Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 27 Jan 1966, p. 5

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Dm Am Landon Mn on Al Ilw whim Mn wmu In wu ml NM Hm Innl mg ul wluulnor wk IM mmz datum lemalu Oran munl Inn 1mm nnd Ilvomw Manlm ink may mu pain In flu Mk In wunwn who mml min mu Ilwuv mu limo dll lmml Vvmnw 1n mmintrflu mt It In llvz Mum mm Idling in he lime lemme duly Drnr lnrmplnyllvlu um Ir mph ml alumni un lmr IM My rwr Mid lilv wn hi Mn VII Id man up In my mm our wilh VIIMNTIIEN 1min In my amp um p4 flnz lumy dml mm IX MIN ll7ynrmluylhr mm I11 mmy ml my flmum ml kgc ml my on In man rim NW want In my llwm Imrk ran er mun now Mm lamina4 rnnl lnko dmmr mu Iakafin dnnm In VM Nam but Inulnm mnl all dmnm vn me hm riNI to find wk for mwnl mm everyMm grl llx amm hing awry mm to ram nwl Youd MN 1M0 1M 3mm unl Jun Um amt mid rmko nm at W1 cnnl take dmnm Dur Arm Landrm Mn mun Ibo Mm Imm H10 01 omka MIm muldnt Rel htth um lIctIdNI ImI he and Imus In In mm mm mu exmn hm cant Imm In 01 lIrnII Miss Glnrln Ytnnctl Londnn mm of ma bride wan maid of honey Mrs David Marlon rm mun nl Almmn lace cmbmldmd wllh and pearls held her thou dcr lenglh veil of Illk Illusion Sha carrlud bouquet of whlla xnrficnlns The bride wag escorted down lhe while carpcltd alee an the Inn her uncle Cecil Harri Thomlon She chm floor Icnglh gown pcau de lo fashioned WIUI mud boditE lollly munde neckline and 1in ualnl 51cm Applique of Incon Inca richly thloidtltd wllh md pearls Irlmmcd the mm the shcnlh skirt hem bnc qndlthq calhedrnl miln Standards of pink xldeoII white munu sham dnlsle and thu candelabra decanted ha altar of the chumh The bride is the daughter Mrs Vomon Gerard Jennclt Thurnlnn and the late Mr Jen nelL The bridegroom the son Mrs Bruce Twnmley and stepson of Dr Namlcy of Guelph Mia Lols Pukan Mchmofld Hill lung The Wedding Prayer Ind The Lords Prayer no campanlcd by Miss Myrna Spen ter the organ IllADIjllQNAL GOWN The aflernoon ceremony was held 5L Judel Anglican Church Thornton where Rev Willlam Newton officiated at In oclock pupllals trip to Washington 110 aimed lhe weddlng of Miss Eleanor Mae Jame ol Stoney Creek and James Ross Maxie of Hamilton Washington Trip Follows Ceremony ANN LANDERS ME AND MRS JAMES MAGE Look For Employment After The Service neu ll midim Mv the bum um mummy In on gum extMinn my my dont Ihlnx 111M IM Ihlnk HIM hr Wu mm Mun ll any Falw uIny luully Hm IMMHI mm In Im Hay MI vm hum wlunfirm Im In wry Humiwa Maia thn My mm 10 be Inter vlrwwl In in prawn uh LAW ht1r mnlhlrnm Hwy no men Inralmlrh somwa In Mlmu min and mnlfiyeu Mom Iann Wm mum in lm no Inn Irmull Wm ma In our hvly Hum who In ll my llmlq Mm ILLI IVIIR IN wmmn Dru Ann IAMHII wk 11 L1 wk and MN my vulr Mp 1m wlh unvk nml mm mm Nun llnm lwlm mg by mm the unity Drum lmltl MM In ml am In hand ll gmm lmr VJLx Mpcrlally up minted yum lellu Noam WM me r1 HIM waxy mind up dmnn ulm WHIHIIMM mm llvm 500 lulu Em1 my My wk belln lNmnr Am hunk TM nnl MM mm Mn dlrrclor nl dumm Inm pawl paw Him nmu dvr murlm lllumlml vul unterr need to Imp busy or betmu My nMI col Lhnt hey nn htlplnl mmemc who ma Hum hry me mm wnml mm mm In our ciiy limo um Innm My wan in du ohmtrrr wk Iifrmm my nut lo Um plmrm In the VThe newlyweds will make lhtll home In lllmlllon Outfitown guest wen mm Kllchcner Toronto Sloncy Crank Guelph Goduirh El mlrn and andan and cum ctn lrcl In Barrio nrca The brldagroomn mother chose dress of peacock hlua xilk with royal blue velch ha and dark blue nccussorirs