Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 26 Sep 1966, p. 3

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Should Dieienbdker Resign Because Of Munsinger Case Bedroom Suburb Barrie Future Two Accidents Reported In City INQUIRINGV REPORTER RSRs ROGER VANNESTE Em Yes and Pmmon shmfld mslgn well Wu merry They In both loo old 00 run the mam way should scrvc mama mgly as buimom suburbs lnr mumwm Totvnto linked to the lame cent wllh mm speed railway commuter sys tem nmdinx Tomma Planning Baird documm slat ul lur pubIJcallon lornormw DON RIIcLEAN Walsh 51 the Spence mpon Lx um md it wmd pmbabl ho be cr or his party it he resigned He is mainly cpan to crit échm or his hmdling It 11w documcm New Plan for Toronto wam against um clelcd much dcvrlop monk it vmuld result In do spoiling ol the mum mm and Meadin mounth mgcslbn ll maxnmeml insimd pliLsflcalcd nclmrk 01 high speed railway mmmutbr Im nmnlng mm Mclm tn palm and 100 mile away Thu mm mulrr lint mum be llnkrd lo greatly rxmndul rapid Iran llt mum Ln Mum The Maskm umlhl pmnl mmmunlllts Mich Harrie to nbmh mudl ol MMmI pom My mliw mm unly wn ncrlm om lha wkan mmiru In lmvlncu emulated 1mm pmllnz humming In with SnIlInImy Md Lhmlql KnuthIn hm which 1111 lemlml um Guy Ilnhlln Nrwml rumile MUM Dunno mlmln IN ml paran mr arm by 11111 1mm 7v NW Wm murk nnvcémnunx Mrm mm mu Muer Mk thmxn Io lln Bmric M151 mini cvydar lur 1241 ddvm hy Ahan BARBIE BUSINESS COLLEGE Clmu wlll b0 lnld on Monday Ind Tlmndayl hr In lnlomlu ll monIht tour beginning Monday 0d Slwvllnnd Typcwrlllng Bookoplng All Iubull Mug by prolmlonll hunlnuu pooplc Eumlnlllom will In hold lnr urllflulu 66 TORONTO $7 DARRIE NIGHT SCHOOL REGISTRMION THURSDAY SEPTEMBER 29 PM Mcmbor School In Thu Ihulrml Eduulan Auocllllcn ledl DAV CLASSES BEGAN SEPT NEW DAY STUDENTS MAY REGISTER ANY MONDAY MM LENA KILLL fiflin SL Ho shouklnt m1 at that purpose my me tor got about the whole mailer be cmgso may sot Milka out of Ppr in mrk In Tomnlo mld be mounted In make their homes smaller due outddc of mm and cormmne 1121 bodmn sumwpghllan JOHN THOMPSON mm 5L No Im us Im mn wnod Hwy am making much about ha goo on every day He shauldnt resign or that méloul Helm 5nd mm mwulalim will xmw 1mm 000000 In 7000000 by 1001 In lhe long run the commuta train system wm Luke on great knpormnco the mm In transman onloku resid cnu lo and mm vmrk Ln Tor onw ho mt predicts It wmm that mm mild become another mtgxpoman chaos ll dcvthmmll pu mum to continua war After year minim Irpm mmlm bum somn ludorcsun future plan In wlw this mat Mmml nnd channd lnlclllnmlJy we have rhnmo In produce wally no my one that win um ml ml be mum ol prkla mu pixn1 Mm rn mmmfinl $10m while Ilm W56 le Nvil Mle Mal erhdl Hm mhhnp 0mm you pm 3Iyr1rfld nmfllnn man dismal Mm lulmmu loo rmrly nltrr lvmmr m1er mum limnhy Al um um Mal hy Ihlm Ilmm My I5 Gum mm mama the man Mach mum 11 mm while lum mn EEON Springhmné Rd ch but not Just for than mason Hos blocking Patlimm for his own persum al gmin It wouhi give hlm good was might now M113 JOHN BINNS 8150 Baden Mr Didmbalmrs loadmhip open an questimn but rm at handlinz the Hummer affair with out hLm they wmxd mm Server smxu pmy um 1L citizens the report Present housing development with suburbs Impmggmg cash imo mo ommuyshlu be wul mm can no longer be allow scattering dovcmnm cannot be 101mm It wuld result In the pmum aivu amumg he on arm and unduly mounting mn gcsfim um could not