Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 24 Sep 1966, p. 10

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KMIIDOPS 130 CmTho Archbishop Canterbury pra Xangad hks mulor can of British calmana Friday with stop In Qucsncl where he led school children In Impromptu roadside praygxrs capped their dn mm Wm llvlng them hallday all Th mulnrcade Dr Michael Ramsey was not scheduled to stop at Qucsncl on the 300 mile drive mm Prince George to Knnfloops But as hl oar approached Quesncl about mllca south at Prlnce George the arch bishop saw abnut 70 school chlL drcn who had galhcml at Lho roadslde watch him drive past lle ordered hls car to halt and when he emerged the chlldren crowded to his sld Together thyrccll9d theyz Prayer TEMPERATURES Ire drop Most areas wlll he dandy with ping across Canada ludny rain or some Figure on the ww AL the hlrd school Dr Rum My was so dcllanlcd with the tactch ha received from he nungsters he dismlkhcd an 0311 unionr check lhc idea of hnudzry holiday with Doug las Felt Qucsnel school super hmdent 1m suminwndrm Lead Archbishop Prolongs BC Motor Tour mu WM More thu nrchblshop had left Qucsnol he had made similar Hops pl om schools ardblshvp and Mrs Ramsey arrived late for civic luncheon In William Lake The ardxblshxgl was given iw lug an aepskin done local mist and Mn Ramsay received vase made by the Williams nge mug lithium KOUNTV KllT WAX HUNTS HALVES 0D SLICKID PEHEH AYI uneviouna 54mm EIMw Me My We we may JUICE 5in52 ngl EIIHHEmafiE Zea7 WWWev chy forgot it was Friday and servnd roast beef to everyone Including Murph Mlln House sched uled coflce break tamed Mo nn Informal gmherlng of about 50 villagerl Hal month OTTAWA CmThe federal governmcnl Ls accusnd of draz ging ll fact In protecting con sumers In background plpcr prorated for lhe national le era party cmlerenco next The lspaga report call or nlodernl deparumm cl con sumcr aflnlrs to load the fight against loan sharks unsafe can misleading labelling and advmislng landglhcr alngnsh Miner buymMrs Plummrc past preside of Consumpq As ntlon or the WWW admandh cg ahw yer and author an consumer crodfl he napcr H31 consum need mans voice in the cabinet lo defend their Inter Bccuse Govt Dragging Feet In Protecting Consumers CHARGE VEAKNEss Remus consumers are not organized as unified pmsure group they are expon in many abusch in their daily tram Ltom nnd gavcrnmcm ncflon ls weak and divided the authors 40M The party casted on Lruut and roast duck here Friday nlghl wllh guests lnclucflng nc High wgs MIan 11 ardl no The amhhlshap lakes today oft bu nobody saying whom He flies Io Vanoauvcr Mumm map indicnlo cxpccled high temperature Infiny moms act with respect to the ndopllon of cunsumcr credit logmaflnn and lhe cummg ol abuses In tho second mungago financing field are notable cases In point The nulhm say Ioglslaflon should also rcquim all lender Io disclose Mir Interest charges fully and In uniform way to permit borrower tn commm pmposod new dcparlmeni consumcr aflalrs wnuid draft louzhcr laws analnst also or dcccptlm udvcnistng and labci an of all packaged mnduzu would uperme lnbomtmles to Inst products sumdnrda and quAlHy in hi 1307 FORT FRANCES OuL CPI Mn June Leveridgc ho Hrs vcmnn lo vole In the nonh weslcm Ontario municipallly Ema riled lulu Ihl summer ngod In Mrs Mvgrklgcvo ed l5 fir PIONEER ENDS TRAIL naq ltm mirxlclpilwclecllon lfl BARRIE EXAMINER SATURDAYJSEH weatherman menu In be talan no plty on aha Gmlan Bay area when he compiled hll weekend forecast He is pre dicting wet cloudy sides wlkh some sumlune today Ind Lo morrow will be clear In the morning with some clowdlnesa 1n the dunooon 1W will remain on the coal side and 13 posslbfllty mt DISTRICT WEATHER TORONTO CF Forecast Issued by the weather nlflce at 550 nln Synnpllu Cold alr continual to stream southward from Hud son Bay The cool weather In forecast to continue Sides are clunr in many am but norm cloudiness persists around Gear glnn Bay and over eastern re gion of Northern Ontario Mternmn cloudiness L1 forecast for all areas and law hrlel showers are likely Clear skies are expected nguln overnight with temperatures 311an to the an In the south and to um inning in tho ngrLlI Mternonn cloudiness will develop mum on Sunday Laka St Clair Windsor Sunrw with alternoon cloud ness today