Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 22 Sep 1966, p. 8

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An mmtmnommnl from tho Harm Snulm llym xocullvn L1 lmlnlntnt rognnllng the nurlnlmtnl of new warn made nomua by the gnatltm of luck Dyll lho loml entry wll mm workmtln Oct at llnrrlo Armin and will lkMO our tlmm wwk Mnro ntgntnun am mmlng uhme mm the ulmlulo now mum at 25 dayu away mully In tho Flycr told my Kun Robertson Jon NM Elan lUlchlo Corby Adaml Intl mOHe llllko Dubmu lmt om play from lut yearn Central Ontario Icnlor dnull la luvlng crack nt pm hockey Mm llrunfl who alarm an Shlplrulhlcr dotmmnan amp ml up at the 1m nwpunn lwld Ian Friday rmmy tor ernto anle lmfn ln Pnlorborovfh flare who came down from Northern Ontario la nv at Jack Grlrr ls Ikatlng In the Ma camp will umlmhlv tm nsxlmml ln tholr Tulu Ollor um loam the Central Im loanuo mm runu ummrmx are 1d Um lo hose Benton Dnllm and tho old Junlor Barrlr you uuuw player wno Md lnlomlml to play will Port Huron Flags no International lva gun llu nuccmll tho nmvroUmi Ron Salt who lnl the In to run In tho AlLm Oup When Hormll coma lnlo llama Amna UILI winter Hwy will rnlsn noalnlgla locally llwlr ml uniforms are ldm llml In mm MM mul we mnoml 0am two reasons back Blll Kcnnndy nml Jlm Murchln two former Onllln Pcpsls are nlxo akafln MU Gmrla Along vlth Rkk Hly nml Rlck McClack In The latter player wlll bu mnmnborcd by am fans who Wilmsstd ho Colllng woodfulclph Forlthnal wlnlor WORD FROM TORONTO has the now thty Grud entry gotng all out developtnfz strong contender tn the expandtd 011A Senior oop They have head sLnt an all other teams as they are already racltcing Such Mg names as Carl Hymm and Grant nm worktng out or cxVaraity Blue coach Joe Kano Both were big scorers with Oukvlllo 01k last year llymors was previous with Woodstock Athletics while Moore graduate of and Toronto Mnrtbaros skated wtth the onnl team two reasons back nm II partmont of Lands and Forests at Maple is continuing project in the Lake Sirncoe district for woodmck 1n ruffed grouso huntm survey ls underway im these game birds and rouse hunters am asked to submit their names to Jr Dorland at the Maple olllce The will receive 00118 book and Information complch when analyzed will help the and to plan out batter hunting in tho Mum Due to small msponse in the past information for this project is little thin and the district oillco is asldng or cooperation hero in or der to speed up the advantages ol hi survey my 1115 par wnn acuvmcx OFAH Zone Five convention slat ed for Oct 22 and 23 at Oshawa and trophy up or the individual club wilhfllhg largest furnom Now my ed ImperialEastman game which was later disallowed over play in left field when the ball fell over the fence off Randy Laceyl arm This was mum of ground rule clarification THE DUCK HUNTING season opens this weekend Outdoorsmcn will be heading into Ontarios vast wild erness in large numbers The Ontario Federation of Anglers and Hunters who have large membership Simeon County are in hlgliv gear with activities Wth 1an muI nnrn PETE McCLOSKEV was big man in Stewms win ning rally as he crashed towering drive over the fence in centre to spark the uprising The lack of sprlugl ncss on the wooden banlet also resulted in an unusual number of triple and doubles as outfielder had prob lems retrieving the ball quick enough on many occas Ions The fence also resulted in controversy as completely new set of ground rules had Io he explain ed ImnprlnlJMomn Mn mqmn mu um Home run nar fourloot high snow fence played big role in both series Two plays that come to mind were in the centre field area the deepest part of the park In the thhd game won