MI WA hhnwnul IIIMIV yam in ml wrv tum ulna lmnriy If IiMf mo Ann 1HI wmlo you ulml In luer Hm Ivn mal uy wthln1¢Iml JIM Ill ixtn Why 111M you My um um Hm Fuvmu Hen Iulrr My Formn 11mm MI ml Ilvrï¬ ml Io AMI In Man Aludhlw Dnut Ill1 ml TYFIIFY lvur lvnndm know mwn ulm qum ym mhl Ihm mUI In You an My nu mil um mur rlwl lm mum410111 Min nmn yam ml WM mimnn he mwumcd an WM nva In out vm ï¬nch llramnl WM lick and Mm new In ouL wm pinted Ilnnwm mm hll Faulle In mm Mark ml mupm NI MM Imlnmmhly mm mm In our mml II had lrcnmn In ll1 Mhmy thlwwlng In our mml In up Mlh my way nml mu um WM nan him In NHM how hadnt mlurl what thin in Mm ml mlmlllvfl It Mr Man did oaxpmlur walk mdar cmmd in mm mm mu until 1951 when In mum Dill ll fur l0 uu HIM to man whu Im lui win hcnvcrk Mm or lull crmunï¬ nlMHIIoh plaln mm tum WWW mmmmm mm game mmmmmw Wwwmm mwmmwmw wmmmmmmï¬wm 11er Ann ILIdrrIx Mllr radium diff mm 1bo Chu Prr Cvmfun nm mm prllnl um um lhe mhrr this story Too Claw do lcrihvd bvyw Im mmhrr bc IMNI lvrAlnl my comumfly pltkrd nn Mr lmhrr Dr IIMy mulvolsary edcbraxiu have bounmnbmolmlmwmml mmmmmmmm HONEYMOON IN WROMO MrmdhhGmWimam BodemMyï¬wmm Hodhï¬wlï¬mim 1M mmnmsomlhwhad manwnearllu alumna comm The Me Mr LA Patch dflcimed the ulnar mummmwmoe Mmshmbriflflyanunt early auturrm weddmgdzyw mamandflwdawwaum gimihrhowdwmï¬mflwywill celebran the amivmay Celebrants Mark Diamond Wedding ANN LANDERS ADVISES Domineering Mate Tired Of Treatment MIL AND MS GEORGE WILLIAM BEETON Em ll Wu nrwmmwl nlm mum on nmumnll will bi mumm nu mm mm In mm pml mm tomcl Mn 71me Cwnrr WI mom hm lmn 421mm nme NIH Iminl lo Mimi Hw highllzhu Il hp Ivmlnl lnvlunlnd nrhhn panda pm Imlnl Ivy mum AM HI um ml 1lmvmmmlm dmnm nmm ll Mn lord llmler num mmlnl re lmlrd In 1mm patty by WI 0mm nw wmnn Mn Hm next door mu tumN Minn In rived In Mr duhlrrna buldu hlw mu Mwny runMng lo neIzhlm pmmt the my drum anma Innmuu In nubm ch the mum mullnl of the MM on Tumlay aw nmz Th mwv fvmhlml DIM Umkm Mrllonnlal ï¬alml lhl uulnn ago Mn Mani mmmmmthwm Moe Ladys doth trlmned wim Mum won pendant wnmh pimed lhfl bodice gilt nil the bridesmam The wide the forma Vimt Mum wrists imam the late Mr and Mn Sanml Alcxmdu Am The hrduzmn the am 01 law ML and Mn Waller Bocm ol Gdmhum an ockhwm md mhmmy lurking milestmc in life than low ample madl owner in the Benton amHy he 60th quite oom lmn Mr 13mm uncle and aunt mi mamma 731d wulding mummy The M1910 may zmdcxmx my1mm Ilka to do cm Rwy arm Um while 60 mm sound like 10111 lime ll hmt waned that lam to Mint of thml va N11 had good yum anoma md have ad Mm across Ilka nobody the Home prlnl um Mlcr tor Um mm n1 mmhrn who haw mull chlhlrtll Molhcm llcau May nut Mum wur mnumu In huvlmz lhrlr huh nrgume and MIL mm plnymnm Chil Iron mn be mad Mr Mixer one nlnulo and he luv ml mail the nu mlnutod they nre loll Alum GOOD LIFE hflnflvkumzlï¬rnsdm me ey mmtiqmdiinauahiuwhidl Mdszimmmirsflmwd ammmmmm gnwoddmmmmryocm Lefroy WI See Fashion Parade FAMILY PORTRAITS um1nlr Bil Phnta um no to you 5011le mainu Irt nr My my hnvo la mm or bu an at nulIL mi My Kb ynll Id Mu dork you an de min Mm 1M um um drowln our mm out nm calling In mufï¬ns Mm boy in In In In Mala Iv mmmï¬u lha Um Ind mm In In haunt 5va amen hnvc rï¬loll mg