Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 20 Sep 1966, p. 4

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or Rania eranon Published by CanndlanNewspapm Limited 16 aiyfield Street Barrie Ontario Wnllr Publisher WilsonGaneraIManagar McPhereon Managing Editor rursoav summon to ma rnon Barries Land Plan Policy Is Indentive To Industry Barrie City Council is following sen sible course in offerin to industrial land on deferred pay ment plan Under the city scheme buyer would pay the full cost of an in dustrial site but he would be privileged to pay for such services as water and sewer mains street pavement and side walks over 10year period at low rate of interest The purpose of this arrangement of course is to entice the man or firm with limited capital to establish plant in Barrie rather than to settle in some other area The policy might not be as interesting to thosocalled industrial giants yet experience has shown they often take advantage of ev means to reduce capital costs of lan purchases and plant construction The deferred payment is small but important step to equalize Barries chances to compete with the havenot areas like Midland Collingwood and Owen Sound These areas because of their depressed state in the past have been of cred government help in estab lishlng industry This assistance has tak en the form oi capital grants to flrrns which erect plants Already Midland and Owen Sound have reaped substantial to sell services benefits in the form of new major indus tries Both theselplaces may be remov cd from the depressed class eventually but In the meantime they offer formid able and perhaps unfair competition to places like Barrie which must do nd on their own resources and natura ad vanagesto bring new plants Barrie has continued to prosper and grow through the development of exist ing industries but this does not alter the fact that new plants have been slow in coming here probably because of the government legislation Harris has made efforts from time to time to be included in the government plan but without success it must there fore depend entirely on its own efforts This city is blessed with many advanA tages fortunately which are in them selves strong attraction to new indus trial ventures Chief among them are good highways and railway facilities proximity to major markets like metro politan Toronto and the citys good rc putation as place where industry can grow and prosper Barrie has firm backlog of industrial skills built up over thc years and strong awareness of the importance of industry in our economy DOWN MEMORY LANE 60 YEARS AGO IN TOWN Barrie Northern Advance Sept 20 1006 Town council discussed refusal of Barrio Carriage Works to si water agreement requests for sidowa ks sower connections and cutting shade trees Robertson Neelands and Ar thur Bcll are attending IOOF convention in Toronto Thomas Kennedy archi tect secured an option on Samuel Lounts property on Esplanade Maple Avenue new bus terminal with view to building summer hotel Convention of district blacksmiths will be held in Barrie next week at Poresters liall Lem Bros hand laundry continues ser vice without interruption as recent fire caused only slight damage High Con stable Rogers and County Constable Sweeney arrested couple In Barrie want ed for horse stealing at Guelph lohn Griffith popular tragedian is booked for performance of Shakespeares Macbeth at Grand Opera House Sept 27 llun ter ilros Harriea clothing kings ad vertised 100 mens twcui suits worth $12 at $840 next week only Miss Fraser was showing how mllilncry at Srricant dc Smiths Charming creation in headgear was Le Sapho hat of bur gundy velvet with collar of crushed ros cs hat of fabac velvet with huge tam crown of cream lace with immense wing on side Quito fetchin model was soft recn felt ltc rom Ottawa con lrrned that Trent alley Canal would be pushed to completion within three riars ad Devlin Murchison advertise laUu2ii 2131 Private Imulignlnr Jlrhn flrrrliy who Inlliirnirri nartn Nui party mt rni IMIMI name and ruldrrur of its supporlm Ir lhowp with the Nut rm band in we The Toronto man nnl he fur an attempt will he made on hll III or the Ilrra of hi ianuiy ll hr ghon ies underwear and hosiery sale Com mittee presided over by distinguished gentleman who aspires to mayors chair next year has turned down proposal for abolition of ward system in town James Vair Sons have beautiful au tumn dress goods now in stock Reeve Jeweller announced new line of Barrio pins artistic cons and novel tics Barrie Fair ecl pscdall records as best in Simcoe County Exhibition of horses was articularly fine Perform ance of pones and dogs in front of grandstand made young folk happy Thomas Bcccroft chairman of public utilities commission contradicted rum ors that water supply was being pum cd from lake Town council oted in favor of forming Board of ucation for Barrie to handle affairs of collegiate and public schools Other Editors Views HARDLY GHOST OF CHANCE litianchcstcr Guardian The two things which have not been changed