Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 20 Sep 1966, p. 12

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Cruuds slnml ruuml ull the thugs uulchlnu he events In the Womens nulldinu the dis plnys um llcllnr than muraue uul lnslclully nrrungcd The cx hihilors urre changed somcuhnl nnd mlsslnx uns he music from Ihc rlcrlrlc nrnzln usunlly mthib ilnl by Jack Webster nl Slmud and plnycd by hls ullc Ono cxluibilor displaylng Smunr Sew lm xlnchans clullucd lhnl Um no hull hem displayed your Eiml llm Cnoksluun lnlr IKRML llc hull one of lhe lulcwl uulnmullr machines lml urn llucadul Illa lmlmin by um 01 rnnlrnL The mounds lcrn Illlml null luck purklnl tunlml Illmull ms hlmk pulhuura lull no one xmnul lo mllull The mirr ul lvny Cuuulh liu on llm Imulsprukrr um umvculwl rm luml or rnmlorl nnlhlml clsu nuld lm hcunl ll uu urL mur muul mu lxi 0ml xllulll urcltluul uhinll Ilul nnl tum nul rurluuxl us llv uuly llllm llvul xuulml the lm ullrrmum puny lthlru lmrvlmrk by buy lu lllr lluny HHC lmllml or Ihu kllllllfl nu ln Mk he Hull Hull kule tl lulu woman in ll pmnl hcr Khn Illil nul mun lu IN luluml Tllr pony luully uu lr11mnl1xl ulul llllllll NVl Hm In Iium Uuo er In Mr um Judging mu Apr My mum uul ml qull ny Imlding mm lnmln 1le MIN lm mum Cnnkslmm Fair drew one ni he largest crawls for some yours to enloy lhc has oath er lhni euuld have been exper lonrcd It was success ilh people meeling penple In ruler nize and plenty bl good exhihlls as all as lhu hnrse races hirh help to make good eaunlry lalr Livesloek as in goodly numbers thI Guernsey Show was nu one as well as the Jersey Parish Show ihllh gum plenty nlxnmpvlillnn and surprises lnnlslils Cnuneillor Gillbins was an hand with his Jerseys and gal share or lhc innings inn lust lhe Juninr Female champinnship In his ilcl Then in the Grand Champ ioushlp he was dawned Sandersun nl Shunly Bay liih James lllnrgan or Thurnlnn cum lng call Shorlhnrns rcprcscnlbd mm Innisnl by In Sproulc herd oven lhnunh Charlie is scr iomly III at lnnisood Hnspflul Huclords were well displayrd and Cyril Cock Innislil found ml some or he herds started Ixom his breeding on now beating his Calllu The Clubs nre nn hand ilh plonly of show stock and shuumnnship 70le H1Jlflnn mm IN MI mmn mummy wuhmhu mum mu In mo muva lv INNISFIL NOTES SUNNY warm weather is expcclcd lo comian nvnr most or he Prairio provinces lilll IIKOIIIN In um am InMHHHnuhmm rv null null clan1lbfiW Hunt in rm In 7M4 Fair Successful At Cookstown In Eumlnu By BARRIB hmn yum mq pnmmxlrr nl hlny WM lnll nu Inrln lxul Clly TRIM Ollln 776 6575 nmnxsgn unites began in lnnislil Innsh hm St Pauls Anglican church Imld Ihcir sonicfl past Sunday Thny no nlnvd by IIIImIMrS St Pmr Churglml lhn Lhurdl Min many colnrs nl hmors nml nunlcn prmhxru made luuuHIul pidnm Cnru In Ill Is he dams th zlltm mlu sluming um wi nlunn that the hnnN Iifll Imn gum In our pull of llu mlntry mum urynm wmrlhhm In he lhuukml m3 Tm Mmml IL lhIMcnhy luuk IIll Mnius Mlh Um Nrrrnd Dumlnl Frrmh St Georges Mlnmlalu the 1mm pmuhrr In Hm ownhw NM Sunzlny Sl Iclrrx Chum HI ill huH Ilaruwl Mnlrm xnmnixlu uml twnix ilh Ilw mrrrxul lmk llnmy spvrinl urrulhlr 730 pm SI Imrs lnilwl hvmh Ill Suuml um ehlump Mr IHHI mmimxmy nm gummy mm HIlhl ll lllll Ilnll 730 pm Spcrinl pmuhcr nl Imlh Hnim hr hp Hmcxrml Stumluuy hunwr mmnlcr ol Hm EIHIINL hIrIIVE HILHI IMHMSTHI IllllIlUZIl VII Anlhnllml Tuml Mull hum Mu quol Hdul OHM HIM The cleaning commilicu lune big Job ahcnd lion 0m looks alumni in many places oi the lownsllip Many an old vehicle or implomcnl has Iwccn loll standing outside to llAiHIDHIUlC dilapidated building mars the landscape nr 11 iiclrl icil linkul livalcd or same lime is gmnn up in woods llnwcvcr there are also picnly oi hcauy