Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 19 Sep 1966, p. 3

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lun llrpmlmrnl qualan rm Ammm mqud 1an hnlunln In Irlni In our llYlllI rglnm ulmlnm r411 1mg Anmlmm in Amman 4H inva mm numlr num 1w nrmnwnnlrll hy um mm mm Inulrrm luv Ill Inn mun In Hm rump Vlnr ulrn lnr Inpuunilnmlm luv rnlmv dull lhrlr my TM BarrieOwned Horse Wins At Cookstown lhr mm In mhmnhlrml hy nu nmmmlnl rum Ilm lmnl dblrld rmlnHI Mmm llllltl Mr mzhhr mm mm mu ml rump mmlmm pm Idr rump mumiHvI mul m1 llml lIll mmer MIIIH In lllnlhuu vunldrtl by ID Wm IIIZHIRHZIIIZU LliMYlIIlN nIIInlnr nf ytrmuw lhr rump cnjuml tV hill hlhrm 11wl Inn urk Ilu lwl luzr lmy In In mm um Suisitx lrlmml by the U15 lricl huinnun mlny r0 venl urcr 700 rulm Mnuls unrl PAlltlfl lmlll hr llurrlu AllI hive ml the rnrnmm np Vildmnn his MHIHHC Thi has mnrn Hum llnuhlml llu Hume rum lhu llmnnlll pvriod lml ymr Smrml MI lumps lune nlrmdy lmu unwrml and Mum ith hp Dixlrirl hum arm In duhrr NH In hy the mml hu140vfVll war in cScuul Camps am hlsl lory Gillan 0nlurio Telophone 4562243 Leltoy First inane he mllcr class HM cnl In Ingram Brolhcrs msululc loamy Drank which to in Mwml money or Orungmlle cutry flusly Ilinl dcll uhlLh on or John nuxlcr nIVOro look lhird monry inh second and third Elmer Trim biglot Harrie is mmcr Mldluml lwrsc named Sum owned by hp Ingmm Hrmhers AIZIML lnnk irsl muncy in he third clnsufiml Ilh win and yccuml Stan Somcrrilln Irir 5m Mias Todd Hlddcll Hon Ihu lrsl hml mu hon czlmc third An Omugcrillc culry Darky Hiddcll uunul and driven by Stan Some v1 110 mn Iourth mac NULANI Hll Driven by Jumps Wood Lucky Ace shmml ha benciils of mo Xng three days before at Ora and cullaslcd Nani Grahams Miss Avalon Elmvnlc doun 1M sinth mice The Elmmlc entry uhirh an at 0m look second mnnny kilo 41 ShnL hurmz Imrsr Mac Zill mum by Mmllll Inok lhlrd in Na heals Camp Wildman Concludes Extremely Busy Season MUNlllle HIl Aurhul COOKSTUWN Stall in nor of second money nl Oro Fair rmnuy Luvky Ace Bar rieowncd horse wan two straight hculs kc one of Pm clqssihcd rm as Cooks own Agriculluml Socmlys Infllh annual all air Saturday uncr nnun mm mums wnmn nomwm oncunnns MARY LOU REID 12year old Evcrcu girl rode the in ner in thy Shclland pony racu FARM PRICES ANNUAL FAIR Iw iulllng lmlmux rum nu lwlnl mun vmlI muh nm ym nu vmul lmumlnxy hm 1m lunrml Inul 1mm I1 Mrnll Inhlru puuhnml rmva mlrr Irll rnlnhllhlml Inul lml mum Inllrln rrrdrvl lhn rump nlm Imn Ivmln Irlxo rulnylrlo will hyxlnn tr mzrrnlnu rmllnu mul Llrrul Ilmxl lhlnum luminl in Tiny urnJHp wmzmu llrIch mu ll nppruxlmnlrly 30 mil from Ilnrrln imrKIIIII Hny In my Ardu lmln lho mum null yrlnhlu oxrrllrul lurllltlr lnr nrunnlml wlmmluf lhn umm um purdmwl vy lhr mm In Sum mum in In but nMy hu lhr Inxl lmlr ur lnr yum lump pmnnurnl mm mum horn vrmlvlnl nurl lhn mum bun med In ll hill mu low or due Inumlum ur mmlm laiIrl xcnh Hm rauhl ralwd luruv unlnmv rr or drum lur burning uurbngo mu slluwr find no ruu nrrhinfl nflrr new paint Jun unmmnl the me or mm on plrnlc lnlxlu ml 011 com utrnn clulhlmi Thu llhlrkl council us Illum nl lo note Im nll gnuwa rc mnrkrd on rxrvllonl MHIIIN mmllllnm nml nlm now rump Impromwa Ihnl prnrldnl ur mm mulm llwir 4mm nllo ymr gruup rcporl mm nus vmmml Mu Issued lo loudcrn lvrmidn chuck IN vamp mmlillom and Ions or lmprmcmrnts Thl lilwfl thl limich the ramp unrtlm In nnly prrlmlic amp Hail and nlw lrnwldnl lhn umqu mm vllml mmmtluns or Mum kmnrmrmcm Oul of men cnlrlcs or small punics Mary Lou fluid riding Thunch no lim money or hrr Ewell uixh Garry James French named Caloncl Scuu won the puny arcs or larger nonlcs with Inlcr Bouchrarll second on mania and Andy Ilcslop lhlnl rIding Slrcnk In the road races Sum Som crrille at Oranzcvlllc drove the uinnnr 01 one hem and Jim Somcrvillc he ulhcr Keith Sanderson and Jim