Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 20 Sep 1966, p. 2

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Tu Inmmu Mr Crm uld chmlrruvlnclnl mmnrnl lm mrnlly hm Amended Io Amnnu lhvlu llu nl AIIIM Hm nl hnlpllll Mm he ml julmrnl necllnlug mrnl lnrm population 1n other Imlrc unploymrnl Ila perrlnl lhnl Ilw mllnlwr will be lllrwl 1000 lohl drlrgnlu lo Grom Inn Ilny Drvulummnt Counrll mnfrmlro II was Ituulc In Onlnrlu nml Dmulnlun Gavrm mum wrru umllnu mlnlom noml In llml unrlm ulwn harm Nopl umhl he rrlmlnml at um km mm Mr wan new lhnl num lwr rommmlnl 1mm In 0w lnrlo drrllnn lrum 1200 90000 Ixlmrn Ills ml lMI IL Cromu dlrcclor he Aurlrullurnl mmmmlou and Dovtlupxmnl llrnnch of In On lnrln Anrlcullurv Dc nmnenl mmlo Hm romlmnL urlnu an uddrm III Hnrrlu yulmlny mim Nana zanizmion ofriuuly dmxcd has mm mm der bum I0 mum dam Mimi dr Bury amid hmwiimlion nmdol Inde indium dual the city is may on ex mm ho lbxmbu hhxsmfl mm and Mum gmwm le mad Um rule ho hum marina mm of Conan mvmvrr my bxme ud lusuncnu mmm mm the study would not come abom or some am he sakd Mr Drurya mod WM mad by IL Hymmcx or Wa tch North to lemme I1 tha Gomgign By nonmni Develop mcrf Oomth mm ocommlc Prmlnclnl nml Mun gov cmmcnh um rrlllmcd yrllcr an or PM lklllcd labor nul lln Cnnmln ulllIu Ifnplnml rum unrkru cnuld ho rvlrnln 0d In Ill lhn 101M ununud study dual um land to dranch in desimamd mun boundaries in tho Gawain my arm damgnu In region al dmclvpmam mmmo Ln Dannie mm told last fish Inmry Miaer Dmry wld 1mm economic icos fapmlws mm Quwryn Urdvmjlx has been mus1M to find hm economic W28 ol the mgian actually lie Train Farm Labor For Work In Industry Speaker Says Rapid Barrie Growth Predicted By Drury 11w Wm In dmlgnul to lull flnd ulhu muml nl un plvymrnl or uncmployml lnxn worker And lnmnlheu lho up rkuIlmnl unnamy wllhoux mnln lalnlnl lmfllrlrm Mm unlln MmVI ohltcllvu In lnnu lerm Imllul nonnmlc mlJnl menu mlmnrll lnr lnw Incunw rural um Ir Crmm uhl Pan the Gunman Bay mm was mm or odor ulndlamulrdmmhmflw nmh dam Wm ldt mt ol mumgm filr Dmn said Hut um um szmn cam mm Ind 000000 new an Immune In mm Um um mallea awrde to the delMWm wood mm pom mum llwvuvu despite W4 the maxim In mnblo rurnl people In nbtnln Inc mm mm hemnu mul Inan nllwnncu film pcvplu In It Al nu vocallunnl Ichmln MUM ml an llnbnlnncu In tho rurnl emqnmy mum hy lnmarh In chnnm In lrclmolug mnr hung cnvnnllxnllon nn nacInI mod Mr Crown mld slotted beam the need or on Mariam autumn of the principle that define bmmdar lc menu reams We wish to me how Lhuso Windplm mm apply In Iho mg uhq fimm my mg no em goo gm Mthcmmlhnho mmmmmzmm Asmflnrmihicpmimtmm ob to mind its mm Momma the imm tfly mnsiur said STUDY Mr Dmry said the Quml lJmvofiMy study was comm WW she 9mm SOUR DRAPES WM All rlunlnl nupnlu hm Inmn Dunn plumn poor pmulu urum av norHui Mu IIIm Holy II WlllhI Chum Wlllhln Dill IIlm luv InIn run mmma ullnl lulnhn mu MumI amtl UMI Ind um Mm mt In any Ill loan 71 your hunt Immdlntlb NEVER AGAIN kw wimp nrv luml 11an dram both Ibo mum Hr mml llkhu lrhl mmvn In Ihmr nu mm In on www sinvzlh Um Mm Balm mum III 01mqu mm 11w with dlvmnimvhu