spolw be setn iSAl in he Jack Marquis arm an lllc lZlh line will hcw what iluwcrs can Lin lllhl to ho bcauly llm snr mumllngsl llls lemlinll are splLll did and uiiiio mrrynnu may not come rmay ilh In armlnud hose lowly llantrs as He lid lime rlmnre Imisltr their beau nn mtnrad lure lhm are many llruuliiul gardens nlonu lim HMS and one anllui bul up graloiul cvm momin hat lin irusl 1113 no vi lulmlr nrch lcn carcasses exhihitcd in the Cannon display The accounts of he Cen unnlal Park were spread nmnng sevcrnl mulions uml Dnn chllys fur druglinc wuk was reported In error is accuunl or he park as $621 and flu Ihe Suulh lunMIl Ditch 55 Watson Conslruchou bulldozer mrk received $2020 total SWJO was pald or olhcr accounts mnliun was passed asking lhat he cuginrcr keep lime sheets he work done lu cmcr all nccuuuls lhn Ccnlcnnlnl Pnrk CORRECTIONS kw Coolcr more sensonablc temperatures are forums at most of Eumm Canada Claudy wet weather Is ex Thu mum way In save and lmvnll All conch unto an Oumn lellml msmvml In mivnnca nl no oxlm coal For ollmr Whilu and mun mun cnll uh ml 75er Imlll CANADIAN NATIONAL puly rummis gvmml in charge of 1m ns Ilmimpullon In Expo 07 lemd Ihc rompanlm may at pm cnnlcrcnro Mommy um nnmmnml um WU Inmlun lmflflNlNkFr bxle Ml he shiupcd how or he lalr 1110 first the MINI nume appear lhc mum nll be 11mm Old Vic Dm any The cnmnMr conshlcrrd lhilalns lrudlng provincial rc lvmlury nmnnny will own My 20luno SIIINSOIL EXPO AVR IUIIONTO HIW Dminlnn Slum Ltd Ill lulu pru 67 In Munnwrllln nn msny mle llun fur 1250 suldnnll In Elnruln rnwllnl In xrnlhl rlflll In In In renirnnlnl maer 1ho mulcnu II he rIIthle or mm Iva Expo 57 Irrlin pcrfnrmmz nru wm mic HI mil Alcnlrcn nm ymr Ia pnrucmnle In hr ord hstirnl he hrld In part or the oflds air lhm his Iarm In that unite mid ffilfshcd Saturday He would be replaced by Jack Mil lcr of the 7m concession lr Grose who ls couple cl your over the retirement ugc i1 aninun to ucl as as sistant In Mr Mrllor who has to glve lwa wccks nollce In his prvsrnl cmpluycn Mr Grosc lunl been poslmaslnr at Lelmy cr Jl years and previously had bccn nn Hm rural mail route or 13 years He will cantlnua hls ins runce business ch ls chgllcd the same ldmg in nmnmaml Sunday Ilc is ur nvr plcsidcm in Srhrtiber he Brotherhood of lrulnmrn nnLl has artvnncc 12 years Mice rcnls Nipigon NDP Elects Bail Man NIPIGON 0m CPI The Nm Dcmcc is Party has ncmvnmd lwny Employee JJ Blake or Srhrchrr L011 lLsL In new Thunder Hiy rid in Ire nnxl Omaha mcllun British Pedormers To Appear At Expo mated nlnng the lower Great Lake Figures on the map indicate orpmad high temper muns today lCP Virephaln AI cm Five Daanlt Ky Dr George Marrll McClure Sr 103 prumlnnnt teacher of the den or 51 yam Johnson 65 tucky Derby lnnm In lhe mes found dead beneath passenger lrnln DundIk MLMn Than IIllloll DH nne this commu nflys oldest ruldrnll By THE CANADIAN PRESS Johnnnrshurx Archbishop Emannucl Mbalhuann 62 Km mun Catholic prlmnlc of Ram Inland and first Negro ho comc hlshnp in soulhem Mrlca aboard cummcrclnl nlrcrnn behku lemlnnlcin and Johannesburg Cape TownAlbert Van dtr Sandt Conllivrcs 7D armor n11ch Jusllco uhnsu dcclsluns nrlm ran raunm Io lhc Suulh MriLnn gavcrnmcnls unarmcld palicy largo area of cloudy wet weather 11 over lho eastern slulu and In northern lrlngo allhn cloud shleld vlll llkcly be In evidence along the lower lake duran the day Elsewhere mnlnly aunny condIA tlnn wlll canUnue Wednesday should he sum and wnrmer cepl In he far narlh whure snmg clouding gxncclcg Lake lair ks Erie Niagara Windsor Hamilton Variable cloudlncss today Sunny wllh lew cloudy period Wednesdny Not much change REPORT FIRES OTTAWA CPIFares lircs dcslroycd I26000 acre cm hcrlnnd across Canada in July lhe Inrcslry