IHIVMH lllM Hum vm mu Mannlull HM Inulu up 11 nM lKlllfl Ilm Under the ukilful control honnnl my Hm rInmshrll burkcl wllh our inlorlncklnx 10 Inch long mm dropped over ht npplinnm Is and drum hun Incl nml nnnin descends on them wilh crmhlng llnllenA n1 Mow Ilka rlenrhrd Ill The Ihnhrml Mrrrknuu Im medinlely lumlml by Iho mum Inn walllnu lrnmmrl lmlIrr About our 12 lhcso mo landed dailyv Stalled In law by Mr HmyA Icel bucket plungcd Ihrough your kilrhon calling grabbed he drigcmlnr and mm In rrushiua jaw and dis Ippcmd nkywnrd wilh me wrcckuge you would be shocked wax wilh Alarllcd hurlnn Non lhmloro hill watchcd old can washing machines runne nnd rtlrlgcmlou being lllltd hopped pumllcd nan Imuhed the Hand Head auto wretkinu yard Ins Mock II Bond Head Wrecker Sends Scrap To Steel Mills THESE TWO Hoislein mlcs were selected as In IIICanadian progeny of dam or the 1965 show season Ci laflon Gm 101 Is the mom LOCAL IIERDS calmed In thn IllCanadian awards cl max of flu current show sea lon tar Holslclns Inlernauon al Alliance he junior cham pion Hakim It the AllAmer COUNTY HdiSTnmstianhG ï¬LLCANKDIKNKWARDS lvmly Hr hhiwwnl lu Iva llmlflll New wreckan lechnlqucx ml equipment Hmflally tlnnuhell rnnm run he run In worm Ihrec lnm mum mun lormtrly ponlMe flm rullcru with 201m londl map can Mam bola brann dawn Copper pnrflculnrly has in be runnved even In mull Amount ll has bar rlfcrl on batch of noel lmnnrd my mid All onInn mnlelnl surh is unhulslcry um glnu und wood hn lo mm We collect icrnp metal and uh autos mm local yards and mm as distant III Collinm wow Grnvcnhum Oshnwl Ind Kllchcner Inlxl Menard llrny Farmer also bring In 101 old lnrm machlnery Hum nuxa Wreckers unliku canvenuonnl yard chlclly concerned with collccllnx and ruman scrap mclal or shipment to necl mkllx allCanadian Iouryoarold hell er or Glennnou Farm at A1 lislon and Richard Schleissner Jerseyvllle Non Leedl Rock man Juan ii the reserve all Canadian byearold heifer ican dairy show Hani burl PL and the Internation al Dairy Show at Chicago was named ailCans junior yearling bull He was bred by Siewart Bolton who am him in partnership with Ifgnd Head Auto Anglm also nme and hnr ulnl mm mm Ihila flnh nur lrflnluw um Inks lymll Ilmwlng mu In my rml Al KImrmhll lay ml llululnm vluul Awnan 1n mm hum he Orlllln Ilunleu Iml Anzlm Huh mam any Iwu mun Irmll mum In Moth Th Ikhlvm Ill lull lull no udm mapr1 llmlnlfll Drrmmrnl link and wllllilu mprnlmr Hub Imllvr mm lhnl hilly ml Mm Mr ml rm ave hm mm In tho ooh Hay ml Anglm mumd Ivy pmmrnl In unthul ll Yl llnwl In unlrl III III dunmmn The 0mm Dannnmenl Llnrll Ind Fmvu pom lhal wlnlnr In llan warm wrll undorny wlm over 1000 Id hm on Lake 84mm nl Indy 11 Ir Ihlclmru mum mm niml In mm Inrhrl ullh Ir MY huvirnl In nln Hay Thln ll uumly on ha hrnl In ln mm own Ice Fishing Season Makes Good Start Thrrclm Inr ram being Mod Mrlp mMnl my mum in tho arm at new urn trac Ian brldm hmno nppllnncox mmpum awn halr rurlm Wu The bahI are lhan dumpcd Mo he urme and mixed wllh dlflerenl type Iron are de pending on Ihc typo at like requlmd Scrap mm In an mcnunl purl nl lice mnklnz laid Leonard may given the Heel cmnln highly dcslrable properties muuunz mm Ice by our lee high wurK powerlul aulic bale ll 010 pllnt cvmpmsu tha map lnlo bundle weighan lwn to hm Um Ind mcuurinl hm mnnmn Then lt ll unloaded in nboul 20 mInulns also by lho clam Ihell buckets Crane magnets are no suitable or thls work haul the map to Hamilton 11 or Gionaflm Farm The group liood Kim the Royal Winter Fair he Paierborough Championship xhow and Penn sylvanin AilAmerican dairy lhow Jim Hon Ihalo Gaunt BaxHe He was also 1er dlmnpion at the Simoe lowly Black and Whit day Ind rcserve junior chnmman at the Pelerbamuh almpinnship show Rem berg Photo vn Mm Iuln wl ave nwl In on Ib lin Mrh lull Inln mllrn ml lvvllr lmxmlt drainm lruwmi ml Im lnld Mu firmlth my ml Alumon WM llw Mlmnh Idw um lnlmlmld by ml of flu hlurutlnn mnmru