mlwlrln hwnlhu lww Mil MI Mk II um mum mwul In xmhxtul Mr Dnuy mil he Wilm Hk nbmn mums hr MTqu nm and immunity Um Uh mu Day mzkn mman cl pa mm to total amount Innsod ram milks or the expansion 01 MI Bum phiL Mr Drury Md $1011ch Um ho gamth now xludyinj Um pawlle ol mmdinx sLVim for the mrm imlarxry In krzlmam mm lung um Wm Hm dNJLlUlCd of md to nmndMuxiw huhmry um nm lourm mu urlhcr ail Mum bu mman ID uncom dmchwllwnl Hm um muxnic nwlmmt wmmul mfilfim In mid Devqu gram wove In scilulcd to wumnmc lime pos aJflc ms dindertnzm and mm It possum or ers to establish ocommic oxmthm In mam with mamuaolmng ulscuhm same litKi Thcno L3 no doubt Ilia Ihis region onus many alum ad vantages to Ibo sccmdary manu faouxrku sector mmer the pmvious mate of dmflwpmcnl suggaswd um them might have been mm adduloml costs us seamed WM Ihu lowKm In dustry harm in madam uLth some nunmum lwaims $50000000 01 new Mmmml in Mimimry stages of evalualion by he mm dewlmrwnt agency he said ADVANTAGES Jam coming at least mmlhcr and mm 00 fun DENage Ilmlyal inn on pump flnyllgld 728553 In an In run whll lnlly lullVIM Iln Irlullndwllan Muhpflml pl Mm Ilnlmlllm munuyllvumulhlhluh mml In mlnlnmul ol mlny lrlnnlhl mull NO poriod Thl wu lrmmpll III hull urllnfll6nyn0 um rlumdy Mp muu xi4 MI In Illmulllu milk MI II my Mum mm Imvmllmll AHuvfllulldlul mumman but mumv CANADIAN CLUB Membcn nI IIIullnrrlu DI Irlrl Cnllculnlo lIonnI wlll nllend Cnmullan Club mrollnll 0n Zn whlcll llon Wllllnm DAVII mlnlslcr ol nlucnllon wlll speak The mccllnz will be hrld Al llarrlo Norm Collulnle INSURANCE 0N ECIIOOL Tlm lwnrd nppmved mollnn Io nulhodzu ho Mnlmlmn In lurnncu Maury lo pravldo In lurnnro lnr Hmlvlcw Secundnry Schnul nlonu Mlh lImrry IIn ulnmlnu nnnl Conlrnrllnu Cum pnny In llm nmnunl nl memo IIILICV MEETING Mrmlmn oI Ihu bond will nlv rml nn Onlnvln Sclml Tnnlrct mul llnlqrmm AuotlalIon lnlnnr pulldm lnxrpnm ml Inorulum In munly and III lrbvl Imnlloml dwdqmnl IxhiqhaliIMlvanmlluh mMwmmmmum lrnuwrml munh mum hu me uth hIlln mumm th Ilu nm In mk hmmr mm mlnlmIy IInHmluhln um Immlnll In mlmnm max nu mm Injund Influnl Hum cnwmrly mum Simcoo SL muldng In varmd whim at he rcdr ni mlowina quid day new by Bfmic city pollen Cam dxdvm by Guidd Stanley nugman lB Palmaidx Md Viduri Norcm Carson 47 hinswick wow involmd In In dxaékod wllhlal 0051 ma Human mm mm £52 MIL There is no drama In pmle or his mm have to provide that am unmnuon hvncver Principal at In mm In Mrs Shirley lightlool who can be mum at maxas mm hdd Mommy Wed nesday and mday mamingu mm 930 to 1130 or mm mm than 31mm to sduwl 99 Moseduwnmsayhho nwpmvdfiidzmtomturm George School emulsopmvide nhmakfordwnwux Tmnmvbopunledbyme Barrio and Ma Association arman Painswick Driver Pacing Charge Announce New Healing Sulmlnmc Shrinks liltn qu Illalan nflpgnl In vine COLLEGIATE BOARD BRIEFS mfiklrallm Bulldan 11 HERIINM Member lba board Mm naked to mend Icmlnnr on Ichool board mlmlnlnluunn la be hail Ilrumlon Smonduw School Nov In Ind 11m Icm Innr will In honed Ivy Cantu Im District High MN Hoard all of chum mfdcm KMener wan Mr Burkhoad mermr 51 Audrowa PM hmdan humh them Scc and World War