fPUbliC Views Treasured Collections As Preview To Canadas Centennial Illl ANNA mm mil Cathy film him num nl MinIm An Imqua mm In bnAm mill MW ml 1m am mm mm an aww Th omen Her Sim United church managed 00 pro duce show scmnd In none Many of he pmjccts have taken mnnlm to mmplctc but the LHOKLS ere nppminlcd by man lhan 1000 persons wha attend ed the show Thursday nflcxmon and cvrninu COUNTRY STORE The Coumry Sloxe was out standing even In its early slagc of cnmpchion when If Exam incr rcpurtlr arrived on the scent on Wodnrsday afternoon Ms bmhhc bl activity The amen each one knawing her specific duly were buxlly cn gazed lnching yum joilirs nnd pirkks nnd Killing candy jam or adding yet nnmhcr ouch In an lnflvhlual display The munlcr shelve and framework And many ll lhu illm display In lhn counlry slam were mmd during was um hunt In the uni ol lexs Menl Wear Slum on Dunlap St 17 Mrs thn Craig along wIUu Mrs Warmn Wilgur Mm me In charge he More um Ullillgd with hrlr llsmvmzs Justin Lh humry Sims mm an Important pan In the 11m 01 the early mam so When group of determined woman an 0101th anything can happen lncluding lnrgbscal ed wmum the size me his Barrie Antique Shaw 11y EILEEN DIXON Eyes will be on all kmndinns In Centennial year In the mean limo lets take closer look at Ma Canadians in our mm cam munily have done as preview at Canadas Ionhcomlng birth favorite meeting place yes lerdny allcrnbon just as It was so many years ngn Member THE COUNTRY sum was MIle NWT balm Inky II MM chum Us an MW Mn McKvao WM It divu lw Mm Mvn VnUlifll nhwn In Mn Charles MvNivm pm Idtnl ma UCW 51M Um opmnnnn molved mm local mmst 31 uvrmhonung Mrs 00x and Mn Mchn along with their commiurn mom btrs Lm wamm ho Inked behind the sccnl and othrr Counly and my Irsidrms ho look un nzflve pm in the shmv me to be commended fur 1me inc cflorl This show nmmlod every one in IhL munly un oppnnumty la lwrn mom mm he tumult who helped establish the com munlly ymm and um ul lnwrd isllon to urn lmk he mgr nl lime nnd no how how people 11ml In thmc early ycnrl Oohwncrs Mrs Earl Cox and Mr IL charm wore mum than pImsm will the while response althqu lhy ndmiucd they hadnt realized muld be so much wnrk when lhcy umlur onk lho mnvcnorshln Huwevcr Buy In almndy looking onward lo next years show The thing that Impressed reporter was he act that he waan Mm Look purl In present lng the shml smmcd to enjoy every moment 1L Fifsj ShovaHas Historical leue Visimrs could purchase hume made breads cookies jcllies plrklcs herbs samplers calico dols old ashiomd candies cheese lavmdcr sachets and pot rmrri 01c Mrs Ken Mc Kcnllc and MN An McKnnue Wm convmm Mrs John Craig and Mrs Warren Vngar WCIC CHOHVTHCIS amused he Iniercst of many viewers and was on must ouvmndlng exhibits 1n the An Uque Show of tho UCW are shuwn nbnvo wcarlm nulhumlc coslumcs they went about lhcir duties ham Ia are Mm in mm IM wuninl in nmlllumlrnwmlluu Mm Iktplnyn lwlmkd In lanvm rm Her mlqm Milt mar milMlhn ml mm mm low lry rm UVHFMLI 11w mwrnnnn nwmhm lhn rvnmruwnn ml Um cum numity NMNII cm him 1m hml ml Um dun Mil ml flu annm hm mm dlvplnyn mm n11 lvrd mum and mrlur and MP1 on um lumldml Mm butu nnmmm lnmwl hy yuan uimlng In lry Imw mull pm In multan IM 1er mm rm ark mum mm mm by MI Iwn IIlo WM memly um durlmz um In and In 14mm an In riw lmi lwlal Iv wnnrm Mr lnrvlm lvmnn hrr lrl IN ml 1er Imlruw Inauqu mm lwnu Mlle IIiik lemy ml My own Inti mm lm dim um 1mm WK hm In Mp mm III my 114 In Mom bum COUNTRY INN lhv cxcrflcm coilecllnn n1 1mm UIlrlcn pulnllnm nurncl ul mun vl mudmy mg and Him won many wu lmnl llshlrmn Hv JIIIMHKI um mnrd hy Mrv nnd ha llamld Nulmd Ilarrln WM klmlly loam cutlmlnn Im Hm mow Arlc Znnsmm Mme 01pm 11m cnnlrihulnl hy lhn rungnumlnn Inclulrd many valuable lunu