Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 22 Sep 1966, p. 2

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Barrie Delegc1tesv In Qggzeration Blisteri Mm mmmnmmum nudiml 0mm in Nnnhcm lndlo manned by tho Waid mummies Paradpafing in this unique kmdmmmmmewm mvaudNIflly m9fiflmhmlhandu¢ aolede Oneanbamwdi mwfllhekmfimrfimfnd MMAVM Wermwasbomlasvpdnl MIJNM mttccolAngfimn MUnilodGnmmmhhm mam mmmvh in mm 11 6nd paxiiu Ihmfld be pmpamd in have their positions ammlscd Mr Dldenbmra popularity has apparently declined bath wiih the panic and the patty ha said Mr Camp has 0110 right no express his opinion on the mat ter both as mrdcmryln Conservative and mu president mulmmedme resignation of Camp 7de may by form My Mm mlnlstu Gordon much Mr Churdfifl mid he was making me demand in mom to Mr Campn call on mcsday night for rah appraisal Jahn chlmbakcra leadersth 5511M Mirth MP the Smith WM decllncd lo mman on Mt Camps sugmion or Mr 3mm demand um 13 Mr Camp rolodtd the call that min last mm and lndlmlcd that he will back John Dldmbaker n5 laukr in nle yfm pmpe wl pa mmhv Tm period hint dim by the Anglican Yuma Peoples Amfim of Toronto Diem and the Unwed mde 101m youth at me plan an hike mm mitten ovu We mg Damon Oampa summon but National Comer Xv Party loadmlp be reapprnkcd at the next convention has been endor sed by vlwpmldem of the Ontario Comervnflve Associa Lion Jack Gnrucr of Barrie said today there is no reasnn why Mr Dump should resign Na tional pmldem of the party be cause his suggestion Mr Garner who ropmsenh me Young Oonsmaflve Assad um on the 0mm nowuve said he was speaking as In dividual party mm rather gun on behall of the assoc on He said that in Ugh lb mmgsi innin0uxawnlqad lam Inwhw too 8ng GARNERS OPINION 0mm mam fakes all CHARTERED AECflUNTflNT Should Appraise Dief As Leader Ellvon yun lug tovhplny mullelmO cpor Ilom Exporlmud In Ill plum llmntlll pllnulng con oh hudwl Iomnm much In mm tomolldnnom corporal mnprlnl lumllom ERECTING BRIDGE ACROSS HIGHWAY 400 RT ST VINCENT STREET Wlslm Io low In Bmlo Am Jm lot Ml Burl lhmlmr qmlon and that tho lendw mid expect this Mn Garner pointed om today Manly Ilpcrwnulha na Wexmflve endorsed Mr Dlelcnbaker war 20 Na lender ahde be mod to lock unionmum every alx mun bu under um prucnl mum expat Mr lelen bnkcr muld want to know when mummy be my mm byuxe mm Commuflvu who have mp gonad Mr Canpg gum5909 mm Wawmfl pledges WWW mm any wwwmwg mweub Nmlg mu Ha mmmmw noimhmbuenwvoxedbya Motpluxflwipmmfh mammo Mayor Philip Givens Dr vase patina deMUrdw humid mamweummhm mmomm Amnbwdflnpafimh the any leadership but that the party Lu annual Mus this All has right to revues um qmlyn and an tho lendw My mm is called for Mr Gamer IBM The longer mggo appcm to ba manaum walk Is my mm and mm win party zlvu Mr Melonbaker mwmandnle WMr campvmld he dld nu hm mm 659 11 nd mhmmniuwdlh Mirandaimmanth lmwil ho moinulual wgdwf 5w UuifimvwlhofinJM wand am on 11 Irma JACK GARNER F95 em saw LOCAL GENERAL The truck operated by Man shall Snow run all the highway at tho luh Concession on SunnL dale Road CAS MEETING Regular monthly mecllng ul tho Board 01 Dlrcclon ol the Clllldunl Md 5061er of tho Cnunly Slmtoa and he Clly cl llnrrlc wlll be held luesdny Sept 27 at am Alman wlll be held at so Poynu SL Connly court house ANNUAL MEETING Burrlo Communlly Concert Al saclnllnn wlll hold lu annual maelan luesdny SepL 21 at pm In Community House an Tomnlo Street Puhllc ls wcl como la Illend Ola meeUnL chldxm who Diocesan AYPA danish Rev mh plead and mlmken owneuditur