Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 27 Sep 1966, p. 13

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INNISHL NOTES Thu innlsili Township Recru tion Committed hcid their ilrst tail meetingon Thursday ave ninx About dozen person worn on hand besides the Reeve and Deputy itcova Mr Kidd Rac reoiional Adviser oi the Dcpari men at Education oi Ontario and Keith Caval Simcoo County Recreational Director Mr Kidd told the group that he was there to help thq committee help the people He hoped that with the County Recreation brunch which won something not many coun ties had tho incni group would iind assistance easy to obtain He explained how rants tram the Department word obtain nhic Funds first had to he spent by the local group and what ever was spent this your wouid be parlioily rcturnnhlo in 1961 PIQOVINCJAL QRANIQ uuu ll would bu nmssnry or the local unll to spend $5000 vhlch would include salaries and crcntlnnnl dlrcclurs Fm col lmled muld be deductible mm the lolnl bclmu clnlmlnl the grants mesa helnz made on lhe cos of the program pin ww nuance grant of total 31 No grant lnuld he paymu my sum 10 lhnn $500 exp ed Donnllons and cum fund cullcclcd can be expended in general expense Grant from the pmvmcm dc varlmem nru paid an lhn basis of one thlrd of salaries up to $500 far employch and total of $5000 or ma muldclpnllty In order lg rpmlvn lhn loln grnLnt llls department wlll send survey booklet whlnh can he mulled to local resldenls askan lhem for deslm and suxgcsllons and llsllng any mcrnnllonnl lncll lllc nvnllnblu In dlllcrcnt new New surveya tiller helm re turnml and mbulalcd will give llm cnmmlllca an Idea what mnlerlnl ls avnllublu locally Fonmgn NgwgrglprgnlAN Tempcrnncovlllu and Wesley Aurnrn United Churches wn speaker at SL James United Church Huh Anniversary Serv Ices on Sunday Mr Slolcsbury Is he syn allorrrrer plaster 02 his early aim in We in Snskni Mum when he bcmmc own er oi lo weekly newspaper and rcprcxnnlnlivo oi the Week ly Ncwspnpcr Assncintlon when he docidcd to coniinue his cd urnlinn lhrauah university he was manlad man family oi four in ionicr in have Redreation Commitfee Holds First survey macs Any budding Rembrandt at home Have them colour in your family Thoyll likely colour Mum and happyman mo way youd want II ianl ll Evan ll Inylhlna Ilnpponud lo you In simple lo mako sum lhnt Nu ll 30 Sumnn lhoy dmw bonld on dadnu boul nlck bomd umndlnlhovl boom No you unpaved lo ml ovunlunllly The lmnncinl solution lo Hum niobium cm bu Ioaluod by Invan lluouah plannod pm qmmmo ol cash vnluu lnsumncu WI 10 Excnlllov LllnTlmm mu olhmwuyl mnlinq kllllnu on tho neck mmko having rlch uncln leave you lnvluno but Ihoylo nol likely am my Tho lulu way ll lo build your own Excalslov Ule plouummo lhal molucu you loved onol now and qumnlons you III Iduquolo monmly lncomo who you loluo Think it ovalhon gal In much wilh your Excelllot Lila vupvosonlallvn Hol out all lhl skill lo lmlp you on ma mall lmm youv WWIIle miscml lilc Ind houllh lmuuncn Make mo move loday Hol good man to know EXCELSIOR mm flames BRANCMES MOM 0A5 X0 COASI CANADA llrne to take his damn In sold hl papers and purchased sum mer resort which lave Mm an memo and Nil part the year or am es Us and unlcd and WI ordained but shortly bclnre this flood took most at hls resort awny Later he sold his holding to two em ployees who rcbullt lho enter prluo with their awn diam and mum disaster xrnnt mm lha government Besides handlan pastorate Mr Stoleshury tank an nche part In worldnu with ma Indlnn on Mn reserve