Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 21 Sep 1966, p. 6

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Imam pm Ir mann In Lntlln Aulll lluy he luvan nnwllan flan pm Hmhlny nlmu mvlmlnl Ionmuwl rumm Ilnn Tulllay Tho IM Mr lnlrl hum Im nlmln humm uMwl In mute ml lh ul rnmln In Imllor Ivy Mum John Mllnn mumnu lhc Orlunlnl In ll mn uprdnlly lhn in mm hnmhoo Then Mm II Hm lrnmlllnn rmly Amul um lnln mm lormnl Irrnl Ind Vllllnnulmru mlnnlnl Fm phnulq In on mulul mlnr nhrnm Pink ll lnmlnn up no now nhmlu vlum Mu drIp Intr Inmpnllun rlv mu Ilm mm un Uphnlmml vim Mn mm Imlmvlflnl Ihnn urr Ilmllhn lml unlnl lnr rnmlorl hunky mmlnn IIIluau 1n min nmlnltrrul nl lh lml KIUI new xlnmor ml nflnnmrnL ELEANOR HUS Summing up lho mull Ibo Inll lumllnru mnrku we find Ihul lhu Imfllnhl on Formal Enrllnh vc urgent and dim luu nwny ram runnl country um lnln lopnmluml urbnlly 71 um nmfllm lo Freud prmlmlnl umm low In lry Icrcnl In unouth Ily ROLL UP SLEEVES Woman volunlml the Cn Mdllm ltd Clnu productd 175 union knlllcd mod for onhm countries In 1w Mn Wllllnm Towmcnd be key who Ins ho 1mm wtlzhl Inn ucck wan lhn but loxtr lhll vcrk Shu declared Qum Ihu ovenlnl Hle CONVENTION IMHO OVIL ICII Mrl Kenny wnl Also lhn vln nor ha mnnlhly hnlrdo prize or losing thn musl unlnhl durlnz Annual Form Mlloul lumllou ullh Hnnombla mention mu given lo Mu James Kenny of Holly lor hclng ma of lhe Dollar Found mnlcsl winnen Thu PruIdenI Mrl Fred Wall of Bnrrln will enter Toronto hospIInl this week or extended lrealmcm for an Injury receiv ed In In earner In the year MIu Donna Robinson nnrrIn was voted In as vlceprcsldcnl In pmlde our lho mcallnxl durInF he prcsIdnnlI nharncn The ormcr viceprcsldcn MrL Slave has ruluncd Irom lha club Mu nohm flame of strand was named Queen Iha Year at 1966 and will rccelvo 1m her chain Inng ghe club Designs Reminiscent Of 303 Set Trend In Fall Furniture new canton was alnrlcd with each member 01 the club submitting tho amount of wolnhl she wishes In low by Dccumbcr Th6 mumbcr who comes close to her goal will be declared Ihe wlnner Mcmbm Mm requested to vnilo nn may on Whal he TOPS Club mam lo mmI Vln um wlll be judged on original fly and sincerity TOPS Choosd To Lose Club mumed regular mccllnga at YMYWLA on Mnndny ovcnlnm Contest Spurs Club Members The full Ashm tires In checks by Wrngge and tho poorlens mum in pale yol TENT SILHOUETTE FOR AUTUMN mod rellnomrnl and mlmlmd olunnn ermlu lhc mnlln lumln llc Moot mnuunccd II lhu In nwny rum counlry cnnunl vau at mlmno Arllmmllc plucn Tulllnz an cvcrylhlnl or run nccrnl II II uml an Inlu IINMI urn4 hrmllmnnlu thnlu nllo mum tlnylmll mm mm Ilun mm nm may IIIIIHOHII lulllnl or Ink Iho lnrm nl Mmlll lunlnl ulumrly vow mm my ACCHNT rlrlnncl And hlnh Ilylo Enillh Imam lulluw lhl robuu Ilylu at the lam Ind 17m mud Mlh lam lulu Ind thllrl hum or ml comlort wllh huluy run Illhflulllbl Mull lmnnrnn onmrly Io populnr mrruu ullh lhll In of lurnl glu uhlch II no rhmly mm Ihll lho Iuma twee Ir tuurwfl her wmdcriny hmth Inks m1 though Im Hle with lolol Manger Dam FinInn mum nnxknuly Once 1110 Inld want you tn my Jun yw Idonl want you ever In be my d1 cran But when glory lho honaymoan Ind Aha nyl In lha name of MI Maven mnt you over loin Io few up He has mndo 1h discovery