Her corsagc was pink Sweetheart TDSES For travelling the bride donn ed lwoplecc wit mos grew Iilk opptd with xnld hnl velour and dark brown accessories The wedding recepiion was hcid Bl Thornion Orange all where he mother at lhe bride received her guesis wearing an niieruoan dress oi beige silk and Mai and ieaihtr hat in com plemcninry shades or away surics were chocolate brown corsago oi yellow rose compiei ed herrensembler in fully draped back panel and lolly xcooped necklincs Cnroncu matching green velvet wllh iulle illusion veiling were inshloned into henddrcsses iar the allendania They carried 21 oi while carnation and pig Syrgihcan macs The bridegroom was alitnded by Michael Urooman of Coder MI The ushers were Gary nar rl of Waterloo and Robert Wat Icn of Guelph RECEPTION alike in yams pf flunk green Tweedzand Miss Dorothy Kim olToronlo were the brldw maids The Allendanls were gowned $1 19 dréssel ve vol Icalur IBM In lull aaml my mm ma lmw mus may mid My WI IIVMN In Wnl lImUuuym ml pm run Ilml Am lnahlml QI ll ymr Wile MIN IIIHe Hm thou ll TM luplt lwr IprLrh II llqlrmuulnllun apthe web In nl In arm FWIAO on erlnllllny IHHHMH IIVN wnxénumi Own nth mm Mn 5mm filth mmnla uvruum 4an of flu PM rrann or Wmnrn Trurhm AI Inclmnn nl 0mm vIIl b0 mum dlunnr mrnllnl In Munmkr Dunn Illhllc N1 Imol nmp llnnltn hll avo nlpz nlnkrn will IVMIMI 7mm bun nl 51mm Nn nl 1M Mfrm lmhnlhvfl Irarhru lwm Innlshl and 11mm llonlrn Mn John Rlnwm wIIl at chnlrmnn dulan dimlulnn nnndlnn Law miainlng Ia marriage Mrs Shirley Stokes Will Be Speaker At Teachers Meeting Thll meeting ll upon to lulr llc llbnllh Nunu Gulldrm Md Socldy Menlnl llullh Inclallon nml Mlnklerlhl Auo clnllnn lollowlnz um buslnm mman pm The Fchruary mealan Ihe Canadian Iuleranan of Unlvrr my Women flan19 Branch wlll be Wednudny Feb 815 pm In mu mom Central Consulate All members are Mod uh pnrliclnntlun Is may my in this Group DIKunlon niuhL 1an Mndqunnm nmln he oplnlons and luxgullonn ro xnnllnl mum of provinclI nnlIonnl and um lnlcrnnllonnl Inmorlnncr alien an gowns wen lashinncd of emerald mun pelu dc mic with mnlthlng om lkirll They curried cascade AIJENMNTS cow The matron of honor was Mrs Miccn Marlin Sudbury sister of the bride Miss Verna Sohn at South River and Wu Marlene McAnhur sisicr the bride groom Taronlo won the bridesmaid The bride was given In mar Huge by her undo Jack Scar lclL Barrie UCW To Discuss Laws The hrid were flour length dress of mu de sol ashioned wilh pencil slim ildri mam unledby lull min caulhl at the waist with bow oi tell mat erial The filled bodlca the gown was desigmd wilh rounded neckline trimmed with nod pearls Llny tmwn of Med pearl and sequins held her walsl length vcll of xilk llluslon She carrlcd noscgay of yellow rose and while carnntlansl Miss Lillian Dom Scmlelt South film and Lealand Ed ward Plnkney Burle exchan ged vow It an afternoon cer emony held at Colller Street Unlled Church Barrie Rev Da vld Prodm officiated STANDARDS OF MUMS Emu finow and white murns decorated the church at the ceremony Wears Gown 0f Peau de Soie For Wedding At Collier United ME AND ms LEALAND EDWARD Emmy mmv ml mum mum hlld Inn II ufli In th1 wk Iv qlalilin Muml In nulp an urrlIM Ivlhl n7 MIN will III II ml liart in Uh mull Hrmnnl IHIIH wlll In llmler lwwlimfi Input alumni mm 04 IM yuan II unnlmwmal Mrrrda 1319013 flmliouwl hr llm 1an In dn I0 min In mm In no lmw In Jul IMI Mlmlw hml Isle nu lmmhn mnva mfilnly Imaml For lmtnnw hem up Indi mHuns nmolnry min In mrly May lbnwflml