be licvrd by he mbscquvn addi tion mass transit anco mow mcnt wag be loo diffused or ll Instead IL mxuosls v15 extension or mums exxylinz ra pid meil system mmrlml to mmlflkalcd httwmk hiflh and railway mmmum Hum These Mmhl nm In mlnL 50 and 100 mllm mm dovmlnwn ammo ml mnmxmmc luck as nunh muld mw rmd cMLal mm or Mrlm Men ONE FIRE erlo Fire qunmmi mm one Imnll hm mrr he Weekmtl The lqwimfifl wm mun In rubbish hm on 54 phLI 5mm Miemlm at 541 Mmh mm ill Ink nu ma mum pm MMlay Um Skymun Lukka Dam iuvrnmr Jam Pram mu bu mm upra wr Md will mum Hm mm MK II Mlmhlp RED CROSSY HTIMIST CLUII PHONE 71847 LANCE ROBERTSON Wau 0mm in an affair aim Dielmbakw was within his rims hi 32min LL Mr and Mrs Erwin Masher ol Lansing Mich am among summur Vklturs to Barrie who remember the city or in hm mliiy The coming maxim or My visn la nanm appear in he Lansm Shah Journal MW day ago Thu wrlcsy and weds kindness shown Lansing fnmlly by tho mwm of an auto deal crxdfip In Barrie 0nL has up sing lulks buzzing on ucaflon wflh th our duildml azm ab manlh 10 years when they had car tumble FRANK MILES Owen SL2 No not bit Pearson and Die shmlld bath resign became of the way they are eming win it Backbiting no way to spmd taxpayer5 mar of 4165 Wnbanmzn Ru 9k US Visitors Remember Barrie For Hospitality Mflmuth the car lrcublo was not scrim mailmfll Inn inLss my city Mama mwncd by Bud 2m Iold Um Mmth tho rcpnlr mum take sexcm hums WM complete stranger to Um 3mm misind duo Mosh luntu ya 111 home In be mum camrmlnhlo Hwy mm uxmflm ley 5mm lho rhilznn milk and mums and Hwy our lmlyy 3km on About um hours in dwi bahy Lb Imlcml oi hnrlnu our vmllun dotted will Hm 1m cxv perm car mnflu dmlnl with umkrlul mmmry of Cnnndinna klnxlncn Mmhcr wkl Tlllfl HI Nm SUGAR Anmunl nwmrnrn n01 Iuhnl lnvm plnnh but lmm coanr rhrmlcnls Mn and Mm Emin Mamet Youll Feel 10 Feel Tull WM ml giw 1w 111 Way you MI bu mun nul xmnl You lum pnnnl HM mu cm mu ht wr mmmuxly Mn 1va ml nmmlng All yum yum will wmk my mu INN Ilm qudwwvmu gmh llml rim uml lmo III Wm Hul ml luv mum nmmm Yull Iw Mn low and MM 1ny mu film In Unml Wu TARGET 95950 mic 3mm nunmm munm 5m 3m SlimEast MP Dr Spence Report Biased Says Dr Bynard Even Prime Munda Pear who had the file yuan before Kl was um out by an angry justice miulsver Cmfln Pmlianwnt lhk spring said Dr Eynard had set it aside as mmniiy mm Dr Rynani concluded It looks like had mum job widdl has hmwn bad reflec tion on aw MIT and our ind and 0n the mph of ngmslve Cmscrvaflve party luMushiy recently challenged by manual party president DEW Camp Dr Rynard said he maist that Mr Didenbakqgmfl vlcmry In 1965 eamed him we Imuship mid that he should cprry it through the next elec mywwld mm mm drowned in lake Simme 10 miles southeast Bame Samflay la in smnJl sailboat 039511831 in ayes Paul Emm Mamm War wick mm lmzmo disappear ed nIber the boat capsimd two mpmiarn Jame McCal hm 013019 Parkway and Bruce Madman of Parkhurst Boulevard both 13 swarm 600 Ponce gm up the search or Matcan ycsmhy hm continued to sweep mu McCallum and MMMLUM mid pofum they Md tried mid Mn cnfmt up altar the boat capsized but In dipped and sank The accidm happened Roches Point on Lhu soulheast sham lake Simmc The yum had nil been staying the Mcoaflum cottage Drowns When Boat Capsizes LOCAL GENERAL HDRTICULTURAL MEETING um Hmkullural Sodd ls muminn bus tour to lilo Disirla No 16 mnqu mum on Wednesday 0d Bu lenvm DanHo noon Bar rie Angus and