that n11 hulband make mnur or later Nalhlnz mm to thnnnc Irl more than mnr rluuc For example Bdrm munInna the Ilked lo wnlk mun with you Alter mnrrluno her Mchu basin ln break dawn yen cant go her wllhln hull Mock wéEIAL sruoam was UNDERWOOD ltd uuz none at them 1ch the Inner xlrL Inside ska HI lhe ldeh II unul xha munIns Then the sum to exphdg In all dinCUM Many lhlngssmnkn Induce channel In woman Inch OLIan In cosmellcl halrdos hameye makeup Klrdlcl and different skirt Imam WOMAN CHANGES OUTLOOK AFTER SHES HOOKED HIM Clouds chnnga endlessly So do waves upon the ten and color on lho landscape But none change more than Wam ens mnods lulu 5min Illum Mopplnl Conle Compared with the vaflnbll ltyol womnm chameleon are rank amateur NEW YORK AmEch Ihlng change In lhll world bul nothing change man than women law wllh Juwellnd Me by mow the new on silhouetlo for fall The belted SIUDENTSI ouvml 72M RENTALS LI Furry Inbrer ml vlnyll and Ill lmmvllnl In Iha Ilphnlmry plrlufl Thm loo nu mvlly Innul nlou In hurltonal and no no hmh or Iltklenl Mmmrhrnlmllc colnr hem In nllllnum nr ofluhllo lnmcmlouly olulnl Mun mm In rluL rlel lb Iooxa purlnl an lull about werth n1 um med or mun lrldlnl buuly Ind mnn vnluplumu romlorl In muml cuL ml NHL 1un or printed mm on avenlxtd lam enounh lo ml 10 poupll In lhc twee long no she Iovrd to hold hind wllh you Now all ma puts In your hand are dish to be dried nemcmbcr how happy nha mid md be the mu had llule apexImam of your our Now mien you Ike her out lam two 111qu wait lhl WIIII lhll lln home 11 Win mum Dont mlrry III II you expecl hu Ilny the ume Murillo will change her morn lhln Inyihlng And 1100 lnx you can do will Map it OPIN FOUR NIGHT lim1 ma Mun Tiny 11mm Dinky mm An nnclom proverb Kirk Dont marry run In arm him Youll nevrr be thin to chap hlm An 6990 wnmlnl mlzht be In young hqrhelar Sh uud la plln lbw haw uhed Mp you urry out your lla drums Now Ibo want you curry out ll flu garbage Lily dont like my cooklnl plem m1 me After mar nage aha barkx ynu dont like lho way bumrd your TV dlnnur no out in mu lnmalor and thaw but an o1her ono Then you can burn any way ywu Ilka the ex clulmed prelllly wh haw dl you know It wu my birth day1 Mltr marriage the norm How could you for qu wu my erhdwdwu II come only unu She Ilwnyl dmnd ilko prlnreu on parade In Lha old dayl Now she came dawn 1n breaklnt looking like three wilchcs 1n Morinm For PRESCRIPTION dress has knitted collar 012 photo Ind III Drug nudl MacKAYS Pharmacy Mil hula Allu blhlu hum wrrllly plenum am Mr lhn Imlll loud mun Hwy IIVNI MN flaky cmln hlu lddnl lum rhn lmllflllm 11 umlnwlhln mlm Ill both vnmlndnlldn Outhm Nevml Illh rm bnby In rimun In mnd Flva In kmmlymlllIluuyhnhmmr Fa than IM lulu ulunkl Her hrldumuld worn Nun lalllo drm wllh whllu mn Iorlu Ind corlulu plnk mm bailm Hm dimmed mm lhumhmllnx uixh luy pm or duvhmwlhln luil mm mm nu unrnv Thu brldo IV In mnrrlnu hcr Inlhar wn mm In ilo lummerllca nmlrlenzlh Mun ncccuarlu and 9ng red mm Th6 hrlvlo the dnunhlrr of Mn and Mn VWeIXlnxlan 5L limit In uckln mu llml lflolhfl um If nul mmlly nuImAI hllmrlll 1hlnu lhll may uman lhumhmchnlx mt cut MIMI WLHCHD IV MIL MK Glilll IOWII luppou Ilmml Io he mum Ami 1h emy mmhrrwm nnmum pcmcllnn In no litllbuullhumb my um uy mm do mhmn