Amold WW Saturday Night magazine waded mnvugstmfiym mm mo an us United have vohnteued be make the march With In Oomtnhié Thumplon Inqu Kuled the accident and unma lcd damage 150 Then wen nn charge ur Injuries WIGGINS URS will vomlln dost this Fvldly Ihomoon and dny Saturday Duo to flu Jowloh holldnyl NOTICE pony awnem my qualify to In nunidpzd docunm but mm meow Act docs not How wand co grant the on those WWII twiler rum foes It was potmi out by Mm Game Davis Essa Mmhap The move Wm mkud an un extmdhg the We utter MW Medicin uuasoflsenmnudy lmflulces m°a$100rmpuyw Ilwmmmwtnmmyan mu Itan wan $120 an gadfanfimmm Nw Maxs min Mile wili Mme 12 Datumhm 0514 nim way me It Ewan hiya mm mun drlvvway while the other hld was proceeding us on Welling st ac BARR EXAMINER THURSDAY SEPT 12 sweat013i Mumn was dwaod with drunk and can 16 drlvlni early today alter the hewax eggam went over the 0an on SI Alli mshed hydra tamed Donald at so Maple Im He was an 519 Mth 01 me he MB In madvdmmgué mm 50 oltlslon we repen ed Diwalian maid house number at 520 pm Vehidu Involved wen open tui byJJamlm Wealhcri 20 5mm and Albert Mom stratum Ave Investigat ins officer Coast Bob McKen 7J8 edimaled damaga ml The WWII was mak méTomalm Woc pummel named in singleNude widen Sust ore mldnlm In at driven Ronald Wayne mun RR Bar Goad H1me estimated damage It 3250 mmde barges be Md The mishap 009131911 It 00151 Don Bulmer Blrrle Police 1312le Says Public Approvng Needed To Extend Vote Franchise Car Hits Hydro Pole City Police Charge Drive Curling Plans Made fit Borden 1ai1w mums Wm BEE TE Waffle Hana anilnd muck mil flll Incmlwn Ira nnw nctmilA 04 lbs la me ha lulull Hun allor lmlr nnml In mam would quy the cum La mm on m1de Wain The lmd ol the Em vuncll aid he had mad ham the Mm andflse Extension Act had granted authority or coun cil tn allow bum ldo midterm ww mav mbepassudwrMAWAo maximal mm the WI We have had no roqucsu or nah vote placed More com ail said Ru Dav MW ho wank ho pad to Mm up it this Wm 11m Them was mm mm shwu In and mm ut Angus when Gma drziror over ho an lich mm aw 561mm Schle Maw um dfiuagmuhwmmmifituk £31m dimia wok tin oi mm the clinimm Wedrmday or Elm umu ery mm min in raw lion Stewart oi Siwwnnn Wholesale Barrie will be guest maker at tho next mum at ha Kempcnieit Kiwanis Club Monday noun Community House mza School tick maili od their mans All pmluslon Separate School Teachers Attend 1Day Convention Im Ron CORNISH DAREFJAINDdkulct ye IOWAle CLUB PAINT WALLPAPER Ami rm Ilnl In nu luclll White Rog $1090 Gil NOW $390 ID all all DuPoM Palnll Prlmm lnd Mlmllmy SSSMESS Albumen mlnllon mm lkunlnl body lur lha onllnnrlnfl rumIon lhrounlmul In my nu and will In Inform lhc pnhllc Irdlnu Um ml played by Ibo pmlmlonnl ennlnm 111 Can llll duvrlnpmanl oulllucd hh pmonnl experienc In nn alcoholic Inld ha wan pleased lodny om bdnl lu qmntly rolenod to lelo man llllta he clumd hlrmrll Mylhlnn hul lhll drltgllnl duyl any ennlne dun cran mark Hwy un npukilrinn min uralxchy nml unlmkm ha nld drinking dn II worm Some mo an helped in uny in my item the iemplauom oi returning to drink by tho en comnemeni ni other when they tell iheh Iiorlu rmllar vi iwr lo one line four oi Banlo AA meeting who Hum wind in be identified only Dm lines he wu best known to hi fellow mumbm luch laid he iound many alcv holicl who Iirunnle to xiv up he hnbli which is alien ruinous to health requcnlly iurn to hllher powm inr help For Instanc ha mid mak Inz It Mn um many reform ed alto oXIcI are no particular ly religious them was om mcsdny nlzhm 110 Mid