Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 21 Sep 1966, p. 4

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Foaluml Grand Opera Hons wan Aborn Opera Jam anyn Iptxlamlar pm dudlonmMc lohomMn GIN Arab ncmhals gm Immn porfonnanm New Dnmlnlon war onn hvnrahly rr cdvod hm Canndnn railway rmlr lenu wen dimmed In series of an den which liquor wnaloful rompellllon Mllllary ay Barrio hm hm biggest ultmxianm ovcr Sane 3000 troops marched to awn leaving amp Borden n17 um wlth 10mlnulo nlo every hour Bugle band umgfin 00 but Barrie Examiner and Saturday Morn Ing Sept 21 1010 Town muncllnulh onsz $200 for lighting loa Ouico Squnru Harrie Mnsnnlc anlo llllll Khaki nghl vhrn more than 400 brethren nllontlml 300 them Mum mm Camp Harden comingf by apeclal lraln lluy wcm realm by Mayor John Oral and officers or Km legu Effect lrohlhltlon awn on 11min lnlr day yim not can drunken man or lnlr with mm en man or my disorde Closln ban will mnke no dllroronco lo ocal druuulm who ha quf or 31on year WAR DAYS 50 YEARS AGO lho Waterloo meeting represented long step toward tho unon whleh has been long discusml between two major rellgloua hodlm In Canada The Chat ham meettng was ale tn the recon nlllutlon ol the nnrlont Roman Cnthollc Church along the llnea set forth In tho Vatcan 11 councll nml decrees noth mom are designed to brlng or in Waterloo iho general council of tho United Church Canada accepted tho principles or union as working docu ment for negotiation of union with the Anglican Chumh in Chniham Bishop Carter presided over the first plenary meeting oi the synod ho Roman Cn lhoilc ilqccso of London The industry finds itself in dimcult position in attempting in combat the tendency towards excessive claims by contesting thosa claims which seem most flagrant Our dilemma is that uric are often inclined 10 disregard done in One of the most dliticuit problems facing the insurance industry today is generally eroding scnso of morality and responsibility among the general pogu lauon Poo lo who would not consl er stealing ime from the corner atom feel quite sellrighteous about making also or cxaggmtcd claim about their insurance Hump asl esldent All Canada Ingufmlpedergfion said If you smlle when you hear of an no qualntance laldng an insurance com pany on an exaggerated or fake claim donl cry out when your car lnsurancc rates go up again Each phoney claim if successful cheat you and youll get the bill in couple at years says the Ontarlo Safety League Excessive Insurance Claims Raise Rates For Owners 1K Walla Publisher 11¢ matrix Examm DOWN MEMORY LANE Published by Canadian Nawspnphn Limited 16 Bnyiisid Street Barrie Ontario MulihorlonV Mnnuglng Editor gnaw1mm 5m 1m PAOH when pmlck by motor car at lump or Inn Yonshlmblu ACOIMOH Al Innlp nardon caused by rold nlghla ml month Flvc blanket and grealcoat havn nol nummd lo keep man mnn Coal oll huatm have been lntmducnd Into om umnae 1n wages ranlcd lo tonduc Inn Inga1mm In men and yard4 men on rnnd Tnlnk lullwny will Imuunl to want live million 1311 par year hrns bands ware brought hlvalrnln SKI Slave anr DI 14m RM Hon ovcr nearly two ycars hmplmltcd In Scollnml hmn months In home In nar rlo on Inrlough Major Poorfa llodg was In town 10 Inlnrviow Main ro wlnlcr quarturs for soldlm Camp Honlen will llkrly be dumml nmnll hence oxcopl nr mv men In look Mm bulldlnm IL was rcponnl lhnl Him rnn Counly wllh populnuon ovrr 00000 contained 17000 mcn mllitary of vlllch only Momr cent had minted In llnla