Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 27 Jan 1966, p. 3

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iCanVadctsIMéfiifiiég Hdfe Good Plan Tofléightcrime ma Barrio Northern Advanco Jan 22 1891 Roads are in excellent condition Alliston has skating rink and new electric lights work well Bradlord high school has now 70 pupils Great temperance rally to be held in Barrie Town Hall tonight Ice boats and skaters have been uslng Kcmpenfelt Bay very much this week chl Carley making improvements to his boathouse Detective JosephRogers of Barrie Eollco has left or Bremen Germany to ring back Yourcx the forggr Yet that the RCMP would be beaten to the draw when it came to explaining itself to the Canadian public couldlze expected The force continues to are iude itself that we can still be satisfied with the picture of Nelson Eddy galbed in the scarlet tunic riding off into the sunset as the image of the mounted police Canadians still want to believe their Mounties will do the right thing but today they also want ta know as much as they can about how the Moun ties intend to do it The Oshawa Times says As it turns out the RCMP is girdlng for concerted attack on crime with the allout cooperation of municipal forces and the provincial police of Ontario and Harsh cflflclsm of the Royal Canadlan Mounted Police levelled by Quebecs leading crime fighter AttorneyGeneral Claude Wagner came qulckly at thecon cluslon thefederahprovincial confer ence on tcombattlng organized crime This was unfortunate It had the effect of putting the RCMP on the defensive detracting from the comprehenslve pro gram being developed when they got °°lml IL 75 YEARS AGO IN COUNTY tra manager of Bank or loronlo is offering prizes for spelling competl tion in rural school Fred Man is leaving for Winnipeg Grand Trunk Railway having bought nterest in farm near that Manitoba community also shares in grist mill Barrles po lntion has almost reached 0000 no flow of magnificent water came on Tuesday from Barries new artcsian well which was struck at depth of 121 feet in hell of coarse gravel and now gmluccs 150 gallons per minute cal public school expenditures for 1000 totalled $7388 includln $5713 for loneliers salaries Smcne County new has two lodges of Pairons of In iuslry at Brndiord and Ardlrca Sinyner and New Lowell are both 13 ing for cheese factories 01d ra way BUT WHERE IS JUSTICE handon Free Press Equal justice under the law remains myth and unitormily at sentences more an ideal two recent instances in ntarlo courts have illustrated in Hamilton 57yearold man was driven to distraction by the misbehavior his scumlaw who had harassed hlm beyond endurance threatening and bent lng his daughter and piling insult on indignity until the enraged inlherln aw Ihot and killed him stellécd Milinlno Russo was known allcctlonalcly In hs neighbor hood as Grandpa and parade ol wit messes lestlllcd to tho goodness hls character 0n Ila own lnlllallvc grand jury reduced char murder to one of mansiaughtor ussu was rem panenllary lar alx yc Walls Pfibllsher The mom can Involved sotdtcr tttyoarohl Charles Clark who hltch hlkml 1m mm tahntrston couple was put up tn their home nvrrntght and next day tried to kllt them wtlh kntto nml razor tho sohttcr gut tcvrn and halt ycm with recommendation or chlntrlc treatment Vns there onty ltt months ttftcrcnm In the gravity of thmu ottcncnx lho taller was coldblooded nttomIpt an an Innocent rnuptu who hml befrcndul stranger the form was true crlmo nt pamtun by tnlhcr at the ml of hla row law In Im oqualrd uilh illsllcr llum has In In mmn vrovlslnn nr hu mnnu nonlnndng In poiarnppnsllu um Ilka them suhmlmrm um daily hr mm me neck mm wrly