by Plaza 40 Fned Hanes robbed Stewart pawer hitter Chuck MacNical of certain home run when he leaped high for onehanded grab befom tumbling over the fence Whfle both leagues had allBamo finalists rovld lng the crowd with plenty to cheer about the ig est addition to Lh year glayoffs was the home run nm rm ERRORS PLAYED big part in this game as comx bined total 11 misplays resulted in nine unearned scores Eastman managed to take the title despite committing eight errors and being outhit 96 Clark son gave it the oldcaiiege try with late rally Don McFadden pulled daring steal of third base with the potential tying counter with two men gone in the ninth It was also fitting that lefthander Pete Short recd sidelined since early July due to illness came back and earned credit for the chamfionshrp victory He worked the final three and third rames and made the allimportant title clinching out himself Sundays intermediate showdown was real battle of wits between ImperialEastman and Clarkson Hotel as the lead was traded three times Eastman who came through with their second plnyoff conquest in row and in only their second season of existence hung on for dramatic finish after healthy 73 lead disappeared The 1966 softball season at Queens Park came to ti concluslon this week as both senior and in termediate playoff titles were dgtemfined by the scant margin of one run In both cases the losers threatened in the very last inning and had the poten fla tying tally standlng on third base when the new champs prevailed 3mm mum mum Asin thoinn nmmt yxl Miami Fl SPORTS COMMENT Exciting Conclusion To Softball Seaéon BleHRIS AYLOTT SEPI 1m Hum Illn Amml lnrkn 2M VIthm 21 Xllflm III mdmk T31 KILIIVII2V MKNB ll GROUP hum Mum flfixlnuv IIxml In Ha Mud Rar km Unnvyn RIM Im Wt Flat ng Ififlfifi UM AGHI PM IL Waln hum 30 Ink Mplrlx Owinlk y1 7111 Mo 701 Sum llkh filnxlul him 111 Mkkl 110 Whfiuillm ml on Ill Tllpltll hflwk 759 708 Muck 7W 10L 14 maxim 14 llomvy 12 um 11 Wuflhsim H71 me cum Gml Tm nhll Allmlnlo mqflamh Jill Mullle Wm TRAVEL IERVICI Ill Dill AVIS fiPErfsié nun mu Willie Oinkon dd IDAw Tumn1 KDHVIEW MENH GROUP Inna Hcortu mam Mb nc uhmm Amber Lauriew Dairy Vclhlmm Lou llmrwyllliodux Fax mum rux helm Cariml lnlvnw 01M ll JOHNSUN 3th the rough eastern Our boys wnntni to null au hell hey we Wed up by the Mumn players ml we mm Ix mum the pad Um We had the best team bu had no doubt that New kamimau has ho mud boa Bum 1n Gmnda he laid mm fifmuimm mun mm and MM their VIC Lorie have been wet New wmwu Now Mingu and Kulh Jackson mid We didnt hnw In depth and we ilcami OCrulso and Tourl onmk now or Chflnlmu omrllno Rall NEW WK EC ammm Green Gael no tum lnmc kw and um We 010 unlitmch of Canadian Juninr Moron mummy The Gods ovupowerod New gmlm Salmnbeflim 126 sdncsday mum to win batWmm chamlmshig r14 41 just in Oshawa mach Jlm Blimp predided at the be ginning 11 mics uuu arm Wmlon added can verts lnd Hugh an wldn leIdAgoal Attempt Envrfiko In 61yard offence Ed Ulmer flared two mu uaw In Ie WFC scoring race He now has 41 points only on less than Larry Robinson Cu znry an neven touchdown Gaels Collect Minto Crown ga numbers ooqu do nothing wrongexcept collect WI yard in penalties snw Ken Nleisen catch three touchdown passes tram Kanny Ploen nnd jum ounh place mm unuuuuy Bombm tied with Ed monton Eskimo but with gem tn hand now have and mid fit 10 points our behind the hint fly tng Saskatchewan naughtidem Toronto remains In the Eastern Conference basement wlth ona win In nght games MEPICALGARY NEXT W1 pg next ailing II against fourth place Calgary Stamped here next Tuesday Said his Tormlu counterpart Bob Shaw They should beat anybody in Um no wheyL ll than