found In MUG or dared In hunks Mrn MUM Sailor And Mrs William Evan on In rlurgn nl Um able dul lnx llm lemmn lllllIITN IAINHNGH 121 there in the unnum textile exhbu Milth Included quzils bedsprmdx shawls tab coma samplcm nnd hundwuv on unthuc nnlclm One lhu nmpim rm dmflny win flown ovsr mm Scmland for he shnw ml was Lu wvvrk Hunt Knn urcnlqzmndmmhxr 1ka 10 In the mm The braulilul piltc at Mark has hem men morn nnlique show In Edinburgh Old cdmod ran Mm VLbba alum mlllclwn and coch glass Man by Mrs George Imxslnflc wcm also dus played an lhe cm Me at MIL In additwa the dim May of colomd elm wore fam ily mm of 1mm glass Wncd by Mrs Sam Steele and once hr mpch Hum mum 1mm collec Iun illlnm nqu llknm sun Included an lMcmslinx look Inn on warmu um In the Mun and rullor rm Wncd by Mrs Sam Steele and once hr mpch 01 her grandmother Mrs luhn Duncan This included live picw uboul 1890 vlnlugc ina Imsud Chicle design Th6 unique dispiuy much nnici bark is the pmpmy Mr and Mrs lame Whiting oi Midhursi Vihu ml hand in humor qucbiinns posed by adults and chiidrcn Next ihis diy play were home brusscs coiled ed by Barrie lawyer Rowe Mrs Howe Was in tharge of um miiccilnn hich niso in ciuded other valuabie antiques handed down in the family term Fellowship Hall mesh were reeled by UCW lmusumr Mrs Archlo Ross who was Ming m1 mm floor lcnmh gown omplelo wim busLc In the hall are cohe llom of valuable lmasurol Armour mmsunEs In nu them was nolhlng the 11mm mimd In their attempt pmvido visilnrs vzlh ViLW of the past John Craig Mrs Bruce Huh ray Mrs John Rodgers Jr Mrs Vnrrcn Vllgar and Mrs Quinn Examiner Pho tos mm GOES OWN HUINOS MRES Human The chevran suddcnly lapped nl lho lnunrhlnl ho Amen llnu lrnwlcr Alburmlo Thursday he vcsscl an lnlo Ihn wnltr nml Ixnmulinlcly Iank The elnhl men nbmlrd escaped llh only dunklnz The msmmcs by mem bers mm In chmgo Mrs David Pnunr Some mo urea aliens lmntd or the occasion hml bean carefully packed any for young nnd many hnd been hnndul down mm mother he duuxhtrx rnrngvmml Mary ml PIOHCII and William Jnnw Ml hm bï¬m Inmunc hy lh mm rIMI wr rnu ML ml Mm 1han Aquinas Fund Trurn In In luidranmnr me bquL menu was In tharge Mrs Drum Edcy and Mrs 11 Juhnslon and Iho mshrs son were recipes made famous by cook or Slmcoc hum ly century ago The menu In cluded Vesprn Turkey Shanly nay Ham Portage Bnknd mans locum Honey and BlsculLs ColA llngwoud awry Crisp Lo name just cw COSTUMES Imklm rumam to next years Centennial Show In 1h almosphm typlml old Simeon County Country Inn xucsls enjoycd built supper vhlch lcaiumd food ol the COM ty The Smh Thorrm clock Wm ed by Misses Gmce and Lnum Young 1mm had i4 rightful place on the mmmL one of Lhem the Country Inn was set up in the rocrontlon roam blah was aummflcally decorated with antique mnsurcs from he home Mr and Mn Jnck Moukman and Mrs Bell ma muo iimn tor waxmrli during tho antique show How ever Hwy managed In Ind moment for the photographer JnhnMn Tlmo To Plum OMmly Muml Olcronnllh Evomrunl Jun Aulvad Flom Holland CHOICE SELECTION OF DUICH BULBS BEZZANIS NUMVJIV numm Tm TRIO womm abova NOVA SCOTIA WEDDING wmm fnr msmrul war Mm realm 1mm Mrs John AM UN Mn Mr And Mu Main UN II thn Sh mnlc The nmrkuae Ml plan In his Iumuwulnm ommlnu ch Trum Nov saw at an errmum wmmny 8an II Mrs Frank Kimmy still In the has Hal the mu cm ncc on In June wrote hunkan hrr sororlly sistcrx Inr hrlr muny klmjnussu her Mrs Judd rmd corxospon dcnce received durlnl the sum mcr Md consisted nn Ln anUon mm he Tnmnm group In attend luncheon on Sept 21 lhc Weslbury 0101 Mr Jchn Ross vice prrsidrnt of Mn Sigma Phi be he lunchmn Sprnkcr FALL CONFIZIKHN The Dcmflmcm ol and bmclnpmrn Cnnltr vncu on Nw indurlu d15 cussirms on wbjcm of hurrch lo women lunchmn and lash lan LIIW Members 