Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 27 Sep 1966, p. 5

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Fmaul nrrnnnmrnu lnr Ih Aerrnlh nmmnl umvcnnnn of on lnrlu Countlrl Auoclnlhm ill nymphml matting nl hr wumy mnlingnfln rvm miHN Ihr county lmlhlln on Frhlny nmmlul ll wn announc rr Ivy Tummth Dnnlty Ilrnu Juhn lntrrnnn hnlrlnln in rm iuéunlanx mm mm ml Hum Iil many xml HMkfll and Mr Men Vnulrn 5an Tmlnly fitlvrgl Mdazu MHIWII ha ulnaran In many 01me um hm wulhln hmM mm Mn III unly nrnrm nnlurnu mu Im hllh my Ymrlwn will Hm WI unrr HIMHH munklyml WK will Iv Mm hr wall HI MUN that DI vmmt Drlmu UIlfliy unwrva bl WYnn mmn MkMzan pm uvnnnml lu mmnl and awran uhuul Uh rmme Irm In MMsz Ilw hr mrmlmv Me Hum dlr yum lhnn human new Im hm Jim hum of RR Elmvale won first for champion gill In UJL swine class and D150 as the wand champion swine shwman DBVH Hamock of RR Elm ae was lhe mene champion Eric Tubman of RR Elm vnle vmn he gmnd champion bro xhovrman swam wflh Dnvld Ritchie 01 RR Elmvalc re serve winnrr Gnry Franch ol nn mm he novmc class and Ilulh Dunlcls the reserve nuv kn class In lh bcrl smlnn Gmry Elliotts cal chas tn reserve thamplon hil Jim Furncy won lnr gill and David Mlmmzk he reserve In lhc rv class Hume rhamnionshlp In dalry can rlnx was wrn by nuke VnnVuu or Ihelnsmr DAIRY SECTION Champion in the novice class wzs Tank Stmmpcl wilh Mar nie Sham both at Eimvnlu he reserve winntr flunklnx nexl lo Him In the dairy MLtlun wnh Holalclm wrrc Gordon Leonard Wyc vnle and Paul Lamb of Wye vnlc In the uninr rllm 0mm in show here minded my Srhmcu and Martin Sthcperl Antrn Milk Margie Simmpr Emma llrnkla VnnVuzl ELMVALE Stall An ex hihilor mm Phelpsinn Iran Garry Ellintl has won the grand champion dairy call award lnr 4H lubs here while Gary French oi RR Eimvnlc won the Jack Ritchie special for grand champion animal which won he lch class Elllnu show ed Hoislein and French Pall cd Angus call Assqaiale agricul ture representative or North Simcoe Alan Scnil pralscd the showings made by the Elm vale ll dubs 3th the win and dairy club had 100 pcr cent completion while the bed club kid 90 per cent wmplbilon figure he said The club lcndzrs Ircphy goes to Jim Pmnay of Elm valc as grand chamnlnn llvc stuck showman while he re serve chumplon showman was Paul anble Wycvnk Pan alsu will rcrclv he Llon Club up ur champion heel and dnlry lvuwman Alnn Lamb won lhc reserve lllle hm Snunc CMan Cmuwil be lml the our My cumul Hm uhlvh lw hrhl Ilw nullnrnlnl Inn RHI Mvhfr In Inclmm with aruinm Mnndny Vrvlvwwlay chair muu Hu rmIMy rnnlmirmy mmqu Mr lalmnn has lyrrn Mhd III Ivmk allrr IE muniyn ml CHMPION GILT Ontario Counties Convenlion Set For Next Week Enlc Saunlus al Lanny hulk his fine Halslein coll hid has PhelpstOn Exhibitor 4H Dairy Winner LEFROY 0mm nwing In due junlor mum won by acke Slrampel were Margie Smmpel Linkzke VanVugt Francis VanLnarhov en George Simmpol John Spring Nona Spence