anointionon Wl Walls Publisher Published by Canadian Newspapers Limited 16 BayfieldStreet Borrle Ontario Wilson General Manager McPherson Managing Editor Both ilLabor Induï¬iy Have Obligatioï¬STo Public biltty must apply as well to Industry In ll Iupp Ottawa representative of the Canadian Manufacturers Association sees an imperative need for some new measures to Impose effective rstraints upon labor Small minorities such as un ions he eontends should be curbed to prevent them imposing their unfettered will on the public Power without responsibility presents national dan ers and these should not go unchccir There Is minced for labor discipline and responsibility one has but to look at the recent history of wildcat strikes and union defiance of its own leadership As lilr Jupp contends there is dc gree of protection afforded labor that is not accorded industry For example union contracts are enforceable upon management but management is without power to compel srnii ar adherence to contract upon labor organizations That iiaving been said Mr Jupps warning about power without responsi DOWN MEMORY LANE as YEARS AGO IN TOWN Barrie Examiner Sept 24 1031 Live stock at Barrie Fair best ever seen in Simcoo County with 280 head of cattle competing Sheep and poultry also made big entry and poultry double previous years It Stephens was president and Oliver Cameron secretary Stewart Page agricultural representa tive for North Slmeoe declared Junior Fair at Barrie fulfills our ex ectations Feature in town was flig it of auto giro over exhibition grounds llenry liIcInnIs Sr elected charter president Barrie Lions Club Other officers chosen for new service club were FrankDob son Dr Raymond liughes ilugo Lilja Gordon Longman John it Ilodgcs Cleland Alvin Luck Arthur Pugh Steve Stack Bill Cole Tony Saso Thomas McCarthy Jr Town Council will ask government for $150000 in unemploy merit relief work lnnisfil School Fair broke record with 060 entries lilac Al ten won championship cup with most points III Adamson superlntend not reported 4500000 trees shipped from Ontario Forestry Station at mid hurst this year Due to local depressed conditions Town ClerkTreasurer smith announced tax payments would be set back one month Fire at Craig hurst threatened whole village before be ing brought under control Post office ROOSEVELT IN TGGA Washington Post Washington Is rapidly becoming the worlds leading repository of bad stat iiary As long as great men travelled on horseback tiio quality of heroic sta tues sank only to certain level in cases of artistic disaster one could at least ad Flnrcncc lnlfhylhyn of Innipcg IIIN special Ii pIIIIIlIIl Manitoba trfnrnco In In mm 4r CENTENNIAL PLAT its dealings with labor and in its exercise of control over commodity pricelieveis Canadascurrent concern over wa ea price trends not wholly is attribute is to labor aggressiveness In this latter connection thotjoint par liamentary committee Inquiry into the cost of pose bringing the spotlight of publ city on pricing practices lil perhaps the vliat steel industry in meat and canning industries chain Izations star David Croll has indicated the Invest igailon as well royal commission on prices back in 1050 recommended the establishment of permanent council on prices productiv ity and of food industries under review Perhaps such council armed with broader authority would be useful ad junct to the Economic Council of Canada three Bucket fruit sprayer saved remainder of build ings in community Barrie fire brigade was called but could not leave town de fcnceless with only one piece of motor equipm ped all Woman by Barrie Kiwanis Club St Andrews Presbyterian congregation honored Iir living may serve useful ur acking organ and the like Cdchairman Sen wiil extend Inservico industries incomes to keep the whole area tables and gospel hall destroyed brigade of 150 residents and ent Oro Worlds Fair also top revious records for attendance and exh bits Secretary Irwin lilehlahonl of liawirestone reported Toronto won car in lucky draw conducted and Mrs Alex Singer who are returning to former home In