Blnxln roplu 10 ll null Unluln mm ur use All um um Ilu mm GI 50 mum Molar lhrmwll moo 7m M10 Ill umlhn nulth nlulo mm 1m lulnlrlr MILL lhllllh Immule man my UM nml Fmiru mm mm r3 minim Ianm an mm va IIMIIIal um Wm mm Mu Hcmm nl lb uiudnn July Hempm OTHER EDITORS VIEWS Fuhiished by Cafiédlan Néwspaporn leltad 16 Bayfigld struet Barrie Ontario DOWN MEMORY LANE Ammanrd Hwnd Inn mu Im 0m Mmmwnk Mm ml lnr rymrnl mm In em Duly bummu ml Mammy llnlldnyn tmwll Melanoma Managlrig Edlton THURSDAY JANUARY 19 LPAGE Ellyn murrir Exmuilwr The plans outlined reinforce opinion that the RCMP is indeed intent on keep lug up with the tlmes It is vital to its work and the peace and security of the country as whole that it does For desplte the rlvalry roused by Quebec the RCMP remains the logical central body to coordinate the war on crime in Canada bridge near mills at Bradford not belng considered sale has been re laced Barrie Waterworks Co as ed Town Council for extension of time to com lete contract or laying mains and plac mgr hydrants llir Vansiekle is erect ing new mill at head of bay and large stock of logs has already been hauled to site over ice Creswickc Barries noted lawyer has returned from six months in Europe Dr McCarthy elected president Barrie Horticultural Society Foster of Alliston left or Cincinnati Ohio with load of pota toes Dudley 01 Stayner ship ped carload of choice Georgian Bay ap ples to Liverpool England Many men at Anten Mills are busy drawing and shinning wood New building Barrie cchnnlcs Institute on Owen St public library oiiicially ened by Sen atorGowan Jonaghan issonsilcove communlcallons network 1111 byexlend ed national wirephoto service is con templated nallonal stolen car but cauls anticipated Canadian police cal lgge for specialized lnstnlcuonxpt all forces wlll be established crlmlnal ln lelllgence units will be greatly expand of Vespra elected Warden of Slmcoe County West Simeoa Agricultural Society Barrio Fair elected George ltaikcs president George Sneath and Simon Dyment vicepresldents No vacant houses in Cookstown rlght now lllllsdalo mill is sawlng great quan tltlos of lumber for new breakwater at Toronto harbor Henry Davis and TarBush appointed audllors or Essa Township Mlnesing Son of Temper ance had great attendance at concert Quebec unified strategy is envisioned of befitér trained petteLqugQgg lay Highly significant In light the 11 ticism Irom Quebec is the awareness displayed by the RCMP of the impel1 ance at being bilingual force Com missioner George McClellan has stated for some years the RCMP has been moving toward more completely biling ual operatlen Such steps are being accelerated REAL CURES LIE WITHIN OURSELVES London Free Press Another cure or alcohollsm slmllar to but reputedly more effective than the drug nntnbuso ls reported by hospital In Verdun Quebec to erase thel drink crs dcslro for alcohol aller weeks medlcnllon But as wllh all such cures there ls catch In this instance the drug has to be taken volunlnrily The alcohollc must coopgrqlm And this is cqgnlly Inga mcillcd cum or overciflng and ex cessive smoking The man who gnc on crash dlcl or cw weeks only to revert to his ohl dietary hnblls umpiy lmnl lho le powcr lo rcxlrnin himself The clair cllc smoker who knows hcn ovmlnlng It must car lung cancer more than ho crnvcx smoku if he ls gnlng 1n tut down orngleu up poking Even lhc deservedly famous Alcoholic Anonymous could no claim the nuc ccsm has nchcvcd without tho help of the vlcllmx Ihcmselvca TM or an lrallon mm In shoelnnchor on cmnlloqa wcnthqr gels rough Mollvntlon 1n everylhlng The alcolmllc musl want no lo xel drunk llm over wcluhl uum really want In lnlm or mumlx ml the heavy