Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 20 Sep 1966, p. 1

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Louis 011111 nhmn Nprcmmhr Allnllfl VI imlmui hy nlnhui Kr jmy mfmxlvy as nnilhn dnihr dock dul Hw dmrgo on rd Ivy lhr umnnmmt mm the nllvgrd 112nm Nuk nl mumirmnl muk Tumm mtnl lhlnuwsu 1M Murkn he Eovmlnml diam Mm hmnml lry 0er nnd Kw nxhlm and null ht 15 mil lino flnflnr lxhnr Ihq Mm kqvxwl Al lnjrhviu He lid not dlsclosc lhc range or her dclails he nclwork in an intervicw but indicated that underan dclccliun dis lunccs though greatly lm rmcd since lho Second World Var slill limilcd 1m huirza mmnkl Mn£ mmflwv Mum ml EwanMn Em Jimk ln NIIMIIIIMII 014w wn Mmluy min Im m1 HI Ilm llmzm umwm real NP Win MTAWA CP Dr Zimmerman chnirman of lhe Defence Research Board says nu Allnnllc Coast underwalcr submnrine dclccliun nmwork now is In opernlion Sub Detection In Operation finial The xuhmnriue threat at worse lodlly lhnn ll wns at he um the Second Vnrld War and Iircrlcd he North Amcrirnn conllncnl ho saint LEEBSONALITIES IN THE NEWS Secretary Than of the United Natiuns tells news commence yestemay Lhnl he would consider staying In ice lhrough December it the member cant agree on his lMndYur No 2l9 ATLANTIC COAST CONSIDERS STAYING IN OFFICE LOUIS II ION MMILNUN PrédiCts Rapidflslndustridl Growth In Barrie lilmml lknim 14 walul luur Mam In 11111 lry hum Mayday up who the vkum Mayday take the MN rhlml It NkVMYmr Wk lnm lb Immmhu Mm hall han mu um Ul Wmvlnlol Hymn Andrrw mlme Mymmkl mmlmz mnvmny pmwmwl maxv wnn the Moral Indrdxlm Munhy in Flmul l1vVlulo llva Lulla lur In tummy run1 All Cvmervmivo Thom lflchrr mu NDI Inmo 5M lAlrml Dun Janviwn wnn ll Nmfmuwiml mm Iluugrn mm Cl nrvhmw The board as ls ils fundamental rutarch of U1 upper nlmasphcrc inlo lhu US Cngnlcrmissilo pmgramt he US why caunlur missile system whlch could nchlm fair amount at prolocllnn or lha civillan popu lallun Dr Zimmerman also said thal he US goes ahead vllh mnsuuclinn or an antimlssilo dcfcnce system It will pravlde same pmtccfian or annr Ca nngnnyupulanon gcnlrcs Our work In nullsubmnrlnc warlaro Is very much defence our own shore summr by November ton his term cxpilts He nlsd de clnrcd Ihat EastWest relations worn new law and ex pressed doubts as lo the value 91 an Asian peace conference on Viet Nam AP Winphmo ANDIUZIV CIMTWUUII FMHIMN UH Eh mam Examiner In an earlier appommm your old Juvenile pleaded willy In nodal mime com In charge of mnmmml murder In the death nl Mrs Morin The tour were nmnnx elm Mnnllmlcm hrld crimlnnlly smmihle or he rlvnfll by can onrrn Jun last Friday RNJIIHd ourth 17 did nppmr Manny No reporlcd have suflomi 11mm brvaiumn Ilnca hls Arrest wuh aw other In Incsdny llminnry anng Late or mm humane SL110 Dr mm 25 mm Mathimu and mum Ffluikner my did not plead charges Men Are Charged In Bombing Death At Shoe Factory MONTREAL CF Charges Milcapital murder were laid ngfliml nut Montreal mm Mon dayln connection wiu he bcmblnx shoe adory hero Iki ed Mrs Therese Morin 64139 May Although dodms considued her szmngcr mun Cryslal Ann they sald her 110qu was mm misshnpem The twins weno born Juno Crystal Ann he survivor mfiml condition but pm gressng favorably he Howls lar5idg guildqu 5qu Monday Sherri Ike died heart fall ure Saunday about elgm ham afler surgeons successfully my mated the twin ln ellhour opmflon girls liven were epnr nte but used mm large band of flesh that jolnmi me Mn from dust navel Their hearts