Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 28 Jan 1966, p. 9

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99 Dr Huh II mllml In Innhwwl Inllvllnl Our hell valhr Ill munlrvl In lllm hr WW vrrvlmu MM MI MM am an arllu mum VI WI urrutllo Ina ummimv mhhnp Invnlvinu molar an dllven Ivy lwu Incnl mhltnln oc tumd few dun an lhn IM the Ian IIHI an IM llnulrvnnl Tlmo wrrn no pm mm Wm umlmlnml mm mm ulll Mu In In Milw rvl IN palm and mum will In nppflgfhfd Th9 ImAr ml Imll rumrvl mu hwlzr hm wlm Salm mr mm mum hunt HI Milvl vvl mm Hymn tml Iwhd unlwmly bunk Dy ALLAN INGRAM 0n Salurduy mumlnl pm enlallnn ram Innlshl Cuuncll ynnlinllnu of Illave Jnuph rnne DrpnlyHceva Eben luul Cuunrlllnr Allan Todd Iccumpanird by Road sum Inhn Iowan Isuul lmnhly In 10 lmk mm and IIIFME on Mllon lo be lnkrn in mun lu mun enl mallrrl Hmmrd Ivy Inla mlun llnm ant which mm It ml rounrll Al lhrlr Iul mm In Inll uhIrh ham hull NP orlnl In our In column II II Inlng lmnxml In anIy nun Ill yummy hm hodgu nhmurl Um flaw of mm um hll amullnn All have In mumd rmvhhd or In fiat rmtrln m1 Homan all rrrlnln um NH AM xluli wlm mm mm Irwlal Ilmlmuvl lmm Hu hmulnl Mmlny Mn Vil Hale Twylnr ol Tnan ldlnl Alum lnlmu mm Imr ul Fuhmlny 11ml um Irl IJrnll In mm hnnpllnl lmm ulnmnlllnl vlrln and II In hnwl IN will luv ml NDIHL Mr and Mn amp bcll upon Inn weekend in Voter borough with Mr and Mn Mn elia Phillipps and Ian on me 71 or pollday In Florida Wu mend uymyamy la Wu Icy Caldvmll 1n the death his Aislcr Mn llcula Unity of Richmond HilL Mr and NH Gordon Caldwell Mr Ind Mn llowml Caldwell Mr Ind Mn no Perklm and other nlallvu lllcnded um luneral on Tuudny Cangrnlulnllonl In Mr Ind llln Jim Clmnrnn on Ihe nr rlnl dnuxhlrr on Jan lha lloynl Vltlnrln llnmllal Friends More will be lnltml ed lo knuw Ihnl Mr and Mn Orvnl MMrlhur on va ullon ln llawnll The annual meeting Gulh le Presbylcrlnn Chumh will be held next Tunsday evcnlng Feb dknl ndock lhn church Mr and Mn Gordan Caldwell 1md Mr and Mr Duncan amcron allcmlcd Ihe mm wed xng annlrcuary cclcbrallnn or lr and Mn ll Eplcll nl Coldwnler on Saturday cvcnlng Jim ad Ted Graham and Clnyron Ash of Carrie spent Lax Saturday hm Jim visited firl grandparcnls Mn and Mrs Alex Graham while Ted and Clayton and Paul Mellon spam Hm day lccfishing on Laka Slmcm ML and Mrs William Palun dnnlrul spent the weekend with the lallors mmAll Mr nnd MmWillimn Bcll and Dom ald Ind lamily Fresh Miss Jean Dame and friend were weak znd gucsu of Mr and Mrs Barnes By MRS ALLEN Mr and Mn Lelghhon Mo Ginnh and JanetGmm Valley Wm recent gut5A of Mr and Mn William Eel Mr and Mm Robert Hanson Mr on Mrs John Ashcroft held shower Saturday evening In humr of Mrs Ashcmfls sis kt Miss Rose Sense who to be married in mev $3 Jails 22 $1M lg Lucy ary awn was manw Rubens Ggorge Falconer and Debbie Buy Ridges spent the weekend with Mr and Mrs Omar Linton Mr and Mrs Ted Vusey and amliy Vascy visiledMr mi in Thomas Duckwarih one ay last weak Fiiira Nellie McCalg iiicssaion is visillng her ulster and bu therJiniaw Mr and Mrs Hay Vey Robinm Douglas Malihemls atinnl k1 Royal Victoria limit Bar if Mmasle of 55th and Mrs MtMaslcr atten ded the lunera Jan 22 Ympa extendai In Mr andMrs Victor McMnsler fam fly and relatives In the passing of Victors amervbuaw Mrs Ervjn McMgstn Mtg 31 