gloom cast over the town Wednesday mnrnlnl 5m when was learned the 0th by accident of Elnlnc my Cudlon In M1 1311 year only daumwr 01 Mr Ind Mm WHan Ganlion Elnan we student at Bantlnl ManorIn High School mm and was popular and much lwcd by her assoclalm The funeral was held lmm ho AndiMn Funeral Horne Rev Thoma Grade Mind the services lnwml wu In Mount Men Cornet Pall beams were John McClain Ronald Cranky Larry Grnye stone Pater Mk Jame Doyll and John Boyce floworbenrm4 will Splchcr John Flack Karly ormd Gene GenMd Simmon Menzies Randy IAMm Gtrry Home Paul Feohnly and Ron Ild Horne She la survived by her parenl und trandpannts Mr and Mn 011er Parry Sound hmmas snown DISTRICT NEWS Toumham omen lasdluto Wore onlmalacd ll tho homo Mr and Mrs CHI Abrams with 29 In anemiaam Rail call was Inswcrad lntradudnx Head and our Wm loomed by prcsldcnl Mm Dawn Hm Maillon pound Lhu menu two Vlmsorcd day ramps at uhlrh 7H and 70 chlklren enrollnd Thu Canadian halo mailed milk or cm Mn Mcdain reported In detail Lha bu MD in My Mrs Robert Thommn read an addrou and Mn Ken lhomwn lamented Mn Gmc Hell with In Insutuu pln lekcslone Khll Innbnll team Has been rocelvlng cun gruulallom Ior wlnnlmx the 10m Lcnguu chumplonshlp 1m Mr Abram mom We of lhu Rev Ind Mn Hell and Maxgurus mmmer vacation in Hell mm mutan Plum An Insmulo moon MI nl well irnvch lhn Abram hnvo lahn hmumu mum Clmdn were nlxo shown Nell meellnu will Im the In Wednudny in Oct nbor ll lha hum of Mrl Mntllon Mn Clnrlxlge mm wctkmd In Wlnbor with her Ion John and lamuyh SHHNTY BAY HIE BAMIE EXMIJNER SATURDAY EEII Amu madman IM Mn Hnyu Vlllml HEY and Mn Home Own Bmml my week ConkrnlulHmilo Barry Kunl mlmllllllll Most modern Drivan llllhuy ll II mum By MM WICE Norm Toronto NEWS OF TOTTENHRM TODAY SUN 7552 Paul Newman lslla er COACH PRAISES ORO GIRLS TEAM igzlllmul um fllmll Mrs Abrams read In In Me mm by RM Evans EJL based on Psalm 61 cnflLILd Live It Up min though throung mu that 111 christian no relizion mum and brim4 who um mlrrlzd Saturday In Brnmplon WM MEETING The meeting In begin lb 311 and mum studies the WMS oi Fraser Presbyminn church wnahdduzmehwmolMfl Marian Mm Thaw Mn Humile and Mn Maillon led In devotions Mediation mm Scptmbcr edition cl Ghd Twigs wu mm by Mn Davis Tho upon at Fruern 75m wms annlvmuy ha been forwardcd lo the synodieal pm mum or publanon In The mag Mm christian hose rdizion mum mmeLï¬lnz to Ith should 1m By MM BERT MULHDLLAND Mn Addie Black In conval escan from badly sprained loot She spenl are with her man Mldhuru Mr and Mra Frank Mulho1 land Mr and Mn Fred Mul hollund Mr and Mn Pol 1111 cskl ï¬ndy Wendy Ind Tom my Gango Mulhollmd and Mr and Mm 13m Mulhoilnnd It ltndcd lhl llmryMuMhnd union Planter Villain Black Creek on Snlurdny NeIrly 100 ullcndod 1mm Iuth pines 1M Angoch Grimm Sank Sle Marla defl nnnle strand Ind Tomnlu reunion hfld every ycm LADIES HONDALL Mrs Helen mam ro covrflnx mm an operation In Danie hmpllnl Mrs maul Consmbh L1 also pallem them hnurntulnfluu lg Hunlerl Ladicl Sollball mm 7de by Mu Gonna mm um mm the loam Mm in ha 11ml New nnlpz 51de slroud im hm bull lam Saturday evening ngnhul 1m hmhamh drund lirll uhkh hnmght many