Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 19 Sep 1966, p. 2

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Mn rim WI llnrIay In mein Mar Mle Illmu km hh wlfo hunk NW4 Gm Kitchmm ml umm Mn II filmy 11m Vnflvmod lume Funtml mko WM Md lhla mm 01 MM rim In rrm nu mm In will Um Kfldumnlfilm lla THIIHE RULKY mm mm of mm have 11ml manned or lhc mlky horn rnclnz tomorrow All Mon Mum lllmflon will mrn Mlnrvtn Gflhlm uhn mm WM hull mile rm the tenure mm mm mm Hu for lrsd1y5 Wrsum one show here My Mk In dmrxo olmlho 1W1 mum Chum lndudo flul rm band rm polo bmdlna knyholo men pickup ml Am pImum chm HimAle Cult Club nchlcvrxmm day mm Also an Mod lm wmnrraw well II lnhy mow BMWfl 15W With placing exhibit occupying attention might udinx ol ex hxblL mm umomwv at the man annual all exhibition of the F1 Azriculllrnl Socldy no lLsyray bloom nddcd beauty to the 110m nakm whllo baking dammit dun owodx nnd nutmt dos Hold Funeral Service Today Lnlcr loday dnlcgnlu ulH hour 1mm Industry Mlnlslcr Charles Druryt Mr Crnmlon Vprcdlmd this morning um luck human ml bcaw 25 per cent or yorklnumunl Incomo wul 1m Over 80 delegates were nx pecled at lhe annuni lwodny economic conlcrcnce which he xnn this morning ll ha Cun linenui Inn Mr Cranslun saldlhe govern ment thch nm recognize lha Importance of houslnx cum and takes action qu have the key 10 successlul poullcal career Current housing mi are water concern in tin average cililen than mas extension inciai security William Cram lnn chairman oi uu Ontarln Economic Cnuncll laid dole gnus In Georgian Bay De vcicpmeni Associulion conier em in Barrio this morning Tourists Roy Lem nljrAunANr mm mm AT ELMVALE FAIR Gm you For Chinese Food Call SEVEMII mnual fall econ omic Names the Gear lam Bay Damionmm Ameli Says Towns Not Ready For Industrial Boom Judging To Take Place Tuesday ncludod Mlu Trudy 5mm Mrh won tho 110 class or Quinlan of Midland Lamonl Norm llny entry of mien Mandy and Mr Qxdnhnl ltmbm nlL Krith W11le Vim lur bour drove Klnl 0mm lo WM on of mu In the no dam metIna he mm In 1m llrnn cl 1m Them In on utumd heal ha dmvpcd buck In Ruth Pour Watch wnn mm ham named Nth Hm Mt Gnhnm drove himy Hum In mm mm ml Mm Avnnn 1n lhn um Some of hue Mrm wlll bl male Ihm Ibo ml hlffivy inkn1 show wed 09 them In rains John Vaples Emma la Mr natal race horn ddm now Ind Murray mom chnlnmn ho mini mm Ind Wm mcmbvtl lndudo Realm Bertram em Hm Agriculle Sodoty Eh Wle Mandn Gra ham Blown And FA wmh Mr Vnplm was Judy ll Goldwalrr ram cmnfly And no unified be 0m rm EHELI MEG leY mu Imm Midland VJctorh Harbour And mu My plac expand comma 1n the Lhma chained ovum 11W EXAMINER WANT ADS PHONE 71 ml Somn the lndmlrlu which looked lnrward so much location in nur midi Ira hlvln serlnus lemnd lhnuuhu lnduslrlnl mt ware nellller adequately plunncd nwr nervlced and local taxes have lane up sharply under emcrmcy mau um ha lulddellegnlgsx puso substantial blrrler on urlher progress Our entire hnuslnl industry ls sulferlnl rum lack of mechlnlznunn and man pro duction cmclencles he said To consider um ha worklnx man can aflord 9000 or house Iha nvcraxu prlca new home in many of our lnr er Georgian Buy carnmunlllu to hide our hand in the emnnmlu