Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 29 Jan 1966, p. 5

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NEW YORK AHThe Na iimul League asserting that Wisconsin court order binds the Bravo to Milwaukee hos laue has told the dub to sin put in Atlantaa decision that eventually could bring th most confluvmiaiv iranchiu shift in basebnil history beioru the US Supreme hurt Pepsi have compiled is paints from ten win and six deadlocks we more than Bar rie Midland Fiycrs continued their climb and tripped Coiling wood Shipbuildcrs 76 right in Caliingwood and prevented Ihem lrom assuming he lead Flynn whn had less than impressive first hail have finally iaund tha Winning touch and an threaten ing to vacate he cellar They are now six poian back third in hand However while he ball line hive sharpened been the disputing punk now In diamctriully opposed there nun II no clear Imwer what nu imam will when the yin temp open Apgil 11 The latest development In um lug of war over the Draw ume Friday when league pm Iden Wm Gllel nld lhc membled club owner had nulhoriud he Brnvu to mum their ohllgallon to Atlanta by NEW YORK CP Gram Rem Sulllvnn unlil rtccnlly coach New York Rangers ha lumer dawn rm In coach nullimura Clipper ol the Amcrlmn Norkey Input Hanson npokumnn nld Fri day night Orillin completed successlnl week against SevenUps sweep hug the home and home so whHI annexing first placu in the our leam circuit The twin vicorlea also marknd happy mm ncw Orlllia bench boss Roy Faubcrl who took over the coaching duties last Tuesday John llallinan publirlly dlrw or or lhe NIH club 1111 Sub llvln olfrrcd ha nnfll more 10h alter Chppern tired hath Johnny Crnwmd but dccidcd Friday not In tnka The rivals engaged in mayo nyled combat with height of lenslnn reached during the lat ter stages of the thrd period Pepsi jummd in from with two early lame and orccd Seven Up Into an uphl struggle Twice Barriqugncgd bask idl In one goal of the Onlllinl but the tying marker would not come alllxnn xnlvl In umlrmnmu Sullivan wnnlnd lime ytar Mulran hnl lho nulllmnrr mnn Inrmrnl Wm agreche By CHRIS AYLMI Enrle SevenUpl palenled fin al period uprlslng ell man last night on home lca and the local rollnqulshedllrelr share of first place lo the Central Orlurlo Sew lor hockey race Before 123 Bar rie Arena patrons Swamps dropped rm excillng 32 verdlct at Ihg hand of Orillla Pepsls Sulllmn rrmaml Ilnngm conch rnrllrr ml Braves Case May Reach Top Sully Declines Baltimore Job BUSIER 66 FirSt PlaéeIAlcnes Winger Jog Zane had big Wm mm am It amtll 0i armymummy arm4 Sflmrm MW MarM tart garm A7 700 um Mdr FM mac N171 msmum MW 1950 dudrim Mir 77 wrflt By Alan Maver playing 1n the soulhcm city lhil seam move In eflecl chal lenged Wllcanxln court order Thursday lhal instructed the Braves to prepare to phay in Milwaukee his year Giles ln revealing he own decision aller threehour meeting sald the league in land to comply with he order or Georgla court whloh said the Braves must fulfill heir contract with the Allanla Sla dium Authority Legal observers said that when lnwer courll in two slate nun connlcling orders me can usually is appealed to the supreme cnuns In the slalcs ll ll ramlot be resolved ml thal level than he mallet will be put bcfme lhe US Suprcms Court Pepsi wasled mlle lime in establishing the upper hand post ing the first goal just 49 