l1r ur In Mr mm do you ImuflOul Khur Mn Molvxllp Wm Jenn cl Barrie auxhlcr GEM Mm Robbins L1 decon IMiMn 1th 605315 My mith LI now on the 0111 with Ivayum In lh block Ind mdly ed lorry or her So Ann plenu warn her Hither xxx mnko um um mklkn No mum nm Am No mthduldnl Edict hm In nnMylnl ono you Mp 1m my fixhand NM no ml for mm often will or Mu pull rhmpofll on We km out in In rIod lo llvo mod OhrIsUam my Ibo we their ldds wm Irwin hu Hdl Nuurnuy he pmm do landed Mr awn km and lnw IN tar mm hkm than MI Ill Iquobbuo 11w Md hnd DuFNalim Your Wan wu Idem Think mu or wrlkln in cmlltm TELEPHONE Jenn Dobson MM June Melutbadwr and Mn mum Farrur wen Ippalnlcd make nrrlngemenll or the Cnrnl Scr vicn to bo held ma Ind Canm reported Iuccnssful convention with numernun cum munlcnllnm coming In from WInanel Menucal and Toron to commending ha lacnl com mum tor the ouulnndlnx nr holpijgllly mm nix granddth 194 elm Wtnnndddkirm Manny L1 your blrlhday your chm Indicates some nulls which you will hava to curb In the yen IheAd notahb your tendency to be overly crlflcnl other and too much lusslness about detail involved In your Choral Seminar an Organ Warhhop and Christmas Carol Servica were mm the high light Menu In President Jim Belcherl Illmuhllng address In opening tho new lemon or the Barrie Centre be loyal Cn adlan Calms Qrgnnlxls Planetary Influence on Man day wlll ho genually favorable but In all endeavorl bu ex tremely careful about delnlls You may have to make lama revlliom ln plans made yester dty but they lhDUld prove to be far he beller 933111 nmrumw clllld horn on this dny wlll ha unusually trustworthy ver uulo In talents and en dowed wllh dellzhllul senso humor Personal allalrl wlll be gav erned bylrlendly nan or mas the year ahead except lor brie perlodn ln early March nndlor early June when your lnnnla lendency to be over exncllng wlth other could cum lrlcllon In close clrelcu Der perlod or romance the last 10 days 01 December good on all counul AprllI May and August to travel February and the week between late lllny Inf earlyï¬eptemb DAY AFTER TOMORROW ll tomorrow la your birthday your horoaenpo Indicate thnt whlla the perlod between now and Dec 20 will not be artlcu luly Itlmulatlnu or elt er lob or money mnttara you could still proï¬t durlnl the lhlerven lnx tlma by maklnz plana or the future and puttlnz torlh your but ellorta Even though the latterme ream unproduc tlva at tha moment do not ba coma discouraged Keep plug an or in that way you will wln even more benefit during no lanetary cycle whlch will be In to 21 and laat through 15 You ahnuld advanta on all front then Look or further uplrende ln monetary allalra next June Aunt and Se tem ber In career Interest urlng the latter hall or Aprll June Aumt and September nd momma nen hould ho at wk on sundny Io it would be good limo lo inure out complax allu nuom ewh though you Inks no Icuan until Monday Ihor ulp man In the afternoon could prov hllhly enjoyable F95 11m mum Barrie RCCO Plan Coming Activities aman rgn mmpnnow Mill In mm hav nixLair Mrfl have one THE STARS SAY 0m of Ike uuuln lha rankran ll Mlu Melbe Wool 16y pmldcnl nl lha FWTAO lulu lelcy II member nl lho Ounwn Publlc School In and lunch junior tlnu or dta and