Among llmsv re rtcd wound ed um week worn llo IL ivnna new Inr Conrnn Her Hallo John XIrkcr Waller Mlddlulnn of Elmvnlc Mnjor hnm Starr Ilo Vclnr Kllnnur Vounyi Inhllrr of 213m Hnnlmn llnlmlon killm when vak by motor car at Lan or Inn Yonshlcrnbln ACOIMOH nl Innln Same serious on are mom can cerncd About malnulnlng an altitude of tolornnco nml nvaldlnx some of tho dlx gmcclul and scandalous dissenuons ulhcr days than about nchlovlng com 11ch organic union have to be sorted out in the United Church Anglican dis cussion The United Church may find it as Hfiimlt to accept bishops as tho lin llcnns do in accepting women in min stcrs Hut now spirit understand ing marks the discussions ganizod Christianity mom closely In touch with todays world and IL prob lems They do not slnnnl thn mnlcnlum ul they show new numlmy and tom Somehow some day our soelety is go lng to have to take er sleps to reduce the east of accldenlsl These ste must lnelude grealer care in the train and llcenslng of drlvers better law en cree ment whleh can only be accompllshed by glvlng our pollce departments more men and blgger budgets development 531 er automoblles and most lmporlant of all levelo ment In every citizen of in undersmn lng the tremendous cost or accldenls Bel badgercd to keep premiums lowI while on the other hand the public do not seem to realize that awaniing gxcossive judgment or in flating minor claim affects their insun ance premiums It is quite willing to take the money thinking Yerhaps that someone qlse will pay for However the simplu arithmetic of the situation is that tho more we pay out the more we musttako in order as 1hey think to hel the llttle 0y igonsidgr his fight 5g 59 lnsufancé CBmpaniesi were brought hilrnl anr DI 14m RM Hon two ycars hmplmm gggg li Wllsun General Mannger Hm RMLIHOH ovcr ars hmplmlmd In Ix home In nar aJng Ecorgafilmlg amamsm 1a llndg ldalr ro Cam monll uk Mm wxumru me Mr Fem have chewed um um admLssinn um xuch dams as saucers exist wld muse panic and can he long mmlen 0m Wells radio show an examplc You may have lam In unidentified flying ob not Hwy say Your mem genoa my be above average as sobriety beyond quesflon til the Mr Pom mm mm thing you saw per haps YOU war mmakenl In Um wannacasing In cidents alwaldm has leaked In little lnIormation Unol floiafly bhey admit them no dr ships far superior to any Therc renewed Interest in he lnlllllnz of the Holy Splrll IL no tho new longuu that we ought In be llrald at but rather lhaA old ergo wll all It blu phemy lfld bluunm win with Manual conclusions 1h Mk Want author of FLYING BAUCERS $ERIOUS BUSINESS and long um ln mum of UFO ch incldmt at qu was just Hm one 1mm me many Included in his book But to John Mu columnist for the sum no view it we to be mvelnuon Mr NM vbltnd Exam um ed wllh his magazines showmu Wt hoping Irma nwmmdw or cylm Mung fwgulnsgcnd llve ya melvtd tho Holy Ghoul Illm ya believed Am 151 1m 8m Examimr awn my Mr Edwards rldlwle is genuo ehldinz but respect nl Mr Fuller condoms Un fortunmiyfinwg 0549 Em Mn an mm caim mg 1mm Jppradga enco cl flying snucm far out wziuu Anything he United Stains Mr Fem is willing no pmdnce to balm flwlr mnilve altitude Each man much to he my women in his MW in the laun case wenA Inukafifm tyqumjly mm agree mad the efldmy 35mm lhg exag after many careful Mcwiews thy checking taperowd lnu and mswvbinz he wrote 1mm book entitled aptly enough INCIDENT AT EXE TEE BIBLE THOUGHT We books comma and chuck would the Gemini mumamroadu 99 