laugh lnma mm erdoyod the mm In plain wall In In Denney hum of IonL hot hum for IonL hot dnm em MM tnMod 1h ovmlnm nlck Hnmlkon lulu anln MulbolIm lod Ilnl Ion me Conch Len OErlen shown with three star player Nnrmn Leigh 1le played Ion Hold and Just right the lMImI mm Orlllll llox Olllto Oponl Ipm Show Slam Dunk STROUD 323 DRIVEIN THEATRE 11 MO By HELEN GILLES Mr Ind Mn Burl Baldy 01 Wash Dairy Bar have added Potta Du Oouhmmod to the Wing very mum wan Mn Mum Well cl Tomato Mr mi Mm Earl Be iew aw co Wlmim may Visit Mr Ind Mn Dave Whit and Duchy Mia Judy 3on Mt lhh week lo mend blkshm Ieaehm 0911 Mt Visllm lo the Beuhdurlnu ha latter part 01 August won two mm the Franciscan or der Slam Mnry Arm at Cm stunt Sprints and Sister Imidetu or Monmo Bay Ja maica WI The slm my dm home el en mum And Wm entertained by mg Manure 1mm Mr md Mm D001 Ame and My Im WW IUJIVwwlM cast Invinz token her Ankle run in II Mm IQ the and at the mum Mrs Ann amuldmld and El mer Brynn In motor to wu tam 1de his week buy Um normcm mule Mn hurdmni 911 fearing tag lynvip Mm lhrold Palm Port Hope and Lennon MM Noarasue also Mn Eloise Beecher Regina wm west II ho hum MI 1nd Mn Pmy um Elli and Jean Chapman and 10 ï¬nd chk Penuth hive cold their lo ho Dr En mpflon anlé on Saturday Anyone Who 13M la adver UM lhoir Ice ol hulncu on Wat Mt In October may do so by mam In Illcnd 900 or over vpiue In Canadiln Tunkl Asst chum Cotwmflon In anmvcr FY mum deulll mind the cumm nl Commune or Helm Gillies 1h nm Oh dam will be unnamed nod adver Uslnl mum 59m Mini mm Mufllbemmdltdenudl Mn umdy ll mu conï¬ned lo her how lly MM HANDY Mr and Mn Whlltl ngpmdp 1ch onL Handy mi Snldvr mm Mn mu Preston rmvcdnl Alter mloun lIlnm Annmer mvlm will be hcld In Knox In ln church ML Al pm Nov Summon lormrrly ol Wulmlmler Church Hum wul woler And Junk 51 nor will he nololal IMPERIAL Starts Wed much In Anne McEvoy nec onddmo Ind Dorothy Mame right lleld The reculvcd the winning trophy tom Eric Llna of Dro Station WRSBGH BEACH WVWUWIMVMRI¢KIIIMVJNI mun MINI MMHWUIH HUMOR WWW mun COMING SOON CRAIGHUBST mummqu uumm MWHAIUIBVDU 00 INIHEWAWDMT mm mum summon smmunu 1mm 51 mm qulWlKJIEK4JIEJIG curmmm mic1 JBIWDQWEWIWT Seplembor ll loll Mr lime Over 160 of them will be hold In Onllrlo Oro Coohlown Ber rleElmvnle Beelon Ind Col llnzwood 1an3 many tram our columnan ln allgndence The lulu have homespun Illvor personal touch and my choekud hue that Tornntol ONE cant touch They ldltourlelves pride If you have garden you ll come Iwuy lrom the lulu with In Inleer lly complox ylrd wldo Alter teeth the produce Ibo ouun heve growWhen you no the lovely metchcd teams poms Jumps hlcknoyl pall mlnou you wont bellevo lhl Mr Ind Mrs WM Mom hm named tmm visiting Mr and Mn Bill Moon Ottawa Mr and Mn John Malia Mary and Mn Damn spent the holiday woekend wich Mr and Mm Will Moon The Amoki family mnlan ms held Sunday In ï¬llde CoxmmMy Park Mr and Mm Thoma Amoid nttcnded the anniversary party or their twinlaw And daugh terMr and Mn Hamid RI bmgh Saturday lam wad of Mend Ind nelzhbun Itlend edatmehomo Mr und Mg Jujjqfl Shawn Mrs Wheeler rm mm Mme from St Andrews HospL mi mm maxi SmfoveEchc weemd 11 and Mn John