Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 27 Jan 1966, p. 8

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£151 IAICIO HM The annual congrega Iona sup per and business meeting of Minulng Unlted Church wan held Jan 21 at 630 with Mr altendancn The busineu meet Ing was ch ed by minister mm num Mm mm mm 771ml 11mm MmIn mm Munlum lMn Inva mm mm lBLFFALO 5DARIHE GM mi mun rm 1mm 11n 1mm munm pwmn Imvtrlul Iaunl IMlm mu1 Inn un hymn hum Nu rm 52 In Mr and Mrs Mervin Park er have loldlhelr arm to Mr and Mrs Harry Knllsholen lllineslngl The Parker are mov lnx lo alclr new home in Barrie Harry Foyslnn received word Jan 19 that brnlhcr Frank of PerlOrchard had passed away In hespllal there Frank as known ln lLI all here will always be remembered or III mat enthusiasm in the field 01 sports especially hockey lnr Whldl be yin turned llurlund mum Loninu Krhnnll 41m um trump mu ma 11m mm Minx 1000 Ivan 1mm HJnlnn Mud IW II Ilh Ilml Vlh mm mm lll Hv Knnum IUnlvnllly All Jroau 4qu Null nuood Mnmm 730 LHnllflly Xlklmlul llwu 610 INlu um Ivan znnoum Jflonnla Pmadm crh sum 5mm lSouyy sun In Lunchhm mum 31le mm snow Cordeln nmmn l4mnnd Tn 4mm our man llMam Am 500 214m Hula know All Ilnmuy nmtn Boy Gm ma III lolluldel L00 11 MRS MAURICE REID Mr and Mn Leslla WhHe at tended Illa silver annivemry Mr and Mn Mervynlamnln the anlc Templa In Weston Jan Congratulations lo MnBak er who celebraled her 181 but damJan 15 Mrs Baku1 home II in Holland And the In Vil lllnz her daughter Mrs Jim Reid and sadly or month Liam He Mnt to mlda In Seattle many years ago Sympathy goes to his brothers Harry and Car lin and star Jessie lTodu In mo LNn lpcru Sympathy extended to Mu David Boyd In the loan of her husband who died is Nramn Jan 11 Sympathy also goes to Mn Richard Forben and lam IIy In the lots of husband and lather Mr Forbu was well known In these purl belnl an oldllma resident of Innlafll Mr and Mrs llm Mchllvand family Scarborough apenl lust weekend with Mr and Mn Gme Min Kay Allan Tamntn was hall of awdayl last week Mr And am Alan Johnston and Mr and Mrs Clair Priest visited hlesday In Toronto with their uncle and aunl Mr and Mrs Howard Fisher an arm erhnd berenrlll and Mri Roger Gfllen spent week In tho USA re cell 31 MM FRALICK Sympathy the community exknded Mn Glen Bdlby in the sudden death of her Ialher MEMusm ldhuu Mn nolnnd Comer In wu gum or honwr It stark th er the hum of Mn Brian Graham at Churchfll mum 1mm TELEVISION PROGRAMS MINESING SIMCOE COUNTY NEWS LEPROY fitafiififlflfiffiu IrlUDM JANUARY ll lVENINfl nlunsmn JANUARYzIv EVENING Lou nu ZllunlIIyInniluy lTIucnvn am 5mm Mru oLn Elnl au mm wromt lunnu un Mumun In nnmm mumn WM VIM IM ILMM VMM Lhnpr Ole all llrllnmy km WNW Vllr MM non Ismuu 11 mm mm um 00 Hum 42 lmul TII Dull kiwi ruin on 1mnu mm 1100 ma Lum my rm mm rpm Nan Mu nu um ml 1M Ll unnum lMnmlnl Ill LIrwéumlulu hum And Mn nMm 1mm my 25 MORNING ANI 1010 lCnnrmmflan iNflC Nun srrlmdlv 14qu Linn rm 4m um lAhnu bu fR mccm nlu lImdr lulu hm 90 iQulmrblrk Club rum lunnll hum lrh nunnlnl Mm IlChmnll Nnu Mammy rnum lrlndad tin m1an 114 Huh oLllldO mm Mm in Ym Mm mm mm In Nil 150 10mm mom 31m Addum nun FT man nIlollywood Pllltl llDonm llud snow Rllll lBUFlALO DTOHONTO llIIAMILTDN ml min omna bay manly film who recently returned lrom an ex4 tended visit wilh Ma ulster In England spent the weekend at Ma conlze Sunday vkllbr with Mr and lIn 1L Crawlord were Mr and Mn Mklmn and family MrLMkInsan Crown HJIL Mm Virgin el and McCul Thawcckly euchre Jan 17 was well attended Prize win nm were Mn ll Crawlord Mm LeGrand Mrs Ro gm George