seconds from the opening emu Gallen not known as strong nearer has emerged into hlg threat now he has been realigned with Bobby Hassnrd and Bill Ken nedy He heal Jim Couch clean ly after accepting penm pas Ion Her he pmvtd unable lo mnvc he rIub into rnmcnlion In lhe NIH and general manner Emile the Can Irnntls is do Inz drmhle duly coach night or the visitors He bagged two tallies tncluding the wine while everdangerous Billy Fan hnn produced the third th Week and capiain Boh Garner provided the SevenUp scoring punch 11w Inml Iiiunlinn now his wilh he Hailimore 1mm ilh which the ilnngm have wnrkinu nummcni The Cllp pm dislnni fourth in me Amrrlmn Imauol in loam Emitm DivisionY In ronrhrd by general munngcr Ttrry union Natllxnn uh Ihnl tar as ho hum Sullivnna Juno lhn 10h linnl ulhanuh Sulli 1n and Fraud Man In mNl ImIny lo Inlk lhlnxn am Sul xvnn been rm 010 111mm Maulan lull Ilnco ha It ha mm Iwnch 17044 IVY 4rlvvermaMlfi fifitflfllm BOB GARNER Mun Tally SevenUps unveiled new face last nlghl ln lhn person of former Junlor Sport Conrad hlaloney lle allernnlcd wllh George floor man on the right side or Tony Gnrhuu and Gerry Mellrlde The bespectacled youlh checked well and was presumed with lwo good storlng chances ln the final minule drive Malafuby who nprcscnls be final slgncé or this season his been praclulnz wilh SevenUps allot broomin ovrrage lur Juninr play last sna 50 nch who Is heavy mm It or lhe first nllslnr squad dilchud hls am mask alter lcn mlnulcs he oponlnz period but used it agnln In he finale SevenAUps are now we unlil next Tuesday nlgm whcn they visit Collinnwood They play ml hnme lhe allowing Friday with Shipbuildcn Hie 830 pm gucsu Skipper Bob Gagner took charge and limd Dames sec ond goal at 556 selling the Mega or the big coméhack ef lorl Gamer was fed by left winger Bill Pring and lie pm ceeded lo barge up the middle with one man back He used Al Smllh as perfect pas lake and released quick hackhandcr that bait Lyle Caflcr hlgh The remainder he conlcst was duel between derperala Barrie lnrwnnia and Carter who performed well under pressure Ho handled 15 shots as Barrie carried play In lhn final minutes With 30 seconds to spare Cnuch was rumored in favor an ex tra allackcr The Grillin not was buried ranllcally and suvcra big openings were misscdr Thcl final horn blew wilh Camr pick lng all loose rebound and all Barri forwards gaghlngr WIN IIMIIIY MI DETROIT MI Mammal nnndunn 0h Tlmm uva Hum Friday Illlll uwr IMmIl NI lnnl DIIITIIIWI rhaxlly mm helm unl ut 11391 Ulympln bla Less than live mlnulel later Forhan dchSHEd he second or mla goal on line hmway pass oamblnauon ram left to rlghl Nick Kennedy carried down on end to and any He led cenLreman Home who relayed to the uncovered For han SevenUps were badly d1 mzanizgd and but diflicuhy c1earlnx lrom pianong end The power May worked in Battles favor asthey bounced back midwayIn Ihasecond sesl sion with delencgman Eldon Watson of or tipping Weqks lnund an opening th long slap phat from the blue line The goal came at 939ralter alerlen of passes in Orillln Mr Hat Onlllaa wlnnertwnl heart break as young Jim Couch flashed his brmlanco in the clutch flocking Gnltpn and Hal wd on clean Break durlnl the periods and mlnuleWhen the SevenUp dander inaily moved In to hem out big xcramble resulltd and he uck we usfil pushed Inger the Ige Early in ih third period 