by six months of economic war fare arc the determination of the white Rhodesians to resist majority rule and the obligation on Britain to secure It The only chance now of avoidin an even more serious clash lies in find ng some constitutional path if there is one which has been overlooked Officials will be on the lookout for new way of escape but their chances of finding it are small ALSTJLTWW£CW1 polite and Ih Canadian Jew Irh Congru lh norm of more than one Cnnrrllnnr iifl Wirrplnnol fp f1 at tilde Order Bed Chinese Guards Strike Down Old Custom Chin ha been going through convulsion im pelled by high uthorily Ind carrch out by the youthful lied Guudr Th1 Irtid hand on report from Chin and on information gathered by Associated Pm beam in th hr Earl By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS It seemed udden marinas hd descended an old Chin and engulfed it Terror tllked city Imt In the formof waggering teens are uniformed armbInded Ind on theme by 1b ten of thorurndr hunting for vie timr They were the nod Guardr Their mandlio came from the highest pinnacle of power In Chlnl They were to Irike down Ihe four oidx old customs old habitl old culture old Idc They were to root out all mon rtcr nd freaks ll ravlliunirt nd those who took lhe capilai lat path Priceles treasure of old Buddhist temple nd rt mu eum were wrecked old book old ongr old paintingr the word of ancient wise men all were blnirhrd tool of feu dalism nd the bourgeoisie old people once rclpecicd writcr nd cductionirt hop kecpcrr men nd women who had the wrong kind of haircut nd clothing wcrn beaten and humiliated It In the name of what the Palm had labelled the great proletarian cultural rov oluilon The youngster were fool of political uphcnvrl and struggle for power ausrncr PLANNING There ro renlonr Io Ipccu Irio that the mastermind Dcicnc Minlrlrr Lin Tiao nd that lho fled Guard nciivilin were directly relled lo hl emcmncn lho recond to Man infung If noI more pow rrful lhn the Communist pIrly chllrmnn himulf Your revolulinnlry rlion are very fine Lin told rliy of 090000 flrd Guard and olhtr youlh In Peking Aug ll it atulwmmmn dip ionic Eruurhur Auihorired cwnd clu mail Poll meal Ollaw payment of purine In Cash ilnlly fiundny Statutory IIo ureplui huhrcrinilon rlu daily by urrIcr tic unify In yearly Illngla co In 10c ll mlil fllrr Yl um you Ontario lirl rrm motor Ihrowoff yur Mali outid Ont rIn tit yur OoIIId Cn llrlilrh Urnalien ynar nd forrim moo yrnr Officer in llnlrmlly Are Toronto M0 Clh ml ht Monimi W1 Iron Wer render ill Vancouver IIC Member of the Canmlirn Orlly Nrwrprpcr lutrllrh rn Aurction the Cine rullrn lrul nd Audit llumu rd Circulation Th Canadian Im nciurivrly entitirri in the use for repuhllcnton of all new dirpnirhe in Ihi nprr rrcdiled In It or The Annotated lm nr Router and aim the local new WARNIlium mum But the Red Guard threat ened to burden with ardrtrty government with agricultural and industrial production with education and won with Com munigt authority in om rau By last week the party tend enhip through editorilk war tailing the Red Guard to low down Lin cautioned gafnrl cruelty Dont hit people The newlpnpcr Pro le Daily told them to wipe their rev olutlonlry drive Possibly the party now wnnled to rein In th rarrmrrctious youngsters to pm vent disruption of the economy Pouibiy toolhe Peking lwde er were becoming sensitive to mug of criticilm from for cigrr Communist particl Selected youngrterr indoc Irinnted from the cradle nd given licence for cruelty would be potent weapon in the hands of dominant faction There 0500000 selected guilt In the Young Communist agar million more In the All Chin Student Federation and perhaps 100000000 pre tccner in tha Young Pioneerr The plan apparently was to choose elite grou from youth organization can in Lin Pile words would mobilize organics and lead th mum of youth inIunewIth the plug well under way with th Peking City pIriy committee ovcr CANADAS STORY Quebec Bridge Collapsed Twice By BOB BOWMAN By DON OTTEARN TORONTO III the current controversy over inflation we are being presented with an other mar of NDP economic thinklnf Ami there is no change it still has It eye on labor In the seat beside It and not on the rent Pint there was ilatemcnt by financial critic Kenneth Bry lien on the mom of Finance Minister Mitchell Sharp Mr Brydcn was to be ex pected was trying not fair to llber its aid Mr Sharp lay down strict guideline of four per cent Ind five er rent car for worker In none at for business Mr Sharp didnt do any uch think hm AIM ron srnnrurr hiking of guidelines be ald 11 We am an mo turned and the national party we could not have increase of monium of th drive could wholly checked Lut Thunday for all the rccautionlry word In People ally 1000000 Red Guard and rmy men fammed the main quaro In Peking for the hunt Red Guard rliy ever held Lin Pilo nd Mao both were then along with the top echelon of Communist ld errhlp The phenomenon was far lcu uddcn than it eemed OTTAWA REPORT Occasion Deserved Better Attendance liy IATRICK