Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 29 Jan 1966, p. 1

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The Hometown Daily NewspaperFor hassle and District tomThar No24 1an WAS the on Bosh ons Boylston street this mom tng attra iast nights explosion and fire that claimed at least fr nine lives and Injured scores The blast and following the ripped through two bars cot fee shop and lustory hotel The blast blew out 60foot section of sidewalk in frontal the structures AP Wim Photni Minority Govt Relaxeg dither Confidence VotesI OiIAWIi CPI After sur viving three tests of confidence within week the minority Liberal government was given breather Friday when the opposition parties agreed to pass money supply motion next week without another pon eonfidencc vote George lilcllrailb the govern nrent ifouso lender announced the agreement late In the day as the Commonsploddcd trrnuch tile secondlast day of the rightday throne speech de The attrcement provides for conclusion ot the supply debate byes pm Wednesday and de hote in the days following on all the spending estimates for the loom fiscal year This will clear the decks for introduction of the 196651 esti matcs whiehlhe government has promised by midFebruary There might be formal vnte Monday on the throne speech but It can be approved with only an Informal show of hands DISCUSS FORMULA The apparent death of the Fulton Favreau formula for amending the constitution occu pied much of the Commons time Friday with Prime hilnlll for Icnrson Opposition Leader Dietcnbaker and other film calling vfor further efforts to bring It home from Iiritaln reiiritlng It and working out an amending formula Iremlrr lungs wrote the obituary when he Informed the prime minister his government has decided aganst mkng ap proval for the formula In the legislature The other nine leg islalurcsapprovcd the formula but unanimous consent Is neces sary lilr Dosage endorsed the for mula in loot but now has taken notice of Union Notionale party views that it would confine the provincos to their present fields Iifr Pearson said during qucslioh period that parllzb menton committee might be sci up to study alternative methods for amending the cons stitullun NDI Leadcr Douglas later proposed that the committte should first study needed changes to the obsolete con stitution hlr Pearson said It might be difficult to agree on new con stitulion before an amending procedure Is worked out COULD HEAR WITNESSES Mr Douglas said the com mlitce could hear expert wil posses and consult with cool mlttccn of the provincial legis Inlurcs The NDI lendcr also rapped the rim minister for rioting on fonday that the govern ment inlcadtd to proceed with the formula when already Guy Iovreou the president of the Privy Council lincw that Mr Lessee had scuttled it finturio liverspends Budget But Ends Your With Surplus TORONTO tCIi The Oil trnlo gnwrnmcnl collected ncany morocco more urnn expected during the last fiscal roar the provincial auditor titurge Spcnte reporlrd However the golrrnrlvnt Ilsfl orerrprnt its budget and mint up with surplus lust un rfrr worm Mr Spence certifying the pluvinrrl financial operations In tht fti tirtnl rar envi Ing Inrl hlarrll II had only minor rrrnrrrrlrtrulntiolrr to mth about litltilrlmplrll with is in his annual report to tho lrttlslnlllrt Operating revenue of 117 xmm and operating mill lures of iioiorolpoo were triple the pruvlnrlnl budget of II ycnrl rlgu Ontarios net debt In llio rnmo IDycor period from ltifat to lord almost lluublvtl to unionism The main smutrs of revenue about Do per not of tho tntni were Airpnrnlinnn tax gnli oilnn tax Imtlvldunl lnrnmo tax retail sales luv lirplnr ton trnl Iltflllf rrluiur tlliili II mes flfItI ruclvrion duties In that Hill thltf llenlv nf military or pelldrture were rdnrnltnn tnno mil of every three rlnllnrsly health service public debt rllnrgrl highways Mill Irlforn rcrvirrs Vatican Envoys Seeking VATItriN CITI lAIiJnpq Iaul today slrggrslrd Itnitril Nation arbitration through prlltrnl nalfInr for ending lb VIII Itnlrl War II riilrr on dnrud frrsidrnt lnhmnnl prarrl umire The Pope who ril all llllllr rule for the Italian atbolir Ireu Assnrlntirrn After brief rrrrntlori rt Inlrlh nlaltun lhr Inpo turned to rIrI Nsm This pvar oftenslvn ll