Sumcrville tame steam and Mrs Sam Curly placed lhjrd qboh heals More lhnn 3000 nllnndcd lhc twoday air and Alhul Gilray scurclary sald gale receipts ex ceeded last year He said more was good Iurnuul of schonl chjldrgn as well as uglulls In the second heat Joscdulc Bcauly Brook got on In 1mm and came ln hand of he Held in lake irsl muney whllc Spring hill lea mu second and Mary Ann Vlc lhinl was driven by Claylln Perry Midland The harsc guincdscc and in the Hrsl heal hon El mar Husscys Allislan mare Mary Arm Vc prevailed down ha slrelch 10 pass the inlsh Em wire in hunt Elgin Bingham driving Springhill Freda from Shclhurno ran lhlrd und Mac konzie Baxter drove Oscar V010 to Iourlh at mksmn fall air 53th day ancmoon Name the wmninx mm was Thunder Immnmm or me xxunniu lnb Ilurir MJ nuran Ilw mm mnrnxm 11 Onlmhr animal inm rim RI Wm ilun fort 2513 VkMrmldmt Elrrnnr thml Illrmv Md lilur whn mil mum Iumn Innr mu llrprnm in ulupu RM Muba Inn lfly hlnlmm uh In mum pnsl wowM ll KM uh lnlmmumnl The amp warden and lcndm nw volunteer um mom no rnnumcrnlion lur scout work Mntnunnnm mle ha czunn are prmklml lur by he llslrltl Council from purllon he mnnkl dcrhnl 1mm mu Ilnrrlu Unilcd Aliprnl All Men camp on use lhn camp Mn lntll lllu at churn The pur chase equlpmnnl and all mn Jnr llnprmcmml projrcu are tinnnml mm In nnrrlo my Scum Apple Omar 1121 war the Arc Amity at playzmuud am an Qum 51 Damn in dam mcnt rcpmlcd an heldemvlm wcckcnd Inn mum and hm keen on aasul far cnruumging wlnlcr cflgjplnu Mr Allan of Dowmvicw mm the Simpson Scars award for he most points in he exhibit hall Kiwanians Will Hold Convention llt Hamillon The Ju or grand champlan female in Iho Jersey show wan also won by William Glbblnl Strand wih Charles Sander son Inklng he reserve chumplan ship award Thu scnlar winner was shown by James Morgan cl Thnmlnn Idca cath prevailed or the fulr and Mr Gilroy snld ol flcinls warn pleased with tho considerable Internst ihnwn In most events 1n the Jurch show Charles Sanderson Shanty Bay cxhlb had Ihe Junior champion with James Morgan of Thornton tak4 ing the reserve junior filler The gr and champion was shown by Wixllam Gibblns of Strond with Charles Sandersonl cnlry lhu runnersUna French second and Jack Priest or Minusing lhlrd maxy Ileslip Everett riding Shetland named Danny placed fourth Douglas Black came fifth on Klng and Kathy Sampson rldlng Silver placed sixth GORDoNVS 7289228 do ml mm mm Problem To Ul Mom than 3000 aucndnd ha air which was Invorcd with ideal woalhcr HEATING Bring Your lALl FIRE Pravlnclnl pollen 1n Timaz am 70 mlles norlh of Nonh Buy Icpnrltd we or man scu lIon n1 lho meteorite landed In lhclr um Hnwcvcr none ha muons had been lound raw members aboard US Coast Guard llghlshlp on Lake Huron Iva mllns null 01 Snrnin said they heard nuke LII scrlbcd dcnlcnlng lhud shortly after they alghlcd lho firnbull She said um as general rule melenr can be heard It passes within live to la miles of wllncssu HEARD NOISE SE she had not men tho meteor but observed that eyewitness nccounu dld not mention hemlug any sound She said body as big meteor would hnvn created rumbnng or bonming sound Bruca Connon London Ont pilot flylng from Peter borough to Human snld 11 me teor all past plane about onn mile north of Woodstock He uaid ho was flying at nbnut 4000 feet when lhe fluan burg out jus below his flight pal An explanation of tho nalum of the meteor was given Snlur day night by Dr Helen Ham the David Dunlap Observa logy Inflaronto In Sud ury them were re port that Iragmcnts oI Ihe me tear landed In that area caus Ing two Ilres One fragment was reported In the lIunIsvillc Ont urea and another In Port 0an lug Ont An oiilcial at tho US Coast Guard station in Port Huron Mich said the lircbaii was ranked on radar screen He said that apparently the meteor broke up und Iho bulk or it landed in Lake