ma exclullvely entitled In nu or republlullon All new dllpntchu In ml npcr crudllrd or Alsoclnlcd Press Home and Also he lncul Ilan publllhtd therein DIUy Sundays and Slalulory Holidays zxceplcd Subscription rnlu daily by curler 5c weekly um yearly Single cop lu me By null narrlo $2100 yearly Ontario yur momr throw 15 year Ml oulslda Onln do yeah Oulsldo Ca nadul1rillsh sxcnlons moo yur SA nml brawn moo year Olflm 425 Unlvmlly Ave Toronto 640 Calh cm SL Munlrznl 501 1200 Wu Pendcr SL Vnncaqvcr Mamba tho Canadlnn Dnlly Newnplpcr Publlsh Auochllan Can Idlm ProI Ind Audi Bureau Clrculnllanx Authoritad second class mail Poll Omen Dcpnrl menl Ottawa and Dr payment pusngo in cash AT BARRIH LIBRARY IMII win hm to Ivuy um um ovury occlllon And Ihll whnll call toll bouthnllwhilyaudluulltz And In Imn chuk lll NM 10 mild collnrol uvlnhll In Ccmdlm wlm Ion hm lldlll Ildl om do mm swam flmlly dhum AllHm node lllldll Iuhv mm npnnmuln mm mauly In cand IN hovl doumn Ind Ioup mull 74 ml dollflvllul um mm mm mull ImuILovm In leud ll dull wonam 1m mm mm at my hummu low 01 parkInd mml um vmtlml mullduumlm um ol Lovnjvy 1qu mm II rumbm no mIlnl minus Am mm mm Dtlwaul In Imyunv 11qu um Anvnnyummrf Ilhllndllngllq mm Wm 6mm unluuny ml mum Ann dim Wanted Column Material LeadershipFights Ended Up Writing Book iTalkOfParliamént Jun mu mm unlen cur lnslllullm nro charmed he vial H10 urcn next year rrnsonnba thing But on and candlllnn nnd Km 11 Ml Iha unvornmrnu nhmln mm can well be uld lhlt lho lrlps nml retcpuom are rcrnunua expanles upcrlnlly ans comiderl lhnt he lrull lullon lha monarchy axlsll In Cnnndn In Innch realm and unleu In In eonloxl what all ludn should Quebec lake on he white or visit by tha Queen next nan Ill rather nnrmni hat the queen Can ndn earns the country or lha eenlcnnry Confedera llou nml lhnl she vlsil Expo llnce 70 other head al ml are invited Where have UFO been 513 All over its world lrom lha Australlnll outback ho Misc 1y pcmflntnd Mons Ln Ma Canada and Iha United Sum nchde these clued mn noar the hlgh pvwer lines and lower which snddle the open mmflysldu FrenchCnnndlnm morn acnslllvo to this mm our monarchy lhnn Canadian 01 British orlgln nm seem that In the Enllhh lpcflklnk provinces lho ounx generallun rm longer In for mu monarchy the unlimcnlll attachment Hair eldm Montreal Le Devolr For lha real majorin ai Quebec and French Canadians lha conslliulional fiction which make the Queen the aymhai authority ailhauah aha playa no paiillcal rule does nal present aeriaua ln convenience The principle ha divisihiilly oi lhe Crown make Iha sovereign tho quccn ui Canada and result it cannot be said aha is iarcicn aovareiga hul alnca aha is al he lame limo and principally Queen cl England Iha manarchlcal in aliiullon in Canada is vea lila oi caianiaihm gum allele Met ee If all maul However since these spacetype sub could be made olnmotaimknawnbummo definite mcluelona can be reached Few illstem have been reported Involving the VI itors am emhmcn One couple he the USA ere salad have been 1113ch under some form at hymk Assured they wnd not In banned and tnkcn aboard space dkk Im examlneflon Released two hours later this pair could re can nothing the pcdod Medl cal help for shock and hypmde for the mafia produced taped rem covering the two hours Dolly and Barney 1m mfueo to discus the detail 01 their expatlama mvemd by psychiatric help flay know what they saw prior to me abducfim and rmcmbcr cm sclously only what look place when they found