tn In Irlltcn In IllI he not rnmrinlac bhn Iltil llllpaltll of lllillarrarlnu ammo glnlv In plain in VI lltilryio oa Viet Nun it mLVJMrJin Peace not he not rrliable rind authoritative trstlrnnuy for be lining that Johnsons campaign as alrrml It rpasnosblr and turntable nurnltalbmr tilt said he rrcrcltrd lhnl so It has not had tirwillie rorqilnn About Illriltntlim he said Who knows tierr finally an nrtdirattm by bu Untth Nil llrmo urlrnsletl to nrulrrl on lone lrrlgfd tlimnitnw an mnld hope for nob thing Mon tulavim tilde in rrsnill tbot hlr nwtinn io ay MG mil We are witnessing govern ment by trial and error with error in the ascendancy he said Mr Douglas said the consti tulionnow lying in Britain as the British North America Act of lamshould be rewritten to incorporate bill of rights set out the powers and tax re sources or the provinecs and recognize the special status of Quebec MauricoAliaid independent Conservative MP for Sher broolre called for new con stitution to provide for official bilingualism lie urged the gov ernment to set up faint Com mons Senate committee to draft new constitution ARENT SATISFIED htr Allard professor of can slilutional law at the University of Sherbrooke said French Canadians are no longer satis licd with the constitution and are orgresort to federal Intrus Ions into education and other provincial responsibilities Ile rc ctcd Independent for Quebec cause It would leave 1000000 lreneh Canadians helpless and vulnerable in cul aim inVnlen from the United ates Viateur Ethicr ii Glen garry Prescott said the In dustry department should do4 ctnre the eastern Ontario town of linwkesbury designated area so the community can at trart new industry with federal tax lnccntlvcs Mr thier raid Inst year the tow paid out more than £210000 In welfare ssrirlsnce although Its total population ll only about arm persons asoolrsplaume victim II canied from Boston hotel follmving an explosion and fire Friday night At lcast nine hotel Friday night Gold with snowflurriesu Low tonight rem High tomorrow above zero For complete summary turn to page tive 60 Are Injured Three Seriously BOSTON MP in thundering underground explosion ripped through losiorey downtown turning it late roaring inferno lit least nine persons wcrs killed and 60 others Injured mount Hotel The blast lore apart bar on the street floor of the Para scnding patrons plunging to the basement amid tanglod hurtling beams Eight of about 60 persons taken to local hotels were ad miltcd and three were on the danger list Among them was fireman William Shca who was awallotfi reported to have leaped through me to rescue Woman Authorities said about 150 patrons fled without assistance were killed and more titan 50 Irtiured AP ercphotoi Insurgncirfissn Favors Onts Medicare Plan TORONTO tCPiTho Cana dian Ilenlih Insurance Associ stion agrees with the Ontario Medical Insurance Act and pro posed amendments to it says George Watson president of the association nlr Watson in press re lease Friday said the act pasted In 1965 made adequate provision for all Ontario resi deals by assuring health Insur snee coverage to all persons regardless ol arc state or health tori ability to pay at reasonable rates and with micrnrncnt assistance to those who cannot provide for them selves Tho newly announced anlrndmcnis to the act have not nlltrtd the fact that those hcrclofore unable to obtain cov erage new will be able to do so in this respect we agree because we believe the role of XtIHerlitM should he to pro vide assistance when It is re quired Ilowrrrr lifr Watson ext prrsscrl hope that the govern rrunt Inrurnncn coverage will Mrs Ghandi Faces First Big NEW Dlililll tAII F0001 drmnnslrnllnnl exploded In vlot race In snulhwrsl lntlln Friday and prrscnlrd lrlrrlr hliulrler Irs Indira tiandhl fullvlrlrmn lrlsin Ilvu days after she took office Angry noun protesting the Iartr of rice unit on the min are in Irrany elites oi Hrrals Ilfllt halting trains and sun In thorn rl rping up errhl and clashing with police its not rlrc Iho nlntwi rilnlrtul lira nil rira or about us Mrs fiamlhi sworn to Mon dav had plannrvl In vistl Km rsla Friday but rulitlnnml the trip on ortilro of bar lltlfl who suggested she let things root down rr bit Ilrnt casualties reported were tun police nlfittrs IlDlltll