and wassuccesslul in gutan the you reserve and mm Infill emphy mcnt Ho unlisted the help of mombcm of his mgrmfion who sponsored Indian tnmllles and this work went on unHll Ill nos hh We mndo It nec essary lu he at homo more when me hls son were ready or advanced ndncnlhn lhn lamlly moved back to Ontario or mura no Avnllnblo In Saskatche wnn As soon ht lumlly sellsuppnrllng Mr Sloteshury pm on relurnlng lo hl work among the Cnnadhm Indians llo ml the thm ls conslderable neglect over he plight the lndlana and that they can be developui lnh successful and usclul clllzcn with help CONVENTION 32A mm Les GrilliLh building inspect or returned to his oilice last Friday After spending our day lire convention lor inspeclun held in London Ii leilur receiv ed irom Iha Provincial Olllnib era of the niinlr laid prospee uvo uliendnnu mat they should come lo work and not axpeci nny leu party Sum 14 resolullons wcru placed heiore the dele ales and many new and drar tic changes are pending in build ing and lheir surroundings Mr Grilliih will able report lo Council next week mssmu or mum pqu Slraud citizen and local neopia in general are xuddened by hu death of Mn Bind who ior many year was he nnly tnninci ior new irom that Iran Sha was carraspond on iur Siraud iar Tho Barria Examiner iar more year than most people can remember thn his vrilcr began back in 1932 she was lead ing in her weekly contribution and was niwaya among Ihou nno attended The Examiner cor respondenu annual gathering or Christmas card in us aiwnya had he cupllon Keep lhal wriia arm woridnl which was iauiiiciont Ihaw lhat aha Ip gizclaled our column She will laid tar rest hcslde her hus band In lho cemetery St James Unllcd Church when Ihe lock nn active 13an In many organizations AKAIGER 611mm Following an nnpcnl rccclvcd by lhcnl Council from Elmira nsklng support or an appeal lo the Mlnlsler of Edunallnn lo ll must he prnvlnclnl grnnu on educallon lo at Just 60 per cent motion was passed ln lnnlslll Councll lhnk this resolulion nhould have their suppurf SCHOOL CHILDREN FREE Teacher who wish to hnvo their Eupiis ulicnd ihe Barrio Fair ouid nhmln Iile Ircc iic hols nvniiuhio to hem far as many as they wish Thus lic ket am good or any day of the Fair which will be Wednes day Thursday Friday and Sat urdny of this week SINGS AN DANCES Judy Came sm of TVs Love on Rnntlop begun her than mcal cnrear us singer and dancer in English music hulls VII RISIIVI Cl R10 10 ll QUANIHIH mum Winn Efiflfilfliflm In SM VASElINE cusnws PHARMAEY DOROTHY Mel SEARS Funeral services were held from The lllchardsnn Allard Funeral llome llnnuver on Sept 20 or Dorulhy lvchaugallSears vhu died suddenlyus result of an accident at mum on September 17 In PlASIlC IURSM 1M oz Mr Paul Dragcr conducted lhu private service and burial luck pincu in Hanover Cemetery She was married to Howard Scam In 1965 who SuslVCl Shn was praduccasud by her first husband Clifford McDougnll In son anern McDouxnll of Hanover and live daughters Llndn Lou Mchuxml ol Grnv cnhurst Leann Mrs Vincent Spcflnll Mnuntnin Grove Ann Mrs Cnrl Gould Newcastle Jucqullno Mrrr Hurry nawluck nnd Norma Mrs Donald Mll chell bath of Newmnrke nlsn survive One daughter Donnn gredccoascd her In 1961 One rolhcr Jame Emmons Brit sh Columbln also survive Shu was predeceased by sister Plenrl lzrandchlldrcn ulsn sur Pallbcnrm were Hall 110pr 5119 Emke uuuu gymnu Gould nnd Mitchell POPE 69 N0 FUSE VATICAN CITY APlPope Paul turned 69 Monday pulling In full day of work and want lug any bmhdny fuss Fur lhu gape IL was Iyplcnl