London England after some years in Barrie where they were active in church and community Barrie courts Gordon Badminton Club organized with on second floor of Town Ilall Reeve was chosen president Edgar von Oro Soccer League title TriCou nty Box Lacrosse League organ ized with local team to play in Barrie Arena Aurora Richmond Hill End ford CampBorden Orillla Gravcnhurst and Penctang are other entries Frank Doyle league Gill of landale Barrio insurance agent elected president with Harold Gunner Camp Borden secrela Al Iniperlals winners of district soft ball honors will get snappy new black and red Windbreakers United Biirton Ave ivon church base all league be hind pitching of Johnny Begg and calch log of Glen Kcll OTHER EDITORS VIEWS miro the horse tionai heroes are required to march into posterity on their own two feet the dc cent of taste is apparently bottomlcss The city is confronted with tho possibil lty of very large memorial to Franklin Delano Ton MANITOBA IIIVIII will able to pur ihau for It Fun and rim Iiut now that our na Roosevelt the memorial Is to be constructed around stone version of the late president as Iloninn senator in fake toga 15 IanAiiimrnn gain In In Iiti an tlr 1l Illlih pcg tiI IIhrpIiotriI By GORDON DDNALDSDN WASHINGTON SpecloIITho departure of Professor Erto Goldman re rid ent cgghcod went almost unnoticed iii the White House Not until the Professor him self announced it at private gathering of ca rciullyvchoscn correspondents did the White House admit that ila perman cnt hotlino to the American lntcllcctuol community was teny porarlly disconhobtcd Goldman sold It was perman ently out of ordch Ila was brought In Irom Princeton at the start of the Johnson Administration as substitqu for John Kennedy team of university brains who were obviously going to quit sooner or later and did so The two most prominent figures Ontariob economist John Kenneth Galbraith and hialorlcn Arthur Schlesinger Jr are now criticising policy In Viet Nam Goldman was there to collect and distill uerui Ideas from other professors Coll Irof Goldman was grcat society slogan Irivolely the President ad mliled ho was thcre mainly to keep the tntcllcctuoll happy IIISTIIUST IIo lingrrrd on unhapplly dia covrrlng as he later confided that the Intellectual dialruricd liltJa roughandrcady ater and the President Inltlnctivrly dia lrustcit ivy AMINO typcr Just before he quit he will confined to Lady IIIrdI coil of the White House city block away from the writ wing of flco here the decisions were made Press Secretary IIIII ltloycrl gnio him bclntcd bnckhanrlcd iicndnff by noting ho had seen the President not more than down times new intrllcctunl has been Imported to intro over Goldman rink but not his original III dip Nitrite Etniuhu Authorized in nomad clnrl innit Inat Olflco lisprt ftltnl Ottawa and for payment of postage In cult Ilallyi Solids and Statutory IIolIdnya cartpied Hutmrlptlon rliu daily Ivy crirrlcr fie wetlily 111 to yearly Singio filth in toe liy lttttil Ilarrlu I11 yearly linlarln lift yrnr inntnr lhrOWIl Iii ycar Iiinil Itilnlilt Orrin rln III year Outdrtii Milo IIrIlIIlI aculnnl £11m year lflA nnil foreign turn your tifiirclz Ilnlvrnlty Air Toronln MO Inlli tali bl IiIiintiul vn find Irst Irniirr tit lnntrnivrr IIC Mrniiirr of the Canadian flatly Newspaper IIiltlllll cu AIIMIIIInn llio inn iidian First and Audit IIIIHAII of llrilllnilnnl The tiinnillnn Iltu ll nrliilltcly InllIlciI in Illi iiu Inf irirulillrnlion nf rill iiiwt dlrirniriiu In IhlI nprr credited In It or lib Annrlniwi Irm or Ilrulrvl nnil IIIIo Inciil new IIlllIIIIIPII therein MRSJEARSON WANTS TtiE PRIME MINisfeafro VISIT GneecE AWE HE RETIRES Nnm imM OUR President Losing Living Room Vote alon which seems to have been abandoned If LBJ had lost only the trust of the Intellectual it would have little effect on his political future They express themselves better than the masses and they write lot for the Eastern press and the rorifled thinair month lies Goldman Is writing book on the strength of his notmores thanadoten interviews which Is not likely to be flattering