Huron off Har bor Beach Mich about 60 mile north of Saraia As lhammeleor broke up shower of sparks cascaded carthwards nm gunman Mr Hign opruinul by anyinu In karate you nmcr rcllrc II It was Just spun one uould quit curly yuu are 33 m1 am sun at llyour body mlghl grnw old but your Inner slrcnglh nuvcr dlcs Roy and his cam of 10 flruclurs mow In Dnrrlu lcr making success at he onhnrnlc DpJo InToronln lsrnol Just sport ll 15 farm of menlnl discipline Mr 517 gm Backbone In sport or an can be called is vari nu kala arms or mavcmonl handed down by the mnslm tram alhcr to sun or genom thns in Jgp Similar new Insmulcs lorlhc Iludy of karma are being set up apyags the Annllon Brlrkb and 01th such Icals have no pm In the 10an sludyofl karate Nnmu at tho club the 11m ng 111559 Kngngq Duly Roy go holder of he outh dan lho black bell in karate brought his club or inslllue la nunin as part of aneflorl lo gain more recognition or he mgfllql on national level Vllhuul mum Cnnudlan sportsman who rnnkcd second In lhe nallon In his particular Heldr braugm new art club to Barrio lhis month In dny 01016 oucch or do cnslvu movcmcnla In kurale lhe subject mncenlrulcs on his physical mnnlnl nml psychulng lcnl cflarll AM on cdmbinvd lnlfi hls movements Thfic nro always in or lhrnu ease and sklll developed ale yuan cl practise show how KarqtgExpert Opens New Chib In Barrie cgntrp with ma III llrrvrabhands am ufflcntly nmcd by amp grown in the oxford mm Daily bu mm pa on has bran arranged 1m 11min ml Camp Mm Ia mm and wvmm mm har employment For duals comm the NES 0mm in BM QUIET WEEKEND Ontario pmvmval 1191500 In 1min mpmcd nu weekmd au chlmls with the lust mishap cunnlnr law PridJy night This is he rm wtckmd this ymr mnlnr vmclu ncclzlcnll were ported and petirn vbute he prune rmson as he the man mic Aaflicsmkhbcuni Sun day According In Mr ngo use and sex make nn dillcrcnce in the sludy of the url because he knln form can bu learned even nccnuso members can come in any day ha week to mm 1154 Mr Iizo snys lho Mrsl level of proficiency the yellow bell can be achieved In two momhs inslmd he Ihree to live munlhs at most clubs where students run coma 1n nnly twice week lnslruclors m1 hand during lho week and he rest come up from Toronlu on the weekend Muck from lwa directions lm beaten 0115 Gary ldt has his mucking SIZF METEOR name my mum dcpnflmmt APPLE HARVEST LOCAL AND GENERAL Rmng am awning elm will bu held at Calm Collegiate this Tuesday and Wed nesday uvmnu rem 730 lo oclock Clam wul mxmnwce Mutiny Sow and wm be ol kwd at both Barrio Maxim Immmtion may be obtained by cnIlIng the owning ohm som hrry at Cum Gollexide 1316 hi New WWW mi ME to 133 phi rcpoucd its Mephom EM Jam med mm 0111 Saturday mm run reside who spotted the meta Mast caller de sonlbcd what they saw William Huh hm am he ky mm east wm and ex pIud Mona nadxhg the ground bar Um club use karate nul sldc Ia IL banntd mm the spud la Ville Thu spiritual aspect is very important Beinre and after every karate session period nl medilalion is necessary to clean lha mind of outside though he raidt So mm than 20 local people have jalned lha club Onn pain In particular was lressfqhy ngo men lhough women and older men or boy dont hnva the power of young men arm knocked to em side and 15 it hgchm with Roys EVENING GLASSES ELELIRICAL CONTRACT Ahatmmbiu How1c Company of Rania ha been awarded ho electrical contract fur Barrlol mama Bark Chairman Jark Gama oxpnsscd 11mm at tho tendered cm at $9771 with was uqdq vuhgl his mm mm Mdch for Um rclr he sent lly kick in the mid section NOTICE FARMERS Mr Melville Hastings of Gulhrlo Inny Fromm colllu 3L lunlt out Mllu 71lHVI Ill 1264 Sn mm MumJ Allnmoblll lnmuncn will be curryan on he AUTO INSURANCE PEDLAR DEAlERSHIP which III lonnerly can can omrr lh lhnul lllwkntolu ll Roe

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