Vospm umber um tumble to by calb iii mm or 7mm KINSRIEN CLUB thncn Club 01 Bands mm roll lmlmammt on 0d mdubmok Goll Club Mmbm mll wmpdo or Otha Unphks Next club mm mmnvw mm at In Mkmmnr Gnnlcm Hvrnlngl TIIl 31M pm many will we Mom on Mum on on cgwun na Plum lea Your Fair Slum GARRETTS GROCERIES mmrm MY weeXmas élruxiywr yixih only we mom vclfidé nccéduntsrv3 sulw in dme csfimalai $3050 No minus warm wcm sustained 0m one msth was matted by mindal police at Barrie we phclwp 1mm driven by Be Ruth Handy RR Mlmsinz collided with car operated by John K5511 Rake Sliding Ont Suaday 533 pm The mishap manned on Highway 90 the nth Man of Essa Township 1mm amour 0mm Jim smu stimzmd damage $700 chargod Rake will pass mtersccfiom 0mm Palm mpmtcd Hum Dev niduus wth mast acdws occurring May almme Lshh Robcflson Mmdon Ont charged with saxdim dniv yd harm mysz The weekend marked lhe fins Visit of American Mas onic mm Ban110s 0m lnthian lodge Among the dignitaries the meeting Saturday night at the Mnsvnlc Temple were from left Wor shlptul Brother Karl Buhcck 1sme WI 01 mile sum 01 Highway 12 other cm invohvd was driven by Wanker Thomson George Lawn am Mr and Mrs Robert son were heated and mmscd mm Mcmyrial HasntLl 56 the accident which omnwd nt 130 pm amumed to $1250 An Flam 011 man um dmzai with cnmluss driving and failing to yield Ibo right oi way $3050 Damage In vainaisl Police in he mm rpmnd carer the Iquictqst Area Mishaps JOHNSON AIRCANADA CHICAGO Enloy the confidence unbcalamu speed and no cost Jams 01 AIR CANADA lmvol Tasty mo IncIIslllblck ml couvlcous lricmlly crvlco No lipplng pleasel NJ If your wllo andor mnlly mu golng along saw 25 or morn nu Famlly Faro Diacounls on AIR CANADAS lllghls any day nnywhmn In Novlh Amcvlca 1hcvos new Incvoazcd bnuwn nlluwmum your ImchAgcm Iordalall will la In Tnmnlu no lllour sum wm US MASONIC LODGES VISIT BARBIE Oppolllo Gum HoIII Altar another twucan crash on Highway at West SL own Charged is James Nclsan Bmd lwy Olhtr which invde was operated by Mm 0mm Mam MI Nonad Ont The mishap was reported SSW 1045 Damage was estimmd at 3150 following singleMich acci dent SmunJay 530 pm on Highway 12 hrmlonth ol mile west of Pnms 00mm PNG Alan William buffman Ofillin who was charged with driving with no insurmg ugamt um Duck Toronlu was charged wilh omen driv mg 011mm memm accident Friday on he ulh ccnussion c1 Innis Twmhrp lust cast of mman 400 LEM Codm lodge Grove VWmshipml flask be sizdhw cm was alv ornme pats umLhor vehicle and Wm all the mad and mm nd 11 am Damage is csfimmed 3350 by investigating flim Omsl Id Maxim Worshipful Mnsm Amald Clt mums Corinfllinn lodge Enr rio EL Wurshipful Emmet Melvin McKedmIe Past Diskid Deputy Grand Master Georgian Bay Dktrid EL CANCER SOCIETY Annual mowing ol the Barrie lancer Society Ls slated for Vednmdny cumin at In the brqry hallX ILamsay wsll be lha makér nvn DIRECTORS Royal Victoria Mammal Board Dimdm will mm at pm lodny 1115le Residence Vorshipful Brother John Johmon Deputy mum Grand Made the 53rd Dis trict the Grand Ipdge of Penmylvxmla Elle Harrie Exmniurr GORDOWS 7289228 Problems To Us do all Ind elecmm hullnl work pro vldlnl you mu mm mm The Battle Of The Boxesl no you hm mm mom mu boxu ovfl unw nu Ionx or naming In In chum Hm my la mm gum inockoul Iull nu bum mm mmemeed Ihln rumK hthfllnl hum wm nmr boxed ln HEATING Biing Your For Fnl Helpful Wm SEHICE Nil 718

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