SEVERAL STUDENTS at St Josephs Him School spent week during the summer at lending various muses and seminars in we United Stab and Canada dealing with 601M SL Jnscphn 1131 School MmlcuLs spent rtck of their summmm racatian broad ening their Nook on vnriuy subject mmdm from law and religion to the purpose the Unllcd halions Six sludan cnrudcd In the wrck ION summer school he Chrkmm Amslululn Md every ymr In numerous cillm ncmq Iu Unml flanL Actan In trade Mmlcnh Mary Imxhy Sue Dourtlh Ann anpcy unl Ihylm ttnllum My nurmlcd me Mr mlwol he werk nu 111m mde ullh unfnnzcunhl dayn of inspir mvn informality splnlunl llv Inn mnumnlun nun mm Kevin Mnmn and Iflcr Drsurmrnux who num nl lomlnï¬xln mm In New Ylnk um ntlnr We Icnrnnl hmv In cxpnm mnrlvu mm KM who pruitl nl llm whml IludCM cwncll The murm he HM rmplwlml how by learnan pawnm Hawk mumlrr rmth Lnln knrmiulzv hm ml Her nun rhUJvtn In Mun yrnrl 10 915le NR Find Summer Courses Broaden Knowledge 11w glxl rnhyml llvs Dprfl Ilumiuu Iw my lu llï¬lfl IllKuvMu nn Mlhluh low nqu Ml dlm1i4m Hwy nald Im MM lhu Irmmy Irwl ml qnuludnl hy uu lnrlunv 1m mm vllanqun lw rlwhl IIM lhrldlnn Commit MM mmey anI npmfll Ir Hvlnq mlnldy Wm Irmlnr In lrnhllml Hum your Hm Iww la um wvdnkx nwl luh Mm Hun Mmhvlntr lflkrlulnl mm 0va funnu Many 400 Martin My day mmth tahly hm Wflhfll mu rmidmllm Tnmlinu 00 www Imamr lrlrr Hotl mm Imsl mm In lurking It the In niur Mmmvin IMll ml mm mman lrr wih vs My mum lap Mr Ni lulu Mutan m1 llflmm TM Unle ume In Hm flu mm kl Light Weekend In Tourist Centre Mm mum MM duumm vnriety world and social problem ABOVE from Id right Mm Bibby Phyliss Ncoallum Sue Dmlceue and Anne May who amended 11 summer school the hist and Jim Dewar anloo UnL vmsmy and Prank Murphy Wham aucmlcd wminzm dealing with the lnlerwollrghln councl or lhc Unikxl Nations The Dchcls he IOCUN txplnlncd Um students are In provide an association lhrouxh which hinh school sludmu can lunhcr lho suIy princip lm the Uniml lemx give xpmsdun lo lhï¬r brim In lhr mic of the Unilcd Nation In world Mlnlrs stimulate Inter ul and mppon the principle of lhc 11mm Nallanm and in pmlmlnr Hm rah playul by Cnnmla lumber lmoUMuul and nodal ummu WDIITIIWHILE The tudcm mm lhry luuml week mmnuly nhrntlonnl and worthwhile xqu lrnmcd much Abom llm erldl mlrms Including the war In Vct Nnmv Hog lulh um unwed mrr Illa umntrr nl Hum Imm Imrqh yrï¬irnlny lnllmlnfl Innmm rlmv OI nmnlmm 20 Min cily Mun mun wt Imam Mn all Mnnng mm mlal mun lmr wrm HMIM Hm Ihryn Ilrmk Hank Nmn Sam and Inan Dank ll vlmwro 1le1 he Hvsl liun mum Nl In In have m1wnml In lrvernl 1M mrmlmg In Sal Allx Mflkitnk Mm nhl me hm wove Ml unlty mun nul havl Ilm In lhr Bogus Bills Are Reported NP flirt bl Mlmm Thu NH Ina lmndul mm kIIII mner ll Wooluuflhl anHAI Ulnar Mme Tamil and Zrl lru 1m lad mle mu the NH wm mums inn Apostolnte at Detroit pmparq PELOW edge the violin 6nd guitar ed music summer camp Bl Quebcc lg brofsqfn lhei mm St Josephs has mncu started UMPI Nulium In with 10 5mm cnmUrd Io data They havu become muan Tor nMDB gvnvml assembly and will mm Mu month and bring urwnnl mnlullnns to lhu aume nwmldy he Iquleien ï¬ilufluflfl disarm mncnl and food and Mulnuon prghkmh ynl and We Mum Mung with NanI ollofluulz sllhlnl Mark Hukhl nlluulrd mu Iwc lo ulvnnrc lhmMIvï¬ In 1er uucsl or Vian nml mum unr nmnhor lhc 1mm ml lyrnmrr bulh 511M lac camp 11 umfluuhï¬o and Ivy plckml up warn palm UllIIJJA 1TA rnrnnrrl Jury lmlml Mumlny llml Mnry urullnv MdTrnhh tllrtl In Sultllrrn Memnrhll HtmIIlnl IUt July lmnuw of 1M Inl vmprr npyllmllnn nl oxygen ullrr