hurdqfhenrlnz chlld rcn omcr gum flu conlcrencu include Mn Flannel lrvlna Anculler Im Pmmenl Illa Onlnrh Tonthm rcdmuon The me Full Conicrtnco Region BA Federation We mm Teacher Assnciniion oi Oninrio ls bclnz held today It Adjnln Ccnirni Scimol rm Pnigmve Oninrlo The general purpou of he conlcrmcc is In provide Illmu In and Insplrallan or he yearn work in he FIA0 Asmln llans lo prcsnnl chcrnuon policy and Inlurmnllnn lo llll alncm of he Alsuclnllann In vrozrnm plnnnlnu lo provide an apportunlly or ulllcm lo Imomu nc unlnlui and dllcun mutual pm Xcml Pmldlnz Dlrcrtur the con nrcma ll Mlu Darb Kenna mule mimosa up sasson PRESIDENT ATTEND THE BARRIE EXAMINER IAIUILDAY SEPT 11 mo ML Susan Hobbs St Vln man will lenva Town In lernallmal Mrport on Monday vlu Alr Canada for londan England when she wlll vnca Jon for weeks Mlu Hobbs wlll vlslt Mr and M11 llArry Newman In Brin and mm More will travel lo Strand uslgnmenll Thesa lrnlls could cause nnnnyance an thq part mperlon coworkers partner and lrlends and tho coopera tlon and good will all will he needed you no to make the pramcs posxlblo wthln the luv ernl llno cycles promised ln clIlld born on tha day will be endowed wlth llna mlnd lolly nmblllons nnd ha lalenu lo nchlovo them of Lulhbrldze Alberta rrlvcd by train or an extended hoildny the ham 01 hot lnllIMBW and daughter Mr and Mn Mackley and may leo Ava Angus 055 T0 ENGLAND Humo Shanty Baywill he mm hmar gt amt dinner party on Saturday an eoccaslon at their doth wmdlng anniversary Mter the dinner It Lakevlow Restaurant member or the lam tly will gather at ma nelebrnnu home or rnunlon Among the guests will be the couple oldest son Peter Buyer Elndhaven Hullnnd FROM ALBERTA Mum and Mn William Smith of Newtan SL has enrolle In third year dyll englncerlm lodmvloiy It Rymun Polytechnlcnl Imuwte Toronlo gh ANNIvEnsAnY President Attends Fall Conference my noun 10 YUKON Mr and Mrs Emcrlnn Swnln of Sunnldllu Rd and the or merI Ilslcr MIBI Dori Swnln director 01 nursing Welléaley Hospital Toronto hava let on four weekn holiday by lrnln ta Vancouver 86 From lhere thuy will travel by boat to the Yukon Territory RYERSDN STUDENT WINE TUNA AND CHICKEN DISH SPEAKING OF PEOPLE AND PLACES Miu Mel Fnlr 51mm pm pruldenl of FWTAO Ind prucnlly mnmbcr hi Advlmry nanrd Ind Mn Edilh Dullln of Tmnlo In Exmllva numnnl FWlAO Former students Barrie am now tenchlnl nt vnrlau public and high school In On tnrlo Thcsu Includn Mlsn Llnda Stephenson daughter Mr and Mrs Stephenson Clap perton St on stat of Gardnn Graydon 1th Schonl Port Cred it Mlss Carol Edmunds daugh ter Mr and Mn Ed mundn Lelltln SL tenchan nt Branflnrd Collegiate lnstltute ol Worsley 52 111 be at harm friends nnd relatives at re ception at the HIWay Pomona m1 Ghumh Axum St 11 afternoon and evenLng from nclnck and 81010 oclock The malon marks the oouplcl em woddlng MMWHNY SCHOOL TEACHERS Leaving the city this weekend to enter flu year pramcdldne mummy 01 Toronto Don Ramsay son of Mr and Mn Ramsay Codringtnn St Donald Crows Ian at Mr and Mn Crown Sunnldnle Road will relum In Toronto at Lhclwukend to continue lhlrd yaar smile at Illa Faculty at Denllslry day In MHzn to Waterloo IJuUI enm University to Ian in sec ond yea Geneml Arts 00am rqnomo