vmnm and rimbu I110 Royal Canadian Mlmml pm mm max1ch Funch Educpcr vfilh burial In la be hnld OcL 20 In 21 at Inn on he Park Toronla CONSULTATIVE mecllnu ol fiimcoo Coun ty Iuhllc and Secmdnry School comullnllvc commmu will be held 0d 20 Caunly Ad WV KKcthr following brief illness Mr Burkhond L1 mrvived by his mums Mr and Mn Harry am th Wife the armor Mloc Schcndler and one 19 LMm Dari Hch Marniy Gmlms Cunch William Bmkaivwd ul 118 sport Fwd Medea was born In Barrio 16 dodwv sn MR8 FOREST Mrs anlsul nee Corn Mae Brown formerly Barrie deulhur Mn Ellie Brown and the late Mule Brown Bar rie dlcd euddenly at her home 236 Mnurlce 51 London Ont Thursday morning She was In her 56th year Her husband We deceased her In 1962 She L1 survived by her mother In Lon don and brnlher Roy ol Lew hlon NY morn arrange menu were completed at Klll lnzeworfl Funeral home Lon don Ont Burial wne In SL Pel cre Cemetery yulcrdny Alter dimmian It midAng ust meeting Mr Emery naked or onAlhrjob supervision by ur chitecu Ind Issunnce um he would not be held financially nas ponsihia or error In the draw lnul with respect to llructunl nee meeting An 15 arch lecl Penfland stated that wqu was progressing well Mr Emery felt 1h Nope llon between the manual and contractor was good but uk ed Lha cnnlmlltu to ap It was wanted that ha ar chitects live the contractor com plate can won and endeavour to have Ichool completed by Sept 1967 pma payrmib 6r merma dlse when purchase my be Architectural problem Al the new Euutview Secondary School new undu cnnslructiun have re sulted in lack oi progreu the site Barrie Distrch Colleg iate Board was aid last night However allowing meeting wilh Irehilecll Ind contraclm the boardr building enmmlliee reported that reveal problems had been Imooihed out Thu com milieu felt the lchool would be may iar at least partial 0a cupnncy by iha beginning ni September 1961 originnlly planned The board wu told he can tractor Emery hid com pluned of changes in dimen sions Ho tell these probluns could be easily when the super Itruclure mead lIIE MERLE EXAMINER TUESMY SEPTEMBER i0 ll fimx cuopsm79 With Purdmo of APPlE SPICE DUNS at Rog Mu of EASTVIEW HIGH Sweet CORN TUES WED ONLY lOlN HOME GROWN CITY NEWS Hope To Speed Wark OnSchool BUEHLERS BURKIIEAD OBITUHBY ton of Bum Mm Dmd nwlkvmon lo the noddyl 41 Dunlop St Em on at Mon Sept Taiwan or ma otdm will wu Mvumu mu trauma he Bard Amul turnl Society laday announced rm licde ndmlBian lo In 1m Dania air In Mullah to all Ind lemma dml Eh 51WW¥ bq 5851ch will rd upon Qqu llflrocava 1n Ul Ilmucd mus be by team in moon or by written mum Pm Uckds In AluchI hm bun policy ha mlcul turnl Snowy for many yam KEMIENFELTKIWANIS nmsumudsmmme who will be medpeaks uhmmmdhm panic 380 mm Club Man daymondOumrmiLylm DC Alhn Green ADC Bob Dyers ADC Ber flawed DSM Ben Flock and CM Dob Ther rim ancd day How shlp with nearly we Gilwefl Scooter unending he weekend gaming and Llslmcd key nom speaker on Vermin And now Scout programs LOCAL GENERAL tam convicted wood badge was mm by Gum We Ind beads by Dlflfld CmeLsslnnur Allan Green Subsequele flvc Scout em from Kcmperflek Bay Db dd