mu mnlmll nlwrnllnn l1w lury Iudrr Ilr II II Column lmlnvl Muvcrvlllnfl mumr pllnrlwl rm lulnymj Mr Mdrnhlu rnlrml lun pllnl July lnr mnlmrnl Al dnmlrml palm Surcrry WM whvnnwj Um unl ulny Allrr lhn nutr11 Ho lha wmmu mu lnkm In In unnl mu ulvrn urn Th me lnmul lhnl no rum lho my urn umplp hum In lhn wum nnn rndnlrmhral hflw wt rnlwl Ilrr hum Mlmllvu nml rmunl IIII IHIIEI In uvllnpw Iury Recommends Trained Stafl lllflflflflflll mly Hemmmmmd nukmeemdnfnhawfl Nnmdwawmmwm edout dbusinessbmause oi unreguiahionmeutd mundl Operaï¬on Bllslcr partlclpanh from Barrie came lhraugh with strong Ihowlng as ï¬nal tally of survivors mm the 15 mile walk was made Whilu mo of the 750 starter managed to complete the full lenth along the Highway PM mule Sutur day ï¬ve Iml walkers were argongthe glnflghers an the aclunl dlslnnco to Pet ers Comul was just over 38 mllcs Terry Lclgh nl St Glles Angllcnn Church legged It all tho way over lho lull mule whlle Dave Ilolller Harold and 1th lcmon also ol Gllc mach cd 35mm polnl nlonz with Inm Dually The jolnt Angllcnn and United Church youth project whlch raised lands for lndlal Ludhl ana llospllnl was hlg Iucccu as tho Iuponw was more than double the orlginal plan or am walkm Wu from Barrie actually slarllng livu reached the In lsh line 35 mllcs was of the Clnvcrdnle Mull xlnrllng polnL Final Tally Shows Barrie Walkers Make Good Showing An even dozen 1mm Dania nchlovcd dislnnccs pnsl lho Pal ermo hullway house 20 mllu Mg ha hlghwny THE BARN EXAMINER TUESDAY mummy 17 ms Folloulng cnmplcle Ill Bnrrle walkers wllh mllcngo Willem ln brackets Sl Gllu Angllcnn Terry Lelgh 38 Saw Hol llcr 35 llnmld Yunnan 35 ml Ptnrsnn 125 Junlcc Sln Faur Go Dancinn Achcdnl cd or narrlel Central Cellos nla Auullmrlum on Thurday on MI lm he llnl In lhl mum Umnrmmily Concert Mlcllntl Mania and Colleen Corkrn mmhlnn Ilh gum nr mu nml unrrnuon nhow 1m glnxnnr nnzl rumnurc Inn tnl lmllrl lnnnuolwrhcrk Ill llro nl Na dunn nl yulnrymr um the mm no ballroom 1mm Ilullmnn III the haw nwmmled by cultmm In guitar Ill bnu Nul cnnml wlll lrnlurn Um Mama Mailman lm Mr mnbrr IouL Enth member lhn lvln MI rlnulrnl mullc lmrkgmuml hul IPAuI rumrn mlxm lonluu lnrh ml Runny Hul Four Concerts Set For Barrie CITY NEWS SOUR DRAPES NEVER AGAIN mcmmmmm wwwmwldgwmjl 1917mm New 1de Minwummwedvrilhtaflinx wunwlaltummadï¬ullvwm amend elAmmd Minmlastmsflmm mmdmmmhwadunw Nommwmmmaumd WEWWSW mmzmmal Otlw vdhwle jnvoivgd mud clalr 30 Dabble Mollul 30 Greg Hessnn 27 Trlnlly Angllcan Bob Bully 17 Charlotte Dnvldsnn new Ellen Hunter 15 Linda Read PM Heaal St Georxol Anglican Llnda LoChappelle 126 East Slmcoo Deanery Local Councll And ha thn Sage ulqenu Youth Charged After Mishap pannanny cm Aylall 27 nnrrlel urban rentnl com lulllnll would be chmed Ith mu um time clly lull III In nlhulu Mop mlllon Ald Robert nld 1m all Ald Robrm old councll connun mum lo mum to thy hill or Ininrmnlon Ind Ihould ply or lha Ier vice Hm ScnIlnlll and Churn Park er Tchnlkwlkl Ind krny An dcnon ROBERTS RAPS CONSULTANTS Inked why the couulllul mm Idhm wu chullul 100 for Ilhtrlnl maulum mIuu nulllhle mm the nlmmem dcpmmtnl Lol Mnnhnll Ippnnu ll Cm lrnl on Jnnunry lrd Chmllnn Scll nu Manilar hnI ductllml M11 IN Ioprnno nullml Mme mmpltlo nvtnneu It now In mm nnlr at the Mnxnn Ilyle Normnn Luna 110k M1 rm vldu lhu leuonl lllll on If 1007 Annual mnellnl km Com munlly Concert AuMlIlIon II lnnllhl ll in Cummunlly nun burg pnxhurvd ll provimton Ira Dlylnl lhzm la do Job nol come here In plck our hrlnl In um FIIXK IHHV quNW El 11 15 om pungla my nl puna on mm It 7265531 