Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 28 Jan 1966, p. 4

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preny arrangement of pink Inapdragons and while mum flanked by tapers decorated the ten able Tea honor were performed by Mrs Garner McEachem Mrs Earl Richardson and Mrs Mll ler Amm OutcHnwn gums Mer mm OriIlla Hillsdale hmdon Mr Ind Mrs Wnller Amos Stroud who were married Jan 20 1909 celebrated their 57th annlversary at an inlormal rec option held In their home All he lamily were or the occasion Includin cclchnnu grandchildren 57th Anniversary Marked By Couple MRS BOYD ROBERTSON lourlh lrom 10R msenu the presidents gavel to Mrs Jack For tha mnn whon big on nctlonFurys got at It cholco of mppcrrormnnce tnglnrl nu Ihe my up to the Commando 440 V8 optional consolethin automatic or 4onthcfloot Ipoll trummiulonl militia mm of lumy Iporu mum Fury bizaction on mant kind elm Drive IL Im ustétyégj wiiyofiderful 0A NADKLTki CHRYSLER were present Includinx 1he mmmmmmm Bigaction Fury HALIFAX CF Theima ilollnnd beauty adviser with British cosmetic iirm any North American women spend too much time covering up their lace and not enough llmu pra locking their complexion Mm Holland Iald In mlnter view pm skin care pmA gram shou use skin cream Mr and Mn Amos recelvd many congratulatory remcmlr ranch rum nelghbors Heads and relatives Dundas Toronto Barrie and tho surrounding areas Complexions Need Better Protection Slum following the installa lion ceremonies held last ev ening other membm of the cxeculiva from left Mrs gygrynone 61 Allhnugh she say shes ma believer in soup and wa ter she says women lee um seem to have use of mock modest and treat their skin like lhekltchen floor And It doesnt malch what color the akin HI problem no no dlfleren In Amenlea there seems in be to much emphasis on make up with women covering up in stead of correcflnx and protect Ing the says During her 30 year career Mu Holland has advised thnu land of women on live conu nenu or nourishment molslurizlng Iolhm tinted aundallnn lotion and makeup colorinKI Taylor Mm Gordon Neefiham and Mrs Charla Rogers exlrcme right Ex andnef Pholoh JACKSON MOTORS LIMITED 100 AND 140 BRADFORD 5L As the tlger eayIthll year Plymouth is two wonderful two wonderful kinds of gm perfonnen the bigaction ll9 wheelbase Fury and the hot new 116 wheelbase Belvederel The blue cholee of Plymourhrever olferedl Every model has Torsiono MR Suspension Unilized body eonatmclion Safety Rim wheels retractable seat belts year50000 mile power truin warranty and more See your local Plymouth dealer now and let yourself 30 Plymoulhl Drive the bigoaclion Fury and the hot new Bclvedcre AI the Plymomh tiger uyr theyre the yrrorcatertl Looking back over her year as president Mm Robertson nnlcd that in the tutors the aux iliary should consider the pos sibility having the pmidentl oilice tweyeer term Noting that the experience gained dur ing the lirst year would enable the president to serve mend term with better Imderetend in of the uncflnn of the rink Mu Robertwn mentioned that two member ol the executive would be pervan second term of olllm In the post of lean tnry and treuum EXECUTIVE Pmsldentrfnr the coming ul xon Mn 11 Jack Sleuor On her exacuflva Mn Sieasor has Mrs Gordan Needham lint vice presldem Mrs Taylor second vice president Mrs Geo Davies Mercury Mrs Charles Rogers treasurer Hon orary president Mrs Tony Decallo and Immediate pm esldcnt ls Mm Boyd Robert sonv Dlreclor are Mrs Jack Butler Mn Edmundx Mn Pat Hadley Mrs James Sway and Mrs Nkkenun The cluh wlll conuan lhls pnh um durlnz