01 XI Bria Pi he Exemplar chaplcr of 11cm Sin m1 PM Sammy Journvycd to Camp Borden Monday cvcnlng hnld um ï¬rst rnguhr mac lng the 3030 at me home of Mrs Dan Penncll Presidcnl Mrs Max Jutld culled be meeting £0 orgILr In the nhscnm of lho recordan secretary Mrs Harold Nichol 112 inh carqcily THE BARBIE EXMHNER FRIDAY SPIPTERIpEH 15 1568 More the offle openlnx Mrs Charles McNivm lcn Ls her best toot forward In hm boots hue Mrs Earl Exemplar Chapter 0f Sorority Marks Session At Camp Borden WWz WIEGINS FUHS flmlc F1dle 71mm wlm mun Ind nlll turn only llmln clan Im my ilurI iwuumwuur Am RIIUVI Ill up lvlorflun 1n lull In llunm InvII ml MrIv HM Immun nIrAImn Him ltulh HIM nunlmm mm mumlo Tn qml In 1mm in MI ï¬rm hr MM mm nu um day ulll muluMN ï¬ll 11 krrnly nmh IHml mlml zrcnl dolmnhxm Jun Arllrrllnmn nml mulhc HWY ll lumnrruw Is your blrlhdny your hmnsmpu lmllcam mm uu um cumnlly ln nn excel fr msnlun or making lamb Hume 111nm Slcllnr Influences are not mume fur ndxicvlng lmmcdlnlo Iznlm In olnwr llnnn ml or occupnllunnl mnurra In In runsmmlxm nml rnullnn nhnuhl he mum or Hm ncxl lhru mnnHu hul plmu cun rlml nuw nnvl Inllmml up cun Nxlrmivmuly Muan luring extri Irnl rmulu hcluvm and Irh lï¬ Fnrxlm Imlnnds In mmlnry llHrmM mo Inn Med lnr nnl Juno Augml nml Mpmnl ml nxpccl 100 much of Saturdays mornlnx hnura hon you may he and with some obsmclca In your plum wilh cnnscrxucnl cnnlullnn In nucnm In Hm PM Improve mmMcmhly Ixmwm and you should um nnly salvo nll prnb Irma hut 1mm nn cxlrcmuly annynblo noninu FOIL llIlI HIHTIHMY Mm Don Pound program mmcnvr mosch he now pro gram books Festival ol We Pruurmns or the your wore my fly ESTIUILLITA FOIL TOMORROW Mrs Ken Dunomn uyx nnd mums Lomcnll ouil money makin projects or flu yuan Each mcmhcr tuuzht la the moving souvonx 01 hr sum mer hoï¬days Ihtsc wnc nub llnncd on The raffle gift was um Ivy Mrs Jan Balcrshy mm formnr mcmbtr now rm mg in animal IL INK mlunlLLrDJ In aka on the pus 41ml Cour D53 and Crn and In ad as name The lrm=urors 0an was givcn by Mrs Hugh Douclc THE STARS SAY Cox centre and Mrs McLarcn vlcw snapshots of cswryaur gm Cox oczupes ihc busil chu School lllml Clumd IV Your DirkTm NUSERVICE CLEANERS ngll SI Clappmnn SCHUDLS 01 nrly The rhms msl project will be otmo mmlh Tickan wul ho said by morn iéil 5nd Mm inunrsby pEe scnlcd tho um nmgram flnd on lhu Soul POT LUCK SUPPER The Supt 10H mcvung nll be Pm Luck supper at 630 1111 131 home Mm 1mm Niki Members nre romlndld to bring their rcdpcs with lth Prcsmzt the licwick 01 Sula Rye was ml the pm hor club The Jarmcd gmup will mk LG w3h th maria mm Cub whkh was form aigpnl gnrgwmhgrs Mys Pen Mrs Jain Frag Ncwmmrm wiip 21 Minimumgown Diï¬ricl We Opimlsl Club med ns mulling afï¬ne he chrfllr mculng or the Bani Ogï¬Mns Zulu ImurN prcsLdml was MN Chum Davis viceme durA Mrs Her lerawn And dml II II mu munncoru lu MMNM VII lllll nu um IlAln NICE AVAILABLE MIIS JACK MONKMAN Kempenfck Drv lends the tire uhfch was part the Conn ry Inn ispiay Mrs Monk OptiMrs Club Olï¬cers Installed PlCNlll HMS 493 Alllflul Dlllflmm Penn snusmu 553 BHICKENS DYCKS 150 Colllor FRYER AV LBS READY TO SERVE SMOKED Buy moGov on HOME MAKE ALL IEIKMI PERM SPECIAL 2on0 OFF And 00 mm mumm mu um ANNIVERSARY mans dms typical past era consisted 01 11mm or ange bodice lrimmcd with point lace hand worked by the late Mrs George Monkman The ma took prize at many of the wmxy fnjrs Ihrough out the Oounly mlortul skirt and dust cap com em but mume In the pdure are many articles mm the Moan collection at rear SPEEIAL STUDENT RATES UNDERWOOD ltd 58 Dunlop YOUR BACK TO SCHOOL HEADQUARTERS SAVAGE GOLD CROSS NATURALIZERS RED CARPET HUSH PUPPIES Snle senIra Simeon shoppan Ccnm WALKWEL SHOES FOOD MARKEI STUDENTS OLIVETTI 71834 7285339 RENTALS SALES 723