But little of this affects the great mass oI tho votcrs nor do critical artielcs In the new magazines or the New York Times or even the editorial page of the hometown dnilics At times such as the present tho bulk of the Washington Press Corps rises as rcglmcnt to shoot peas and spitballs at the President But the public as whole takes Its measure of the man by his statements report ed raw the new ogcnclcs or more mportant by what it Ices of him on television The public opinion polls offer the must occuran measure at lib popularity short of the ballot box which used only once every four years LOW POINT The major polls now agree It is at low cbb Louis Iinrris says 11 down to to per cent with only 42 per ccni support for his handling of tho Vict Nam wnr Dr Gallup finds his popularity rating has slippedclght point to It per cent In two months For the first time Ilcpublicnn optimists believe they can crip turo mo White House In teen Their reason orn IA Frus tration over the lotion of ricn lotion of tho Vict Nam War and tear that It could turn Into World War Iicrn Johnson II no rlcr attack by both the Ilawtu who believe war can be and cd by more homiiinit or Invasion of North Vict Nam and tho CANADAS STORY Govt Solved Over Conscription WMS PRIC STRucTuR Doves who want him to take things easy caucus of Ilcpubliean Con gressmen last week blomcd Johnson alone for the escalation but offered no solution other than further escalation Former KennedyJohnson White House Aliltl Schlesinger and Richard Goodwin agree with the itcpub Ileana that tho public was do celvcd on the reasons for tho steppedup war but claim It can be handled In dozen way without further escalation Both the Kenncdiles and the Republican remind the Prcsl deal he won the root campaign against Barry Goldwater on promise of no widci war it will be pointed out during this falls campaign that while LIiJ we casiiguting Goldwater for iriggcrhapplncss ho had his ready decided to bomb North Vict Nam It Domestic Issues have been allowed to slide while this Administration bntilcs Ho Chi Iiflnh The Negro ltcvolutinn ls back In the streets In moro vlolcnt form Great society ch faro programs are stalled and inflation haunts the economy TAINTED VICTOIIY ICI Most important the American public nevrr loved or wholly trusted LBJ Ills pheno nienni Iwccp of 1964 won as much reaction against loldwu Icr no thanks for LIIJa master ful taiicoier from John Kcn nedy Iiiaction has now not In and Johnsonn roccnt campaign swings around the country have not checked II Johnson on tho stump It truly night to behold rncrgcilc chccrful homrly mnticrfui but most Itbple only Ice his iInItIIll visage on lho TV screen nnit hear the drone of aching platiturlrs Tho President is losing ground not only on the campuses where murh oi the ground It already gone but also In the living rooms Crisis by non nowuan flrnvlil innit iimdirmiio rutloal mnii shin minimum wilted Irvin tbs oiiipuqw Military limbo Aii parAl by par IlMiwrii in 5nd lillf Iii lltlrr Ii mlim mirrxiiitlm lvizl licm luminary fir liimo Iliulsirr er Ililvrnt Ilordrn Icnvlrr oi the tummlvr gnvmamzt to Iiiiii Union nnmmml with litany Idlimsln win would cgirn Iii ilfl Linind Iiwirr liir llliid limiter Ile Iin mild wt in iimrilw of the Ilinri cov mini nililnzii Iruran Miniitr lbmlrii wi3i4u In hair Iinii name the Liberal rmiiimi ii the all approve or win the mmvaiiirm htr Wallith lift II he Itllmttt In to ivvwnidIt lv our IJTI ililr Ilrl vo Imdi the wt fir relinutriiinii innitu Aiiriy but aiiIIrirvl Imvy ciiwial trr fliltirng in pc id iila innui ni Illittlt whim tn tmr Qulm inif min iiirii it yiii tho twirl amt Tito tinniiin tltlrd gnu ii tinid iviii tivmcvnlitc rind lllirrnl lillilul uric ipi till the minii hi how io at the Arronin If timiwnl lwliiizr an Minird that many pmin miniml Iviwli unrd rnitrnir In nathri Alter III llnlru ntrtttttttui Iimwl Iiri limit trawl IVIItIilrltl litilanry Survive Art try to iin III or ivvi it wont Iiiln MINI on Sept IDI7 Tittle WW 1211 mm you ll Ibo wintry nod potu to Asunnno Iiniir Mriixrr Ihnilm Ilwn It WM ricotan to Iirili nii