0r illia had two big opportunities in increase their lead Nassau was robbed by Couch wiih big lava and Bill Kennedy nicked goal post aiicr dcking he Bar rie neiminder RALLY STARTS OrilIIa GMT anlrr Dc once Chambm Waun nnr roll Kwnxnitzn Forwards Has mrd Kcnnrdy Gumn all Fonl Thompson Kennedy Harm annn Morrison Bream lnlod llnule Week Mlllml nnr Mr 13 Ollllln Gnllrn II Kennedy leunllnl 192M lmnlllu Grlvrl lmkl 301 Thom and Mrnrlxln trnuflll 151 Wnlsnn IMF 911 Thomwnn lnl LIL Third lniM Dania linrnlr lrlnl Gm lenalllu nnml OllIlla IKUUH inmngww Milllml fmm écntre firing mi mm m1 Ilnrrlemll Cnuch cncc Thnmpsnn Graves Iloherlwn llilrhlc Forwards Pran Garnrr Smilh Adam Vrcks Thnmpson Gnrhuu McBride Hmrmnn Maloney Ildrm Illnlr urnhmu an onto Llnumnn Andy Clause of Aurou ham IIIva MmllflyInllinlwml md lam Orlllln lrmhnn Hume N4 Kumrdy 30I IlnnIlirM anmn MM 10 ward hunk 1131 Turulnylllllllli nlllnl mum full Midland ll mun mHlm Mllllll NIH 0N ML lly um Ily Ham Flrll lldod Orlllll Inllrn Ulmnrd Thumberl 0H1 miMW unlnfidml SENIOR STAX FRUSTBATED 1n aim mr nu um um gwml 10 MM wl1l11 mlmn lmt Nllhla Hm It HN 1011 Workman who remains prey idcnl and wawner ol the Alou ellcs sald Ihnt while Rcsllc had Vturncd down the head coaching Job is hoped he wlll rccnn sidcr new that the jolnt posi lan available to him Bill fiawlml guard who didnt want to phy or them last year In the Lion In ex change or fullback Bob Swm who dlrlnt like the way 50 treated him The poslllon is sllll open for Hamilton TigerCal backfield coach Joe nestlewho turned down the coaching job Johnny Mich15 assislanl coach of Wm nipcg Blue Bambari lhe Western Conference may be considered or the double job However Resllc In Inle phane interview at hls home in Hamilton NY said he turned down the head coaching rflcr because Iamlly reasons and Indicated his aflilude 5H negatlva to coming to Montreal the dual robe DEMr WIT COACHING ncvcr discussed the zen era managers job In any rx MLI only 121de about the head coach job wilh lhcm During rnrlio ilqun lnleh vicw nosllc midlhls was my final drcisinn expect In be back wilh Hamill next fall KHMIVIEW LADIES High Singles Joan Armstrong 01 Mary Andmon Jun Mnrmw 2m nan Scam mam Mn hlcnm Mnhawh lroqnnll Chnycnna Math Cue Kloux lTIIE BAR EXAMINER SATURDAY JANUARY 19 TORONTO CmBob Shlw was aaddlcd with rookboltmn club in the Eastern Foalball Commence lust 5mm but hes currently In first plncc In the trading kazue ma coach at Toronto Argo naula plunked another top player out nuke Weslernqu ball Conference Friday the third lnlwo daysin rude with Briush Columbia Liam MONTREAL CWThe new combined posillnn general manager and coach with the Eastern Fantan Conlerence Montreal Mcueflcs open to dny allowing President Ted Wnrkmans rosignalinn Friday as general manager High Sing Mary WnrnIu 167 Andrew 215 Hawkins 275 anl 266 Iligh Averages Norma Cohan 1m chnla lllckllnu War nlcn 130 Tum Sllnfllnu Pearl Opal H3 Hubln Tl Topaz fil Diamnnds Gumu 61 Em erald 41 Jade 45 lllkh Trlplu Amulmn 715 Morrow 6544 Mllllc Cllml Grace Gum ma Tram Standings Cm 11 Apache In Slaux Mnhmkn Hum 13 Gwymm ll Mnhlnnl ll lmquoll iilgh rrxpxefsmrley Hawkins 7m Tu bind ma My Ilhln In haul ghoul Irrp In yuur hml IIII lu nul wtll mun Ilimllnn lull lhmh bu old In Workman Quits Managers Post Trade ForBob Swift This films the Arzoar dealt Workman said whtn he GOOD FRIENDS LEAGUE