IpuonruL Ingulfllnl Id Whm II mdy Jrr chrdull oull flml II yum hby Nth NI lhumh luiliy Il muld lhal ho mdl mm mm II bmu mbuuk Vulhm hhu Mk Ihtirlhumhn In louth um um um bilml mlsum hum Ucrbtr 1mm nlxum Thu nltcndnnln were Mln Su Ian ncllcr of Tamnlo and Ray mgpd firing RR Burrle weddlnz In St Andruwl Imbylerlnn Church It 12 noon on Sept united In marrllla Llndn Doreen rm Harris Ind Dlvid Nehon Klrk Innnar ly of Hnmloln Mlnllohn Thu doubla rlnu tommony wu ton ducled by lho av Ron MIMI St Andrews Church Is Scene 0f September Wedding Rites blue eyed Itrawberry blunde the hu llbcral sprlnkllnu Imle burned In her hall acre garden Brouth up on Irult Iurm In lha Niagara pznlmuln ho now llvu In mlxed Iarmlnl community 30 mllel mum 01 Ottawa um 11 cgan wo In In an entomology lnh dur lnl xummm all from BA couru Queens University Klngflon Ont Mler graduh Ion the naturally Jmined tho llmllar wlup In the depart mgnggl Igrlculluu hm Somcumex 5h Mk caller with crawler lo Illp mm in limo bottle Ind send them along to the arm Entomuhr am than can Identh he must exotic Insult and loll yoywha1 19 do about them Goodnsai ha Mg e111 And WI no hairs loo on ha red part or ho bulge Hmmm Does mm to bu eallng the carpet 0r Jun 51 ns mm hu cnd ol thewcgnvcrsaflon run llkp this UflAWA CF Got beetle In Wur house or weevfl platoon ant or PW Keep calm You cu find out haw to uni hem all wt with mm or pham call to Isabel Crcalmnn Iclenullc Information divman 0mm Egycrhmufl Faun Ouawn Il ydu hav bugs on cant IdauLHy shell on on ha L1 pug lg call In 1d In lfivycara an the Job Ike Phonl Bum mm or Audm tom 7mm PEOPLE AND PLACES anwlng ll Your Mhy um mm In hm wrinhl III um fll lhln IN MI yul low Thuuhmnm mm In In mu rlmly pmum Im lho mt momm mullmwlh Uflbfl Slvlltmln lmann nuccllml amnlunm wlnlll an to lo dlml Mull fmm 19 lead Irmmnmlvlm mm mm min In my IMF Ihnuldmd at mm lfld mmmml mmum my mud Fullnm of me loud mer Beby oodgNuwIlmyumdu IngulIln Idu Whm youlhahy II mdy on Jmuhndny Ichldull youll Hm chm nf mm at Ml nr Illtnllnn will Mp Mmmllmu In hnur nr In In mul MI new lulu llahlu pub and III mu Illy uula Illllllkm VIII Imt lao lung Ha ha mum Am 1th HI l0 Inmufll mmllnn In seconds ha uy mm down In lhu hm IpuonfuL loin Mun Menu wlm null mm Toronto nexrlnln Ind mme wen Mn ll Rebellion nnd MIL Cnldwdl llllm ha bridurnom Md Ml Ehelloy Mon Ill lmm Hum reccpllon held lhl home of tha brldal punnu he brldal molhor wurlng Mr place drm 31 Jade men Inca wllh black cmorlu received lhu luult Sho WM mlde by lha lrooml mother erlnu In Aqua llnen drul wllh whlln Ic ullurlu Mm lhu reupllm tha bridal couplu an lrIn lo Nnnhcrn Onurlo and on half rclurn Mll rflido on Hlnko Shout In Ban bridegroom I1 lhu non of Mn Domhy Kirk and ht lulu Nun mgll Kirk yummyl Manitoba Sho any the mova of hl r159 wznmcmvdwellen lo Manlybum nubufln hm put 101 peoph who hardly know what buy are Hunt in lhn from line at these Iuburhx Wm dd yur no Ind Ill lhe mm mm are ulll there They came mo ha houltHhflal nolhlnn to flop lhcm But lhh Jun lull low yam You dont hIVO In be Huck with my them thuuzh enn lrol must be continuous recess Imedlcldea now Ive residual effect They lull or men week and km the young as they hauh 11 mt kc the day when yw Iucd kerosene or Jnvcx Ind de whll yptl hit In June her