ho belleved In hlgher power and was convinced lhl hlnhcr power Pad helped him In hl struggle Thl our group In Banlo mnel durum places on many Wednesday and Hum day mum and Ilsa at Sun dly mornlng hrunklm club The member are Ilwnyl wllllnl to in helplnl hand to anyonn Iinccrcly dulrlnl Ilsllnco giving up the hnhll 111m no pnld luflvllmo flnld worker or tmEloym lull people who luv eon helpcd who wnnl to do lhn name for ohm for whom alcohol hm bo MEAN AND anoucmr mum elmhm the talk about many things How one becomu an alcoholic may he Keneul Interest to drinkers who have am falflnx Into m1 pitfall but the AA member or the most part know all about It because may have alraady lound out by bitter expellento Thu member an more In created in Ienmln how to net overt being an alcoholic and the experience 01 successful mem hey help olhera DEGREE 0F SUCCESS While to nundrlnker re lnrmcd Alcuhollc who lurns batk to drink alter vmks ab IUncnca may be classed as failure but lo ltllawmembm lacing he Inmuuuxgla he glvcn credit for dclrcc of low Meka abstain hll ll bellm than comlanuy ylddlnz to In templaflom Ilggnz grlnk What do theymk mm at menu or the Alcoholic Ano nymwa At file Bards development dly It Hom ahoa Vallay SN bod Wed nudny to right In her Former Alcoholic Tells Of Fight Against Habit By WILLIAM CURRAN 72677 In the morning when wns tomlnx out at dnmk nlten becnme very melancholy and went to the opposite extreme wanld gel gloomy and damn sod an all mad Wu Just noaood soak But was no Mn at Into ml trouble and Wu lucky to maps um summed mum to Hal the In It The way new it it wasnt my innit was driven to drink ing to excess My friends wnuld nt give me my dun my wile was nagging me into ii my he didnt give me lhe promo um hauth mould have bad Just because oi prejudice and as new it everyone the Wu wan found out It uku more than Lust decldlnz to give it up You ave to llth of recur rtnco this Abnormll thirst That when ha can hulp you mm supra momma ry II In and lo be tunes Illppcd once or twice but now havent had drink an nlcahaua hav ernga or wma yamInd eel much better manger more mnlcnlcd And my mlnd lunc Ham better because Am mdy lo sco the other pcrxonl vlnw pom mur 1h éilktylod Iarmn mm mm Km nim ashamed um am now doins Rimming flood was up to my neck In 1e 919 Leslie um Danie Scpnrato School Board Inspectm Wil liam Bulge and Mae 030 nm Bnnlu lonnlnnl 705 pm 1035 nm Yorkdnlo Ccan 000 pm 1105 uni 1mm my 51 no p111 Round trip lixcumlon Faro mm Harrlo 235 Good on lhls round Mp only nnd on data 5110 NEW SATURDAV ONEDAY EXCURSION TRIP Anyone seeing or having any Inform than at in an accident occurring on May 24ih 1964 on Highway 27 near Egben Road Simcoo County piano notify Knit Swnnbomugh Dudzic DiPieiro 39 York Street Hamillon ielophono 5251660 For mmpkwo norvlm to lomnto DAYLIGHT TIMI Tlllflll and lnlormlflon It HARRIS BUS TERMINAL Maplo Ilmcoc SIL Tolopbono 72 Byrno A9900 ACCIDENT Ask for lhno Tabla Na TORONTO NEW EXPRESS TRIP Lv lnmnlo 420 pm Ar Harrie 555 pm FALL TIME TABLE Now In Effod by bux and taking my place In society am mud to bell Mm about personal mm be overcome ham has prom here that it can be done My mum need an deo hfflc who1 dam wnnu tn gven up WW WPW Emmy and mmm than nomeona who has faced himself he asked new be we 9m donaid Fr Thomu Cairn or orlllla and Ger1d Pndflcld Monical School Bank fllppmnn Try our Imamdc Dred SWEET IEA BISCUITS rm loo Fun of 2DAY SPECIAL FRI SEPT 23 SAT SEPT 14 PASTRY SHOP Only 23 call Em 1a 71H

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