maker mual wanl lo klck llm lmhll more lllan lm vnnln Ilml nan clgmllc Drug and olhcr rxlvrnal nlrls can only lmlnlcr per mual lclcrmlnnllnn Frw In ruln nnowll qulcker than lrn IHHHI In at llqlmr MLIHUNIZv nr lfuminn Wan Avln Mrphmn 1m TM lvlmhnng mm In all llmwu or mlmlfl II monk In m1 Cummm Depulmenl regime 1W1 lnhlhmu Awwllllnn lha nmuHIn Fun And tho mm lluruu Clmllnunnl nn Cnnmlun hm II mlmlmy mulled la lhe Illa lnr mvuerallnn all run durnlrhu In Ihu purer mdnnl In nr 11w Mmlnlvd Irm no leulm ml Mm lhe Inrnl mm WWI lhrmn HfWilson General Manner In the bleak mldwlnter many Barrie resident flan thinklnl of lraveL thn frost pallcm the win dow panes and polar wind but doors and driveway with snow Carnival room and sld lens cheer but 001m book paxsage In an or in fancy orlcllmalcs more benign These are low of the most Interesting lravcloguns lo came Into the library Moly Jnrdnn Grcecc swflzuland Euler land heros nope here who consideran Moxie or Hawaii them are back on them mm Gum by PhoebeLou Adams lhls Is cheerful jqumcy back and forth across the Gmk malnland and he lslnnds beyond lIy Valk awucn bus nlenmtr and on look by finaltrack and lelllllb shunnycd Mlu Adlms tees lno comparably more than most vurlnls of lhll new and old land The palcc at Kmssm ln Crele convlvlal party In larmhouse Ill old lezvnd ruined temple canvmnllon ln gesture be Parthenon by moonllxlll hue and hundred more lntldtMl and Ilghll are rendered with nllsh Ind llyle The anly had by Elhel Mnnnln Hm pmuud pen Ives no word plcmru Ike llnmtmllo Kingdom of Jor dan not only lovely taun Iry but all as nation and penny and rich husplhllly and mnsl Ilrlklnzly nx lhe Holy Land So mmy mhum plum no new pan of Jordan the rum muesli Jerulakm Je richo Iklhlchem udhnny 1h Dead Set AT THE LIBRARY uulhorl thlel comm II with people and vllcu but Aha too close to the land Imd HA proble not to luvs ormtd oplnionl on lame wlillcnl 11mm she taken In Anb Ilda In lhn dlmulu aver the Ilvtnlon Jordnn wllcrl and ylvu ml on well worth caulderm Wm Any by llrkn EV In mid Euler Nam l1 hm inrmn or III myxberioul Hun llznm Ind lho nyuo Ike KnnTM The Imurm lml Icnll Enter IIIml my An hauled noclely roughly mm mull 1M madel communlly or mullul Mudy rlmxm Mnnru nuuded Cnnmllln nu dlul mmch lum In 1m 51 Hr llrld mrlnlm In pmll rln at lhn llulpflnl or filth Thildrtn 1n Tornnln IM num ber cl that learn The Mnnd II lar nut IM lndhc and walk mun ur hi mum ulnlnnml mhlnlmnwr lulmuu 11 proer um um Indlln purl lnl ynnlm EducHun am In Gr VI mi lnnrurnm Illmml 10 run hllrnn guy crm mlu mm tum Iugnd In lhm mnnl 1M unwh Inn 0er ma lull mm almm 0M MINI him Mr Hm wumm WM Mumlu and In lurlnlonu of lepruuyl Hay lmk pm In Her Hvu ml Ihrir mrvnunlu Hwy nllrn dul would ml 1mm of IIfll Dr nrijl luvhndhrr in luhi ml whqu pannlu Mum htr In Ilia Mr lmlrmld bark In lfnnmln lmuu mull wnlld mude hllln wllh bdrm lho Illpl ml Inml My ml lmplrnl Im lunmu Hp umle nml Mum unlimnl mmm lm leihwl ma Inmu lull knnhnru um IlvuIM Im Travelogues Are Timely 0n Days Of Ice And Snow FEARLESS FOSDICK The medical team came to know he Paxuznc wary or bought and sense values Murder was unheard of melt and vlolcncu uncommon and easy vlrlua encouraged pulled by axon chlldren playlng naked and carclrce In the surl awnlooked by great slum statue people who childlike beacon 11 night last Ihu comlng shlp mlu the bland and In the daytime worked at In alr port wllh wlndsock and weather Ind radln stallons Sn lnvnlvcd were the visiting upcm with ma pnpulallnn lhal unknown In lhem lhclr cen lrn becamn the local polnt nur rehellhm The compound was raldcd at gunwlnt by company of Chllcan marines an rmollannl npcclulnr In which bloodshed was barely