My In mkmvmlixr ml mHlednf In In UMII Jnmllry will you AM rral upwina nlml 0m Hm In Immmlnl xwhk you nqu comrnndfl lmr In mlml ll wnuld In HIM irwlvan main My 1mm tn 1m May In not all malnlim Wm Iln liul Ink in in And In LN nll trulvmnllam nun Ima innrfl lrtuwn mld Nuwnlwr qu mHlfnmbfl mu palm lur th Mama Ian Apt lale Mn powl lulu wa and Jmmmy genera day Then muld be some loin in cumy lng out plans In the lawman but planetary lnnumms law In the day Imw huan Immac lnm down with wperkn ner necking lnvml mun me In mmnn benefit you PM manmnmu It Commvw LI your bmhdly your mm min damn mllnok or nrxl year Whiln xm may peran name up nml downs when jab nml mono lnry nflnim mo munmm mm mnnllu Mmdnx Mrnnrm nUml unmian In vu can yml will lry In mmno your hmnlo lmlmry beam 1tu dimmrnced in lho are nhnrlu bnnl nn awn thanI In mlunllm and wind up ll yur In lmdy nnlLlnmry limbo BI EsmELLlM mu muonuow URGES STRONGER WASHINGTON AP The American Public Power AssocL alien nller study Ian Lmberl power failure In Ihe nonhmlern Unntd stale Ind uch 12 Ontario hal recamA mzndcd more nmhorily tar he chml Power Commhslon laid the PFC should be Rim auumrlty lo establish admin for dmlzn and operailon 01 In lerconn electrlul aynem the We duos acinpicce suit of cranberry with black acces mics Mr and Ms Pinkncy will re xlda In Barrie Slroud Communin Hall prov kind the selling or the weddlnz reception The aunl lhe bride chase dress of ur quoin brocade complemented by atoms of while carna lm Mr McArlhur mother the bridegroom wore sheet length dress or blue malalcsse Her corsaza wax while car nations Scarlett bmlher of the bride 50th River and Garry Beam 1511 Slmd THE STARS SAY The mid the daughter the late Mr and Mn Samuel Robert Scarlett or SouLh XML The bridegroom ll the non of Mrs Jack McArlhIn Barri Ind the late Leliand Pinkney he hridemom was attended by Ms bmthcr Bruce Pinkncy St Tlle ughm wexje Gprdon 71105 Br matchmz mlxerial with short veil worn by the qtcendanu bouquets whim carnation sealde byyellwvxjoses travelling to polngs mlh THERE IS ONLY ONE SALE YEAR at STRANSMANS OUR Jawle annual 5a 44 DUNLOP 51 tTIIE HARRIS EXAMINER THURSDAY JANUARY mm alter Rodger and Mr and Mr Stanley Neal Brenda and Brian all of Newmarkct m1 Llscomb Big Bay Point Mn Florence Warren 01 Bar rie ulster at UM hmless Mr and Mrs Bill McChesneprmck and Gregory of RR Barrie on and daughterMaw of the We to her marriage Mrs Mume Mediums the former thy Walmr wu Hues ot honor several bridal showers Mrs Skinner em aim at mlsceflanemu show at her Hayfield Sl resldenoe Another shower was held at he Mule Ave home Mrs Marlo hard mum11mm and my amnrmn mu mmwmuw Mr andMu wnuam Neal dauxbter Shirley ml Mr and Mrs Albert Neal all Chaxi WiflWfi 1221 om v51 n2 ves Included Ken Nea and Mr and Mrs Malcolm Madhexor and Robb Toroqlo Mr gnd munmm ah weekend 12qu the mm mm hospital of Wu Ham Neal father of thehaw less Gmstalnduded Mr and Mn Harry Powell Tmma uncle and um of dye hostess her When and fifimJnIlw Mr and Mrs William Neal ml Flmlly member slithered at the home n1 Mand MfltEm WEEKENDGUESTS Flmlly when Mung at Al STOREWIDE DISCOUNTS 0N EVERYTHING Use Our Layaway Nola In Intended to caver new Iodll lllt 0H cilyDlllrlcl MIMI III ulnanu ImaI Ihowen brim wuu comlu lilyrun Invellen andyll man all lie at lnlemt lo Adm thin pale Your help In Inpplylnx III he will In reHy Apprw led lea plume The Birth lumbar man And nl for Ellen Dlxon or Many thun Al the Wamnnl 133 fluent Year Strunsmnns This Happens Only once