nolh ownst lumed down meeflng with the Departmm of Energy and Resources Man agement proposed by Barrie with visz to arming com strvallnn area mud we laid Innis and 0m lownshlpa have mulled Barrlea plan or threemunicipality conserva UQn gummy 1351 mm However the matter con wrvnllon is not dead as Barrie concerned Mayor El pooke guldl later Md Hersey suggested Barrie mlght became part of the Nolmwasagn Valley Comer vaflon area igmi ppqlc Willy Ls uxeady Included lhe arm URBAN RENEWAL Ill wlll cost the city mm 5130 more mun expected lor ll urban renewal study code learned last nlm Government gram we ml available ln nev ml was nnllclpalcd he clly development commilléu report ed crcalim the added cm to be assessed locally Battle Elmo nl lhe 1me cos wlll be $6937 awarding lo mas sums DEIIENTUIIES Bylaws fur the hm ol do bcnwrcs mullan $753000 re mind ï¬nal approval laa nlght money ls lo be borrowed the ram slx and Mun qunrlm per cent wllh lnlmst over 20 yan nmonmlng In over sumo Md llobcm chi Au DOEMN PARKER returned from vmuan in mind Mm autism or flu COUNCIL BRIEFS SWIMMING POOH bylaw hm wwd havu qulrcd mum mm em around all prlvmelycwnul do mestlc lwimmlnu pools wcnt back or tumm comicration Ind dnnllmllon 1mm Nd John Manol mld he propmd bylaw did rm maka dcnr what In of pooh wm lo be cov 10 BUILD ROAD It was agreed in nluht lo build road from Dï¬ncm mash my lo mvu MansmldDenmun Genunl Land cllyowncd The road lo gravel And ml wide FMBIHNG LIGHTS CMHKHI It works com mm has on asked to com Alder Iminlllnz Unshlng red 11qu the intemulon ol Vlnmn and Cowlrinmn 9m rLuhIna ombrr Hm would an Cwlrlugflnn 51ml lmmc ICCOIdInl In we uuuflon yu forth by Am Ilmrya Md llobcrln MIA hdld n14 HIM 1mm 1TH any Reject City Plan For COnservation Area speed letters on their way mail aflm during the business day be as mm Mman MM cause motorLsta tend to dlsoboy them The puma work can mlttca was also asked to look for way in which to improve visakmty at the intersection of Napier and Duckworth Streets FIREARMS Counctl ham ordered prepara llon hylnw prohthan the discharge of ï¬rearm within the city except in curving out oi the dufles the pollce and anl mal control ofï¬cer To CONFERENCE Clerk Ben Summon has been authorlzed to attend con enae on while lamlly pinnnlnz in Toronto In midNovember Thm delegate from flux as scssnmnt department worn an tom the Lord Mayor of Be ll Aid William Geddh Above the presents lha lat ter in Mmr Cooke The Unllcd Appeal Ball whlch was to have been held at the Emil Ammry Friday mm has been tantrum us learn editodny Campaign pub ly dialrman Lenora Wood said ioday lhut kcl remuse among sumnu nu poor and osmium ollidals had no choluc Inn to cancel the dance BMlcllns have been bsuod to all three Barrie High Schools and money will be re undcd Io rludmla Mm pumhas Hd llckels UR Ofï¬cials Cancel Ball THURSDAY pm BLIGHTY BINGO Barrio Mlnor Hockey Auoclllion ul lhe EMBASSY HALL Blake St East Sponsorod by ofï¬ce mall method In amend dcparmcn of municipal nHairs school in Walkman In November Assess ment Commissioner Pm ridge and Er Winter the de partment will mend commer cial assusmem 1001 In cad December Mayor Cooks hld sent may me greeflnx In the Help In mayur wim Mn Parker Exlmlner photo NEW TRUCK Dangerï¬eld Motors was awar ded the contract to supply In $9880 truck mnplete with dey hols and mwplmdng equip ment An Oflllln ï¬rm oilercd $80 or the cllyl mle honk badier tractor and win agreed last night to It Was the hLzhesl bid abhiï¬wsr 7289228 Call In In plumb run mcllnl modzmlxlnl no vluvm Ind rep1n PLUMBING