lhexmclm onoe mare driving dawn the Ewhuuy rhiny mlllumgwey By very wisely save us toth Invcsugam galenlglgt mm mmn 0pm space can are consistently mm nxslmnAbomflimfmw slaw and swingmd In Mr mOWmEmi The an not has Elinflzmuhaveyn mandoan my against much or tho space sum they cam mu umuu mm Ivy tho space sum they wear our °$ ha by Em EN Lhing this planet has ever pm dllccd VISIUM saith under 1n lvglzent moi Thll ll nlecllnn or ad lnrlnh an nunen Inplu truulnled from the Pinch luluu men 01 Cu QUEBEC OPINIONS is Ia RV 524 gfiut 4an fl 018 UP THE MAS RIO DE JANEIRO AP DmmI Mum md mdlnm nw MY be um Roman C4 lhollc nurchcl In 11ml pro vldlnl lho mull II in mle wllh lhc turn For Canada whrlhtr rcpubllc or monarchy wlll have lo be more my la and deccnlrnllud Mam on Qucbec In my In Paul BIuIIoI Sch And In put In end lo sllzhlly absurd practice It is necessary first In rnvlsa ha Ilmclum of uur lrdcralhm and pmvlda or mums amtndmcnt as well court or ranslllullunnl Irbl Irnlor acceptabh la Ill parllu Whither or not you bfiicvu 1n UFOs INCIDENT AT EXEL TEX and FLYING SAUCE oflcr enjoyable rmdinz Tim writ In eligible serious peopie seldom Nu bo nuisa Uonafllsm Who know Li wonder lul world we live in bu it my be tha only unmet or the but planet In van complex universe Quebecl Liberal lindenu demand the abolition of lho monarchy or next yeah Wilh uul cansidering lhn reaciian the alhcr provinces lha lime iliiin shurL it would um be necessary in ind the solu iian to Kim diiiiculi Problem oi hringing our consiiiuilan In Canada ii vnuid ha iunny npublic which silil had In lo Inndon or ii constitu iionai Imendmenu In 1964 ii ha Queen had receivui warm welcoma at Quebec City this could iuvu been used as an nrxumenl to mice the icgilimm demand ni our province Premier Dan iel Johmon has winly ex cluded my visit by the Queen in Quebec City next yur but ha rccepiiun oi the lovcrcian at Expo be dignified and courteous Wllhuul excessive excitement nd propa enflwmeni undue pm Andi and poliiiul ax ioiia lion and III will is unfllhlnx series of upma um ranging Mn eardna vlsl nuan by web on events in Greek mythobozy 5mm Elsa mm mm about he atom and tho bomb explosions DLd than blush nlm omcr plants to the ad of our which him mm mm had dmem shapes Why do our plmea mange in dmlgn DUM cntpulmcs demand Maven Mm ngxes him men 31 Whos mumide Nady Weaxgum an mm Inst researohm Admit In both curl mlty and Mr mm the oxmet Many ed these beings have already solved many of hav shady solved mm our cutmm pmblems Pmlbly hwy haw oudawcd war Why MW new whore Frank Ward has an finedeating Ill FLYING SAUCERS SER IOUS BUSINESS Mr Edwani delve inn Biblical weary and MM using this visit or political ends Anna wmmr rBrigfirs Cahnoi Dy had tnth his own The canal em hr man than had been expodcd and he was lulled homo lo mm mm enmity III was vindicated and the Mom Banal Nut was busy until 1900 when mnwayl mada Wary 0mm EVENT ON mum Ill lamam 0mm with by 115 tmopl 19°54er Grand Trunk Facile min 141 ermlpu or he Well lolllabel go fwan undtr 5k Wmdd anior Mom on mmify tum lamaCanada kuodmu mm waan Colonel By wan parlorml onzirnmr who had on lbelorfiflcafiaadmmnndmfltncamlfllodflrnnpmon Iho Sl Immune 1h btriiizxu the 111ch Canal WM mm mm he outset because inland By had to Iqu 0le look up be new 111 mm lbe 0mm Wm I0 happened that MEI John Franklin name be 0mm am your hmr hath numbed mm mm the ML Ho had spent two your Imoym lho Amie coastline in mutation or match or Nodh Won Pawn Golan fly mind