Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 21 Sep 1966, p. 3

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Ws evsstrr em CIr OVER 300 tanned out to Mac Illstman and Myrna ter Oscar ot rte lulled to appear the on tense seemed pleased with the three hour show see the Grand Ole Opty at 13min Arena last night and at tlwugh top rccotdiug stars Expanded Program For Night School Students An extended ocodmdc pm zram us unit us the metal on nlchmont and mmiien courses are to be otitwd students m4 isttmtl at night Mimi in both Barrie computes In his report to the Barrie DLstrItt mil3min Mini Mon Iday III ILtmsny nvperlnton dmt oi hirh Kiwis out next trntlm writ take thee nt Con tmi Cofloninie his tuxk CIAIF at both Cmtzul mu Nonlt collegiate wail emtmmm Hopi at mltrxrl today It Iluttnttnn tnd iIte Iix nmlner that Itnuul ltuuilm wlll bu nmudrtnl but am not mm ulwe when or turn Ittll hr Intil he Vlllll MI ntinw hln sltddnrml to attwt hit some Itmttiun Illr John etntt will no utltnl to think lur thrr on the toilet irturtt Innk tmi llltlxitm ltr Julutetnn at vnml beltre 711 trilcttlttle file Ilarrie Ill Ilmnt Itimttlny in lnlrnn mm tm cl tam wanting ttln Nltl not hit year He who IliWlily rriiirlml Ninth Collegiate Iviit ripnl I5 iIryVltm Inr lltn diamviolin Itlllilllc he imIt tivn Mr ttlmimt merit In tllR IN the VIth with him Irvl Snorinimnnt ullrttaim It Itmmay utunn ho nut nemnt mVMIoM Ito nah Iulny that ntmt ite the tvmnl he llltl not llllr plmiro round the Int that Itmm ttttnt min to ts ttittlS ltitiit tilithth the lemmas homo and Oscar duct tektn time out to sign autographs Renew Bumes Hayioit Damon no ABOVE through their paces enough uma studmts thl min tu tn onhv that nenlurttc pro prams leading to high school gradation certificates can be privileges In the solde In on or to tlcwlop some of re hopetbot the Humility lie exptmtd the new poucln wfll nwiet the yeunznem In odoptinz to the method rd hither txhunttm to which many at them will soon exposui Iinni VIMJIKTII figure for boll mticglam hove yet to be minimal but om LDOO student xletixed to into 2th 1530 at North mid 1455 Ccntml Iiadt reboot the board was taut hat tttJl mpimuvu vi 71 toddler Deanne Grade 13 stilde the required to take only seven cred Its th war to quality tor honor ztwhtation ibpiomnt ttnd or be most ttret comm it time will be mloyrd by students nmdinz to hire them ed wives and petIon dtanblcd to luch an extent that doctor may they cant work and et 1an by UN llty It be In ntctnimu with pmvtn vial policy he nail our hi dent have been Intrad aim Boy sun Out or School Its Father Contemplaies Future Ilnteo melon 17year old Ninth Colleutttto IltvierI vtitono rather tnlalnli mtieulaie Ollib tat alter ht mn itlllltl grade to last year dbl not return to nammyl mm um um not quitin tor Disan or the your irtylour are new to the Mltolill thin year the mtmmn NW Ltmny to teaching um nasatcd try the bowl Ul Mim ttcn in taking ttplntan xvnu led rammn tmtn mnnm health to drtnidry mailman nuftotlruni tcittnlcnt are weitnrn recipient nppenr trom time to time when they cant make endl meet Mr 5mth mud mm mm province It doing to hnve to rein were tome Iezltlmnte enter ll some at the people Are lutt dawn and out Hm mummL overnment ll leeilnl the rtttct tul Int at them will try and bent ya ihtrin tttmuztt two and halt mam ilhy rrpmi the entire mhovtl year lint thrwth ntttlt minil margin he nxkht tlr Jnlmalm pointed out that ttltnlrrl mutt tuition 53 per ecnt nternne inr nit IttthctI nmi it allowed mn tnittre which mnnnt be below to prr rent llrucu lulmllnn lintl en aver title III nnzl Iatlwi one hillllNl retrivinn am or hiltnry Mitre ltlil Mr ivttntinn Minty not out In mttttlllt mv Inn Ilttt the lnnnttin Tlllltiril tvnnilm every ltlltltitl vim ltnt tiflklllttm electricity ntnmiut nmt mtutmtat edu nwtlnxla nod hecnnte we invnrinttl tlnd out About them hurt it lull them In the tutute ho laid th Mmt people who try to cheat WMhr at in at oi Citron Ilordtn itCAl station on neltnre dont renllxn they can be taken Into court and into line et up to $100 or lmprttan ntrnt tor three month or both MM Inn at ntmmum Ind rum antes There have been inatnnm In me ol Vivmm Ilnnlntthenntmntnn wnnltvtnl eommnnlnw Iliil etnlmett nutt WM The summer echoui n1 Certml lnttul to be um tic tx to Mr tutti tmdrm 213 lliklmll attend ed til tilttmut cl patittwnt extirpation routed ltt ary Nitltflllll lull at In rle North Minuter CAI teadwl mu lite tunto pt Itnnuay The