Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 27 Sep 1966, p. 9

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Torry Evanshcn and Larry flnbhuon hauidcrcd tha Icorlnz Ind after stark at Nudes oknnckcd blua cth valerans Lovell Coleman Ted Woods and Herma ljarrlson put nation The Stampede hnva cal Imcd Jun eight touchdnwns In 10 game and Evanshcn has struck or five of them while Rubinsun 21 year old place Hrklng export mm Calgarys Mount Royal Collogehax accrcd the mm pain Evinshcn zlyeurnld flanker rccrullcu from Montreal Alou let of 1319 Eastern Conlcrma In an xcnson rude and Rnhlnsnn have been key Instru ment In Cnlgnryl scramble lo ow 11051 They have to loin Cnlznryl ouch defence to carry tho load again In crucial conlmntnuml tonight with Whlnlpeg Blua Bomber now In pomsalon the third and last playoll berth ea pol adho Calgary They combined or 20 paint to direct Slampndm In their lint triumph 2H om Hul placo Sasknlrhewan Ruuxhrld WINNIPEG couple of young Canndlans dcserva Ixenerau ullce ll cred or kupinzyflalgnry Stamped within range Western Foathafl Cnnlercnca pluyolt po Kilian ngnry ack be Wmld or the pm CDT pm mm kkkofl Howard Stark In bruised knee leo Russ seven charlemorsc Frank Budd pulled hamstring mus flc and Jerry Keeling weak nnklc Canadian Pair Prep Stamps Montreal Oamdlans mm hnma lee an ldvama MW day opened up their min mmmmm me 11 mmmmmm Wamflmmazelnflw WE mountain uuou MIMI null on Noun 0va mm IIOVMV Ouvln uni ItLLum DOLLAR In All mum MIMIIIMIIOK It only takes one dollar to open an account at Canada Trust And cvcryrpcuny will earn Will you be able to write cheques on your savings Of course you will We make saving so easy for you Cauada Trust is open earlier and stays open longer for you If youre too busy to see us you can deposit by mailCanada Trust will prepay postage Ask us for all the advice and assistance you need Were glad to help at Canada Trust The people who think ahead and move ahead have found happiness and at Canada Trust Join us soon Can small depositor find happiness with large Trust Company STANLEY CUP CHAMPS Fm DESTROYS HORSES HELLEVUE Dull MUFire Iwept lhc mnln racing stable It the VilLlam du Punt lr cs lale Monday kllllng at leasl 20 lhamghbreds ln hair stalk The blue twpt the cnllre lootlung flab uhile employ ee could only keep 14 mm umbading In other buildings it daiiniteiy will put them in xecond place with 12 points one aim Edmonton Then it wiii be Woof tum to worry about Calgary and British Columbia Lions who sumch or limit third victory in Montreal to night primalin concerned with plnynll pal right now but 1th geequ Oaiggny would Grant ran his club lhrouxh Mcuday workouts to pre parelorlhelasthaudmse aflur Saskatchewan still front by our point despite In erlncklng letbnch Sakurdny nag Mgngny qlght put club In EESdeoZiVJSE or run at tho pcnnanL Ailhuuah admitting it wasnt lhll good Winnipeg conch Bud Pram 111 stick with Lhe Mn hinntian that mapped in three game losing mini Inst Wednes day with AMIyard olienu Hm buxicd Toronto Aug 17 produced all the wink in 138 sweep pnsl Tar nnlo Argonauu Sept and turned for polnts In an 1818 draw Saturday nigh with Ed mnnlon Robinson kicked flva pnlnm In support slerflng defence in an 1143 ver dlclover Winnipeg Sept 17 Yes 111 Canada Trust lamina starts with 496 on your savings IMQudecHm me 11 tats goallmeping luflmmazelnflw WWQWM Owl an ldvama MW Fomm Claude La Cnnndlam who did no hava In qunllly are Frank Vhihlcy and Cory Comm hon Kim encr out Did Munn Slnn Leonard nd John Johnston 1111 Vnncnuvcr mu Mawhlnnoy George Knudsen Alvin nwrmr son and Al Holding all an onto Adrien Blzms nosemcre Qua Funk Fowler Calgnry and Damien Gauthier Manl man the 27 whn failed to make the qualifying score of 76 Ontario amateur champion Doug Mum Town and Vancouvnr pra Lyle Crawford Scnluu ammun Mike user and profcsslonnl Dick Lyde Chuln Vista Cam bland IIx under par Ms Mammy on the nearby Palm Grey course In lend ha qualmerl Mandays qunlmau will Joln 100 other sellers who dId not have to quality or the nutday who Inurnamcnt or $10000 which will be preceded by Wed ncsdaya