BOWLING ilrtfluvdu club decldcd last year lo seek new gene manager they had hoped to oMaIn theurw ices Red OQuinn who cur rcnlly hold similar post with ggéwa Rough Ride of the Swlfl born In Shawinlgan QMI rushed or 1054 yudn In his rookie Mum with the Lion in 1964 and email 11 qu or Hut lulrsenon he hit alump Ind 30 coach Dave SkrIen wowed him In the def lenavebukfleld when be mined until lam in lha cun paian Over the season Swift managed 501 yards ruhlnl Swill 12 mmlm paunder Attended high xchool In bummer Pn helm gala to Claim College 1m Onw ord mdum the linker my of British Columbia Swift qualities as Canadian under league rulcx However we were denied permission to talk lo him and lhen decided to carry on until we could hire coach that we could work into general man ager or assislam by his second year Workman said he now will have Io think about whelher Mlchtll who was in Monlrenl earlier this week ior talk wilh lhe Ais president concernan the coaching pcsilion will be considnred Penclang 11 11 BMUUE 13 1119111 21 Hunlsvllle 12 ll 13011925 Orillia 12H 120 I27 24 Cnlllngwond ll 12 Parry Sound 11 12 21 all Scam Eulcrn mvhlon Qurbcc so 10 H19 llmhey 2011 131 IM Sprlnulicld 18 22 I20 057 Dulllmora 25 110 vafdu 12 101 157 71 mm lllvhlnn fllwlmshr 19 17 Ill Nllmurxh I1 111 Clerkhm 511455 nuflnln 10 WI 11 30 Fridlyl flrlulh Ilcrshcy Clzvcllnd Hum Rochester Plusburlh zllcld Tnllh mm nochcmr Clnvelnnd lrnchnce nl llmhey Illlllnln ll Plluburzh llnlumnro Springfield and mum whey It Ilulmo Clcvelmd at Illuhuuh Future Gnmrl SundayPenctang at THE 130 Orillln It Sound Qurbcc llcuhey Sprlnulicld nulllmora Pravfdu IIIWI yml uluun lml mly in may mill Ilwl nml IN Irmuul mnll In ml nl Ibl or ma nomad 11mm 10 Impala By THE CANADIAN PRESS PMan HARRIE Collingwood Orillia niursdaymelanz Drillln GB JUNIOR HOCKEY RECORD 11 AN Parry nhfiufon Manuel Tomato 5L Cnlhmml mm GinMt 17 ll WWIIan l1 Human la 11 mu In llakhllfi umlm Inurqmlnl 111 V1 III ml 110 11 I17 l1 lmurl rpl Inlml mum Cu Ni WWIIle TMIIMI llml anlblurk mm Hundlyl han Wmdxlmk lilntlllm Jamil KINGSTON Jumnlw 1er IIMMNN hum ll bunk wa Tlrlllnh cnlrmy hula Ill mmvolinl In Ihu lmmh ulro ml ummnnvmllh 0mm Iv In Muzqu ill mlmlllml In Jmualm mu dmunn NI Hula lvlrnmy in mm pawnIll ml hy Ib nhm mnvmly Malena mlm Dafiny Grant moves inm the biglime might when he dons Montreal Canadlem uniform for National Hockey League game against the visiting New York Rangers PalmMann Nlznrn lIIII 051ml Gram 19 left winger with Pamborough Poles of the On lnrlo Hockey Associalion Junior series and leading goal scorer in that league mplnmDava Balm Balm was sent Houston Apollo of the Central Pro League Nday on day re call basis Grant native ol Fredericton NB will stay with 312mich on game4ngame ass Canadians who have won lhrce and fled one in heir last no starts swing omy 13 goals and being benlcn for 14 have dropped ilan third plum behind Detroit and Chicago respce Lichy lot of people are blaming lhe downfall on lhe malicx Im no blaming hr gnalkccplngl he who club hasnt been play ing up to its polentinl mid conch Toe Blake While he didnt hlamo Halon or he tumble Blake lhrcal and other change the club dWIJYPDWVE Rnndlyl Glynn only at Oklahnma clly Mn onion 01 Junior MRIM 1021 117M Filly lluulll FL Cnlhulnu annnu Kllthmr Mann Full TMIIMI hm lmlun Al hhnwn hmrl Cnlhnrlnn Monlml Ila Tnmnla OIMWI Kllrhrnrr In on