avoided WAWA Prime Mmlsm Pemon my alcp dam In 1966 and be auccwitd by Paui Map TM filhnpmln ho Milfl mu In Imn lawn ne mrt has mum widmmad and dlwm mmmcnl While some bled lhll Ms lursesflm amid wnh tho mm cl conlxlmcc xlvm lo Mr Fem by Ibo hem um lha Gmwnll Standardnec holdcr mom high may as nylnu L11 he L1 YM up with mlitlm Ml cmm but hrro my be ample m1 Inn for N12 Nkmm lo make lth pmdlcum nml mum volt mums mtmnnlic mutine man Ill Mum Mmlrrnl and fingflio rnngnr Nutmmd ind MII 71an mml mm In mlmunz Mr perth IM praise 111m Adm my ha mum me time mmlIur In Mme HdemL FIIIL Ill dnlirtficd mm at public am dam him In lho urer Mflmrd Iv mmtnmkm Hath Iw lad in ma Imuch Idler Inn my mo Nu Show mums hat In mum Inwnm Idlru ml 1mm dnl urnm wun prlvMo Mum lw umhl nunmin the rx whm miMxlrrl Mime pm Nm Am 3m Ml mu Iva will not um um AM Mr PM DIMWSIT OTTAWA REPORT Imum 11min mm qulknm her mum Third In HWY MM In In llmllthly diolhuuml mu xllmulnd with mllnn KIIMLL ml MIN Ma 01th £an lufuu rnnlivm MI II on Mrly mum mun um dummyhue In mm mm mm uyiynln flu Ilmn In Mr rwu elu IHII HEW lriul IVhilhlhr in hm mm um mapnan 1W mm mva mli Iv my taur nurvr puny In wr hivlnry Mule mm 0w will mlm war we emu mm mm PMinlily In lin He mm um WWIMW main mlwr In Th1 Canndlan advenlure PATRICK NICHOLON Discusses Possible Successors To PM awh mm 411 under an aim gamma FmM Tue Al CAP cumng And Ila cme Ind tookher by flux kind and fled her up and ImmedInlcly the lever her Ind lhe mlnlllued unln them Milk NM all who have bun raiscd up an wllllng to show heir gralllude by winding up Serve film with glldncss ll youro really golng laml where and not Just armchnlr ravelllng here are valuabln Ilps or even seasoned lourlsla ln he lndlspcnsablc guldcbwks The library has these or almost any conceivable dcsllnallnn Very brlclly ln drybane style these loll huw gel lhegc why to 190k for where sleep when In cal how much It costs you want in col lhn must out 01 um trlp of Iimlmc 31m Ihouldn miss but And if Switzeflaud Ills happen to be an the Min crary It recommend Swit zerland An Uncommon Guide by Lawrence and Sylvia Maflim It has ext almost em quite as Inlarmalivt And Its perky and madablc loo world away mam entertaining raiding nary arm for new Lama lomlorl Finance Minlslcr Mfloh all Sham uudcmzmdubly ambmom He hnl tho abllily bu Wham ha ya lacks the Mary pollucal experience Jean Imago L1 Mummy Ive he Ltbflnl radium mm pomduam he rndal ldulsm In CnnndnJhnlolnlttr nnlmx um leadnmhip hemun French and hum IIL momma lead new mlm 1er Ontario and nrithh Oulumbin Joln the lrnlfic pmvlnm and the NW mos In Ihtvllcnlcd Max1mm pmvfincn In Umlr nlmcnl qu nkdlon lhs Lllmnl pmy LMKH Imam RUFPORT Novn Smlinn oh Vle My Sind Kym nflm us human Imfnm upmmce ulu Mm whim Imlrr llul MI demlian lrnm he Lllwml hmdm Ikldnu Ndwimkcr Ixmmnn Im Immxmiml Uur mmulmnls while his mlmA on In TomMn cmmllmxcy in not nlnlorml hln WWIIIQ Maritth nmuwl 1M nvorlonkul mildl lty mid be In Hmtdrr Iln mnvlnclny elmarnl lrlumph In mumw mum Lu um pm mime pmhm my much hnn Mrmly Ivalwl mwlnm mm Mme nwragn wmmlla Imam mu ponA It minw unm nlly He may tum out In In Itll hum Mm mull Ithan In 11an mum mm WM INIWW In Wm Km and In mm gull Mclam MwnxQ wll lhrn lhru II Imll Maan Whan Hm InnI who Idi Ilrml lull filale um wimml puiimmlamu In Lumnl mnkl Ila HIM rnrm wlm ml InmI Hum lumh lwmtk cam in mun Imm mm Many time lau MmUn III IMI wmrnhln mmmr In MLJPNPIII mm Amid lw MI vam nvlvll prnw Amuc 1mm mmuy wllh AM LWWT km in Mm flunlll 1073 BIBLE THOUGHT HW FER HUT 22 30130me Out of In first slqis toward ModelUm look place on Hull 2m 11 mmenx 1359 mm CANADAS STORY Quitea la nmdy meal operatipns Wheln Canada ha was no hniircsééa b7 Nova Soolla