LeGrand 8an Po and Moore Mu Ellen Yenkey San Fran clsco Eldest daughter Mr and MrsnGenrgu Uncle ar rlved Toxnnlo International Alrporl Jan lo and will vlsll Mu Uncles lhoflly Mr and Mn Dave Pugsley are luvlnx this week lnr Flor ldl when llley wlll spend lav enl weeks land will be glad to know Mr and Mn Melville anlord boll Irrlvtd home mm hmpllnl lhll week 0m UOW met no the lwmo of Mesdames El and John stone Orillln Tuesday evening or thelr Jlnuuy mceUng wllh flood attendance Mrs Gnod llll wu In charge devollons wllh tome thoughl or III New Year Mn ll Crawford Rad SCflMDlE Bible qulz on Wom en he Blble was canducled by Mm Goodlllll The yearly rep on wen given Next meellng wlll be held Mn Moores Febl Isl mlal hour caneluded By Mill CRAWFORD Mrf and Mrs Fancy Tcimnlo lptnl weekend aflhek cot tage Mr Bnnmr Tho morn um considered with mhsllnflnl reduction on he Indebtedneu ha Chrlsllln Educnuon Baud lng contributed lhl pm Mr was uprexsed by the dulr mm Hm the remlanlnu deb might hopelnlly In ellmlnlted 1n the comm yuan Dr Bnnlster proleunr ol nn University Theobzlcal Co age Kingston was week end guest ha hum Ha can dncled ha Increment Holy Communion Antnn Mill and WynnLL pd ghurghen The United Church amlly kaung party will be held FH dly awning Jan 25 pm walther permItLIng Community fllnk Lunch wlll be urved atlha church basement allowm 0RD STATION ll lTnnlm IM IAu leo rum ll an wnl LAnnIhcr Wand lTn II hth zTn II hum Inn4 IM Donn Iv mm Vom Mull mm Cumxuny mud1 mm hum rm mun mm 07 nur amm mum IIIMIIM 14hr 7mm IVNIIJ 11h hm lo lellm Lu gnu nah lnm Muen no 11 mum l1lw um Jllnlllflorl ml 41an In Cunflkl lMlh mull Eh la uni mm Ivmm Mm mmm World Tum I4un Inna xnm our leu Jl lilll Hm mum 91mm um 11 um 71 mm rm all IMom mu mum at 5mm tsyoru mnmu lLaln anu mm arm Tumlu Bifllnl 3145 mm or AFTERNOON 1D erlln Ella Prom UNCLI Ln Munn shw llMllv CHI 00 Hzlnz Ifivxriumnay than wn no glay Scum could now malm la Opening Iead Jack lpldcl Most mlmku mldl by do clnm In cable to llllura lo plm he phywhelhcr II In buman of hind or In lhl mum Thll lmdency proceed wllhnm gunning more malltr Id mlnlng man had Judlmcnl nnd loo ol an MI lhoughtlm Ippmch 1135 lo dfeadful mult For enmr look at Soulhl mclhod ny In lhl hand Ion the Ipodu lead wllh ha are dnw Ihrcu round lmmm Ind played dllmond lo ha qqeen Hugh won DAILY CROSSWORD Mnmhy WM Ful mmml lmn my Eldnr Don do it without your doc lorn rovaL Doubling the dose my help but might also be harmlu and dont know your condition Do how nur Dr Molnar have been taking hormona Able once day or menopause but recently my hot flushes severe that dont ztt much sleep at night Would It do any harm lo dnuble the dose mm huuvl ILMmmmn II no Duo ymr Since he thick skin ends to crack his is painful In addi Ion the cracks or fissures may become iniecled There are the goal is to keep the skin as unit and as thin as possible Lanaiin and other akinsmelling agents lre helpful Salicylic acid in ointment form is used dissolve dis thick layer Trulment in xlwrt cum Ually mlIlalive No cm can he promised mm Wlnhr llanlmn 104 Harm lumx Iym MOM lypn huul Chin In tome Instances faulty use by body 01 Vitamin may be involved in Vitamin been prescribed part of the treatment me however not the chief factor The real can not known wonl chhmn Ollonlu hum mum IL llll 11cm 111mm 13 lnhlhllunl This evidently Jorm hyperkmlosh excesslva thick ening the skin which ll you duelIbo an lnherfled con dluon 1t nok due to fungus 110 9A um Thl blddlnl Haul Wu Put Pu Usually It runs In Allen whereby Iho Hm child It homond doesnt and Ill oih do Can you smut ken