Grange in hrgmo visiygd M13 By MR5 NASH Mr And Mrs Lloyd Spence have relumzd mm holldly Np lo Kingston Lnnnrk and Ottawa Mr and Mrs John Burn and Vincent 1nmllv wem ghulr wcekmdjueflg Anniversary mice In the United munch Sept It 730 Mr 0mm cum maker Ind mednl music by the hair Nm Sutton bome mm Royal Victoria Haunts Rom nle Sttvhm patient in Farm hmttnl with third de ma bum rumrod In In oc cldnnt whtlo walk on Ken Wiltona firm Plan Err bdrm made for ha mchro In tho lull Member 21 1m Dy MM FRAWLEY Mrl Jerry Stephenson vblled rimd Maxim Mr and Mrs Nchlrd King and ï¬rmly cl Totem spent he weekend with Mr Ird Mm PhllKlnl Mix Ilelen nlchnrdxon at New market Ipenl Sunday Mlh Mr Ind Mn Brook Congratuléiinns Ind Mrl Wmlnm McArlhur on lhl hlzl on nguhtuj Mr McLeIn ll conï¬ned to hulpilni Llul Glenn llrtlhet hid mlllorlunu lo have hlI hand caulhl ln pulley on lho IWllh er ll hll hnmm mulllnx ln bid cul ll ll hoped when lho hnndnzu remand wlll hlva lull un 01 Ml hind he Womenl In Imulo In nmlndod of lhe meal Inm Scpl 2L II 230 ll thu hlll Khan in Bradford nr lour lhu pncklnl pllnll lallnwed by IUDPN II mlnurnnl and Ihorl huulnul mull lhl ham Mn Jamel flllcmln Coma Ind brlnu lrlcnd Ind dont amt In Irllcll or flu dignity ugelufl flue Link 1mm hrld lhelr mun nunlou on Ibo park Bur any 31 MRI DWIGHT NELSON TOUR MOUNT ST LOUIS Homespun FlcWOI At Community Fairs BOND HEAD HILLSDALE MIDHURST Hy MARY LEA uni MM Lama mm ms 1Mcmsrm Mrs Gemude Plukney spent harbor Day weekend In Goderu 30h It the home hot Mm Idle and Mn Plnkney prediction that harm will he la me In the next few decades lhnrwell kaep them in was in failure an no what they look The quills rune hendlcrule Ind bakan display will mu our heart awefl Youll mum at the llvuloc ee the ll when echwlc ren ehnw enlmale nlscd cared or and traineipersnnally You mag even mloy the pllch ol the ml way and the smell the hemburx Ind onlons WI good place to lhqse friend from outlyln communities that you Mr and Mrs Gemgo Gould Park Mr and Mrs Waller Kor chuck and on and Mr and Mn Dunndnl all at Torvnw were balmy weekend ml Mr Ind Mrs Earl Carr and Mr and Mrs William Corr The anry bond held Lhelr Ill mmlnn at the home of Mrs Ken Barney Illd decided not In open 159 library Sept 11 that belnl air day RETURN 10 ENG Mr and Mrs Alfred Spany and daughters Small and min Id by air Sept for their home In Brighton England hav lnx spent umweek vacation hero among ï¬ends 0n ha we 01 then depamwe Mrs Atkinson emmaintd law Mend In their honor Mn Fildvy entertain ed in honor Ulnda bmhdny hm supper PAHENCE on school opened here were don to bmlnnm reniserln Then one new cashm ths year M13 McKInMn Evzrw rtplnclng Mn Doug Mnh who rcslgnod Word was mowed last week the death Gordon Patlenco of Geneva chin on Sept In his am year Ho survived by his We Mae and brother How ard at Denver Culo mm Cookswwn ho my the Ian of the Me Gcarze and Emily Patience And was deceased thls past July by er Mrs Msc Bmwn of Salt mus meat He was an uncle of Miss MIMI award Gardiner Glllard and Mn 11 mm CookMm ms Myra man has 65mm nposillnn with ELM School Band teenalarm Cooksmwn uhuol United Church Sunday School nlrllAholqrbdly Sync 10 