de ulnlttm tnl mutmlrI that pnnltlfii me the int Ian on the ground that the Claims Donald Forrest not plan doing planntnx at all Council annual conference Mr Fm warned municipal em boundaries to describe pian utnn unite ptre of muddle existed ham the lonutniclpelity me plan ning board no inme nix years be mid CAN SOLVE PROIILEIII in the Georgian Bay region eulonot putt he said Many municipalities have out reached the stage where they know how to pinn and need the continuing support pro National staff he told in Waterloo ttrtnmiui Toma Wm solved with formation ot the area board Barrie city council and plate nlngboard agreed recently to look into the mesibiiity ot to cause of cone tnvolved In hiring planner or the city etattl Mr Forrest stressed the inn portance at cooperation among TIIE BARBIE EXAMINER IE Biggest The bulk ul Rnrrtes 680 nmonth welfare bill does to sup port lnmiiics deserted by their breadwinneru city hall ttatib tie revcni City welinra Administrator Ben Siroughnn reports the 33 such families were on the victim mnktnl vixltl heck to Barrie rule lnltuguat almost hell all th ot cases Payment went tomizt people in 79 homes he ta Barrie paid more than $9000 In weitnrn assistance last month but to per cent at this will be recovered from the Fedenl and Provincial uovernmentr oi the bntnnco much will be recovered from other munici palities in Ontttrin under the charge buck nyttcm Under this system Berri nttemptn to tlnd where perwn on wclinrn wnl eeltsuppertinz tor lull year over the lost three yearn It for example porlon who worked in Toronto tor It month lilo year one received when tn Dorrie the City at Toronto would be charged tor the Ametmt of ticket by the city police And minus given to him In Mr Strnuehnn sold lhntlr proximately halt the cum Thtt number Includes desert emion It tunain doemt do them any he had rumoured or tevmi tram ttlttli wn Irpareied trotn her liltl pone rimInd In the tinal exmn bnmi rvtn llth ll hln ltrlil matte may itnve een well ntmve nttl Mr hhnxton mill ill eon war owl by the uttlitl EON lurk lbu timid wt ntrwt hm it our nlttmi in jurt men nnfttrali but It AUTO INSURANCE tinny IInntm It rntttvr It tmtu mm ttllttt mt hm Itltnll Autumn tmnnu math out All Illllvv huhtun mu pvotmlomi bullnut people 66 TORONTO ST BARRIR Member School In Th Behind Times In Town Planning The Georgian Bay Mon is several years behind the times in town planning detexotet to emanated oitort he laid regional development immense will olten open the door to In tn Bento were tutti yesteidny creased assistance from the pro ntng vindei Mullitem dlreetor or Waterloo Ownty Restemit Also oI put the said only tow mtmtctpeiities purtnnce said Mr Form but in the Gemflan Bay are are he warned agelnet would derenottobewntentwith mnyolthemdupltuthtam nettle ADVISORY Stanton In Vatuioo County an one The am In wlmm Itma tanning can help solve the em faced by miter tors at regional slmtitlcame paiiiiuintinonciuanpm Mr Flattest said then calming consulting him be heard CITY NEWS CITY WELFARE BILL To Broken Homes can spend the ntitht In one at Borriae warm dry celll eI hobo dur n1 Auzutt II it linrrle nre chronically on web WW bm tore number on the tour cnrn ieu htr Strnuphln ul Strnuvhnn until at inflation mn yur in it ht ml Inland humM of on who new In dmt oi liznlo Intuit IIInth two oi at me tlhl Wvulnfln Itoon pt tor In Intentle le tlnen Etlvnlou Auoclttlon pt Canada Region in the problem He during the Geormn It was found thaterIad Goun thot 50 different only had beat carnivale if County provides plannhm ad 913 service to those munic lpali dinaton 0t it memberl Ekamtmidpot lentting similar situation now exist boards are subsidan to the area authority diatom it cometno itself chiefly with nutt rtmnz posthIttty that inanch assistance would be available where municipaittten coop planning board is muted received Marcent grant or the first three year its existence hIr Forrest laid it has been learned that elected politician can mnioo Its good ntpienning as anyone else Bette van be quickly tesoiv cd witcn firm rmnicipoi ties tfiygin to unit Ell DNESDAY SEPT It It Portion Sometimes women and her husband operate in collusion in an attempt tor weltare money Hubby does to Toronto for while and the wile claims the wn deserted Meanwhile hubby is aecretly Fiehtwwhr Fred Wt investigate every case Mr Stuuahen revealed his own Itatt kept their ear to the ground to ad In detection at deinuiteu Other method used