the 1960 xenon wllh Ihe exception one meallng the annual huhflalllm dinner which held ln Jammy The installation airmenum held at the Bayshora Molor Hotel with Mn Robert lon chute member of in auxiliary anduciinz the hr lluiliinm home of member and was reported at in nigh annual meeting that thq mundane hld increased me the plan wu put Immollon By EILEEN DIXON Clubs wlshinl lo Increase It bendnnce at monthly mech lnga might follow the example by members of an Klwnnh Club Auxiliary hymn pmnm mmanANUAM ilm Clubs New Stimulates Interest In THERES No FUSE GANDER NM CF No ward at honor no lormaflly and no bunting will we Queen Eliubelh and Prime Phfllp when they land here Tuesday or minute transit Atop on their way Any the Cnibbean An ulcn mu ummmn An Tort 0mm add the Quecnl ill beulrcaled firmly Entertnlnmentlor the evening was provided by Mnrtln and Brad Nelson talented brother and slsler team They are tha dauzhm and Mn ol nuxlllary member Mn Robert Nelson GUEST Among the guests at the meet lng wen representatlvts at other womenn clubs in the city inclu dlng Mrs Nesbilt pros ldent of the Ladies Auxlllnry to the Hon Club Mn Em berson president at the Inner Wheel of the Rotary Club Mm John Glllcaple presldent ol the Barrle Klnettea Mrs Dorothy Ayclllle president ol Buslness and Professional Womens Club Mrs Charles Chrklle ol the Sor nptlmlst Club and Mrs Parsons melate member Mrs loss Stephens Introduced new member Mn For gran PERFECT ATTENDANCE Speck uibutewas paid to members having perfect attend Ince Theyjnclnde Mu Robemon Mrs Charles Rog uI Mn Juk Buuar Mn Goal Davies Mrs Lang Mn Robert Nelm Mrs Ros Stephen MnuPnt Hadley Commlllee npomwere given by Mrs Robert Nelson who my mauled Mn Geo Davin my Mrs 011qu Rog Bertha stewm wellm Mn Fred anithwayt Ind meanl Mrs Lnnz nodal Mrs Gordon Needham Ipeclal occasion Mrs Ross Stephens membership land Mn Cy Allison lulephom Delvcdcro new klnd of Plymouth nlzzflng perform lhlll dellgned to younl famflyl budgcl Ancwl Funlizch Widc tnginc choke that includu 426 cu ipch v3 0m performnnu gran nylc in the large cwnomy size Ihnla Bclvcduc ll Ind the sleek Suleflile BARRIE ONYARIO Hot new Belvedere wfll Iauncin campaign 15 organ physlca fitness pm grams or women across Cam Idl INSTALLING OFFICER Mrs Robeman 1e19 per fwrms her omen duty she lnslalk Mn Tony Decnrle Fitness Prografn Aimed For Women norm cmm YWCA meeting Thursday the SUSSMANS ARE OPEN ALL DAY WEDNESDAY AND EVERY DAY lYIAll0000MILI FOWllIIAIM WAIIAN F11 IHHI Sport Fury Begedere Satellite lmllm Moor Imam Mm In UNDLL THE OWNERSHIP OF GREENWOODS 0F BARRIE 11 or studies obeslly amnng wnmen the menopause and lb extent to which dillerencex be Men the Iexen mm fitness program national board apprnVed rec ommendafions made during Ysponsorcd meeting physi caLfllness experts lrLJAnuar right is huuorlry sident ol the Klwanls Aux nry Mn Robertson charter mem ber of the auxiliary The rMelroponan in mlsllng werwns re re purled Thursday that 535 3er aged 16 to 13 were rgporl missing duran 1965 compared wilh 396 boy By the end 1965 ll of the girls hadnt been located llld all but boy had been found mnomo cmMm my and girl run away from born In Mgtropolllln Tmonto lhln boynln the Sarge age group police report says MiSsing Persohs List Mdre vGirls lo be In bInlnm Then mum mm In 75 YEARS IS LONG TIME ldll En El Bmle Ton WIGEINS runs Bun13 Exclaim M25 wlgo mum in 321an By jun ABOVE ALL PRICE le Edema Tu In It Bulll IWOBKMANIIIIP AND no Noabndfirr cow Home nuncue Gnuulna WEBBS JEWELLERY Dunlap St muss lnronlo

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