NICHOLSON OTTAWALabor Dry week found Prllmcnt roarumblod lot In emergenc cnlon cen tred on th prob cm of rising price nd exceulva wg mlndr ilut dc lie the gray Importance of lo debliu It MP nthcr lhln th chil dren returning to who brought lo mind in olilo guy in Shlkcrp You Like It drlcrib ng whining choolboy with hi chrl nd hlnlng morning co creeping like nil unwillingly to uhooi Mny of our tll°00 yur pin fringe benefits MP he more compelling pr cl than ment day after day num mrnl day iIcrd Tn Iicn lion which than to rurh Important discuul noth ing In thnn atom in th Ilnl wuk during lho rnlfor Irbale on th rliwny irikc lhrre an only renter whrn lh fini vet rlin mo prn Surprisineg on lh Ircond vote four hour Inlrr lx Conn nltvr and other MI hd melfrd our of them dollbml IN MAJORITY llui In lho Int two day be fore ilrillmmi mude It hellrily durinp whri houlrt hat brrn mm uni try mlow of inflation lm lhrn half of our MI AII ithm our vrncIi were rwmnl rm the Thursday when door nrre opened liter pray at Mt pm uh puhltc rrnwdlnl Inio Ih galleria lrui Marlin nd John Irilfrn hnkrr hitting hnIrt lho IAI Irr duh mulling th mlpt for lhn performanrr Winn Mr fiputur anourm Illni the member Iorrirr To order Imlr minutI um the IImInnc the Iiiwrnil 11 lb DR mnrr IIru air of the Now Home mu four of the eight lrrdl propaganda pparatu ligul dated Authorities postponed the enrolment in univerritiu for half year that young pro pla could help carry through the cultural revolution Press article urged them to boldly mobillr lho mlllel and mum all rrprucntativer of than who are In power but who followed the crpltalirt road tirlu two of the live Soacdr and two of th lhm Independ ents lIlf hour Irier the foul attendance hld rum to Pl On the Int day when John Dicienblkrr role to ponk It lizra 3i MP were In the lion Grill it Teller and on clch from the three mAllcr partiu When he had been making for 20 mlnutcl nine more Torte had drifted In to bear their chief nd four of the minor pariiu but Ix Orli had drilled out Yet thl ed that hurd arm can trucilva pcerhar Dlri production wtlh wtdom nd wal out John Mathuon lhoughlfui nd pmu lion irorg lIru who need no Introduction Irrurd the urgency of holding lnflllnn In th porllirr my of inrreallng production rlhrr lhln lh urge ntlr manner of hlrhrr Inn and iighl money propomi Ivy Pinanc Mlnlmr hhlrv Nrnrlmo Lolln unwron lhl NDI linnnrlni pohrlmnn usual talked good unto no lippod In come notabl nuipr Ila il nun who frvr dnyl pre vinuIIy mmio In irrunorlnl fume mrnl on tho nnrlhln rrquircd of prim mlnlrirr Mali til we mirtnkr nd humbling of our prim mlnlrtrr trm Irmn hi amt Mu human rpraiilln humn qunilllr lhnl uninviunntriy the Imirr if uunlry cannli fA ford should ills In put it In hlunl not lrrrru Ihal prima mlnlrlrr bar In In ramble on Marlon oi bring Irnlilrd it In unfortunll that our prime rninlrtrr unable to he Ihel pnrilrulrr an Mann mi hi ray In pmlng ihnl the Hat honorable the luffr of th Opporltlnn iiir Ilium Ml no not uifrr from fhll flltliliiill more than four or five per cent yearifwowmtomaintain liability liut this was his Itrlcincss He noted that there would be larger Increases than this in4 cludlng some lo certain cafe gorics of the public ervicc Then he added But some how We must get back soon as we can to more rcnronablo increasesaverage fl that do not exceed what are men tioned Some can of mono be larger or long the average remains within reason Then we had Ontario NDP Lcadcr Don MIcDonIld whou ourrrs PARK No Change In Economic Thinking viewpoint can be depended on to be beyond even Mr Erydcn In oneidcaul Mr MacDonald said when there was collprice queer there was lway great out cry but only in the one direc tion REFEM T0 PROFITS Wage Incrcaus mustbe rr rtrlctedi Never word about th rLre in profits which In been outrtripping wage in crearcn for ysarr Never word about checking exorbitant price increases More one further quot from Mn Sharp Employee who are being Inked to restrain their wage dc mlndr In tho generll Interest or wall at their own long term Interest have right to expect that those whose remuneration and gains are derived from sources other than wage ro making their due contribution to economic Iability The minister also peciflcally mentioned that price houid be kept down BIBLE Tuouoiir And If ye walk contrary unte met will bring one unit mar pilgrch upon you accde ing in your hu imian 11 Its Ikb matter to ba out dthswiliofGodIndonour own Orr way are notlils way not our thought Ilia thoughts And Copy Will Ii by DRIVEYOURSELF CARRIER MISS YOU If your carrier not arrived by pro plcm phone 7282433 Iirmd To Your Home yrn THERE IS NO CHARGE FOR THIS SERVICE VALLEY TAXI ARS AND TRUCKS PRINTING BLACK AND WHITE AND COLOR LETTERHEADS BROCHURES iNVOICES ENVELOPES OPRIZE LISTS BILLHEADS PROGRAMS POSTERS TAGS HAND BILLS CATALO BUSINESS CARDS GUMMED LABELS OFFICE STATIONERY GUES CHEQUES DRAW TICKETS WEDDING STATIONERY The Merrie COMMERCIA l6 BAYFIELD ST Examiner PRINTING 7266537

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