endow In one mem braneous sac lay horlmnlally instead nl vertically NEON UP Mr and Mn Leonard McGee of Guelph para the Siamese twins separated In elkhour 0pm Llon satmday haw refde doc bars permission Im post mmm Mammalian ol Sherrl bee who died chm Mum alter mg Upcrgllon Sherri Lees thumb sized hem protruding mm her body mm worman was covered by Nude damn about two inchcs hlgh UNITED APPEAL OBIECTIVE $95950 Parents Refuse Postmortem on Dead Twin lIBERAls ARE CLOSER T0 HOUSE MAJORITY mm 5000 80 an WWW $93000 H1000 mm MM ufius pomp 0000 H500 0000 WWI NM WM 0000 homo mm MII owl nwndnu In Mulktu um um Hmmhy MEN 1n dhmu umber mum run he Inluu In mlmy lhsww ummmn ur III when uh MINI In Mrmfiml In MM ml nHrmlnm nl In ler mum IWMAII hm pllnla you upch la mm In MM ml nHrmlnm nl In ler mum IWMAII hm pllnla we uprch lhmdvu lug III nut mar lune blanked In mnvi mi wxunq lln Nmn nay wrhu IR mod mm on Mann InaMink In Irntmmndm 01 Mn lImnnv Im Milan Mr my Milky Mtrich DIM llovrnuo MmNrr mmmminu rm 1hr ricrI drmnml Inhl NUHTII IMY 0M WINA nnulny bank bkk link by nurlm IIIer and Nlrmlanu nl Ilu 0mm Iloqnflnl ha MII ml mum In In Sunday he Munmnlmr lll Icr Cmrlcm Union n1 cannula ropmlul MI pmlllun Anmmncul In June Ihnl Ilu urnr nn awr ull nmnxe mva an per cenl lull drmlllnv vav 15 when It wll film rinks HAD UlTAWA CmA nJlinnuldc postal Mnkopaxsibly In punk IO Chrmmnx mnlllnz rushhas bmnnc dtllnflu possmlmy Thu 11000mcmhur Camulmn Unlon nl hlslnl nrkm made 1i hwwil Vlnsl menm ll wnnln my lnmnnc hdwcrn 10 Id rm ml It wnnm lhrm Ontario Hospital Attendants End OneDay Protest Postal Strike Possible During Christmas Rush On Monday Um anvtmmenl Birrlo Onhrlo Canaan Tuudly $11 20 1966 No use WRITING r° comPqu 41$ 35 Snwxmflm 41350229 400 Irllrr ur 10 per SLnuxfl ONE STRlKE TWO Ile MM 11 Inlonnnl poll lrllar rnrrlom mum mmn lb llnm Decade pmklom ha Icuer cnrflm Imlon ml in an lmuvlow lhnl Nuv 15 um lnrgrl uhtdu lime nn innnl mum HimMum um b0 rnrl Hm mmnmuem hill nm mu mmclhlnu lika my dunml uukéu aura Both the lullrr mum and pond unlnn whkh npmrnu hes mind In mall Inning wan umhwr lmrfnsn Im 0m mnMHy lhelr mmbm cent lnnmso could be Kranlul by mldANovcmhcr Ho held out the pxmibiflly lulurim incrcm but men uoncd paraMam SALARIES UNDER REVIEW Salaries ol lame 10000 Wild umn coma under review Oct Along with other In he Gmup my groupan that Includes Acme some mlcml cmploym Iml five or six mnqu Qulml lvr HM my rnvlslom Inmnm are relroncuvo In on The Examiner hulllMIO ll FondaO Illlrer DumbII HauntH lurkl munI TV luauo Ann Ide My NunJ4 TODAY You cANr Ger AWAY FRoM rr ALI Flm the Steelworkers Than Ihe Rallroadan You CANT even 60 19 GWVTAL Auo YOURE GICK ov rr ALL lnll 0me ulna ll hm Mldkl lul mm In hul rmle nluod nllln lo my In unln of II mum vulbla ml hm Imul Irmmd wllh ulnlllm mm to II It In nod lind Inl um lur ulmull 11w llllnfl occurmi min uu hm Hun MIN rhunml Io he lpmnltlm um pmperly mm mqufuuuiii world lulu CmIur mm lhundual nlnfl rum lapo Kannnly an rm Io nurl Nurvcar II on lmlr my kh no II hauler Ill ha CAPE KICNNHIW lIA AN Nurvrynr II Ihru Imml anncmnfl Hm mnlrln ner rye rockelul Inwnr lhl mmm lulm nhnlni or II lnnllml nu plnln nhm LR Wllk lhm The pedal mum union now 11 nwaiUnl mulu of rclmn dum ll btznn two unck ago me rdorcndum mh uuuwflly or th mdnml exccmlve to rub mike ll my nezoumlmn hrmk down or do not end In nllunmry Iculcmenk an IniIrVIWI Mwn flay ho rxpcm mmbcnhlp to live the mike aulhodwtlon lmrr mnkrn now run 215 lo mm