proum tournament VANCOUVER CF Forty uur genera lndudlng l7 CansA dim and clght amateurs qual Ifled Monday or the Canadian open 101 tournament which upon Thursday THE BARRIE EXAMINER iULSDAY SEPTEMBER 21 1966 44 Qualify For Canadian Open TRAIN ET FORUM CANADATRUST HURON VI Dunlap SO limit Onl Phonc 71MB Noun MomThu 9100 400 pm hi lCoanuouu 900 Douz Sandra winner Ihm tournament this your worknl on Iron shot We Chi Chi Rodriguez nucmplcd slrnlghicn in out hll wood Aholx iiiandny was reserved or practice by many oi the curing professionals inciuding Ii ly Casper lop money winner on the United Stale guii trail this year with more than $lii000i Olheu DESSLd up practice In ulmnn llshlng or ugh Twelve of the 18 hole on tha gently rolling town are more Ihnn 400 yard Innz wllh lwo these about 550 yards The cams L1 locals nlangsldc lhe Fraser Rlvnr In Vancouverl lashinnnbh southend The golfers with the long shot of thin lcn will have decided advnnlnge on the Amyard par 71 layout at Ihzl Shaun messy Gull and Country Club ALONG CQURSE ml Nenly nine Canadians are entered Most of Iho up mnney win nm on the Pralesslonal Comrs Associauun circuit have arrived or the tournament rnboiixi while ddzficeman mkp Mam to am up wmfio was WWW to we 1116 ixéfisfinp no olrl clnl nppmnch has been made to name to lake om mm Wen but that Mm mm uoned lndude lornwr 50 de fensive roach Jim Champlnn now auisunl cuch with St Louis Cardinals National Lemma vlnée nay preuure lo replace Skrien has been in ueased 1w report that our or five Irma have said they wont rcwrn next reason ll Skgen sun is whaling S17 hull seaam the Lions have won only two at nine leguejamu In report from Annual when muons IN pmparlng or tonights Canadian Wuhan League Intedoddng game Against the Mweues Pmlnce football udder Enc Whitahead said Skrienn Job would be on lthe block the dlnwn med mg The Pruvime dub pm denc Alan Eyn ad the meet lag and Ihat manager Herb Ca pom will be asked per sonal rewmmcndmon comrn In Sknen ho look owr coach from Vaynu Robin son In 1561 gufded the on to Grey cup viotuxy Kn 1964 The following season on in lshad fourth with six wins and on tie hula zamu Skrien Rumored In Hot Water VANCOUVER GP The Pmlnce my Brlzlah Gnlumbln Lions dlmetm will mm here My to maslder whelher Dave Skrlen should confirm Coach of the Wcuern Football Conference team Dalemlva Gene Gllnu provlded tha recnnd with fourth quarter rm lntrrccp donht lecnnd the game and Mud return to the Sn manyear the to let tha flare far halfback Bo Seans three yard touchdown run on what appeared to be the 1133 pay olthu garne VI are to olllclnll IWPPGdIn mus mum 1N ottnwu Iumed two hlz play Into touchdown to open nur yolnt lead In the Eastern Con lerenca but had to rely on big play by the omen to get their 1132014 the Hundreds of the 21954 fan warmed on tha idd as Scott crossed the anal llno and It looked for whlla as though Ollnwa wasnt gain In hive Nlhack Jlm Dillard luppfled he first big way wllh suddcn 41yard hum of ankle In the first quarter or Ottawas Hm lagchdawn OTTAWA CF omwa Rough Rider had Io bllllo their own in wail the appo sition in scare an 193 decision our Hired Saskatchewan Rnuxhriden tenm Monday night In Canadian Foolan Luzue his locking game WIDEN EFC LEAD QttaWa Tq1es Advqntage Oi Weary Saskatchewan ouch cnmflollaw In third down punt by Sas katchewan OH wa hnlfhack Dnn Gilbert fumbled he ball on his own but yard line and swarm ol Saskatchawnn player chased the ball into the Ounwa and zone Gene Gaines Ignln was KUm Oluwa hm as he re govonad tho hall and held the Ottawa quartuback Russ Jackson finished he lame wllh seven completion In 19 at leppls far yprdtu LfinéaEiar had mug btller time completing 11 of 21 or 158 yard but had three passes In lo to two points unwu had an edge In Ina llnlmics with 26 yard total of fence compared to Saskatche wans 295 10$ to The Western Conference lend era scored second quarter safety lunch on play that WM little MIGmm hm re xulted In touchdown They ad ded fourth quarter tnuch down an 21yard pass from uarterback mm Lancaster tn nnkcr Hugh Campbell It was Campbells 15th touch