dIssenunn wa could use mm It mi Referring to newspaper mm of disscnflan within the ranks became of pounding turn by the offensive backfieldexs coach Bud Grunt tucked Turn Into Argonauts warn beaten by the Bomber Wednesday In Canadian Foal hall League wna helm 17112 lfilace He In Camurencm Western Foolh WINMPEGICP Winnipel Blue Bombers reputed In be Vgha seam gm conunz In at min than £ny logses Hug back 7288525 Bombers Easfly CruSh Argonauts mmnvaL SERVICE BOWLING SCORES yéln tie Hruwn Imh Mar1m mm 7m Mm mm 217 Dell bury In Kelllm llllh unllnx lhll lim an Saudu ml Duny Scum llllh Mnlm SandN no 1111121 7014 MM um Min mm rm ber ry A7 Adlmnmln m1 Tum Bundlnzlx 11mm 12 Pmhtwxim 12 anlln am mm Unzwcrl arm Vnhh Salisbury Mi am 19mg Tum mill Biniielx Km 5W any 01mm am Mam rl Lamb flmnm mm Walluin hm Pirng Mm Gum um Oshawa goalie Marv Marshall was mmndinz or he nin nm stopMng 2n thou Him ha thou we Wind ha nnl quaflcr Mum New 80 mlrum wan held mrelcru 1140 thriller In ovminw LUMBIIRR 51W Brxan 11mm scored mm mi and added one ask or AshMn John an on Ros Jones and leg Davies scorn end and defch nun Mm fling comribuod our mlsu Neil Armstan Phil 0mm and Joe Krnsm shared Ihe 001m Km immkl and Paul Shmyr and nctlu two New ermln our sank while Ken Henry and floznnloll adth one For hlmdly mp on nrvln and qull lly hund mm prod utll In new Bumm Dvol Mal OFF ON CASH AND CARRY Gaylord Pawmi hmly lull Hooded Indian cenln was he Egg mno Idmum mg llmloiit of mu told the bays take it my but dont mafia blame player for being thslva when ana get rough This went on all mm the series and we my ghe losers Dnummum mum Dflnnlwllor Miners will open their human hockey War In Doocxnber with two games In East Germany an official the Alberta Amateur Hockey Association said Vcdnxday me Minn Oup dumpiom will Nay W0 games in Finland be low moving to swim to play In the level game Bunny Alwame amateur tournament FMan ank Robinson Baltimore Orioias smashed his 48th and 49th home nm In 1M victory om Knnsas my Alhlcdu By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS Pitching Dick Kelley tha Bum yiuhdod Lhme hits and €an 412 mm 21 mu Vinbianking St nah Day forced to no lo the air when his Humor could set nw where laced fierce rush and an umbrellp delence Wally Gabler who appeared only briefly lot the same treatment and threw an lnlerceptlan to met Ha ran 5a yank lu bogghgiown Ex Stampederiaaia Day playing his second game Toronto quarterback manned only one sustained drive and it mind wiih mum Wm pus lo Bobby Taylor in the fourth quartet Jaim Voiuna cnnveried It addcd aingie on wide Iieid goal attampl Ind Dave Mann punled 53de single first touchdown also BALL STARS 11 lime but om nsxn and mandatory dam Harlot 21 famrkc came back whh rush In round mm hm wow fix on he new unit Oman with NI long hair ant Ina dawn ncdx on iron surge min on In mund on Al mam um ht lhlnd ddoM for ma Smnh mumn du who mw mu 114 com or 1H The only knockdovm came In the mm round when Bona vem hmdnnu nmwu to an Honda dumped PM with rim to he Jaw me 0mm Olymch hump at film If bu not lhe unmade 01 Ho down Again 1mm In rim flux above Ms Urn Fm wan up 50 pr WNW odmsday mm 10mm mm daemon over Os cnr nonamu Merlin In bow back mm Iwomndmmi andum his 12M NEW YORK AP Joe mm the unbanan MI champion boupced Pullord will be out let than week and lnsln him In made mman in change So Instead of warm out with Tulsa when hcl been banhhcd until 01 by Tar nnto an Lea manner coach Punch Imlnch Shack was right when he wanted Ia be all Ilanl on ha with the Leafs Training camp or both Ieanu are being held at Peterboroulh 11 But me HM leak lmhdl would have preferred on the Ice contra Bob Pulloni was re cupernllnz from blow