and injured by mob In Irlrirur port city on the old Malabar rnaII Farther north along the marl rrrub ntInrired news paper nIIIro In Ilrnnhulaln Twu pnlittltitn ntwatrliprr employers and rcvrral riotrri were hurt Itsrain rl prlllltal pttrlrlrtn Italn for yours rule at the first to feel tho pinch of In dlna llnlelailriil Inod crisis severe drought and it short are In agricultural production ltlroaton as many as ILMJM Indians with starvation lhlr your In THE EXAMINER Today Suit Permission To Build Barrio ApnrtmontP Elect Dirstore OI Darrin Agricultural SotlotyP trprls Cspturo Flrst PlatoP ClassifiedI0 ll Comics9 Death NotlruiO District5 Editorial4 rtel intro5 Weather Women sd be made to pay its own costs and that rates will be adjusted when necessary to meet changes in costs IRHIER ONTARIO ILAN With these reservations he said we much prefer to see medicare plan of the univer sally available type rather than the compulsory version being planned in Ottawa Mr Watson cstimnlcd that with he new governmentspun sored plan taking care of the needy more than 90 per cent of Ontarios population would be covered by medical insur ancc We would hope that nllh such result the Ontario pro gram would be recognized as qualifying under any reason able lnterpreiation of the fed eral governments universal re quimncnt Spokesman for several non profit henlth insurance plans said they expected to be able to operate much as before with little likelihood that they would be much affcctcd by the now government scheme Dr Jason Ilunnuli spokes man for Associated Medical Services said AMS will be able to maintain competitive position compared to the gov ernment scheme Rhodesian Govt Tightens Gas Use SIIIIISIIUIHv tCllIIle IllIIi tlnlan government of Itlll Smith totlny extended its already rcvrm gasoline rationing by one nounrlrlg ttlnl ductan would no longer be exempt front rnllun III Iirrnnrd Milricti minister of rouuuerrr and industry nu nnunccd that the Iutnl exculp tlorl frnnl ilnsnlirrt rulloning for doctors would be withdrawn Feb The rtnlcrrrrnt said all dncv tors who wrrr previously curiri would be Issued with nrlrllr llonai garniiuo rwruriln rnlilllng them In draw up In in gallons of gasoline is work luring tho portal from Feb ii to April Ieirlillilc 511 lIny Nearby furlrlrr premier of the old Itho llcslnu federation said In an In fcrvhw pirlrleiicil la Nairolif Krrrya be letclrs ltirodcrln elm Itlftlit ictinonrlc sanctions If it is prtpnlcrl to arrrpt tun sidrrnlrle unrrnplnyrucnl nod lnwrririg of standards Illiotllslu Ilft plcilly nf IWII nnll rrlnizr he said and filia IlIII rrillnnlng was as yet so Iltrtlt Iriruiiry Ktlltl Itluxlrrinu bu liIlrsrrrVti lilrir Mrri ftcltrlg the HI Impact of rlnriouilc n1an thrill werp lrctntlllliu Iritiir but they run litrI have ninth intlu cure on the ill rcgtrric Must Recognise Viei Cong Belorerlouco Says lied Leader HUNG KttNtl Itrutcrs IrcIdrul Ifn Ill IIIInIi of Ninth trt Nam said in icller pub llslrcll Friday that It the MINI Stntro really want peace It must rrrngnlro and tlrnl nllir thl linlrth lct Nani National littwtnliml Frunfpnltlcsl arm of the Slot Cong glrrrlillas Ih Ninth lrt Nllrl news lcrnry said Itos lellrt not sent Isn It In nullllrr at heads of tureign governments Ila llln raid If Ilul II want ware It must call permanent all to air attacks against North Itot Nam The tailor criitriml at length tlnlId hInlra conduit In bI bnm not said ashlrlllnrt hnr Iwn rlnnmrlns sirnil Ilo hire for pur In hie bf frlnl In world public opinion Tito potrplt of hinlllt Iri Nani the victlru of surre slim nrrtl are lighting in soils titfonts the letter said If lhe ltlilltl filnlcs really uantl rwitr it must rrrnlnlln Iht South lcl Nair Nullrinfitl Irttnl Ior Idlrtfalltnl II III Illlt marina rrprrscntrllir at mpis at South lrl NIH and engage In nogotlatlnns with It AIIK REIIIIHNII The agency said the letter no cent In state ieadars of flu snrlslist countries many rnunlriu rrmcerrml with lilo tit fienvrl Iarrontcnu on Irt Nani runny nationalist countries and mam other mun lrlrs ohtrlr rnlurrned airtan the Wet Nlm stlustim Several others were feared trapped and firemen worked Ih Into the morning house searchA lag them ROCKS NEIGHBORS The explosion also rocked the adjacent Plymoth Hotel nine storey building with