nnnd Mr Cranslon said many Geor lan Bay communities warn not ready or the Indualrlal upluru that mulled from dexlxnnled nrel ezhlnglan Utopini mmmve ol the Simmo minty Fedulflm umbegan 0h mumlng in fibmmmgqumRh SOUR DRAPES WHEENIEIHE All rlunlll dnpnlu no men Imu Imp hllnhn poor pmllnl urlm or Iorlllrd flour 11mm lllly MI mm lnpm 1tu wmhll nmm lmn mm hvlnhu llvu Il Itll In III III lid II Mn n4 IanIII your Imnc Immuth NEVER AGAIN Mle unstained mud Imhcad mu Hm bum ddvrr ltcldvod bruhu pumnw In ha anr auto Dnvld Sinclair 10 WHlodev Mch lacer ued mm 1110 mlshap occurml bum Ind mm mm nl pm CJy mum Cmmblt nob McKenflI lnmdraud lumr cmlh Sunday night mulbcd In damn tsdmalcd 31800 And 26yearold Banla man churned with camlm dflv In and mung lo Md Ibo r15 of ya flamed Mnurim Pcllc Let owm Sh 041m mr lnvolvod was drlm by Gary IA farm IN jflpmn He turned uniml lookinl lo ledernl or provincial govern menll ior nbsululo direction in mum which lull primarily Wthn iha Jurisdicllan oi local Izenclu rzcd at ocal authan lea work with Ihc Laud Ind Form department In mum that In region mum maxi mum mam mm expandbd re llpn grainy And the tlmo lm coma In put ha Georgian Bay Area In mama mlanal lamht coun cil with development agenda My Cnmlop nnld Each level government Ihould plan to guide it devol opmant with an eya to lhe cl oa nl Managed MUM pruxum an recrelllon helli Ue Mr anqstoq lam mum Bay raglan will hlva lnmeet man of the rep muonll needs Onlnrlos mn Jar melropoman mu wllhln 25 ye he prgdlclgd iii filled or mlanll ncllun In Md mu economic 1131 But even mm erlom some Inc have overcsummd lho lupply of Ivnflabla labor In lama camorles Mr Cranslon Driver Charged After Accident Ho uId planning board And enunclh hive been now In we develan havelaced my ldly accelenunz campeuuon lar luch lml emanation mil ex IL awn wrm Mum an the cam ma Ex 11mm Pram cullm my oyer BINGO STARTS SEPT 28 DOOM ornN AT EVERYONE WELCOME rm in on 1mm In Imum lEGlON Il ullm 728553 Mu Durnth sum form my Orllln wu hurnnd In dtnlh Frldny night when Hnmu eIlrayed her nucIlorry home are Mu Sean nlnna In ho ho cMIEn ho In brake nut llxilnllllo II than mllrl nmlh Orlllln Tim obkd Iur Ihls wax1 appeal 39 Spec Hamburg are planned both ugliestch this work Angus McKay crintcndml 01 public admin $51 nddrm 5m dents Lt N011 Gyllcaiam io mormw nnd Central 0030 Mylar Mn mm Banner basaupanDum lop Stch MW lo hcln pmmolo the appeal and mcrnbem he Urilnd Amai whim mu moot hmday to mnpldn cam mlm phqn cam Mm Unwed Appeal who lunwd nut to ho Ran 1m mh Central 0011chan student and prcsldml of hp Key Club Sunvuxmd by bovy beau led the Idoa wm ofiglxwflml la pmme Um Barrio Unllcd Ap mfl Ball Io be held Al the Bar Axmmq Sept 30 Officlatn exproascd concern mm the lack inlcml Ahovm in the dance so an fickcla or open 19 all high nehool mm Ccniral Mnh lemmas and St Juserrhl High shimmy residents mm amus 0991 manuals chukilé mam mmxa 010m oi the values of tho cam paign Md cl he 10 agencies suvforw by tha unmd appeal Sn My residents mm amus Burns To Death In House Fire United Appeal Officially Opens 1967 Campaign With Mistrial pawn deduc tions sdwol and wwmflm mvcsshg bcglmlng today lho Barrio Unllod Appeal Campaign guinea lain