uundtd the annual 0n lario Gllwdl Reunion at Blue BMW Spang Scout min7M mime mm than tho angulmonlheahmdnhm Nanvagavgasnmly nude uome month lnadvme Board chllnnan Slod dm lndlclted that long In the architect would cerlfly that the material were an the job Illa 3° MI 508 mmmianhwéfi W0nhoamdeddedlo Students To Get Tickets To Fair woulénccept manuals for WW further mu Mr Emery announced thelo owing Ichaduk alumna ready bx Septnlu mg cnfeguh hm1 up mu cumm manly tau and the mm mm our slx week later He Indicated that mull heath and um walla coul be provided on Icinpomy basis Cubmaster Gets Gilwell Award hudmn 1n Slmooo Dow Tim 39 Mimi r4139 ow Al Runny BARRII BRANCH DUNLOP 31 EAST 72664 WIN CLU BRANCH MANAGER em am Monday at um Include min he an em gtpgflfiu gm ilalimmlTn Musknkaa TRY EXAMle WANT ADS PHONE muu hemmed cost of 0an Man will be onset in inrge de gree by higher grunts mm the Deparimtnt ni Public Wellnru Toronto coniereucu ol he Unli ed Church and Simeoe County Council Unlled Church Canada will 0119 help Contract an addition lo mums Laden home for tenlor citizen at Orlllla has been ranted tn Basil Slmcoe but lowest bidder The companys 5333 Cecil Damon cllnlrmn of tho hulldlng committee sald dny the Amount was really In excess of the nrlzlnal esllmlle Fumlshlngs and equlpmenl wlll cos qn nddluml $95m An anticipated Increase In mum from the Board at Evan elllsn and Sean nglcg 01th Mr Doimn said campaign nr $35000 In Drum had been successful Work wxu sun lmmcdlnlcly 99mplcllon dnlu LI or March um POPP left and v15 our Knox yestetdw began their Wm VS gym Pow 11minon Awqrd Orillia Lodge Contract Got the Battle United AMI 0010B mm mm diam 7a EXCEILSIOR 91m Ol comm not Yul when you mach 05 and quallly lov lho Conalla lumlon llnn maximum Income 04 month plus llm Old Ago Socuvllv 57600 month 154 is aboul what you Wl havo each wank So lln ohwous lllnl you and mom arltlulonal mluvmaul lncolno And Ilualn Wham llm xcolaior Lilo can lm ol smwca Immananl munval Illa inlumnca accumulates dollm undo ynuv own conlvol umnav lo suppla maul plosonl or lulum quvommonl bonohls Your local xcalaiol liln mpmaonlahva will planar lov you Dluomlnl lm Sammly Ilml can asamo you ol an nleualo mlunmanl lucmno in looping mlh you mnsanl llVan slamlalda Conlacl lllln nulll away youll In glad you did thinkyou could live on $4154 week DMHCHKS MOM COM 10 WAS CANADA DonaldE Skinner Pan Credit the architect Assam ad win him Stewun Ken cl OrLllla consulting engineer Hillcnm Lodge Li church home for senlor other will all admmmn unrcsuXcled it run under Ibo Chmtable In Ililuflon Act Facilities In flu manslan will Include lounge bedraomss kitchen dmlng room and an elevator The mansion will provide 25 Ed making 41 mm 43 in number application or admission have already been accepltd aiaInnanshi of GmmarGEiC qw also 20 under way Mom the median division while Mr Knox heads Dayton deduc uana at schooh lndmtrlel pay 1911 ML I111 the JHHNSIJN AVIS Steamship OCrulse and Tours 0800 now for Christmas Oélirllne gun TRAVEL SERVICE 7266525 ll Dnnlop RENT CAR LICENSEE QnaTRAVEL SERVICE

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