Ccngralulaflmu Mr and Mrs Thomas Dudeoflh M10 celebrated the 62nd wed ding annivelsary May Jun and to Mr Duckwaflh who celebraicd his $5111 My Jan 24 Their son and daughterMA lanfln and Mn Aflhur Ditclmortht Bush 5L entertained Mn and Mrs Dudmarth Mr Ind Mr arm McBri Emm MISS Kala MéKevér Sugday Hanan MINIITS POINT By MM DUCKWORTH lrm1d Mg unilg Lee at By M115 CAMERON CROSSLHND GUTHRIE SIMCOE COUNTY NEWS com fay early ammoénl this whiteness had disappeared Ham MumJ wmmu lllilMly All rnu MEN TUIIOHTU LlhT Illm onn Mmmlllu ol AllOAl My TnlnMu mm III nnmnl lounnel mun Kim mm only nllM Hull ur um win NIIIHH 1h hurl film In Mr firm mum haw Irv mm Umr nw annual who In llulul dumh MM INM wl nnuhy mm Jan ll 1mm lu mmNN Hm HumrL ill MM ml llw PM HI hn HUM HM mm Irvl unnml IMmL Mi nulnnxqfiin lnw 1an Mn holiday In Um MIUL Minnmul Mu hinwr Iahuwr nl on Mr ml Mn an ry Dxnnln lnrflhh MIN flfl Mu qurh WIN man Inlay having Him In luv Munla wim hrr mlN Mu Wank Krlly TmmlL Mr KrlIy pnwd nuny lhmmlny Jun nllrr ahrn Illnan lnlvll 1ath 2mm wt nmmly Mm Iul mom Mu umulu MIL Mrmln thkr nwul lhn weckrml Onkvmr wllh Mr dnuzhlcr And Ionin law Mn nrr Mn lxlellfinzhfl dnuxhltr Anr Inn IIlnw mu Inm llyn Hunynnh rm may nllcmkd Ihe Ontnrlu hull and Vegrlahlc irnmrl Mmclfllltm rnnvennnn In Tflrlmln Orland Pr nc ngslon and my Frmrh Toronln mum their partnlu Mr and Mn El mrr Frrnch Mn and Mrl 0mm nmwn nt endcd lho luncml In mm lhcir IunL Mr and Mn Grahnm Drlnklll and Dnnnlrl 5pm the wcckrml with Mr nml film Hen DrlnMIL in SI Andrew axptal Mr and Mn Morn Darby men Sunday wilh Mr and Mn Jnhn Cnncr In Newmnkd nml mmch he chrlnlcninz urnice 01 their son Mr and Mrs Bruce nrown Mrl Spurnon Brown Mr and Mrs 0mm Brown Mr and Mn VilIMm Cnrltfl Mr and MM Mordm llilllnrd nml Mr and Mn Hex Imnklll nllcndrd lho luncgnl OLAllrcd nrnun Mn and Mn Nan French xpcn Sunday wIIh Mrs Ed Cal enfiur in Drudlord II MRS REG DMNKILL Garfield Brawn who has bran Ill has received word at the p151an his hmmcr Allml man In Unlonvllle in SL Mr and Mrs Walter Hall and daughtm visited Sxmday with Mr and Mrs Mm Vincy Bar mu Mn and Mrs John Vxlson and Sharon 5mm and Mr and Mn mm Sinclair CmnEo and Donna Rm Callingwood were Sunday guests of Mr and Mrs Stun nawn Fred they sulfercd stmke Saturday and is patient In General and Marine Hospital mmml Nchn Stadinz is 3150 on the sick list and in Barrie hospital Bah may was In Burks Falls on the weekend playlng hockey with Emvalo Pee Wm From all Ithct gum did well ccn pur chased by SaRmira oI Tor mm and Mrs Mel Sagc Sun nldale Corners were Su guest Mr and Mrs Harry New Fla Homemaking Club attended Achievement Day Kn Elmvalc Jan Nine girb empleicd the pmkrt Goths Closets Up Date Suzanne Finlay mived County Hams fort messlmly complicating l2 um highs Patrncm and Joanne Weslm Wm Sunday guests 01 Mr and Mrs Arc Wanless By nms mums Mr and Mn Cantrell shade and baby daughter laura Di ane Emma Visiled Friday and Saturday WJUI Mrs lat enm Midas Alrmg gullins Th Barrla Allandnlnl rail road yards were well filled will cmply car last week Thaw box cara were being filled wllh grain doors in exlrn protecllon lnslde lha regular doors and Journal boxes were being carefully cx ambled 11 ll understood the equipment envroule lo elevat ors tn be loaded wlth grain or overseas rshipmcnl There has been