Ilasecond Eek Yesmday which was gn dnlmcd Unlud Appeal un day Mfiulnlly and this yoarl 0551mm log at ariws AIwlpdruw AlmtmmuzhmnmlrNm A4 mulmwwmmn hm mm mm When qucsuoncd about this hm xho CUPW spokesman said In for the him The rovi don are ddirdlely out Membm cl the LOU could not be mchtd or Mnmcm bill intmducui by Revenue Minister Benson Much ldu or mlnssifloauon of govcrn mam employee and me juggling 01 Mon occuwuoml umt ram ed am reading in ma louse 01 Comm mnfly It was dmflm by tho gumm mcnt rollowing last years past olslfike He said basin worktr wm going In hnva an lnureaso in pay or know the reason why Comma Mgotiaflona or the union begin onOct meeting 01 mo CUPW but one is impacted manly The mix held geneml meet inz in Town at um weekend nnq uan Ito suLke unlng flOM W000 yum Thus has been no gweml mung quw as ye km lm BABME EXAMWER MONDAY SEPTEMBER lb 1m Inflation from tho mum pol iflcoaro the BaxNo local of Lho 01mm Uni of Postal Work will In the mm Cmdm Union Hhcy strike An 0mm Lho CUPW In Barrie snld today um the mu goes on win we want cross the plckc lncxv JlUPiTSVflLlfi 0m CPI One company alonoHFCserves more than million people each year CUPW Would Support Strike By Carriers IAIIII Dunlap EIIOOIWItlfTllfphonl 72665 HOUSEHOLD Imami go out on um loli to all school fan Mod at mm mm All 45ml mu mm Imul Chlldrcn ha Mld um rubltct to me full ranlc cl mental pm lcrm nnd In tho duty bl CMHA member lo undcmvm ho Icrmmtu ol the probltm Mumnm posslblc and Inn prmnflva mum Dr Griffin suggested men lnx of children before they en Lcr klndcrgamn lo detect thou who Med special Mention He said has been found or In nam um culturally drprived oWren oflm have undated vocabuarlu and are unable to lhcmulvcs 00 children their own no They nntd help early to nvcld lur her disnrdcrx ho mid Abe needed far IChON child ren um cllnlcn momm and holler trained guidance mum Fella awarding to Dr Gril Ono recent survey he said showed that 10 per cent of the school Malian arms 511m Mal thunder about three per com are seriously and one chfld in 100 is In new of 24 hour hospdlnl care 11ka mmuc to provide thls mm not available Canadian MelMl HemLb Ami anon and in Barrie Saturday Ho said We should not ManMm la loam that mental fllncm as pnvudcm man Man as ndulu Dr Gruan spoke at mth meeting lbs CMIIA the Conmxcntal Inn Pmldndm weenlnz and mumenury schJo guidance szrvico nro hooded to hnlp deal wLUn the problem of mural ulncsu nmanz children Dr Wm WM Wm up man mm mnunlflea in Bmiu Wily or ma ionafl Incng mo Cmaddnn Mth Health Assoclauon TELLS CMHA MEETING 7266474 HERTZ 43 Em Road CAR lelml II If hum In unuIIrls umwu rmwnlw you Immw mnndrnlly at Ilnuuhahl hmw 0m mm ml AlumI FL rnmnnnmln Nev Ilormw Muny fingllmlyt Hul Lack Oi Facilities To Treat Mental Ills RENT Phono FwdAmish Admit they dont know the cum mm disorder nmm dxlldren but im porum actors are mmmnl cuIIuml or anemic dcprlvn Hon Dr Griffin new He MW am no the wfimal ed £00000 Canadian chlldrm needlm lullUm hosle cm only 200 lnflmon no avail abs devoted manfycara to building while mm or 1mva 1lml Dr Gflrfln palflan And WW CONTINENYAL SPECIAUIES lily mmqu mum mun cm mm In my 0pm bum my mm Ma Ma chair 7mm exuufivo dJ eclor