platiii winti tfui giivmliwrt litint would IIIM IIer mitt lanmlwl cppiutrvl 11 III ilnivlm In rniim Miniimy miliiry tVHIIv Ict II wiiim pitini It Iirvslirr lo the ltlIIlI farm was nllirwcd to tote fit the fer firm It was tlm election Ural 1pm Lindy rolninl in mm MANINjTHENEWS President OI PC phoenciaiion areer At Stake Places His IORONI0 CPI Dalton Camp the backroom political idea man who wants on lips prulsal oi the Progressive Cw servotive party leadership is tireless Toronto advertising ex ONLIWA Minna Liberal and selfproclaimed radical His countrywide campaign lmmhed last Week to put Jctan Dicfenbakers leadership under tougher scrutiny has placed er own political career at stake But thats the way Mr Camp is noilvo of Wooodstock NJ wants it Ifo says no In prepared to stake his position in the party on the need for reconfirming the national leadership Were be min politi cul cannibal and were eating our young he said In speech at liioatrcol Wednrsday night As for hit Diefcnbalrer liir Camp says Its okay with him If his leader again takes the party Into the next EIBCIIOII provided there is mandate from the party Iiir Camp 46 has been prcslv dent oi the Conservative Party Association since 1964 LIVED IN CALIFORNIA Dalton Klngslcy Comp was born Stpt 11 1920 Ills father Ilrptst minister moved the family to California where Dal ton received his grade school education Later when the family re turned to Canada IIfr Camp at tended Acadia University at Wolfville NS III studies were lntcrnipted by lhe Second World War when he joined the army Ilo emerged as lieutenant At the University of New Brunswick ifrom which he grad bachelor oi acts he became national tremrer of the Young Liberal Federation Ifo moved to New York to ob tain masters degree at Co Iumbia Unlvrsltys school of Journalism and then went over seas to the lamina School at Economics on Beavcrbroolt sehlaiship Back In Canada again he by cam disillusioned with the Lib crals Being basically radical couldnt stand to be suffocach by the Liberal establishment ESTABLISHED AD AGENCY lie took lab no copy WIlIcr for Toronto firm and launched career to advertising and pub lic relations That was In 1950 Two years later he had set up his own agency Dziien Camp and Associates Dy this time too he war mzmcd with five children In the meantime he was broadening his poIItICEI harl rons taking part In provincial election campaigns In New Brunswick 15152 Nova Scotto DALTON CAMP 1956 and Prince Edward Io land 1959211 won by the Con servelivcs in 1958 he played key role in the successful election cani pnign of Dqu Roblin the titan Ittba Tory leader When Mr Dicfznbalrrr gained power he appointed Iiir Camp the partys political organizer to the Iiiuritimcs in 19 Mr Camp was chosen to replace Srnntor Allister Gro sort as chief organizer for the party In Canada The post came after Mr Camps impressive lmagemak ing role or the party in the 1937 58 and 62 election which Mr chfcnbaker won lie is credited with coining the slogan Its time for chlcnbaker government which swept the Tory leader Inlo power in 1937 PARTY SPLIT When Itlr Camp replaced Mr Grosart the chicnbaker loam was badly rent with several key cabinet resignations over the issue of whether Canada should allow nuclear weapons on her soil Itir Camp was Iowdmt in his public pleas for party loyalty Ile faced revolt In 1965 when disgruntled Tories demanded openly that hit chfcnbakcr step down Mr Cam urged publicly that Conservot vcs stop discussing the subject while pri vately seeking the opinions of 100 Tory excutlvm on whethth or not lendersz convention should be held At controntatlon later with thc party caucus liir Dlefcn baker get the support he needed to stay to power by narrow vote In the federal election last year Mr Camp was defeatch In battle of the titans In Tomato Egllnton by Liberal Fi nance hiinlstcr Sharp LETTERS TO EDITOR IIOIIIIOR OF IVAN Dear Sir It would be difficult to kccp fully Informed of all the events conchring Vict Nam but one can hardly escape the fact of the horror of tho war hlariorio llopc writing In the Christian Ccntury says