Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 22 Sep 1966, p. 11

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Coroners Jury Finds Men Responsible MONTREAL OPi Swell yotmg men were held crimi nuiiy responsible Wednesday by coroners lury for tha death or Jean brim 15m idd student who died July 14 when bomb ho was norrylna apparently exploded prema turely The explosion occurred near Dominion Textile Co Ltd plant In the Si Honri district at wostcruihtontreal At the time strike mamd by vio lence was in prom at tour vothrr Dominion Textile plants in the province Held criminally responsible tor Corbog death were Sarge Demm Pierre Valiiore TI Reni Mnthicur 2i Gerard Lac querre 24 Glories Gagnon 20 Marcel Faulkner 21 and Claude Sirnard lB POLICE SEEK TWO Vallicre and Gagnnn are still being bought by police Dcmeru instilled under pro tedionoltheoourtdratheand the six others were members at the Front do Liberation Quo beolr He untitled lint all took part in meeting last June when it was derided to bomb the plant In drnwnstrnlion oi support for the strikers Dcmm said all at the except slmnrd were members of the Mn oermi munit too The witness testified that Corbo had expressed willingr nun to take some action and was appointed to carry out the bomb nrisinn MONTREAL CPI Richard Bounhoux 21 was arraigned Wednesday on charge non oapital nurtdcr In the death Mrs Therese Morin bi uho diodhiabondrbhrxatarwrth to end Montreal shoe factory May Bouder was held criminally rapornlbla with Aaron other last Friday tor tho limo boob death Mrs Morin secretary ot the shoe company Athen Ide ud now nurrdorcha es nllfowmzfifili not Mara point in oi the Pouroitheyoulurnonwm eightatilinrebeinuaoughton maixnodoarlta this weekon owners warrarrll srhcor coorirr virus IIILLSDIILE By MARY LEA Recent vision have been with Mrs Ralph Rumble Mr and llitre George humble Bur lington and Don Humble Ban rle Min Howard Brandon and Mr and MN Robert Brandon and family Nowrnarkat MN Doug Manolo Bob Brendon and Janice Perkin Barrie at Mr and him Doug Brandons vIro ceicbratod their 20th wedding amiversnry Mr andtliira Bert Ioilio have been vimting from Sudbury at Gerard Joihea bridal shower was held at Mount St Louis itaii In honor or Mr and Mrs Joule Mrs Doug St Dennis was hasten surprise birthday party was held for Susan Halisinuton at hot homo Several iriondu help ed in the celebration Guido Rumble and szl py wcm among children start Irrg school In Gr Martr Ronrdd wanhost at surprise farewell party tor More at lhow who has gone tocol loge Miss lenda lmkhart at tending Lake bar Tbaohors College Mr Wultm is the new loadi er tor Gr and Mr Walton lsboardingatlheborneotMm Newton Train Kmlitartin is patient in Toronto hospital Help Kin Como Whore KINSMEN BINGO ODD FELLOWS IIIILI Thurs Sept Zanii pm Progressive JucIrpolZIO This Week Featuring Help Kiddies BIIIIRIE TEEN TOWN At The EmbassySat Sépt 24 The Citations IhoActionIIi SI PIIULS By into run Mr and MN Lloyd Booth Mr and hire Mervin Booth and tamily spent the weekend of Sept 11 at Huntsville resort Mm Baillie Mendel Pa ticnt in Barrio hospital Gerald Knowles Ia home from hospital having suitmd an In 1m to hia lingers while work ind at his combine Uonizliaouiniiom to Mr nnd Mm Gary Btumish on the birth or outfitter PAULEITES Mrs Norman Richardson wm hostess to the September Paul ette meeting the first since June Thom were 15 momlrcru pres ent Mrs Harry Mdcrott re ported on prayer pnrtner Rev Ptrilipoita Watson lake Yukon Mrs Halduiby and Mm Haldcmit will be In oharige of the now nutty book lunch hostages were Mrs Roy lmnox and