of the CMHA Ontario division Mu Wilson Mootby Barrie branch mammuuw cum Imxm La In hmnpulonu mu All In runyl mlqu In im sznwcz CLOSE 10 CNR 1111th 71 lmllflTln MMTI room ANDWJ CHEFATI RUBYS BEAUTY SALON BlRITE DRUGS Md Allmdall Taxi Co Tlm Lubnnllon llumblnl Ind llullug lid FOR ANY INDURTIHM llllNfl AN IIHATINU 7184429 7284601 NORTHlAND PAULS SERVICE STATION NIGHT ON THE TOWN llAllrrIn In Oll nun rrmlll un ny mun arm um um r1 rlnnnl Cally Iou or In mnlnl hy muml Tm camnny hmmr lnr Iwu mo Conun 1m um to 11mm moth II lh my Th mumlnmuu In ch rllc nunwn hm Couumnm Inn Rh werk lor 16 III you can Mu Im on lhl Town wnn rcmrnnwnu warmly1 lfll Mumm an um Immun mtnl Ml you An mulnd In an rem mmum mh Admlln ureluny Then win Appu numb mum0mm urn My 1mm WIMM puma III on ma plrllflpn In mumnu Cornwy Manuly nth mu um Ilnd you mm mm um your Mm IM drul ta mm on raw Conlle mm Tm rm tumlmr no llm mml mum drum um um will wln mm on In Town mule mm lrulud 1m mm mm won 91 um um COPLAND SIGNS 0N American composer Annan Copland has agreed to write lignnturclnnn or CBS Ploy house Iéémafim Rem About 45 dde Iron the 9mg 0de regionMLengJed mental heallh services In Canau He has been muted with he 01 since 1910 qu11 It 907mg Eminence thxdny mm in Inn In us mme Aluy mm III In m1 EdAard hlchly Oshawa 02min division mmnm and Maltaulm Summers Bar nm mil Pmldmt Emm 1cr H1010 YOU WIN II An Mr on My MW quly l6 n1 Dunlap In by loOul by Cullflm In um umm nmlu um um bx llrnfllnl nu ma nupm Mnkr um mum nu mocha mum uNr illflu nu Fondloys Flowars DRIVEIN SERVICE Burl Amwarlng In DOWNTOWN AUTO BODY WIN FREE ULE8 Duly II Mllqu lull mu All omllvul Ilnnn lylldd mom Illnth ml llullnl mopm Wm unumnum memoan GlEN GORDON mi Vlmfiiafleided church uh No 24 Canadian Squadron and No HM Squadron gm the Oapgctnn Ah £6inp6ném Mm will thc in the openfion 011mm and men on the Britain parade dood IUJI and quit the tail while Mona RCAF notaph Mule Col El liot RCA and Legion dllnltar ks um mm in mmnbmma those 47 Canadian alnnen who cram their live In tha mo lrcedmn naum mum mum RAF and RCAF plan plum Mm July and 59 em ber 1940 which crushed mm Sea on Bun Bordon the am rcmlnmed about mo victorious Sept 15 mo when lekt Hurricanu and aha deadly 5w urnurine 1mm blazed 75 Lanwulo rent 1mm tho plmwn Royal canadlat nm Drum him In the monlu Battle OfBritain Integrated Paradq Held it Borden BASE BORDEN Camp Bon dtn Churchills words Ne ver In lha field of human con flict was so much owed by so many to to few were perpeuh hem Sunday WM hi mrymaxdnz Integrated Ba 01 mm parade 300 mm An Army officer Calm Elliot Base Borden Com mander cook the salute the first time 15 he Ease Air Fem paman Hundred by review in mm placed near ch HM qumem Olflcm Mm Mm marched Sun1 gnylnm warm gulqmn nu mu UNIVERSAL RUG Clly mm Flu Ml nmml OPP Imumnu rllllulll ROM man um hlllln MASTER CHEF MI WWW Emma lm HM Elll at In my mm mm nnmul nwmn rm Mm lmko II nlu Continentl Inn NORTH YOR MOTORCYCLES um Comma Repmu RepInflux Lu or mu In 11 All for mu rmmm mom In EMERGENCY NUMBERS pm MIDDELS AUTO BODY Man Anllnncb Benita WES PERRY Nnv uh mermaqu REPAIRS EXPERT mun ml num HHS mm VIII111 7155951 L71

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