Unique Research At Medical School Wrong Impression 0f Secretary Who Travels Deu Ann Lumen am 18 years old and gain to mm mm Ichool wam became an expert in shorthand and tyy tug In that can he ï¬rstclass gectelary and travel with my When Inii my friends that lhis ll my ambition in iiie their jaws drop and their eyebrawa time up about six inches The general impression seems to be met secretary who tram with her boss is more than jusi secretaryii you get what mean Maybe am terriny miva Ann but is this line wny ii LIIFledgling mil mlumngu The rrpnrl wn mmln In lha mm mm Anth Roddy nl Inlrnl Inlllnlnflllln Tm murth wannlnn name in 1an lmnlvnl mllrl nl JO nur mnl nnluym lnrlmllng mum Imly our day nld wllhln lhu wnmh Deu Ann Luann 1m waman 4a with me husband and three Wondcrhd children who am all dnlng wall In col legc Dur Pledge Well honey than the way It Ix samellmes bul of course there are ex cepllons Apparently ynu are girl who enjoy ucrctarlal work and Man wants to lraveL wales you weigh than two nmbillvm make cholce become ihcr mercury at an nitllnu Ltmmrdcss MARTY COMPLEX Mr and Mm George Tham Sendun Ecclc St Ire shown he inxormnl open house reception which marked their 50th wedding an ANN xLANDERS Would you mum lhn my problem Ll my parents My lather in drunk and my moihcr lho long Iullcnnn type who 93ml her 1012 Al chu nflcn had boflod polnlou und beans or dlnncr and our demo mm from rcsnlo sham but dnd IIWByl drove an expenslvo car nd had plenly of money fur quar Mnlhrr worked nlghu clunlng omen bulldlngx The prohlcm II that lens onto wok my mom phone me my hour or he night to mm and help her dud out 111 or ull hlm out av am or he drnu hlm 1mm 1h vuflbulo In tho mend floor Mrgwm munl utlu of human my hron wllhln he unmh only law dn or wrtk old hm un cover pouth new wnyl l0 pun wnmnnl chance of roduclnl In normal cth or Inn mlnmrrlngu And by lmpllcnunn limllngl lhe Ilurliu oxlrmlMy pen me way In mcmh dlmlnl lo Wlldl nrllllrlnlly maximlxlu tomllllnnn um nppnrmlly lbw In pmmolo nnrmnl rrwoduc Hun An unmplu ma Irnry Ilelnmlnu mm lllu rumh LI lhll hlnlo urn mm lhc Icmnlu nvnriuIml In rrlrnml 1mm Hm ovmln 1m In tho wnmn mnnlhly mrunml cycloop In In mnnnl hlrl uqmn lhnonmll tmhrym hnvi lald my molhrr WASHINGTON mm Un JflCKS BO0K STORE Buy Sall Tndo ESSA ROAD Um Book GOLDEN WEDDING CELEBRANTS punledly not to lnvalve me In the messes but the nlwnya cries on the phone and say she needs me My huablnd used In go along but he sat fed up low yearn ago and mid me was on my own with my nutty larnlly In your column you have he uuanlly said person speaks up against belng used that will end the problem but it hasnt workcd or me Ive told my mnthcr to leave ma alnne daz en of times but Ihe keep call lnz Whgl can dUYUged yp nivmnry Thu bridegroom is native ol Vespra Township and met and married hi1 bride during overseas service Sept 1916 The cuupie have Dnr on magma ha mutyr compltx In your mother butyou dont rccngnlza it In yogrncll Your mother has helped your dad stay on the booze and youve backed her In the role of abused wlu When you no 5mm and knock oil your mother may let 1mm too DISTINCTION Deu Ann LIndm Can you Iclllo disagreement tendcd Iunchcun tummy and met some lnlcrcsflnz ycnple Since am newcomer to this any Im on um Alert or wqmun Id like to kmwrhellcr Mn mmcd vary deadly and eager to Intmduco mo araundr Sh brought over stunning wnmnn who was ex qulsltely dressed and salt with great pride This my at tor At that moment another woman llep ed up and meted Mn he was ahuhblly dressed plntn In appearancn but her Imlla was warm and llkcd her at once hm mid This is my hnlhlsler We hnd lhe umc mother but nm lho Inmo lather alt It was un necessary or hrr lo mnku tho dlsltnctlon My mother did not Huron wtlh me tht do you thtnk1Undecldrd Dm Un curd Th dls Hnatlon wm unupcnknbly rude Nobody expccll la bu clucd In on blood line during casual Introduction The unmual mum wan Furled by Dr Arthur llrrllu Iclcnllnc paper