first floor night club Ilut au thorities said the flames did not spread to the structure The blast blow out 60foot sccton of the street and left pile of coneretc glass from shattered windows and ice from water used to fight the flames Kenneth lfarrison of Boston ovals sitting at the bar with gir reached out for Ivor hand IIIIIIiItIIN IVut Germany tItruterstAlrllne officials and police today began the grim task at Identifying the to charred bodies ot passengers and new of West German nib liner which crashed and burst into flames here Friday night The lwincnginrd Lufthansa Convnlr on roulInc flight Irnm Frankfurt to Hamburg plunged Into field on the edge of fireth Airport The plane olcrsllnt lhe runs way after landing Iltciriplv and was trying to regain nIlIIude when It crarhcd Tinre were no surlivnrr among the t2 pnuengcrs IIRtl four vrrw members Idtlhuusa said Illr timing Ilitllltlttl popular irrrrurn rrrnvie tltlrrsl Aiin ilichcltltnvn and six iliclllbrrs of Italys iiatirrrial swimming team on their any here for art inlcfrintlnnal litlm ndug mrrl II our liuroprs artllnrl turnv IiltlttII uiiiliitnr tlllntlrr fills out till Mnluln in prison tlillI when Mr Air llitlirt llotlill 707 nilillrplirlg Iii ltllltl ll tie nova rumour lulu the by stupor on the Irrruh side of blunt Iilant LATE tivtifll sit tllalripimshiw ila of Aunris rbo lltliiltui tint ttli Aillantllrtl newspapor nragnnto Friday for trestrnmt nt IDNIMIN tli Irrolirns Itrv rim Islnr the iceladen debris for fl and there was he said She had gone through the liner Then all ot sudden was in the cellar too and could see her arm sticking out ofsome wreckage Craters torn open along Boyl ston Street belrhed forth tinfoot flames and manhole covers turned white hot Rescuers staggered amidst debris that was quickly coated with Ice In ifidegrce temperature IN coniunr zoNn The early evening explosion took place In Bostons socatlod Combat Zone an area at Ihe Heston Common studded with rock roll bars smallrestau rants and two theatres showing adults only movies One witness IAo Kelso 16 of South Huston had first passed it Paramount and the adjac ent Plymoth ilotel when he card the blast When looked back he said saw all the windows of the hotel just sort of cave out and then there was loud nt plosion and orange inside There was car In front at the building and when the sec ond explosion went off its front end lifted up like it was on strings The last of IhLIlrts were not put out until about 230 am Meanwhile city officials the Massachusetts department of public utilities and the Boston nothing there Gas Co were looking for cause 46 Are Killed In West German Airliner Crash The Convalr exploded on 100 yards from the fringe of oils Ing area Persons living nearby said flames shot lso yards Into the air and turned the field Into blazing infrmo Urge fiovt IIutluw Hate Literature TORONTO tCIi Freedom spceril must sometimes he rd tn the Inlrrcltl of so lhe Irglslnlurr not told lriday In presentation of two separate rnolutloni sitting tho frdrrsl gnicrnrucnt to amrud the Criminal Me to outlaw tiiilll hale lilcraturc Iftlwuill Iluninp tICForcst Itilli said that if the rrsnlultonl mIIHlI try hlliiltlf and art orutrrl by Vernon hlngrr ti ltnwtlsiiiwt were paslrrl tilt prtriltttinl hnurt will haift rlarupril hnlr librotun II on tittwptntrie to tho ltlhlfllllN mat in Triple nt thilntln Ihe ptirrlc Iflizrt nt Irate rrlougrrlrlg hal twp Jru anti Mirna lilr Itunlop gatl II It commenting rvl lrlrm Mintdrr of timmm In Ottawa nldry rc rnuld happen In any pulp NEWS Nancy Groorlo Second Ill fop Shl Event stirrl tltiltVAlti tram tar Naliry mm Illnslalttl III was IVittti In the rtnwplllll unit of the ttrgrlil lris it Saint mot Hat son by lirlis IJIJWJIN are run nm the saint Urum with distaan tr arm rurtru and tllup rt sin nrrtm Lord Thomson Admitted To HosplIal ilnd IIusnnn of loot livirnrrohl tanv Illatlr Itnnsr no admitted to Impltal hm irittumra It It Ilaruin his mil and presidrsrt rd IIrnnwn vapntvrs Id said It nu nothing minis fella Started For Quasar Vllll In 67 blkuulflm Im been word rel it pustulin of risit Ivy Ibo QM In mods for uni years reritumlnl nie quhmnan said today II was earliris statement In the little gliding MK visit everything was

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