yam1y mm In an an hnun remMinn um on In yuuv mu union wnnu an new tale moo an lmnwo JIM undrr 11000 yur Mr Decade Ink Ihn pro ml mic would um MI US mm NHIE US Launches Surveyor 11 lllnxn Kny CUPW 1cm 12m only hrluhl Ipnll WHO lilo dcclslnnd Indonrslu In re nume l1 UN mcmhrmhlp Alter an absence ll months and an lmlimllnm mm ThaM that he mlnht conllnun secretary tunn1 until the cm vf lho year no nuccusar L1 Mind in the next row works Advance narcmwnl muml he lcrllnn wllhml flour RM ol Nxhnnlunnu Moran Am bnuulnr Abdul nnhmnn anh wak mmvbly pmldenl for the llucck mum will clear lhewny for quick organ lwunn I1nMm bodyn UNXTED NATIONS CPI The UN General Assemny opens let mslon May In an alumsphzre ol gloomY with East vm relations seriously lmpalrM by ha Vch Nam war Ind win 11er mmm at pm grass on mnjar Lsucs mmvnon is bum mm In Mluunlm mm on to IM menu In FluxInn Cole a1ycamld urnAer ram 51 Brlgllle dc Slum cnturcd the Quebec sent NcolelYnmaskn lrom lhg Prqgrcgslvu Conscrvallvey Thus to era now hold 131 seat In ha Mien Cam mans sun outnumbered by Be Conscrvnllvcs 11 New Demo crats eight Cmdlllslcl live So cial Crtdlt member and three Inggpcndcnu There 13 um vacancy In Hull Qua when Liberal Alexis Cn ron dlcd three week am No date has been ml at bynlcc llon there lrlméflhllnlslcr Peanon was repo Had to be extremely pleased with the NicoletYn The Liberal edged sent closer In tho majorin that the voter dcnlzd them last year with an upset victory In by decllon In Quebec and predict able wins In two byelccuons In Nevdnundlnnd Don um cson your old broadcaster and touted in Ot tawa iutura cabinet timber 15in won BurinBuxuco and Andrew Chntwoom mining company personnel manager retained Grand FailsWhila nay Labrador in VNewioundiand By THE CANADIAN PRESS OPENING TODAY Viet Nam Cqsts Gloom At UN Govt Retains de Seats Wins Third In Byelections Nat Mar Thnn 10 Far Copy 12 Pug Hun Mlnlu Mahler Mmin will hrnd Cunmlul dd nnuun Imh he and Swirl For eign um In Mums mo assum bly him my Husk Alrmdy has nrrnnml In mm Mlh Gro myko Ihumdny In an lflult lo impmvo US80vld Nlnuona Although chl Nam war not formally on the Assembly nutruin it 15 Wed to play major rde In lhc general dcbale Nth begin atrr LN wcvk and in lhc SCUJSiDnS ol limrmumtnl cum lpnce law and mhcr isms coming up lulu in me scum In Mm could man lo the war before Ulc rumm ly Czrclmslovnkin proposed Monday that the Assembly do halo Ulc pnhibiflnn ho dinM or luv of mo in lnlcr nnllonul relauoqsxj maskn autumn and In regard pnrliculnrly significant that the voters than had swhchcd since Inst Navnmbcrl lcdernl elchnn at auction the prcdoml nnnlly arming riding was won by Conservative Clement Vin cent by margin some 5600 votes It was first won for flu lnnslllby gm volc 1th lhernls were Jubi lant lho Conservatives put bravo face on their disappoint ment nwlng lo up up their driyallar supggrl In ngbcc almnal Director Johnslon mld he NICochYn masku results reflect no nu uonnl Issues Ha hoped defeated enndIdnlu Normand Beaudoin high school principal would run agnln In lhc men at tho ncxl federal election Thu consulucncy is due to be split up man three other at the next general election under lustcompleted redistribution seals Tho lumoul Mar was light In all three comlllucndca and In both those 1n Newluund land the loslnu candidam seemed cerlnln to lose their de posits mam gnaw Mum lSn Al Vvlro 8on RIDING TO BE SPLIT SEE PAGE TWO

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