deparlmcn an nounccd Monday total 1049 Hm was reported during lhe munlh To dale lhis your here have been um fires and 370000 acres have been burned TERM RECORD MONTREAL CPI Maynr Paul Pratt suburban Longuc uil whose 31 consecutive year In office believed lo be rec ord or mayor of any Canu dinn city announced Monday ha wlll not seek reelection Nnv Mayor Pratt 71 musician was first nlncltd Feb 1935 PLAN TRADES GROUP TORONTO lCPlLnbor Min Tha weather man In predtcltnl sunny day tomorrow mm few claudy period Our Wealhcr blan Influenced by an area of wet cloudy weather which lie over the eastern rules Little change In temperatures Iraxpcclcd The low tempera4 lure recorded at the Examiner Olltco Inst night was 48 de xrces The Igmpnrntura at 315 was 5i domes TORONTO CP Farccash Issued by he Wcmher nmce II 530 am DISTRICT WEATHER Sunny Wdrmer WedneSdav Forecast WORLD NEWS IN BRIEF DEATHS Its as simple as ABC to find right nearby 26 auto dealers 36 beauty salons 11 cleaners and dyers drapery shops and justabout any shop or service you can think of Forecul runnerlure Law nvernllhl hllh Wednudy Windsor 52 70 SI Thnmns so 70 London 45 7o Kitchener 42 70 Mount Forest as 68 Winghnm 68 Hamilton 65 lster Leslie Rownlree ol Ontarlo announced Mondny that hls de partment will eslabllsh an nd vlsory committee on lndustrlal trades The cummltlee wlll 35A 5151 lb depaercnta Industrlnl lrnlnlng brunch ln adaptlng the apprentlccshlp system lo the chnnglng manpower require mcnl of Industry TRY EXAMINFR WANT ADS PHONE 1182414 llafihurmn Klllaloo nnrlhcm Georgian Bay Mgoma Saul Se Mnrle limagaml While fllvcr Cnchrnne North Bay Sudbury Sunny today Sunny with tow cloudy perlod and warmer Wednesday Wind light willy southwegt 15 Wednesday Oltawa region Sunny and can today minty sunny and Hula warmer Wednesday Elsk 01 ms In rural aren tonight Wind light 11 temperatures WInds casterly Lake Huron southern Geor Elan Bay Lake Onmrlo mm on Tornnln Sunny with few dandy period today and Wed ncsday Not much chum In tamponalum wind easterly 15 20 10 Windows and Door can be purchased Inr In low Avnld lho rush and order yvur Alumlnum Window and Doors now Far xmdaws nrdercd in Sochmbcr we am giving 107 DISCOUNT on the purchase price ll Ann El La Ul len You FREE Enlmlhl BALL be If NOW AND SAVEI The Rmrge was Laud utter Bamhawana DnLI miner was beaten and robbed at $150 nf Sud ry was son an Mon day to 2d mum definite and six months Indntermlnnle hen he pleaded guilty to charge or rngberylwllh violenpc St Calhnrlnu Toronto Petalborough Kingston Trenton Klllnlne Mulknka North Bay Sudbury Earllon Sault Ste Marie Klpuzkaslnx While Rlvcr Moosnnea Tlmmlm Souhern Huron Lake Erie Lake Ontario Winds ensl erly 20 lo 30 knot decreasing lo 15 lo 25 tonight Cloudy SAULT 5m MARIE Ont gltbonaid Lnka Superior Vlnds vurl able 10 lo 15 knots becoan soyghqfly 15 lgnlgh Fair Northern Laka Hmn Genr mun Bay Winds eusluly 15 to 10 knols Imam vulabie to 15 tonlghg Mnhfly clear PLANING MILL CO LTD Man Sentented For Robbery 50 MARINE FORECAST per woek mzm lsTflz BARR EXAMINER TUESDAY SEPTEMBER 20 mi SHOW TRAVEL TREND OTTAWA CWFlaw It Ylewd Monday bylha Dominion Human of Stausum thl that as per cent passenger mile travelled between title In 1965 GREAT AllllllAl FAll WALKERS dream about owningfor yourself early Thursday Ind save in every department Time to save on an the new abuioul fashion or all and winter that you your family And your home Be here that wonderful saving time again MNIflh Show nunlat Vldhrl ph and WALKERS Sept 22nd worn by car 57 per cemhy air Ive per cent by bus and 42 per cent by lraln In me 1115 ercentuxe were 695 pug mm tnr 17 per cent by 011 147 per cent by bus and 14 par cont hy Imln

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