lhcrelore pinced Em wilh ha 1cm Muck card netmnry and hum Ilngltlnn dlnmvnd The llnme luccwlln Jordan Mflly mnlu Um mL Certain germs the naphwa coccus in particular cln cause widespread infection in hospit nis They can duo tinwhm oi course bu in hospital you have peupie whn an iii in begin with or under physicai siren so any inieclion is lint much more dangerous Jardm new led the Sank of dia mund and East was squmcd Iltgardlcss what he discard ed Suufll was bound to make the rest Evidently you had some nor oHnIullon whxch may not have balkml you bul anuXdhava been hnrmlul to other my picked up the gum or M311 ram you Every irecnqun laken to prevep nuch urmx mm asst but Jurdan In this case Inpjed tor mt53m thm lha lmexse sueeedcd he cashed two more trumps produce his yoslllun Nnnlr 21 Among 2L Hum lnr Lrgqueni causes So is exczsrive or pmionfed menstrual flow Occasional lauiiy eaing hab lix loo liille protein are auxin Iron Inpplemenu the but form of therapy but obviously ha permanent correction de mentia on finding he hula cause and correciinz fluJusl rescrib in iron in no man ten blo than continuing in pour water inio Aky bucket inulud iixin 1n Hymn ll Snow IlItnNanla MXud JIJIMIKPI Amulnn mmmmm 3Cl II at flu nl Trump lllla it Wul lmmlllrlll YuIIVlIII AI as KM FIIHYII 350mm North gm M1053 mm 4971 loufhq QAQH lKu 1qu 3a Yuunx uh 41 mm ll Ierlle um mauOuua 30 or uZSmoi unoxh nutair and 330 02 344mm TWO HOUR AGO THOSE KOSUKME 70 BUY RECORD 39 an magma no km 50 xméuzé 546qu 523 2Q nubEtt nniwfiw ME Soxaaouflr ADMMISTER THE PRESERVE we SITE ma 1mm MNsn Amos Mgsfwggzgoboo 5555 AND Mos cownzas MORE THE mum EXAMINER SATURDAY JANUMW lWl VESTERDAY THEY PARKE THECC DONG HDHEWOQK 19 31 rnq 22 En 422361 212 20 MINER DIES IN IWIBUT TH BY N15 Tips sous 5503539 yT JG 7H I7 vommm my um 23me wmm DLR MECC OUWAHOL TODAYTHEY BQOUGHT sguowcuzs Mo

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