peak mason thell up In damnate calls day Bu all 1mm people no bothered with an lndnan and outdoors Later hm waspa nests dog cat and human lens claim moths auxpm beaks cock roadm lruu Hes ham and bedbuz pm an Sept 11 Momma ukod note the change the medlng plum due to ren ovaUmu St Johns murda BACK TO SCHOOL Among the Barrie 92mm who hm loll Iht city on our Janna their unfi mum dark euro Lnkeshom loadm Ooilm Toronto and her Mar Ede Clark who first year stu dent 84 RM Univmliw Wests am am M29 ASM ay ay own enjoyed by mmflmalely on m1 811 hum follow by dance at d1 5°61 M15 Dlam we on Murday evening Mule for dancing was pmde by Oellar Dwdl iier tiles on insect pest con ditions lawn Canndl hold 125000 cards detailing 5000 species from abaclnu hyxirix main rust mllei Io mw plln emhmaiionll sunflower hectic she my mostly 0K Permlly and large widen hm Im Mm ested 111 living thin and that Inclw Insects mum uu yum as it should be haw aver since yourmhomsccp pmmLsEa fine comp ona All financial hemhwzy you are willing to mrk hard and profit by all avaiiable cpmnurmm ovan at ma expenso of same personal desires Lock or 311w good pemdu film you log and mnelary HWHZ DWI Job and mnelary Wen rm and mm numbed mm run quilu amovudy Avoid muddy since nervnu mnsan could oausu you make loalhardy moves mm 1113 Imuhe law For ma himnun Il Lamonow Is your blnhday matters concerned with your Job and Mm munly will WW most Dont make drastic change nowespcdafly in the an since most mi ii alreagy human FOR TOMORROW Mr and Mrs Tyson Smith ML Barrie have announced the Iorflmnlnz mnrrlnge of their daughter high In Wayng James Dim sun at Mr and Sale Continues Until Sgturday October lst WHAT THE STARS SAY PLAN AUTUMN WEDDING GREAT ANNUAL FAll mum governed by fine Inlluenm for most of the year and nu De ccmbur next Aplfl May and August should we hlgfly ln umme from sedimentLl standpoint Best period or LIqu nnd 50cm activities Early Fcbnmry and the week betwcen May 15 and Sept 10 of mm mm uhfld born on day wm bu endmwd with me latched and unusual versatility will be uqusunlly motlan In han dling dam TRY EXAMNHL WANT ADS PHONE mm next August and Sepumhcr But do avoid extravagnnm and Mn Ln om of mi year hamvar You could experime same tension In early March do early Junr but this can be nverled ll you in mt wcrlax mused to the point of Mane 0mm reLLlexilrdps will be Mrs James Dlxon RR 1111mm Ontario The wed din to lake place In mm Anglican Climb Barrie on 0d 29 at 350 pm Phohn By 5mm 5mm Mn Ahmhamon laid hat research has given her doubts as In whether moral mMnrds are lower today than ecmury ago Today professional In re searching the problem of the lonciy mun1m woman who win the help of hmmhold 31d gemnulwaya has her work done wen geek i6 lbéfianififl author ol the book God Bleu Our Home 52 Mrs Abmhnmn ono ofiz Canadian women receive cemrrbal award mm Wm researching the book an lmh Cum Canadian house whim d°m film Jon Mr en UngWe neverthelcu Dun Incma revolved around her She had ewdoubuoluhasheumdo that ho REM 07 131350593 lmpmam to hem and um the own of fiamfly 1H6 69 Johmon 72H Tlmo To Plan OHardy Mums OPcrsnnlall Enruraem Just Arrived From Holland BEZZANTS NURSERY nomm CHOICE SELECTION OF DUTCH BULBS

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