AUTUMN PLANS the UCW ï¬rst mccllnl tho LI ladle were present Mrs Cowper preside The Full Rally wax announced or Oct 11 Ntmon Robinson wedding lo be cnttmi or In Odom loan supper dam mch iho program And was asslslui 1n the warmly period ML nnlney Mn Curr gun Mr Wright read volm and 1m duced he npcnkcr Mrs Gram Mair whose epic was Tho Christian Woman was an 5r Nov 11mm visitor Iho ham Mn Lewis Included Rev Dauzlu Gnrncr Arculu Sash Hï¬llllumm idfflnflnurumrri lIIllllIIa IIlllltil ll IllIl¢Ill IllllllIIlltlu Illa llllllll NEWS OF COOKSTOWN NOW SHOWING nn aeo once year at tho In W11 you ba 100 yam old ln M71 11 an the Onmlo Cenlm nlal Plannan Branch are rely lnz on you or lumeona 1n ll communfly to let them know no ail enlor ddzem who are look In back war the pgst century can be honnwj duxlnl Cmdll Centennial celebrations Enjoylhe bennulul Immu bloom that at their but now Autumnl chilling hrnath Juslumnnd the corner Last ya killing trust cum Sept Mr and Mrs John Imbrey Ind Leonard Retina sash Mr and Mrs David uwrle Hamll Ian Miss Olive Beach Guelw Mr and Mrs Jack Johmtnn Oshawa and Mn Coullng And Missze Marjorie and Roberta Pennung Severn of our townspeople pullan in Allisum hospital BRIDAL SHOWER Mrs Mbert Gilmy opened her home Sept when Mrs Mdly De Monlort and Mrs Donnell entertnlucd mlsccllaneou 51mm fur Miss Paulcla We brldclobe of Sept 10 The guest honor received many hmutflul 31m PRFSIIYIEIHAN WA Eighteen members Wm press nt or tho Presbyterian WA meeting at the home of Mrl Archie Currie the pruident Mr Dwinndronduded the war ship period Mrs You was in dram the program givinl paper an childhood dellan cy wilh the topic being Children in conflict Next months meet ing will be heid at he home Mrs Hayes ANNIVERSARY Prcshytcrhn anniversary viccs will be lurid Sept la ll Mn and 730 pm scini tho morning by lho chair rho awning quartelin from Long Branch wili assist Boy ScouLs and Cuba will have their paper drive on Sept 24 In place usual thlrd Saturday due to me Mr thnds In due country wlshlng to can lribule hm drivcs mum Scout Mustcr Joble Riley Congrulumlom to Barry Mb and Bubbie Johnson Mm won 51 and em prim rosvaer at um juniar plowing match hcld recently on the farm John Iloblnsou in Teams Abovn NuSlrvlu Clumrl Evnry Mondny at 800 p111 SPECIALS JACKPOT $28000 SHARE THE WEALTH Admiulon 50c RCAF ASSOC WING HIGH ST BINGO rllyMRSARBATES MrandeGmdeuhnre MIWWQMNW 1ch to on Human INDUCTION Mm Zion Weflm mammal numded flu in Emmivice qt Mgllce bunch In Simmer Mien Rev Hmwm°d mm era hearty welwme is ex ended lo Rev Ind Mrs Hou SM and their dflldml 101m tram be Prsbytery LAST TIMES TODAY ROCK HUDSON IN BUNDFOID SUNNIDALEZ CBS Sepia dunked me beaming iii6hinui Ilflllllsm mmquunm also MuTmeTmï¬ï¬tï¬Eï¬ Â£52 2w Surï¬ng GRAND ME 01 Myrna lorrie Mac Wiseman and other Grand Ole Sim FOR Pry 3555 7266480 Sponsored by Optimist Club of Barrie Proceeds for boys work Tues Sepl 208 PM hetero the killaié atch you 34 BARBIE ARENA Ilfllllls Talill is coming to the ootmu mac PLUS 2ND FEATURE 0mm on our slua In In Temco Room lmmzz Now Incuni the lib ulolu launch of Meet Yulu lrlznrll when QUEENS INTEL Fonllnuau from no pm The Dawn Trio EUNDAV