srupENTs DMMOND ANleEnsmY Kent Whore Ibo wild be lode lher at the autumn of June Drivers dmnghter Mr and Mn Couln Drlvm ngmpjo wnmm alumna luridl than hfldu null comlnl of no pnliu Muller and VII llorr II Item of lntemt la rudm lb pm Your My Happy Ill All will be truly unrec lllerl Pleln phone The Barrie Enlnlnu 72H Ind Ilk for Ellen Dlxon or Audrey mum at ha Womznl Don unmeul Natal lnlendcd Io cum lenml Inclul III II Ihe MISS MELIM VOOLLEY IWTAO Pmsldonl Add Km or Ml Com 11h rkhjyllvvjy Ms ml mm nnuly ravn lllh wllh um Huh In loo dam mm In In mlnum 00 In llqvil which In halal mm In In Ilquld man um Mm mhl my 01 mlnhlpd wllh My pad pushy In My or htolllnl or we Mun Hill In In In nhlvml lmllnl nilh tummy or unam uID Add Iplcyl or Ml Cour IOUBED Whllo lhl nrln 01 Ink dllh He aver no man Hm ed It In New 011nm II II mall unuluhl dllh Ind and ho hut Mm Im but 11 but been um In my hum rml number of yam IM bu tau II or n01 Ilwuyl Im Id nld ullh IIlId mid pun lvmyllun Huh flail ml perv lmpoou mm plclllnl Iplrt HI ï¬nd ml llrman My kn unwind hmdlum ll mlld unlun lull 0le mm Ivy haanan merry SUPPER CASSEROLE um mu on cup could chapped thlchn cum mild let cum cannrd lomalm run Cnnndlnn dry uh Mn nhnddcd mud onion um 11an men pepper mu lruhly round blur Pflltr ln lemnoon lull lmxmd mam rumba bruk In lnrn rimn Camblno with lelnlnl nlredlanu uan crumb Turn Into quart mumlm lop wllh butlerd mmhl Brllllhm all It lunny WI call lunalunny or tuna whlch am your fancy moms make my and Inlemllnu cnluroln hm comblnzd with dry whlu wlm quay dnmd Mr and Mm Jame Mdvln Minneapolis Mlnn mind with Mm Mdvlnl parents Mr and Mn Minnudn High 51 prim to liking up mldcnca In Imam om fare Mr Iel vln hm Joined the leachinl mu Ignivcrally Western Onm ckcn Try 71 And In m1 win In ï¬ghn or Mrl May Mullny 01 New York Cfly is an an extended holiday vlslllnz wilh her Ion lnlnw and daughter Mr and holiday vlsllluu vllh hnr Ion InAlnw and daughter Mr Ind girl Narmnn Hexkclh of Cook MOVE TO LONDON birthday party will be held in honor oi DArcy Pop Hines oi Dunlop St at the home his sonInan and daughter Mr anders William Hill More Clapperlon St this even ing Mr Hines one oi Barrlcl senior residents was born nt Crumble lliil In the township oi Essa on SepL 13 me and in Ilialong ruldent oi Barrie Guests at the party will include iamlly and Hands and mem bers of the Barrie Hunt Club and their wives Mr Hines is life member of lhe Hunt Club Among lhoso invited to attend are Mri and Mrs Steve Hines Gory lilncs and his iionceo Miss Coral lennell Alderman Fred Smith and Mrs Smith Mr and Mn Wilbur Laklnz Mr and Mrs liorold Laking Mr nml Mrsi Sandy Dsmpsler Mr and Mrs Earl Morsholl Mr and Mrs Jim Webb Mr and Mrs Earl Hunter and Mr and Mrs Ken Word Toronto cnnsr guano now YORK Wine Adds Zest To Fish Dishes newlywed were also rum of honor at Communlty Shower Edgar Communily Hull Fallawlnn prosenlnllon vnrlcty Elm cords and dnnclnz were enjoyed followed by rctrcshmcnu BIflTflUA mum Mre Peter Marchlldon Ihu lnrmer Marilyn Nay wu melt ol honor at revered enlemln meml prior to her mlrrlm Mn McLeod and Mn Andrey dates were erehumus miscellaneous Ihower auu were presented In decanted clothes bumper wllh the en of honor rented under ow er