em ha warn golfing envugh in and was yusl going slale It wasnt fair to Dave or he loam nh In Oklahoma Mcmphlx 20 13 SK Loni 19 17 Mlnncsall 18 1qu 16 21 Homlon 15 no 7ll21151 137 Ill 51111161 Sliollot 41111171 915 Fridlyl flrlnll Oklahoma Cily Mcmnhln TonluMn 6mm Mlnnunu St Loni Mcmphlx Sl Loni Mlnncsall 1qu Homlon nahimarc at Providrnce Ruchexjcr ng Qucbcc 1mg grind through mush terrain and lubmro temper tum came an end Herb flows of Minneapoll mm III muwmobilo Acton the finish line before group of cation fly THE CANADIAN PRESS Hubs Promote Grant In Minor Adjusting AIHIII IIOHIIHMNK mum Mamm DIM xrulu 1mm mo mum um um um ma mo M134 1m 71mm Mir l2 IS 37 Ill II 126 101M ll 36 All IIH VHI 111 Ill 30 III 17 70 nlll Alvlhnlhrvl 1le Man lN Iuunm lulu Dvpol Nth Olllu 72MB work he may be ready tn take dlaws place on re SCORES 81 IN DIM Blake said he wanled to see Mm Grant wlm hm scored goals in the same number games in the 01M can do in the NHL Hell alsn be dressed ngainsl the Bruins at Boston Smday The Rangers will have mm dinerent plnyus in law since their last ann visit New Years night Phil Goyeltn the dependable centre mlumeddn notion Lhrs week after missing 1mm with nbdmninal injuries Doug Minson has been re called mm Baltimore Clippers he Ambrican Hockey League along with Ray Cullen while Reggie Fleming is also with New York atlcr recent trade with anlun for John McKenlin Clly Tldul OHIu 716 6515 Inmhcr weekend gums the Bruins have fourgame win ning streak going far them when they visit Tomlo tonight lpcclaloru SK Paul Minna 5013 Howe placed first In 459mm snowmobile maralhnn that slatted Tuesday in Winn peg Manitoba 0an handIul of he 56 original Itarlen man aged to complete the endur TOVANGOUVER The Smart way lo 5mm and lmvoll Nucllnlnn coanh sunln nll msovvod In advance no Ulllfl cusl RED FARE ONE WAY For othur aconomy MILWMIU and Ulua lulu call ARCHER MOTORS Dan the WW prlca nl In 66 moddl mm you hnddcr We have the Inner In thl like new IBM Sedan DeVlllt fill nfllsllndlnl one owner Cldllllc ls llnlslled In buulllul Ihlrln lrrldurnt Spruce lllflI lllh mnlchlnl lnlerlor lrlm ll In hm Ihnl well and on It doubl lhll Sherlock llnlmrn wllh the lid 01 In an pltcu could drlecl In mum fly Ilmk on Inc lrrlar llnlsh The Interior llnllhed III will of Nnrlh Amerlul llnnt llbvlcl ll um mallul one mm mum In which Ina mm bun drlnn No wurn ml numb Inn fire or youmll Incmry llullh rhmne opllnnl ll uln out fly paer nut Ind powrr wlnflnwl It Thrill In myrlnd apllonll Handrd In lllll llnl lulamobllr Thu wool In In ullnll War II HI drlu ll lodny For ynur mmlufl II no dllpllylnl uln our Ruled ulrd ur Ihov mm For lurlhrr drumum ronlnrl MIth Arrhrr lllllSONAlJIY I67 Bradford 5L Bnrrl lhnne 1mm HAVE YOU LONGED FOR THAT DREAM CAR 64 CADILLAC CANADIAN NATlONAL Boston defenceman Ted Green Who suflened summed knce ligaman in shaving match with Detroits Eda Nes lmnlm may will be sido lined or month Chicago Muck Hawks play has In Dclmil Red Wings nlghl and than fish Dani My Ibrunw will meet RanD gar at New York Sunday nnce lest chtnrdnys final leg or 74 miles from SL Cloud Minncsoln was run In 21ho low weather The innovation of ficially opened the annual St Paul Winter Carnival AP Wirepholn Illrr harm 1mm 50 Inn 51 Bank Onl ELECTRIC INDUSTRIAL WIRING COMMERCIAL WIRING Phone 7261859 WAllWlN

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