down of the season and have him only one shy at Inc On record or touchdown passes caught durlng swam Ha caught five passe nr 55 yard durlm Monday gum CHASE BALL Snskhlchowan showed lhu lecu of It 151 1051 Saturdny night to Hamilton maxflab In ha npener twosumo east ern swing but still manned to stay In um am until the In mlm 4mm charfca or convert Player mm bum Iealm headed for the dressing room and the lull sopnded Butreletee Seymour 1an finally cleared the playing Iran and recalled the player In the field Tackle llne Raclna made the most hls chance and hoated his second convert ol the night to go along with sin gl uni Held 1911 OSlump Rcmavlng Rn mm mm Shlnly BI SNOOKER PDDL OEILLMRDS Own Sundny Mlernoonl 7239061 Dunlap El TOIMCCO BILLIARDS SANDY COVE mMARINE llOYD GOHEEN t1 rm LAKESIDE TREE EXPERIS CROWN HILL RESTAURANT IV For Delklou mum mm mum mnumu cnhul Mnroo m¢6imnilioflki lopaln COLOLJR FACTQRV SIRVICI mum om Cooked Mull VII mommy TABLE POOL 726415 BARRVIE SIGHT SOUND nunloud icth In AI MAI ram IN I111 ho hum In with undy mmflm 01 I0 club In the ripMN elmL P111 ml hm an ham um In rat llm hi vlu mum Kmmm Am II UII nm la Visit 091 11 They MI Mle lry 011 Im Ill limmd WIllwfl um lum mm Mlnvllle Tn min NW mva lbs 00w numu Onkvmc nlkl Purim null Ml mm nah urlflxi Alhldkl dumiom he Gmrzhn loop th Denim ham Ibo durum being dam db darling dimming nlur ll un wmu 1066 ochy inst mnd the with radical cumm fing his wcckmd now Uml kc nearly nwb at Emu Arum Mud has been named rmampod 01M Sedu mmnt m1 km In making the My nepup la ullflmlzed Smut mmxfllkn Hn mnlmork lnx cxmflm ha lmmmlcd mu Hm nltlmlim md on m1 MM the quad In all Mannmu Tram mm Jun Show nnormnnd that mm furl per mdmgn 7115 in tr rm Ottawa Hamilton Montreal Toronto mm Illfln IL Ha underwcnt cabal lreal menu or levernl week an autpallenl But three weeks ago he weakened the hagmal When his mnditlnn wuuentd Cnmplalnlng toad poison lug Swill entered lhe hospital shortly alter the MLSM gamu in July malignnm tumor wu discovered duran Ihe ex arplnauon lercepled Jachnn had one in ercepted The which led the rusth or both teams and bath were humed Kale In flu Bum For Ottmvm Dillard curried 14 times or 114 ylrdx Hoaho caught IDIIII pang I01 dL DETROIT MIDBub Swm twice pulled rum the canchlmz ranks to llk over Detroit Ti gen in tha Inst two years wu reported In poor cundlllon It Grace Th9 filvyenrold former major Ieagua catcher sulleng from cancer Swill all Into cum nvcr lhe weekend Hefir Dnrsch flllinx In or CPL Ill IuGeom need wha ya Injured Saturday In Hamil Bob Swiit In Poor Condition ml vw 1m Dlmulllnlnr llnm Wlmimmd Only 1100 mllu LIA mm In um rm ml Hlvllfl VOLKHMGIN lwrllllllnl II Eulem Wellcmfonkrmu mI 1133373 FOOTBALL MOTORS LTD anle PIMI Kluln Inxuo Im man For Imml Flrm Dllry MIMI L11 ll1Nl ms 55 on noun Conluenu 0139 N15 0164 B712 PIERCE SMITHS lull mom TWIII Inn carriedll lime or yards mum BA Mmlul Showuu Ill HINDI Dillard suffered pulled humming muscle but coach Frlnk Clnlr Inld Alter the game he haped the lnluly wasnt sch lous Oltnwnl other fullback mck Black was injured week Igo when Ottawa played lwo game In three days during western tour Dnrsch nullercd knee Injury and Saskatchewan coach Eagl Key said he wouldnt know the extent or he Injury unul thc team rejuer to Regina oday You Illa other Imnr hum omn yrnhlbly quld nnl all day Illhmfl In lnmnnu on your ham and nr Inm mm 1112 mull Imporunl lhlnl In flu world In your lun lly II yam And youll prolllhly dzqunmy lalund Dld ml know lhl Ior lvrry homa lhll ll do mm by an hm In our 11 ham own um dln brlau lhrlr hum mnvluu l1 luld all Fur tomplele nmlop luluunrr lovrru II VIC TMTIZN 71H MHJK LIMI VEIISTRATEN HHM MILIK LT 09 STEELE fil HAHN mumq Lumi II Im Dulrhmtl mm mm um sum luldmllll cmwum Hmqu 7287133 BLOM CLEANING SERVICE LUMBERng Mlplo GREEN CORNER GRILL For fluidly compo In urvltolnd quil IOy brand name prod um call In now If Borfrlm Brod OFF ON CASH AND CARRY IS YOURS AN AVERAGE MORTGAGE BARRIE FLOOR WALL TILE KENS BA SERVICE Imm munm Imm Flu an can 11W Lmuhlu cum levfl 71M

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