cavnulhorrd by Dr Slevhrn Shrn nnlh of Harvard Mrdlcnl Schooll dumrlmml pmhnloxy They Inld Iludlu of he IIKCl 1mm and nlhrrnrlnrl nlnllpl lo lhcm mum 01m unclu Ilnm II he human cmnlu ovu luluhut MI was not cl ltrlillml rtlrnml lmm cr warmon xlny or In on htr mdny mrnllrunl cycle hzr thnncu produc Ina flood nnbrya an on 134 or in out Ilm nvulnlu on dny lb or lnlrr her rhnnrrl pm Iutlnn good nnhryn nro nnly nlnu out 11 nr 42 Nr mil Jun Arrived me Holllnd Tlmo To Plan OHudy Mum lemllll EVIIO Minn DEZZANTS Nuuuznv nmnm CHOICE SElECllON OF DUICH BULBS 31m ma ona Ian Vernon Edmon wn Mberla and our grand children The celebranu an we members of tha Royal Canadian Leglan Photo hy Smllh Studio They have played most important role in the development of civillutlon giving shelter clothing and food lnihe beginning transformed into wheel contributing possibly more than any other single invention to man progress convert ed lnio ships without which explorers could not have found new worlds and in the absence oi the wood propeller mans ability to fly would have been long delayed Trees next man an the greatest works of nature They are the oldest biggest and tallest living things ONT FORGET Wood Ls made by subtle complex action of air sunlight and water and cho is started on iia way by the action oi those eiomonts on tiny cho seed Tim am of many shapes and sizes and have packed within their pmtcciive covcrings llm beginning of mot stern nnd leaf as Well as mlpply oi food derived mm the pamni lrce on which it lives and grow until old enough to shift or iLwll The ma rcqulrcxl or tree to develop from m1 lnlo saplan and then into full mmh vnflm may Mnny of tho Daung Hr true found in tho origlnnl lore British Columbia nhownd pn ago nppmxlmntoly dx hnndml you and It has been claimed hat by tho rlngn tho ugeold chuoaia ol Onlllornln among Ilm 01ch living lhlngu In lhn Now Vorhl can mud Monk of tho dry ymrl dmmiclnd In the Me When the limo mmu that ho rem form hm Named lull gmwfll and haw Mme sml Hwy nro mlum run an rmdy la ho hum sled Although some lrm such In mrhard and shade lrm new man best by living on undly urlwd mo grml Army tram the mldlm Hm mm bed until their Ma and purpo whrn they are harvested by man 1th ï¬eld National Forest Products Week Su 3e you were mild in the emamn Grade or who didnt talk mainly Suppose you Id why or 1m ling or thing hall syn or sutlstb Suppose on mm $31k some 01 they Mods when locks Haw wondd you feel among the other children Wouldnt they treat you as much ynunger than you really am Every Irma you sooku you would remind them that you still have baby walrflnd baby speech No dou he teach woud think mad or muted vmes inher sounds jn mmn wards ymg in Wet grade mother writes put Ion says Lth or of you as lmmalure and refer lo you as such to your parents Wouldnt you be serlously hand caged Diffléultyf With Speedh Is Improved By Special Method By GABEX MYERS PhD Your teacher might some times ask on as you recited lo uy after er same WDMS you spoke lmmlnrlly and you mlm improve But such alten on by your teacher mlghl em phasiu in the other childs mind your speech dam SAW Amp wFitutanmely the mhool might have medal apeedl WHERE Romance ur speak duuml you might do more than Why else to ma Mm hnprava hls speech See mly mile down the words whnse sound give him mm traubIC Find ways ohm uy lame or all these wards non chaJanMy In his preqmcm are cmly In canvemdnn wflh hm Do this mm awareness of what you are doing ll you alien sQop him to repeat word altar you he may now very Iechnnsciws when this exer cise could do him morn harm man zood ammo ESSENTIAL or cllnic to give you medal halp Or your 11mm mlgM provlda you with spccln help wlalde of schooi you saw you were making gains In med you would eel more selHegald 31 hamlerl had great deal this chm every day cleafly enunci nling each word ï¬nd sums nursery rhymes pastry and prnse conhilninl tom of these trwblesgmg vmrdqjo in In your aloud ding Nothing else mayhclp