In awnunity to have Ixmldin lay the cumu mnddwwkdlockamcnwwaldmd bymostotlhaln habmm lmmh had boon mammal on in nation Capt MlmbooumSirJomFrufilhmdthhmwmllu hLI colloam kl lho upodMm 1547 An dlnrl um made 01 havc Upper Canada build the mummy The Bdle ovcmmonz mum to lord 70000 mud or the pur pose hm Umxr Camxh mid nut no hmzh with the deal thlb DEM mm By and the Ilaynl Enxinoum 00 do the Mark and it on 5690311030 The aimmun was to bulld wanWay from what is new oawa to Kingstm Traffic chd ohm an up 1110 Ottawa ler and on to Kingston by mic ol cumin hkcs and mm It wamt new idea route had hem survcym In ms no the Amcrkcan choEulinmy Wan Mm be war 131 the British government was commed about them MAMEcal Khytmpwhlah was than the trust hymntam cummnnity In Uppe ledL Millie had to ma up the SL ammo Elm along the USA botdct and could be cnfly blocked thm wu anoint war The Liberals am going through power Alrugxln be tween Qucbec which has no pmem candldntu and the ml or Canada which has too many an Ideological Ilruggla between the true Liberal and OnAlVAEven the denizens oi Parliament llill ilnd it hard Io ioilow the devioua and ahiii in patterns oi the loaderahip Ilrunle within each oi the iour aortic in iederai polillcs map oi the rouiee to tholop chart of the aoelai wurare ahonla on the political spec lrum horoscope of all lha rivals and close cheek on the iunehume dates of each would help one to understand earh mover And mean all our pariiea Personal rivalry between lil berlaa Bob ihompxon and no bad Real Council the ei ohslaela to the desirable ro nnloa oi the Western and Que bee Winn oi the Social Credit party New Democrat Leader Tommy Douglas needs hear ing aid ii he cannot deleci behind lam the heavy breath ing oi his depmy David Lewis who appear to he Parliament liilia moat eager leadership aspireni CANADAS STORY OTTAWA REPORT Sir John Franklin Visited Ottawa Locks PATRICK NICHOLSON HM Mom 11 non BOWMAN Wncs Among than who In this way than an liberals un happy about he puhllctmga of their government and Conscrva tLvu muttering ll Some experienced pollllcs wnlchcu both In and out of Pnrllumenl urn henlnnlnz to lpeculale Um tho next election will auto again ho ought be tween Pennun and Dunn baker thus neatly pravldlnl whncntnkeall mluslon la 5011 nuwltled two wins cnc But the plan pollllclnns llku those mice and men guns all nlzlny ll vague but persistent premonltlnn penne Ollnwn and not only Pur llumcnl lllll that something wlll happen between now and Christmas another parliamen nry hnslln cahlnet breakI up An election Nobody can snybu cvcryonu regard llm men or Canada as unusually mcnnclng ccunomlcnlly com ledcrnllonnlly lnflnlcdly su clnlly nnd lnxwlse iho bigslain socialists flag snuggle between those who mm per tho liberal maple an those ho would be happier bu nonul Lhn Ilan and mm and century ieadwr being in km or zmnied battle be the older wiser Emera on and the impatiem hum Liberal divergences will be argued in smoketilled hotel room when lint Libel31 party hold its national convcnc Inn hero in Ottawa next month it is passlbln that Prlmu Minister Pearson will drop hint about his intentions he may even suggest October m7 as tho npproprlaln time or Liberal len whip conveniium it is uni Iy that the Con servative national convention In Ottawa in Illa iullawing month will hear anything In tlclinlle although many can mill be nltuned to catch Jud mil EXPIIIJISION COMING IIMOI

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