Larry CUIHIING INSTALLED MMSTDN 15mm Nzw cur him have hctn InslnlLd on Vic url sum ml mm Ontario mm In Hue hxhwny 99 turn he western pm of lmvn Illnmww WIHHNEII OOOKWOWN lSlnll Grad prams bcinz made In wad conqrudinn nn hnhwny Ihmuun lhh vlllnxr me mad ll hrm wldcnul More mur luring Pnelpslon Cheryl Rilchle all nawn DEnan Leonard Peter Elmvale Tneke Strnrmcl of Kenney Peter Danlels Rex Elmvalc Allan Lamble at Oownn Jolln Bax and Harry De Wyevale lnlm DeGorlct of Slay Gmer nerl Martin and Arthur Van In the swine class besides wln Lnamwcn Anlcn Millsv Don ner llm Furnay were David nld Cox pl Hillsdale and Willy Hancock Paul bumble Allan DeEackcr or Phelpslon nimble Doug MacDonald John 0mm shawln In due junlor Machnnld Nelson Jones Doug aezuon won by gacke Slrampel Langman Tom Archer and Earl were Mar ie 5m Llnkzke Ooover VanVugtKFrnnelemsanLnarhovI Poul Mman nvn far 1965 en George Slmm pol Joln call club wkn Fem Miller sec THE BARRIE EXAMIN TUMDAY SEWEMBE 1m STAYNlIII 5mm Provid inx ll ms approval rum he ccmclcry cvmmissiun Slnyncr Brunch In Canadian Legion pnpam lo cred memor lal ncar Ihe mnln cnlrnncu lo lhu ccmnlcry In rcmcmbrunco srrvircmm of this nrcn whu ltd in bank or hau pamd an since Iii mu CENTENNIAL PLANH DUNEDIN Ismm AdenCJ mrnl hm bun mnde her In plum he Dunexlln commiun to mark Cnnndnx ccnlrnnlnl lxl July 14 mm The Minedln renlonnrnl rmnmilm mm Navrmhcr design or mcmarlul about seven In height has bun Approved by 10 mm on BOY HOLDS PRIZE CALF DISTRICT BRIEFS been the envy Munch He Junlur can section Com made good showing in the town Fain Examiner Photo Stayner Legion Plans Memorial ELMVHLE um HIGH SCHOOL ammo IllTEES EVENING CLASSES 171 MIMI muvm II ho vflmd In In Elfllnl Animal lvunm ll Ilu mlan IA mlllrlrnl lo arm In han Imum Inlulm lIll No hand uroml nllhl rl fiwnmmiaLTwinl Gnva slinky mnn iallnlni upw Mm 1hr Mumkmm Fulxln ll 0w MumIm nm Ming ml Mic llllnnrry Amde Duglrdl Iflrrmun AliOil ml hall Mira NM IlliliIHTIIllWVIDNILDM KEPT II II Tillh TIIUMIMY MllT 19 ID IIWIAIO In urh tounlsm plul ml Inpplln Inn at townH Imh finnmmiaLTwinl ml Huwlhml inuwl shopJul ml 11le and MM mil Ihl Mmfl IUAI ml Mr Nth 111m cl Uphnhmln mu flrflnlxhinl Hst and lo 51mm and fitnth 51ml DISTRICT NEWS MIIIIHI IIIlOT Mn and TICUMDAV TUESDAYS Tnmlny Rawn DEnnls Leonard Peter Kenney Pew Daniels Rex Oowan Jolm Bax and Harry De Gmu 1mm commendation decormlnn day wmmiuce Suitable enm ng Lle be Adda and Ive work wmdd he done one of hp ummnlal yur projects he Leglan Dcwlopmwt cl lh mnu Jackson propcny town park SlaymrA municipal ccrxrnnbax projccl 1110 pm pcrly was danmd by lho Jaclo Ion lamlly Waugh hu lAzion and he town on the under mndlng ll be developed or park purposts and candy ave approval In lhu plum mm Cnnxldvrnble the park dcvcl cpmznl ucyk has been done and Olhzr plum or ccmrnnlal obsrrvnnm also In mdually lnklnk shupt QUEENS HOTEL NIGHTLY FRO Pnl Innclnl nn our sun In 1h 12m Room 1mm Naw lflpllflnl