this child so much as eniaymenl from hearing on read and read and read to hm GIECK HEARqu Be sure hl llamas has been 0f Wood of wheat or corn ls harvested not they will rot and decay and all the years of patient growth and all the energy of the energy of the sunllght have been wasted It ls the foresters problem to harvest wisely and understangly plant new tree and restore underbmsh Se that forest may succeed mail of evcrlncreasing usefulness and value Usually every tree that may be cut down is blazed by men with long experience in that pmlcular type or timber The cutting of trees and getting them to the clues grave the world new oceupatlon the trade of 111mberjack and these men leave behind them tmdluonal and memory that will always remain an imperishable part of our con quest of the wllderliwst Much hardship danger and expense are noc cssnry 1n the cutting mllccflng and convcdlng of timber Into lumber and this In turn Into pleasing effects urnimro and equipment that In wï¬h us liom the cradle In the grave mu the demand for In the bulk of the work industries is awning Ii in wally worked with no inio denim mum and um and 14 now conductor of hcai nmi clociriciiy Many woods marked by pniiornn iniinlle varidy nnd bonn iy whom very lmgnlnriflm mnfliiuio nu Ibiding charm When to iia nniurnl gmin in Iddul no binmllng of colours and ii in given polish We have pmdnd that can be iupilcaicd by no utiwr Lnimianco in the dwmlivo 1m world mm place or man They mo In Inns mon and mod Wm at our mum of our wild Ma and of our no And for the 3mm of Miami to that man can ï¬nd amnng their shadows Now use for wood hem found dmy In many wnyu rm and fares make 1110 elmde in doml bur sound in word distinctly ha Willi will have trouble miran them Divan In older wm or up icr or piaymnte his child Id mireq can in tile own my do much for him mi child needs loplay normally with other ddldren of his own age he moreiun he cm have wlih them the man he wiil row aware oi their belle speech and the more inclined lo mm mm Hladesireiogmwwmhh fcdha ihsi he in growing up and nu ha myrmre will provide him ill strong mo live 10 try to improve his speed So ill parent and other admin 1mm remives and neighbors need to comin to build this dilid up to feel mm worthy in the amlly and amen lilx playmms He mould sin in ihese direction an no acqulres more sellreliance Ind responsibility You paraMa oi child WeeJV £va WE or moi should be mud in Ill Ipeeoh nvw Read aloud to himevery day Observe some of Rh foregoing mg xeszlon or help him Jay more duunaly Lhasa words he has trouble with would be lIiE BARBIE EXAMINER MONDAY mumm 13601 Ban19 Seninr Citizen be an their Fall team or weekly meeting with good attendt ants member the aes Ilwn on ngnudny Amman Bazaar lcheduled for No vember was malar Item business on the agenda Th1 annual Fall event provldes the clubkwllh tundslo carry on their war well as enluylng the num mer outing arranged for mem4 be the women or the club have been busily ensued Kn Iowlng amLkntlnl Ior lha Save the Senior Citizens Seek Members Children And The club execuflvc extends weicama to all residents the Barrie arcs whn have ruched wcndextu 11 cm help this chUd wk wildly before he enter lschool One Tree Can Make Million Matches One Match Can Destroy Million Trees umber Is Our Busmess An old saying but wllhmw manning vor awry your mllllom dostmyod by fl Thll II our llullhood Ind we uk you promo Ir 429 Bllko SD Your One Stop HEADQUARTERS NHL conluucnan CO LTD hum Dulllll 49 Em Rd 726i For All Your Building Needs Read and Heed 127119 BRADFORD 51 728554 their 69111 birthday to ialn them my Wednesday for an nflemoon of cards lingsong and gum followed by relreshmenh The club meets in the TM Blue all at 29 High Bank For PRESCRIPTIONS Every Week Mum nm 11mm Frl Dunloy St 1mm OPEN FOUR NIGHTS and Ill Drug nudl AND EVERYBODYS RESPONSIBILITY Mm anu lawum mud to mmkll nl hnuxhuu mu hung allqu In Omaha Ae wh mm mm MacKAYS Pharmacy 71M 66 7160154