In South Vict Nam hundreds oi children oro dyinit some with their limbs blown off some with gunshot wounds some covered with burns from head to foot The burncd are treated with vascllne or not at oil The wounded may nevcr are doctor today lhcro to only one Vlclnamcso physician per 100000 people to minister to the hood of civilians The low existing hospitals are overflows Inn with patients two or three people often share the some bcd lIics CIrCuInIo freely on KIINII rcn who have bccn IltInncd alive for In most provincial hospitals there are no Incilltlrs for hygicnc no air conditioning no tom Mnilrrslcn nrn stained with blood and urine hospital buildings are Infcatrii with rain iilck babies die In beat that of ten goes beyond 105 dcgrrcs IIEFlIï¬Mi And In the lame nrlirlc no road obout lrcsliicnt Juhiilonl refusal Iu supply air IIflIISIlOf tallon for time chlldrrn to fiilf tirintn hospitals that tho ninil clfrrilio way of lending Ma Alliance In on the and In Iniiultir fIlflmll Uil the chaotic rnndlilnnl of war IIOW rnri thcir surroundings ho rmiiltml lumbar Iuy LI three rliliilrrn do not ovrn no Ininillnr Intn Iltfflilf tliry nrn orphaned or abandoned and without human Iuithrrinorr Itiliiniiiil Kntwr prrxiilriii of TH iii IIitlllflIfl nii nrgnnii xnllnn trying to do roriiriiiinl about the IIIIIIIIIIII any iiinl the limitd Miles me if llnm roiiiilrtcv In Ilin world with nttI Ilrlcni linowlcdgo liliI moving to fill napalm anil otlicr uri nlil liiirii train nliri rrail him It or ill who lift IIIINI thr riirinv iv rilllril rill Altiriliflli llUl ilionn who Inirn ihclr IIIIII fault In Ilir nnnir rII more are iiII Alnrrlinri urn Mn Inllrd lIlH Irilil nlnnii IIIt llriilcnalil IlillllifI iiqu iilfrrwi rnro rd Iliulill In this first of his turn to hill our of 1hrI enemy with 11 linIrIIii Itli Idea so ilalnnlc that this wvltrr little II trial liain lifill innrriwl In Iirll IIIIIIILAIIZII Tim rmun Inr dcfmrllng Ihuith Vch Nnrn an it INIIII Ill be In pirvrni Coins ninnIni from spreading to our Illitlil Apparently It It hrtlrr to light rind kill an Iorrlgn lull in order to save our children we allow the mutilation of thrtr children In our Churches we talk about how we can effectively witness in the world Well It Is not by saying our prayers ovcry Sun day in is nice Church wearing nice clothca hearing nice soothing sermon and drinking nice Ica afterwards with film people then driving away in it nice convertible fccllng all very nice forgetting God and the place of the Church In the world until the next Sunday Ihcn rc pooling the whole procedure and oil the while seemineg oh Iivious of the fact that horrlhln sonsclcsl war being wagcd In the name of God for dcmoc racy which to many have be come to mean one and the same And dont tall me have overworked lhe adjective nlcc know It But If It makcs you lick thats good because we should fch cry vcry tick ALLOWING VAII Ihilo Caniiiio Is not at war wrindrr If we are not IItIM stirth oIlcr the fact by nllnii tag it While an sit around talli tag the situation over and ex pressing our opinions liiiiidrcdv of proplo Iirn being hurriny iiiii tIInlrd nnil Innocent Iiclplrii rhlldrcn are iiuftrrliig thrls Ilan country should either bring her minim ltomfl or hrr inhi aionnrirs IIicn look rd triy rhililrcn nnil Ire the trust shining in their of their rlrnr shin IItIII inii Iinr Mill ragcr nnillu tlin MHIIEIY til tum nnil amniwniy and their hourM of good rd Iitnlloli And it lull lo aluvl ricr to think Ilini nt this run Inrnl Ilio Iiliilirlrsn wounded toll of Vict Naiii nro iiiihiring itnluliI IiifIirlnl In tho prestige of tho ilnltcil IiIIIrI unrih III iloni lhlnk so And III dont liliow lint InIi It IIllIIl rln nriiiicltilnl In Ilnp IIili IfItIIIIM In In native of WI Yiniia lriily IIiIIII Altnifl I10 Ilii Ilnrrll BIBLE THOUGHT Iur thou not for run with you ln not fllclnlyrdl Am thy limli ll utnnrthcn tinoi you will halo IPIZ no will uphold in Iiib the Illhl hand oI my IIghlrvuuuu llnllh lion It not maria In move iiicuufiilly illlllli his own prim or II owls thr holp iii Ids riciitnr rind the comfort III III fiplrlt