hb uloul Ioundl ol Mm Your Trlendl whm ll Atllon II Hahn GOGO Tho Dlwn Trio Mrlll ANGUS Shall We hm have skagigg nnk our An gus pyaygmund subuqu Ior bolh mung mdhwkcy Lth cumin which said Gcmwe Gmb pmskkm or Ihe Angus Mina Rh mammal Council Mr 6001113 announced he was earning much Ina soon dim the winter mmilon pmznam for Angus succusrul mm pmgmm wasJcadurLd by wellsnowed day camm and aim lndudcd playgrwnd mclivéty somzall swimming time and sum practioo Bamsse The Angus Legion spammed cansidcmhle minuribaifl whlch Mr Gnuals oommcndai am he also HM the new peaks spam usucladnn was wolmcd comva mom med lights Inr lhe mink Lighted Isl Urgédi mum mum mun numnu RTffx TUSHINGHAM THE LEATHER BOYS BEGINS WHERE THE MODS ROCKERS AND WILD ones LEIT OFF There ha bum la lnlen est Shawn and hi encourag Pw Am 9W and it shwldrhave pmper 1mm fur hockey said Mr Guemu stating this should be commun ity film He said humanly his gunman hwped to sea at new commity cum meted In Angus nubuiue main wuri Aim He mid mam or ympuaed buildings which wouPd be suitable or rink have been asked 01 9nd UIcsa will be submiucd lo an early medium or his 9w Wc mm to need the mmmuml organizations hier zsted in making Angus boner phamto put this mu he said VISTIOII IMPRESSED Immu mrldenl of Summer NOW SHOWING fldckw Biflk F6 Angqu EIUIIIIII IIIIIGIIIIII Comull your Local Axon or Inlormauon about all Package Tour umrmuwfly boo or Ilnoe vlsimr mm Prince wk Wallace Mom on him daym two to and lava him much encourage men by reviewing mnplbsh menu at Summelsldm side Rm Mr Gucgz claxne In Angus 11 years agoamj has EM Mr Make The munuvy THE CA PITOL PUBLIC GAOL RALEIGH TAVERN GOVERNORS PALACE rma GARDENS MAGAZINE am GUARD HOUSE ALSO OTHER INTERESTING SIGHTSEEING TOURS GRAY COACH LINES 955 PM FEATURE anlo and Slmcoo 5m PLAYING AND KARATE AT 830 PM 700 NOW AT Tick nd lnlommlon 3v Bmlt Bun Tarmlml Byrnc Agent Pounce are leadan crap Prince Edward Island and it $311M in knwtanoe in Simone Cwniy MIMBS€ noted But mu W51 ride is toning mare hnpcmlnm curbusmm allme limle he Bald staffing Angus 01 my other pxloe can make 1521 made by definite program 04 achlevemenis mmdhm very mall 1119 it sathome lunspflaklmzoi 92mm area Simumrske Was an madam conmummy few yearn ago but nuw it the name 01 dell tcurisz made We have devel oped mueqlfiml sumac cludlngn race track has azed oihuwl 10725 phch HHS HOTEL ROOM NIGNYI IIYURN FAR BV HUI lump urnm um mluon Sublrrl To Clllnt Mr Mme mmcmled Guuais hadmhip ln hesifiuz the Any drive for but recre mm admits He wk ml wm dwhwz at Sunrimsido mad he 4M1 has the name an thmi mrrmld7Mr Manse AA onetime MGuerg owneda sulky ramkeck kl Prince Ed ward Island The nahAW to which he 09mm ham has oubdocr um and chéfir well wing md other playgrmmd em But am warmed In trying mvmmte Angus and make In hatter mu yam Mr Gmll slmsln in Ema peltmm as the mares cormrumlw to Base Borden

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