men¢7Mm 11in condition when In the lnnlly or gemHon We pect It might be mm or pump the awn land not daveloped In my hub band tumlly here an inher lted Ikln condition The Ikln becomes hard Ilka cnllul on lb 1mm of the handund aolel ol eat law week met birth It does not mud to other arm Uiunlly ll unsi Ive to cold and truck cm high skin South dealer Both sldcsvulnenble By JOSEPH MOIEVER Nurgiry Iunm ADROM CONTRACT BRIDGE Noam nu us can 4mg Ann NM 10 an scum wuss man 053 4K5 nmm 111115 North zm Prith mm Mule minuln Wagner mmn aman radml Inn 570 Ir DOWN Limitn of Okllhoml 70mm T0 GOOD HEALTH By JAY BECKER Pu HypegkergtoSis Is Not Fungus HIV mmrMan 3Auduyfy mm upman llmu mq mar mumpm Innurn NJ Cum 1m IlTvlmIph lull 20 lily my al mullAd 310 Drlll l1 raurth Thin ll nolhln exlrmdlnnry nboul ha rl mulhml play ll In llmply mnuer lookinl Ihrld In UM Iclull cue whtflm Wu look he no or not 50th would wind up wllh on uch canxlxunl two wad heir ndmlyo dilmond ulr Iho opportunlly to lend dl mom lw award dummy mad onu TM xlm him than utnhllsh rick In dummy while dummy lull has In entry flu perm flu Mrk lo be culled HIVan mnlwd Ihll ha would have won the openan ml with the ace ol made and ltd dlmond mum the K0 It turned out um the queen wan lhe trick he could lhcn Allard lo draw rump Ind lollaw lhls by lulu another dlammd ht Ill he would tum rallied that drawlnt trump once was not the Iolutlon or his problem He would have known had It reaIA ly thought about the matter that ha could make the contract tl West cannot have any other an 11 En hld the AC of clubs To Mn 03x Holllnx does no make dlxlllled waler True balling vlll destroy germs ll my ll will not remove mln ernl or olher lmpurlllfl ln lho water It wlll ln Incl cnncen trnle lhem Dlnco bolllng evapor ales some of the wnlcr ulvm the situation Whatever he led he delenso could win nude diamond Ind two clubs to deleat lh Rapid reduclnl all loo onen allowed by return lnrmer eating hlhlls and up goes the wnlsulnu again massage it or Losing live pmmd In twu month it not had record but me you can mad pounds In nne year whkh probably Inner thnn you put on There are many good real on not trying In reduce too as but one important benefit 11 um when you lose weight me lhodlcmly or year ar you have then learned how to enough but not 109 much vherato iako it oll when reduce You cant rub it massage it or wish When we at more food thln we usa up enerzy the ml 11 slored as lat Sumo mm of Ihe body 01 tonne are natural plum orllllx accumu fate Namia ieildurvmere 71 put It when you gain weight ypull luv go 15 nyurg decldu very great number oi rend eu uk or methods such ruional re Mel min weigh in just one pm oi he body They are doomed to be disappointed because unlun doesnt work um way Not mum not helpful either Dur Dr Molnar am In my early 30 and Ibout 30 pounds overweight My doctor has run on did but am nu losing muchabout flva pound in two months no you think an elec lrlc mmue bell would bq human or reduclnl my leg and NpflR ever tell your doctor about lhlx lnmsllled trouble H0 might be Able to conlnl it by addin mm élher medluuon mll xednuva or lrlnqufllzcr or ex Impln Trimnah lb II and Ill VI to 721mm llull HIDAD NOTICE ANYTHING NEW ON leGlY MEAN Ml SAWW AT KNGSVILL Eafismfs amme gm BANKRUPTCY NOTICE ANYIHING LOOK SEETHE 3N vaLY MEAN yuuaN ms Lm Tag2m ZJT MUSTACHE LETS 60 91W OUR COSTUMES FOR THE fiRANDKJA SITUATION BY GROWN6 AND HARVESTING CORN ON HIS LAND Mm 155 ALLEVIATE 7145 11114770 BY smuglygs AND xltd 00 Rem v23 9a 5mm mum um mun Lnfaux Wfi fiéififi

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