him Frank Oakley Mr and Mru Morley LeGnult had their intent daughter Jen niter Rose baptized Sept 11 in St Irrmes United Clurrch Stroud Present tor the service and dinner which rollowcd were grandparents Mr and Mm George Mitchell Toronto pront grnndparenta Mr and Mrs James Mitchell Scarborough Mr and Mra John Gm Rox dalo zodpararts Suggest Voting Ilge Be Lowered NEON CPI Thomas Wells Program Ooruervniiva member or the Ontario legisla ture or Scarborough North ban nugested Ontario uriivcrsiiiu strand have their own sorrthch in lira legislature Mr Wells told tho University oi limonto Progmsivo Corer iile Dlub Wednesday that our universitfi oonrliinondos rhould be start on part or Searin porn to we young more in the totrt lit at the onrnrmnlty He also mistreated the age for voter In provincial ard ledcrol him be wand to 18 Voters and candidate in the university constituencies would all be strident and iaculty mcrrborr Mr Well said THE STARTING FRIDAY SEPTEMBER 23rd TORONTO SOUND COMES TO BARRIE Hur and him to Toront Big Town lie or Lilli imporlalrr RI no 50m The Socratl top rum group Cum and the Connolly Siliclvrufimor Bobby KIII and tho THIS WEEK FEATURING IIOY IiiINNER and the Associates IT HAPPENS EVERY FRIDAY NIGHT AT THE ODD FELLOWS Hill ON COLLIER 51 IN BARRIE not mm axnrnnnn mum son ma In Joint statement the Qua bod Federation oi Conant Prac titioner and the Proianuionnl Association Quebec Pharma cist said this postponement appears to us to havo been dictated by political rather than masons Que Practitioners Criticize Sharp MONTREAL GP Quebec general practitioners and pharrnhoim have issued statement criticldng Finance Minister Sha recent decision Mn Meal mv EXAMINER warrr Ana care plan by one year PHONE 7mm Dnvrin THEATRE highway 11 at Guthrie Between Barrie and Mind STIIIITS rrirnriv MOVIE THAT YOU SHOULD NOT MISSI JUDITH errST on Naorv roan show Millm ilU NONIDill millilitiliililitm ruling on 505939 FIUIW NLBESB AnnirrANcI Rasnmrcrrm Tam MUNIli Most modern DriveIn umrru urnsra TECHHIOOLOR Members oi tho militant Y0 Rod Guard in China placed picture ot Cormm nbt boar Moo Tictum over the Soviet hanuner and sickle atop tho SirloSoviet Friendship building in shanghai lion Kong resident who visited Dommrmtst Ohinn roconlly made this picture He said the acatioldlng was eroded to rcrnovo atotua midi wymbo tired the trich between the minor Chinese charac torn over the scallold roads ut the acntloid base road Shanghai erdribition AP Wircphotoi New Security Threat Is Facing Malaysia Iiy CARL MOLLINS Malaysia conceived as counterweight ot moderation In volatile Southeast Asia marked Its third anniversary Friday with dangerous new security threat on Ita vulnaraldr routh ern innit the Moral government har assumed direct executive power in this state or Sarawak Lhinlypopuiaiad Iunilc province on Borneo island the aim at Newansni¢k andNova Boo tin oombincd Ii stubborn political crisis In volving charger or corruption and land proiitcerinx N831 In tho atoto government has rnirrd learn oi Conununlat Inlmrnlion and created constitutional Is one crucial to tho ledmuona future Malaysia established Sept 16 1963 of Malaya Singapore Sar await and uolyrboring Sabin Herod minus blow it month ago with the Milan ot cornmcrcewenlthy Singapore Denis Returns To Court OTTAWA cor lLirrrwntl Donia nyonrold Monircni lawyer roturnl to court Mon day 0d or his wand trial on dimgo arising cm the attair or monitor umxvhv tru den itivard Donia iormer txocutivo ao ristont lo Ihc Immigration min im hnr boon rm on H000 billl flour in Mordi hon hi all trial wn dodmd II No In