include comparison at tom Ipplteitntl Itll out with more complete one completed by the iletd work er During winter months weitm recipient tncrenle by ulmplt per cent There were 32 com in March Involvinz both tlmii tee and tingle people Many hobo travel in Barrie approximately once week on their circuit around centrli 0n tmleu1 may contact either the WM Orliiia of Huntsville office at theD mcnt Thurtsm and tantrum the Junior dairy oat htiu ante they are tuned meet Ertlmlten place the number They have nothinl and the All weltare payment are made rovlnce Under it or exempt receive npproxli wellarn bu not Mr Apparently otenpnrt at our two utml win on MM nth Mn mnmt Ilium mm ntttn Met x1 in to Auto utmm If Mm mm yne on NIGHT SCHOOL REGISTRATION TtiURSDAY SEPTEMBER 29 PM Cinem will be held on Mondrye Ind Tltundlyt monthl coum beginning Monday Oct Siterlltlntt Typewrlttnp Boeknplnq Allwblectntnvplttb Eumlnnilont will be held tor eerttitcniu DAY CLASSES BEGAN SEPT NEW DAV STUDENTS MAY REGISTER ANY MONDAY BRRRIE BUSINESS IIIIEEE municipalities to the establhle ment at me planninc boards on audio it and coon lie lmn Force lime harden null duh o=o=v nonmtuo mu 1mm display oi ztndioii at the Flo Agriculture Secletyl tail tutt at Eimvnle Nicole Burgess tie noted that the Waterloo To Iissist Iirea Tourist Operators It workshop dmizned to help Barrie district tourist opernters boost businut will be conduct ed in Until next month It was announced today The department at Tourism and Iniernutton along with chambers ot commme in Bar rie Oriliin Midland Penman and Wnsnga Bench will sponsor the event Oct Also involved are the tluronln Historic Silas Council and the Muskokn Mr Ist association Ceruuittuttn irum the Ontario Development CarportMon will be present to conduct the pro mm and provide pritute con lultntlon In tiles Worlshops Imnngm ct proven capapity present no tuol cases involving basic bust nes problems and work with the mu to explore the possibility some solutions work and oihcrt do not In brlct such Workshops demonstrate how one decision will ottcn require other demons This nthnothing many muneneu oil to realize until they run into pmlyterna The Workshop technique hing ed on the action hmnni but ineu events Moreover the men eondtictlng the dlscmelons are not posing as teacher or lectur en but are known to be em ccsstut Iormcr exewtivca The mbleots dent with increused capacity expandon oirums records purcth nl muroncc Landon tinnncinz And other topics ct lrumet to meet and motel calm Tit cap 0mm Development Connretion was rccently mo ed by the Ontario While Government It It contm on at the Ontario Development Army into 0mm Corpora tion These requesting private in oic Hosts vt to mun eaptaht mt tanner Ilurlo IoCl Cult pm limit you in ttattdiinv the dew tor II wtll ny other nouuon once ADVANCE ca 151 Dick Steele and Son PHONI 72347 ii =er=q=too Workshop Planned ricer held to narrow ran grained tirnin Exehnnze to ADVANCE Iva ell Sitetlt VACUUM stewcr her home cemmuni durinl the fair drew need uten tho Init whieh cone inlet to dance yesterday and the torn night Despite thrwteninz tlorni show was one at the tar skin and low drop of rain dew tenturee It IilELISTON iri Guts Ven Van who Allende tlnn Von Will it It exhibit mphl echoed Mild the consid tmz hcr dairy call utttd we end carton and timing he amend the point winner in out lot at tun FARM PRICES MONTREAL tCIl Adrictti turn department quotations Eu ltvernin welvhtcd rice huieenln to retail in on men le KIWI GWEN cartonl extrnilnm out It large can Amedium 635 nnny and air term omit the Man the ey it month tor Ill at city this nttcrnoen on rum The balance eltha people who MI mt um am of Ilowover to keep plco with They will be rhythm in hqu the thin colt oi ltvlnl the not at Barrie finally Club toliwtni try tum Till the it normal ntum match nponeorctt try the dumber oi Commerce Barrio puller thllnd Ikxtlm on Aux at at the nnny mu Imldmt Ilou Stqu at the lower Oct it barley It to NEW TV chamber wtll welmmo the tku Knotted toihywtnz dinner DEATHS and prth will be tilton out by humour Am It Itlel out notirrtl VINNIIIIO ICI Olliech owed reintlte Iirmneu nnd litiltl Openan trail on tuner Nov Mali oat it higher 0c mitt Mill rye mm tuner Oct Hal IILI WEEK SPECIAL PORK CIIIIPS 693 net2n Tltiills Till en SPECIAL FROM 69 PM ONLYI 2401 LOAVES angle FOR 11 iiPLt EIIT manner oltter Rt ttulurthl IMDII 42 Maple Aw tinni

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