lalk cluslng mesa yyds to certain axtcnl hulll pres ent theylppcar 10 be buslcri than ever NEW ILOS mum oan Ihue were 51 motor cars owned by fisher en In the park Counting roughly rpm the beach It would appear here were 65 fish shan les on ha buy the Point These hula wereynll plncnd on he In during apanomhout 111119 day euchra will be held by In local organization at 630 11m Jam 29 at 010 home or Mr Ind Mrs Don Lamb which Is mated near he corner Bayvlew Rd andJalyvviavf Ave com By early memory lhlx whiteness had disappeared Hoar trust are believed to hmld milder weather and It did to happenln this instance Satur day andSnnd TOTTENHAM WHVERLEY The llmnlcsl way showlnz minlmum double by maxim annern ruponw mny mlly have poor hand xlnce hi rnply the double my be no more than courluy ru partner hm cod and hu would presumth ave ldcmillcd ll hy mm jump rumnsa lo Hm double The one dlnmond rcumnse clearly rule out he mmhllny turns and Ahnuld 1m pnucd lhnt parlmr Mil know Ml Ihe double wu of hu minlmlxm mu Two dbnmo Thn bell rump lupporL 15 hluhurd min and In distribullnnnl lenmm ll mm It tlrnr Ihnl Pass lakcaut double usually based upon hand which slandml by men consululu an opening bid Sincb the values may range from mlnlmum cnlnx bid one conlnlnlng any 23 pnlnls the doubler must lam try to describclhccxncl strength Ind mumM the double DAILY CROSSWORD You are South bolh sides are vulnerable The bidding has been 11er Tllulln mm Huh In llwl um um Dar Dr Molner have been lcflhandcr all my life am now but as child was For practical heath purposes you eat properly so that you dont gain weight you are usu ally automatically doing what needs be done about your cho leslarol you are getting 31 reduce you are rensonably sllrn and slaylnglhalwuyfiont get ln dither over your choles oral unless and fill doesnt ollen happen your doctor put you on strch dlct and does seem concerned Dear Dr lllulner Do onlons hot peppers cuwmbcrs rad lshcllnnd celery have any real and ValuerMI Yes some They are low In calories but furnish vitamin and minerals as well bulk which cunlribulcs to good climb nallon Tm ml Hum 79 lmMIm lwrl mn sum mum mmme human Hum run mm nkkn 15 Farm lulu 11 ml Illfllullrhrl Plural Whit mum you bid now with Inch Nu allowlng nvu binds Moderate elevallan choles lerol usually doesnt mean much but hm5 been so much pub icily about it hat pcnple get 56rer up and insist on doing snmelhinglilegung on diel 11 tha Pass PM yum AHIK 15 Innlh ll anmrl Bur Dr Molnerx Pleue ex plain about cholesterol Mus on slay an strict diet our dudor gave us chm 01 load to allow buk he didnt seem con ccmcdMn LS Du Enulll 1V9 North IPHAI I0 NXInl IL lmn know um norm 01k man age Io cuntrol mild cases with drug store remedlu but mcmber that athlelal fool skin disease caused by any several types oflungus Quicken cums came rum getting medl cal advice and in Severn cases loollsh to try 01ml ynurself proper diagnosls lmpqrtanl It may not be all lelel out Consult your yhyxl clan ur preferably dermatolo gist skin specialist Dw Dr Molnar My husband has alillelel toot small blisters and ocmionnl bleedinga very bud casefl Whit can ha use to telleva the burMngand paln We have tried several kind remediesMn mm By JOSEPH MOWER MD Mm Mom was 45294 we um um 91 om wmz M5 mm mom 4m 4K ulna uqm 45 mum INIMIII