and Sunday Contin uing cool Winds Wu 15 bpcam lnz light lanlghl Lnka Huron Luke Erin Niag ara Laku Ontario Hallburlan Klllnloe Georgian Bay Alumnu Saul Ste Marlo White River Landma am ton Toronto sunday Forecast Is Sunny Cool North Bay Sudhury Variable cloudlnes and low brlel shaw ra today Clem lonlfht Sunny wth afternoon cloud new Sun dny Continuing coo Wind northwest 15 Tlmagnml Cochrnno Mainly cloudy vlth muttered shown and occasional mowflurrlex to day and Sunday CanUnnIng c091 Winds northngt 15 to 25 Olinwn region Today sunny with aileran cinudinesa and um chance showers Cool with wind wuierly 25 and gusty Sunday mainly sunny but wlih ailernoan cloudiness and not quite an moi Winds wen erly 15 Forecut tamperum Law overnight hllh Sudy Windsor 40 as St Thomas London Kltchaner 38 65 BINGO STARIS SEPT 28 DOORS OPEN AT EVERYONE WELCOME Comer There Are Iwo Seas There are two seas In Palestine One is fresh and fish are in it Splashesof green adorn its banks Trees spread their branches over it and stretch out their thirsty roots to sip of Its healing Water Along its shares the children play The River Jordan makes this sea with sparkling water from the hills So it laughs in the sunshine And men build their houses near to it and birds their nests and every kind of lift is happier because it is there The River Jordan flows on south into another sea Here in no splash of fish no fluttering leaf no song of birds no chil drens laughter Travellers choose another route Unless on urgent business The air hangs above its waters and neither man nor beast nor fowl will drinkr What makes this mighty difference in these neighbor seas Not the River Jorgtn It empties the same good water into both Not the soil in which they lie not the country round about This Is the difference The Son of Galllae recelvee but does not keep the Jordan For every drop that flow Into It another drop flows our Tho glvlng and receiving go on In equal measure Tho other see shrewder hoerdlng Income leelously It wlll not be tempted Into any generous Impulse Every drop It gets It keeps The Son of Gelllee glvos and llvos Thls other see glvos nothing It named Iho Deed how am Iwo was In Pnlosflno Them pooplolnhoworld Please lee Your Falr Share LEGION Which klnd are we by Bruce Barton Mount For wlnlhcm Hamilton St Catharine Tomnh Byterlgarouxh Kingston tangon Klllaha Mmkaka North Bay Sudhury Earl Saul te Maria Kapnaknalng While Elver Mooaqneu Lnka Superlor Wind north west 15 lo 25 knots decreasing to In knot might Partly cloudy Lake Huron Georgian Bay Laku Ontario Wflndr northwest 25 030 knots decreasing to west 15 lanlxht Cluudy with low ahowernr Lakefirle Winds norlhwest no 25 knoll decmnlnx to west 15 knots to night Partly Handy your curler Ian mmd by mm plun ohm MARINE FORECAST THERE IS NO CHARGE FOR THIS SERVICE VALLEY TAXI DRIVEYOURSELF CARS AND TRUCKS And Copy Wlll Bu Deumcd To Your lama by pm CARRIER MISS YOU 32 7282433 in OTTAWA CmWishm Flcu Spams he Suprem Court Canadajuymwrgo yigote the report on the Gerda Mum findsecule Inqury stern mommy lurm He looks the put too th mum Mung jaw Ind peng untlns eye glmagfiiyem on the bunk repubaflm plnlllitnlklpg Judge th um leIMEG area truffle mm Ind new mom trials Mr Jmlce Spence hu Iona had connncflons with liberal adminhrallom in 01mm HI late alum was senator IP pointed In 1927 by then prime mlnlsm Mackenzla Kine plullitalklng Jud HI Hill 1an have been It and lustice Spence Hagiflad Long Connection With Liberals was form lawyer or 11 your Wore jvlnlnz the WI tune prices and trade board In 1942 In Mr years he went up through H1 ranks to become ihu boards ohlet enlorcemeu om blue 1ch he advocated mlson terms or rackelun mo two klnds of evfldedrjcdegal Erica coxan1 In 1950 when he wns fifth St Laurent zovcanmenl ap pulnled him to he Ontario Sn preme Com Ha was at that time youngest mrmbar Three years ago the Pearson govcmmcm clevaud him In the Manual court wfiinmfigxlonmlm coism ship me mm the mmvauves had take me in Ottawa but the main pmosals ol the commisan wm Inter ndopiod as govem ms Wy In Toronto and attended 1h University of Toronm graduat lng In law Lula he mk his masters dogma at llnrvard Mr slice Sperm wasbmi call or ylumhml cun uuUnl mmmmnl unov um um mun GORDONS 7289228 PLUMBING

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