wiltding yaw1A Jailtmd Wu by Sudan 0mm Mate Cow Caz Com save on each Item REMEMBER at Strunsmans the original price remains You are told exactly how much you ed Paige doctor 01 op tometry started six years ago and now wears 111 black belt an expert Anna karate stu dent or five years blue ball slightly lower in the uale of pruflclcncy Thcy explained that Hwy and three of heir our children study the olerapanese art the Exception being eightmonthold CW As Mn Paige swung the knlle Mrs Paigecountcmd with arms and Ice and quickly subdued him to the accnmpanimenl ol frfiicm4pfillinz shriek called The Palgcs both dressed In the traditional white cotton Jacket and halfmas ImuserL were demonstrating karate or reparlcr TORONTO AWLNed PI stationed himself In the middle of the living roamwflh knife poised in his righljand hll wllo Ann facing him um mrr Iuhw and Mn Evans the Milan openingnl the Iouth session or the vincial tavernment The Burris women also attended reception Elm by UeuleMMovemér Earl Rum and Mm Rowe the Lieutennnmovml RING Queepl Pllk HOLIDAY IN SOUTH Mr and Mn Chagles Church TorontoCOupleStudy Kdrqte TojKeep In Good Condition 27 1058 QM verknawn peopk you wmdd call sllnkcrs who named on knra They turned into very bays really lean nol Iighl may Insllgalu liuht Ihcy know theyll be upended Irnm karate Iowans Karale also give them confidence and then they know they dont have oflghtz Mr Pa ge added that buy wlm sludles kame will never be hullled on the my home ram school but parent neednl fur he wlll become uauble maker ellhcr Another aspect karlla for the Files is the phlosophy It teaches based on some the ldggs Zen Buddhism yw UV In Ihe present So you lose of the worries about tomorrow and re grels or yesterday We Ihlnk ch will help our children have hépylclllye flle False nudy kllale with teacher Ma Tlumvka who Ilso Instructs In the the Unt ventty of Toronto There are about 1000 karate student In Toronto Mr Pltge nld Selldefence relativer minor nspec of karate nld MrPaizc basic value is as ondkioning exercise It keep you in good phyxiul ahlpl Kenny ls mo blueben and Joy wem men belt Jun sixtlllhas the while bell of navlce but can smile llerce fiance nonetheleu Nuvzuw alr tom arriving 1n Mimi m1 Andi vmled in Clenrwllumd st Petashun begmmmm lo Barrio cunwng mm meoflng wlll held for or iginl memben of theThornton Curlhll Club on Jul 19 al the Thornton Arm Mclock mayo rmv dessert mafia pmy mm by 1191mm the Dude She has mother reason or liking ch She nouccd that when rha was glvilg blrm to Cindy she had much easier lime In the labor room than when Jan was born The exp nation sh lugzesls that karnle had improved her phyt ml condition and had lven her knuwlcdze or deep realhing lhnl helped relax her Ann Pam has special respect or karat students It takes lot hard work to master ka rate Those whn dont want worrhk fills dont my wih nice people The ppmt change an overheating personality be wise you are always coming up Igalml someone boiler than MW mnmnmné recent am at the ham or Mr and Mn Norbert Moran Mkihurn wu heir Ion Flt SzL Punk Mann Colorado Springs Cobrado mu llyceuu not the Juneau are muman lhe an mIIl Winter Carnival Queen cqn In In nrllcle appearing on his me was slated In advertentIy arm the Jnycecs were lponwtlnn the ewnl FROM COLORADO my nxmman WANT ADS axiom viasou Phom 7284284 Soloptimist Club The evenlnl pmy wul he held at the Cluh 79 commenclnl It 730 nclock Jfiqsyag up yncnas

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