errorrat with oomrpuy alluring cum or money to hionirml lawyer Pimp amon tnrno to town the lnrrnrr dr transition to lull tor Divan now In 118 lnil KEEIH Ill 0er DKIIJB hilihurn Stone Doc Arlamr oi Gixmmoke on vaudeville nonranddnnce In Mill rrnr pcrinrrnn at rodrol rind Inlrr Federal Prime Minister Iunku Abdul Holman In london Tor the Commonwealth conicrcnce said Friday Sarawakalrth halt hinloyriaa territoryis on dnnrramd by an explosive ailu ntinn that could be exploited by rho Cammimista in this border area Sarawak had bccn rcoupcmt inz trorn thrco years at insmr liy as primary target in neigh boring lndonosinn crushMalay rin campaign Tuerriliaol lo war formally calcd cit ivo weeks ago The political adsis Involves tribal and racial rivalries but ccntma on the controversial tig uro ct Doto linophcn Knlonx Nlngkan lormcr hospital or dcrly hi his early to vin be came Samwakl chic miniritr thrca yum ago as leader ol the mniorlly party In the slate us mnbly tho Snrnunk Alliance Party Amid talk of oomxption the Allianco party withdrew support lrorn Ningltnn Ningltan resisle dtmamls tor meeting at tho atnlo assembly where he and curtain defeat in proposed vote or no undidcmo SEEKR POWER Tho odoroi hlali com ruled last truck that the nitric rutcr nor noted unconstitutionally In nitlrnptlnfl to rcplaco Nlnzlrnn without an historiny no The lateral government In Kunln larmptrr has called Mr Ilnmrnt Into maion Monday In tho hopo or obtaining power to NIGIITLY FROM Lil GOGO llnrrcinl on Our titan In tho itmro lloorn Munro Now lyptltinl the lab ulour round oi The Dawn Trio Mm Your Friend when the Artlon in OIIIZENS NDIEI ilMtitIE BARRIE HURONIA DRIVEIN THEATRE titlth Tm Till53 NOW SHOWING la convcrs lion cool IItIIItilllMiiIi amend state constitutions and overcome the Sarawak impasse But the move is certain to run Into mslslanco In tedcration In which the 13 states are joah our ot their powers The govern mon would rennin tuoihint malonrty In both the Lower llousa and Sonata to obtain the arncndInK powu Fodrrial loaders are afraid to let the crisis simmer Olliclaliy Iodorai official ex plain that lht political situation mustbo rummoi in advance at eiodlons due next spring elections ore part oi last months peace utticmont will lndoncsia gesture by Moldy ala 1me to show that the people oi Sarawak and Sabah wish to remain at Malaysia rather than ion tr Borneo nclxhbom in lndoncfia But the federal government doubtless is wary lest the an ner in Sarawak£05000 out at poiurinilon ot monoct into th vacuum left by squn in among the Dyaks and Malays it was racial suspicion br twecn the Chinese and Mai131 that WM rtly rraponsihio tor the plt ween Malaya Ind Singapore Last year PHONE 72846 MOMS Finns mun 46 DUHLOP ST BARRIE REMODELING RED GIIIIRD STYLE Wag North of Toronto Show Starla At Dink Starts Tomorrow Feature at 100 1nd tori pan NEIROOOIDWYNNIYER present ALESIER WELGH Produriioll SON IiiII peuvrniirrr Ill EIIEIIISWIE It NE GUNFIOIITERS AT In EM fit TINTEE TOEAYI MOMENT it MOMENT PLUS COME srzrrrimrm MEET THE INCREDIBLE ITIHIISTIIIN who advanced his front lines through back doors who didnt win ribbonsbut Ullilflli lot at hows who made historyamong other thmgsi MI Ill Dill mu MilllilllllIil will To Mil in rivrtiiil riorrro with In ur coir oil II no mrrnti nuns till you to in thewappaaiyt ITRIAINMINI NINES COBURNOICK SIIIWNSERGIO iiiNIONIGiOVINNA RAIIINDO iill rm Wilt In InillOEOJm Mmhunlwilluliii Amnuumtuoruwr numr mm tarMU hiliiitltilili IIII iiiiitlllw innit STARTS TONIGHT 700 9100 rnr wowon Muir wupcrpnnphr

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