study that he invited 03115de and MIHtImo delegnk to meet Mm In MM to EN WNWE PM In those day an postal layslem in Prince Edward Inland came under the post ofllce 1n Hahlax although the two provinces were lepnrale Hawaver flue government PILL extendzd in mm postal lyslflg 919m qutazo or 195qu the 000 was one shilling betwean any pm In Midland Halifax but Mlers to any other point an twogmce max As mall at the Montreal confermce Canada and 015 Ma ume pmvimoa wood to cunuol theirown postalrlyslun Ind Bruain transferred mummy lo the legislnlum In 1549 No year later haemoqu be sent arrmg Canada New Bumswick NW 500 and Newimpngil or pen 77 Canadian mmm ward preyml hurry other Even an Junr 27 IIMail my establbhad between Quebec and Monlraal 13261119 flips made Upper Canada separate diocese thflm um Lfmxod In uid were ungrayed TORONTOPremier Hobart mad one he fines Ipmhes pnuucal cam recenny to the Canadlan Club Man real when praised um um country the See IBMGrant Western Rauway opened bdwem War and Wimor 1580113 officially became the capital of Canada ISMAndrew Cnmegiexaslabflshed libraries in Toronto InsManitoba legislalum passed vote for men The Ipecch definfleli marks anolher slop up in Mr Robarls stature As his Ima In ofllca grows he also grown In per nanal 5mm It was poweflu all factual argument And It brought nut the need or closer relannshlp between Ihc federal Ind provin clal governmcnu The need was aimed In puc ticnl lorms ycar Igo Mr no barls was mung Heals and theories Ideal andlhcoricl which were prabewoxlhy In themsflvcs but whlch werent backed up by mu SOLIDIHES POSITION the lame llme cverylhlnx lhe pmmler said In Monmnl Isnt to be taken at law value For example he was mum at answer cdoralpmvlndnl problmu and In he cauld hava hem damn bl of III gqflpg year ago it la douhuul the premier could have conceived and delivered lhlx address speech BL And from one can my wholeheartedly and Im lhe first 11mm that our premier may be becomlng slgqng rpm mx even gel la be he prims mInlsier or Canadaa po siuon his strongest and main dlced mpporltrs have tell all lluuz he wmfld huld What namu to mind Ix pm poml lhnl lhm Ihnuld be nnilnntlnn mm by he led ernl Ind provincial overn mcnls Thll mmdn Inn but In tactic lll dwlnlul can made work In xavernmcnl pollllcl It has long been known how dlmcull not Impnulhle II In it lwo nr mare brnnthu lo coordlnnlu lhclr wark ffltdlvlly have hm nnmtroul al Icmpu ml at Quknn Park In vulous lldds And lha npln Ion of he obsrrvcr hm to lhn Ihey dnni nallylprpdum Thcio min lénlmlc mad nmhluum Involvzd or mouth nml magnum open BettertPostalvSystem Helped Cpnfederationi WE PRINT WE SELL 16 Buyllold RUBBER STAMPS WEDDING STATIONERY MIMEO PAPER By now onmm LETTERHEADS ENVELOPES INVOICES CHEQUES CLUB NOTICES THE BARRIE EXAMINER PRINIING SERVICE FOR YOUR PRINTING NEEDS QUEENS PARK Roberts Is Gaining Strongly In Stature Ilnn ambition of course the ml panda The writer at least loll no decided um unlm omeono cancome up with new ap proach it much better to put enliro responsiblllw In on hands and let other Involved only chmale rather than try to integrate halr acuvmea This however is not Any strong criticism oi lh much it was an onmiandinz 11an BET 0N OLD RACE STOCKTON England CF Gamhllng ever in It Durham town is bclng canted to by two nightclub owners They hava Imported old newsreall ol horse ram in In United Stale nnd their pnlrnns be on Ihe runners by number below each unldcnfified Hm moved from mind can and nhown Wcloofifé 1353M wvu mu mind bola by namt than Bu pluu In at Ink0nd mom ywnhmn mutant vlwu In ma ma mmm mam Burrh Exumlmr BARRII 7266537 1351 viauh

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