lxhour 48 Collier Street OBITUARY MAM WOPofBAREWS figflRMN DRUG STORES VENOM mu +369 my SMALL JET EXPLODES PLANE SD AHJame Rohblns wellknown Detroll In dustrlallsl nnd spnrtsman and our other persons died Monday allemoan when Robbins small So ulrplnne exploded In tho nlr Killed along wllll Robbins 50 warn Ills wlle Frances 45 lhclr son Leslie 17 ml two Rob blna employees COMMUNISTS OBJECT TORONTO CWThu Caml munlst Party of Canan hn written letter la Chairman Mao Tsutung China attack In tho current pralctnrinn cultural revolution in China 1110 letterrcsulling mm weekend meeting accuscd Man crcqtlnga dlslorlcd image soclallsm ON YOUR FAVORITE BRANDS may msgnqxs TORONTO CF Stanley Rnndnll Ontnrin economics nnd development minister Monday promised provincial support tor proposed Ontario Fashion in slitutc which would be trade organization open to manufac turers of womens and chi drens inshiom in Ontarior He was speaking to representatives oi Ontarios garment industry ITS FEDERAL EXCUSES NIAGARA FALLS Ont CF line Federal govermnent makes phuney excuses to retired civil servants in their requests for increased pension benefits Reg Buckier at Annapolis Royal NS told the Federal WORLD NEWS IN BRIEF II II LII LII wfinTnmow AQUA and PINK 99¢ Gillet RIGHT GUARD SPRAY DEODORANT HIESE nu am or we um snuan AVAILAILE AT ALL GUARDIAI pm mm ban mun mun Lmm Supernmunlcs National AssocH ullon Monday Mr Buckler wus mnklng report presideq la the first national convenllun the assaclnunn FORMER MAYOR DIES SARNIA lCP Dr lowland prominent surgeon and larmcr mayor Mad Men dny nighun hospllnl Ha was mnyor from 1957 to m2 DOLSHOI COMING MONTREAL CWThe So vial government has expressed vlllngncss lo send the Enlshol 2231fiw7 SNOW WHITE BATHROOM TISSUE CREST 32 BARBIE BUSINESS COLLEGE BAN Rollon DEODORANgT REE 5326 ounmm Ion Clams wlll bu hild Mondays and lhursdaysjor an Iniemiva ilx momhs coum buglnnlng Monday Oct shorthand Typeiurlflng Bookuoplng All sublem hughf by prolmionnl buslnns people Examnnons wlll ha huh for cartiflcms DAY CLASSES BEGAN SEPT NEWVDAY STUDENTS MAY REGISTER ANY MONDAY so TORONTO 57H BARRIE PHONE 728478 Member School Ianhu Bullneu Educanrs Assncmlan of Cmada Sun In In IIIHIIWIMI ml 11 km NIGHT SCHOOL mnnu mun In GUARDIAI PIIII REGISTRATION THURSDAY SEPTEMBER 29 PM 1266434 7¢ It THE BARRIE EXMHNER Opera 10 appear at me waxlair festival to be held in Manual pan of the 1967 worlds air an Expo 67 spokesman said Monday Final negnllnilons for tho campanya Munlrcal appear ance have already begun be twem Expo 67 MW and rnsenlnuves the Soviet Min islry of Culture CONRAD COMES BACK MONTREAL OP Max Con rad the flying grandfather and David Sherlcr ol Montreal landed their small twinengine plane at Montreal international PARAMHTE Mvhiph Womm Minpaol 706 Mulhplo Vlilumln Minalol labial PARAMEHES WA DIET Vitamiln and Mineon 1th MIN mm um um mm nuux mu 47 mu mummy rm KODAK HAWKEYE FLASHFUN 351 ENTER AS OFTEN AS YOU WISH cm uum mun um an ml 40 mm mumm mm 90 muum 2o 01 SPECIAL 339 TUESDAY 5mm 1M BREE lfll Alrpm pm Monday day utter they set out on an earthcirdlng lunmcy lo adver Usa the 1961 Montreal vorldn GETS STIFF SENTENCE BELFAST lAPlA 17year old Irish boy who threw can ctcle block at Queen 31mm RollsRival whlle she was vlslt lng here July was sentenced Mnndey 01m yearsin prison Juhn Francis Morgan sald he threw the black on sudden Impulse and lnlended to land on lhe street lust in front 01 the cur 359 mm 10 mm Euannwl srzcw 298 GUARDIAN SPECIAL GUAnbTW srsz

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