to the Iclt knee after check on lhe boards ILth out by dormer man Bob mun Frazier Beats Ringo Bonavera Calculmd on Minimum Manlth Balance Na Mlnlmum Doposlt Inlomt Accnm mm Dale of InlNal Dapmlt By THE CANADIAN PRESS Edd Shack ram whom the unexpected hu gndually be come the expected man than livcd up to his name Wednes day by reparling day fly or lnlnlng with Na 011m nl lha Central Praleulvnal League DEPOSIT ACCOUNT INTEREST PER ANNUM ON YOUR PERSONAL stinuymnusm ol mq nv mum151w that Ulmer punted only once in each hull Dave Ralmey re corded 110 yuda an ll currlu and Art Perkins 103 yards In 12 Ploen and Thornton were good on ll 29 poms far 261 yiards giving up lhm Intercep tons Day and Gabler computed tight at 21 thrown for 140 yard while the Toronto ground Attack cod 1191 only 20 and total nine first dowm Ulmert touchdown was the only Intu caption The Bumbeu mud nut 34 Yards mhlnx and 257 passing In midi up in down am In fhmughy Shack Practices As Pulford Out wax long one covering 78 yard whua Ulmer got his lec ond on flveyud Iweep dur Jng hm Ian on nuance Winnipegl best In Icon cum early In the lamb quarter when defensive ml DickAlImnlpn who also Thornton hobblcd lundoll ll moved to his Ian and threw the hall km the ah when he went down under Iwnrm at tncklers Whether wax Aimed for hlnror not Plow wn Ihere to gather iz in Ind mm the yards to ha gall Una bad name tlinu It quarterback cams inul omnxlve halfback 0pm Pmonal DIM Account It lb Dunlap Slmt Ball Bum Phanc 1160493 llll 1n Knnsmn dclcnccmnn Huh Finger nnorlcd lwo dnyl lnlu And general manager Emile Francis nitkcd hlm 00 day even lhaugh Plnzer had been lied up court wllnm In hi harm lawn of Knmuknllnm 0n the other hand hinnlrenl Cnnndicns who start training at home Friday hnd iheir hope oi retaining the Stanley Cup ior another year brightened when loniio LernaWnrsley and Mr ward Jlm iiobcru Yvnn Cuur Myer and Gillan lrcmbiny llgncd contract Wtdneadny of lhe other teams the Bruins nrn mining at London 0nt New York inn or at Kinman Onl an Chicano and Detroit ind Wan nrc working out ntAhomc The year old native Humboldt Sash laid his retire ment is oilicinl and he wont cansidcr niurnlng in hockey in Any caplcily Menzmhfle Wago Black Hawk got confirmation Irom Edmonton Walls Glenn Halll retirement In Im running the arm he mm was of Ed manlon Douglas Ilgncd hls conlracl Wednesday bub nunlng brubcd shoulder plckcd up Sun day when be crushed Into gun roar Sawchuk will be sllllng out not nl veteran John and nltcmnle ancu GAmme BUNS Also missing from the Why Illalr wll be delanccmnn Kent Dfizukglas and goalie Terry saw or the lam first exhibiiion game the your Friday night Against Bolton Bruins It Lam day 9x11 Rodv helly normally Ich winzcr will go betwecn Ron Ellis and rookie Don Blackburn II Bildlald IL 754 ll Full Tune Time Ild lollthlll en ua mum hoe calm Ind dmuu whllu ya at bdrm WI Geoffrhn is welwnwd to the camp ol New York Rang era by former Monkey team mate Gordon LRed Belem at the Ranger training camp in Kingston Geoffrlon uh me scored 50 Koala in tingle season lot he Hubs he wme out rdJmnem to BERNIE Bonmr Boom olivknpuxknllnz incl IUp Flavour anyone Private Stock is the 29whisky whisky Aceé of I11an than bum great aged whiskies are gently blended into every drop of Adams Private Stock WWII ADAM mmm ll TORONTO Anne no IT NOW AND SAVEI loWhIdWIHdlDoorcinbepnmhmd brashwm BALI leI You FREE Efllmml Avoid he msh and order you Aluminum Window and Doom WW For window 9mm in Scplcmbu we are giving 10 DISCOUNT or the purchase prlu PLANING MILL CO LTD Bemson name to the Broad Way alumna by Why of trade CF Wkephoto 50 wuk 7mm

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