Md Fm val mu Uvmlmi by Mn IkUaulvy 111 mm mun gr Mu John but no m4 Mu ljmrlt 1de ML Mmml In Wm 10 luv lwnn In Jumlnvy nwllnm Hath nnwpml loll tall hy Mudnl lllr IM lvurllvr nlhl HM INWIL Mn mm An Inlrm ling Imnhrr nhrn nh ppnh my nmuhy evenlnu ourhrr 11 MM Mom In play and prim um wm Man Mn Alon WnlIur and Aran fllllrl huh Mm Mlnldu McIntyre and lilwnml Olllcn mnml Mu Iunc lhnnllvr and any Woodward dmr prim uuul lar Hull my Onllln Mnny yurl hrnllh and nm wllhui Mr John Inmlly gathering wnl hold Frilly Jun II In honour Allan Jnhlqu who in brnllu MI ulh birthday Al lho hnmn Mhl non nun of Ike Fnlrrn llon met at Ihu ham my Ilulhrrrnrd wllh good num llancl Tyson Lnnnmnn chnlrrd lhu mrrflnu In nlncnm prrslllrm Don MLIAnd Jan wmte anslom CM Inmr nnra rrprrwnlnuu Invu III In mun Ilk hunch wu ur Nd Dan Mrltod mended he ban qutt and mating the Here fnrd Auoclnuon 1n Guelph on the weekend 11 MRS ll JOHNSTON Min Fun nummm II patient In Soldier MLmoriIl flVpilllL Grillin Jlm langmnn and 11mm Johnxlan Mlandnl 3mm Un Inn bnnquc Ind mcdlnz In Brndlord SUNNIDALH CBS And run Inble um 10 reprclcntnflvcl from 11 Canada nble far the ï¬rst lime outside of Quebec province Iain In dluusslan freely In hclr own llnxungo bet of Ilmullnnmus rnnslnlian mv Icc lly Mlll flpflEllT AH Prosperous graln and live atock grower ram the Pralrlca and Ontario rubbed shoulder will mpmscnlulhes ol ownm through Eastern and Wealth Canada These were he klnd at Arms that Forcslry Mlnlalcr Snuva old delegales Thuraday made only marginal wnlri buLion Io olal agrlcullurnl pro ductlon of Canada ganlzauons in th country passed nearly no resolution ling with every mt nl arm mumy ca em Ontario armor whovdm hIs own work was in sharp contrast in British Co lumbian who told of hlrinz mm to pick drautcrries at $25 day mxom cmPoverty and plenty met during the flute dny Innual meeting the Cana dinn Federation 01 Agricul ture which ended Thursday Canadian Farmers Conclude Meeting SFROUD Stall Barrie Ag ricullural Soder elected their director he annunl meeting held here sday evening mums The 17 directors were nomin SEVENFIVE breoden from six provinces And our stale had anlmalx nominated lot illCanadlan consideration level allng In the Cumin RUGBY EXPECT MOUNTIMTHIN OTTAWA CWAdmin Lard 11min llnunthnllrn will amdally apcn It Ilwynl Cann dlnn Iliflflnl nutlonnl rnnvul Houln Manlml Aprll 17 ll vial nnunmd hlrlny Funenl Icrvicu wm held at Tullcnhnm Saturday or lnr mar mldcnl he unm Flaulr Sdhtll Mom her marrlnxo she llvd uhrm Mr and Mm Bill Inuenmn now live Mr Mrs Juidlscul mm lrcshmcnu lelo receiva wore about mo 1m than last week and about 500 head kn Hum the lame wad In 1965 flarelpu Irom TORONTO CPD Trading wu aclivo with higher prlcc on all classes and grade nl lnughlcr callle nl ho Onlnria Public Stockyard Ihlx NIL RaplnaamLm cattle were In men nupply on heavy dc mnnd veal call and lamb mlm wen Heady whlla ha prlm renthcd hluh wicuuem Olhcr directors are Car rulhers Fch Churchill Cccll Campbell Cyrll ka Archer Colwill Dobson Ralph Franklin Mrs Harry Foyston John Fenne Mrs Gamer John Hughes JermLy Miss 11 Lloyd and Siml mom lha elccllon of he mulnr dlr eclurl wu conducted by Blll Malcamson Elllnu Cole was roelccled muny moiflym Kindly pm EIIrhn II um imam Mull Emmimt LA TNT TlIIMl HIT The nominations were men ed unanimously by the mceling Due lo the bad weather lllero were only paid up member present and 12 of them were direclurn Following Una elccllon Frank Hersey was chosen presidnnl the socier or 1966 ll auc cecdl John Hughes Smith wax elected as ï¬rst vlcbpruldcn Ind Keith Sanderson and VIMpresident Trading Prices Were High At The Public Stockyards aled by committee of lhrce pan presidents Scott An tcn MEL and Owen and both Barrie éFOR 1965How SEASON mum allCanadians and 15 honorable mention Bond Haven Signet Sally bred and owned by klswell Ecc lon wax named reserve all Canudiln aged cow or 1965 nun IECHNICOLOH TECHNIBCOPE