umbrella Another mlecel lnneau rhower wan ilven by MII Bmco Edwlrdl Ind Mn Ivan Rand Gueetl It thll vlrly included membere NuPthMu Chapter Beta Slxml PhL Mrs Tony Mnrchfldon Slroud nlso entertained at mittenn coue shower com and wlener roast hm cd by Mr and Mn Robert Gold Included pruscnlallan link less steel Inlwcnr In His young couple The party took place on tho colarlully Ith pallo al the Gnds home Guest were we un mm Kllclxcncr Orlllla and flame Branflord Mlu Mary Mn dough Mr and Mn Gor don Lorldn Grove on tho mu SI cumin Huh School Ml Linda Dudley dimmer Mr ml Mn George Bradluy Drury Line tgï¬her at tho publith 1cm ave on Lind inter 1mm of Mr nnd Mu WI of Nolan Min Jana uw daunmr of Mr and Mn Mb or sunnldale Rd in column It the high Ichool In Dryden on Miss Catharine 0mm tor Mr and Mrs Coulla Highland Ava la tucan prmary mde Grlfcnholm public ï¬nal Etobl co nggmLsnoWEns Ihe brldczmna mother Ir ï¬lled Waring Waylon hm llncn ml Mun belu mumlei and mum red mes brldel nvelllnl mm was printed Ink mm In In quou bone in ckmumon Cd Shanahm ol Barrle Ii tmd mammal Tony Murdmdon sum wu lhc ushzr RECEPTION VGuesu ware rocclvm at ham the brm pannu no 5L following the wrddlu Mclvtnl Mu Ney chm mac printed brvudo sheuh gown with mulcan 1an up coal Himmlle AW Iu mi comm ol dew pink MEGAN anth her en 6nd Aceuiodu Th maid of hmur Min Carol Ncy Barrio was her II It aundau llnr softly dnp ed blue chllran mm was caught at lhu IhWdfl with me 50 material maman blue chlllon ma fashnncd htr hrrss and the bouquet ï¬ll cumulan and Milk rasu corona ma earls held llw bridel shoulder enzlll vdl cl lllualnn tulle She carded bouquet of plnk rose and Wall carnmaml leen In marriage by her em bride chm meat lenglh gwwn of Hon arznndy wcr lnllcta The natured bodica nylon lace with mtly moped neckllne and lam dowel Marilyn Audrey Nay daugn car 01 Mr and Mn Ellwood F4 Nay Barrie and Pm Paul MalWiden son of MA and Mrs Anlhuny Marchudon Shnmy Bay were married at noon ceremny ln SL Marys Roman Calhoflc Church Pink and while gladloll creat ed me background uttlng or Eh ddlng conducted by Rev TEADITIONAL GOWN Maj Mania vinmnmm pro Ild2d the organ cmmm ncuoou or vnAchch kunama llll ll lOlifl Oflllllo WON IM ll MA In NH Pink And White Gladioli Form Setting For Rites At St Marys MOIH or low AMI uAG trained PRACTICAL NURSES URGENTLY NEEDED SHUM GRAINS ION OUMIMD AFPIIMNIS AIM NOW IMIIIINQ AND IlWAlDINO Hull UK IIOUVIUMMI I9 ISIUDV IN SM IIMI IMIGH SCHOO DWHON NO NlClSAlY MIDKM I00 AND OUIVMUH SUM For DCCTIJIIS OFFICES CLINICS MR AND MRS PETER MARCHEDON mHON mm Mu POLISH ART COMING WARSAW Poland ANThe Pollxh llner Bnlnry docks lnq Monlrcal this weekend with the most valuable cars has aver carried the flu major collec tion Pallsh art Ion abroad 0n hundred thlrlyJive pleas prloeles Icuiplure upulry melalwork and painting are to ha uhlhiled ln ImamPhila delphln 0mm and poulbe Detroit And other US and Ca nndlnn cum Alter Ibo honeymoon Nu ram Nib mi New York Sm the coupie will reside on Human St NURSING HOMES PRIVATE DUTY NURSERIES INDUSTRY Ellhim Minimallimit DUI Illll IXAMlNll plus In chad men mm imam plum at Wth Mom at mum md who may mind both by IM mp mm be gvn m1 gniudhlooph Photo by Elnth Sluflo Burl Exnmlmr BARR