Illl Mck A0110 Cam CONTRACT BRIDGE mm muva 111mm IJ Fm mm mum 1m Jmulnl1 llrm mum mrr mm 01rllhlc Hun Immllmrl Ilemml IIRM LLIkI ml um DOWN T0 GOOD HEALTH By JAY BECKER Diagnosis Impdrltqmy In AthletefSFObt Mllnlk Ll will Hindu IIMIM 3110 In Dark III WI hf llm ll Mum Duck on In TM Imam nm Jump th arm Nnnh hld nxnluv The diamond nlppml In mamm Inlly rnnrcnlcd hemum poulhla th lerltk hurt Kama will he ruler lo lnla than In elevenvlritk diam ond 5am The lnunllan la uln diamonds lam J1 would wrong Ive vlnlcnl mine In dlnmnndl and It would he mually man In bld only am hran Three dlamonds Th 11 In omr slap up lhe ladder to 1d enlIIy valuu beyond minimum IDLIHC 1n and No we dan mm minimum by pull in and No we nhuwcd the ad dad values by tingle min In lhls cm the all grcnlcr ulna are shown by doublo In Than 11m be gained by mmlionlng hcnrls Announrln lha dhmund cnmu lint One nalrump This may look like an unllcrhid but ll ncvcrlhclts lhc bcsl Md available Partner probably has crrlblc hand and It would lm ruh Jump wo nnlrumn and underlaka an eight lrick comm slnglflmndbd The no lrump rnbld In this sequence up menu 16m 19 paints we have mare ran mlnlmum doublc We therefore nisa to no diamonds It better 10 show tbs dlamand it al once than menunn enher mayor Iult Ta bid hurt or spada would cnnrcal 1h diamond sup por and would Also represent b01121 suiL 11mm nbaul 300000 Bud dhlsu in EnulamL Chum are that lhl huge amnth ol the julce wlll slan adding ytllowlsh case In your skln harm the oversupply carolln can be ellminnled Its also wasle ol canm And ln fnrm your ducter so he wont be puzzled when thls yellow can appear cum Juice or Anylhlnz also known cuuld menu can Icer cells mm rowing wed use Dear Dr Molnar have been drinking two quart oi carrot nice day or two manth and nlend Io continue Henllh food people any lhi will be of great benefit as have recenliy had surgery in malignancy and the cancer cells cannot gmw il continue the oarrol Juice have not told my doclor that am consuming this amount Do Ion think can harm myselllm The consensus remllus MI hmdmshould not be med to change Penmanship an be Improved regardleslr of which hand you prefer to use but chil dren are happier if permitted to do things tho way um cornea naturally to them Malind 11m sample of script dosed Is what we call mirror writing because it memd Ms no ummul among chil dren huwever it more com mon nmonu lelbhmden than fighthuman Maybe the change lnynur cue made no dllkrence in your mo and happinessand must say that ywr right handed writing egceuenbgnd It m1 have often gendered hvw dil lercnt my Illa wnuid hlve been had not been lorced Io chin Inn lK forced to wit with my right hand enclosa nmyle the way wme withmy Ml hand you hold uplo um lilht youcan qu ll ENGLISH mammm human All Yolluw lmxll 1quan vkknhnw hl qumI mi Muqu mun mm Gyqu 607vSERVAnav EARN MONEY WEEP CF 45 54me AT KINGSVILLE ONT JACK MINER 6055 futR CANADA AND THE $5 ION BRDLIFE Ich GRANDMA LumflMA 11 kflh MAJ cm on or um m4 um mm uva mi vCR RT LEASTATEN DOLLAR RAVSEI WM ms LANGUAGE l3 WRSE AND HE wwLEDeé uNaaEMrlnc ms Dowwmwm WMoé DELIGHTS AVDIENCES OF WAT MY WELL Guess MY TALénr NTADWECINED my muw WHICH HE LOAWED A5 WU PROVIDE mew vouv IANY MORE Nmoaxzn Ar METD ownwad MASS 0ch SM

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