ALI nmvn Ile MRHAN ADVENTURE axnaamfï¬‚ï¬ Fflï¬ï¬ï¬‚mmmflu OIJEY FU MANCHU0R EVERY LIVING TMIflG WILL DIE Ml Hull IN mum Men And lmh 1AM mod mb MWJl Al Tor onto ILBO III1 heavy mu wJfl um 25 hour mid hve wrlxhl 20 wllh murllnu up 41 Cnlm 1750 Choicn enlern 5741 WI odd la 50 good 523 madlum 164 mm mm bone 1711 Replnctmrnl It Good alockru 1521 good mar flock calm 2529 commnn nnd mo dium 2071 Weslcrn Cnnnda totalled hand of cafllo and 38 calm Said ma market In the Unilcd Slnlu wnru about 120 head of calm and mlm Bllulhhr ulflu 10500 amine slotrs 21502950 high yluldlng slam lamam good 2128 medium mm com mon 194150 rholce haiku 2750 luncy 215071 good 2L2 medium 2150 2350 rvmmnn 1521 chnlmlcd yur up 2140 good 25927 good town 17 with Inlcs lo 1550 madlum 1550 1630 cznncu and cultm 1115 good heavy balumn lmlll 10504050 com mun and mmllum llgM I749 er mm 11 he lunlor lair board are Hank Van Voorsl Slnyner Llndn Crock Slnyncr Wayne Rusull MM hunt and Kcllh Caldwell Shin ly Bay wan camel Fisher of Thnmlon was elected president and Diana Tuck ofnnlnrric acgrclary directors of the MM lair board were accepted by meeflnl The Junlor member held lhgir elecq earlier Mn rennan was honored or his work or lhe society He has been director mice mo and is pm chairman 01 lbs bugdlngApommlllee lug club hoard Elected honorary diredou In the suclcly for this year were Scott Owen Brenna Mrs Vera MaguIre Del GCough11n secretary treasurer and Mr Mzcomsnn as manggc There to be another dlrcclor appointed by the Bax115 Curl lng Club Also socidy direc tor will be appointed Io Iha curl Although nine year old she was the second prize cow the Royal winter Fair Pre viously she had been twice all Canadian aged cow and also all Canadlan ouryeamld Jim Rosa Photo ml mm woxmm Tlrnnzaml legal11 CIoudy wllh Intermittent ligh snow in day clearing tonight Sunday Niagara Variable cloudiness with light snowflurrles today and tonight Snow Sunday Cold winds west 20 today north 15 Sunday bake Huron southern Geor gian Bay London Variable cloudiness and nowilurrlel Some drifting Wind west to northwest Is to 75 llaliburion Killaloe northern Georglnn llay Algoma Sault Ste Marie White River Nnrlil Bay Sudbury Mainly sunny and cold today and Sunday Wind northerly to 15 Synoplix Very cold wealher mull over Ontario and most of Canada and lira eath and central Uniled States Anolhcr storm is expected to man up the Atlantic Coast Sunday bringing new to the Niagara ration Lulu St Clair Lake Erie Laku Ontario Windsor Tor onto Hamilton Sunny and cold today Sunny varlxble cloudi ness with law snawflurries Winds west 15 today northwest 20 Sunday 16 Bayfinld SI IIECIM PRILTJ rnn TIIIJ ENHMXEMRNT ADULT 11 RUBEN IUD mlwnm WE SELL mun mung Low at he Exmnjner last night was our degree belww while emth at am was Amine cold the mm for Ming this weckmd are ex There will be oecuional mawflunles dfméng hm RUBBER STAMPS WEDDING STATIONERY MIMEO PAPER Remdining Cold QVér Weekend BARR WE PRINT DISTRICT WEATHER MIT 11m TODAY WINTER 0000 AN 5mm norm MTLMNG IAMIHI wmmk CARNIVAL LETTERHEADS ENVELOPES INVOICES CHEQUES CLUB NOTICES PISTBICT THE BARRIE EXAMINER PRINTING SERVICE FOR YOUR PRINTING NEEDS Variable cloudiness snowflurrles today Snow Sunday Cold 20 today north 15 EXAMINER mummy JANUARY GYPSY KING DIES DAYTDNA BEACH Fla APiThe 51vynamld king 20000 Knidaram gypshs Larry Mitchell died cancer Thur day night Hundreds of mem ber of Vlhe tribe Wm migrated from India decades ago gathered Friday to pay homage to the king lying in Hale Many stuffed doiinr hm into his hand to help him according Io trib custbm van mm mu galu edï¬nnce In heaven muanlllui North Bay Sudhury Earllon Sault Ste Marie Kapuskaslng White River gnome Tnmmms er Maunl Forest Wingham Hamilton Sc ACaharincI Toronto Pcterborough Kingglon mumw Muskoka uumr St Thomas mainly xunny and northwest 15 snow mo ms ms All HUNDAY ramu Tempernlï¬u Low tonight hlxh Elma17 rm 7266537 coId Wind ll max