0n Madam it called or 2x lemlan we Umlul leum inner la Mp South Mï¬cn Hum undmnlnlnz mmlc Indium lmpoud Iwm lb ï¬mllh pwcmmcnl ll IL the hill Caxde HELP BOTH SIDES Tho mumil wood pmd food and wholl Md both NM and South VM Nam thmum lbe World Council at thwdm Intumzlnnnl mu Cram Imd Ibo Canadian Filrndl Qulkg 90rle 37mme wxmum om cmTho general council the Uniud Church Canada Wednesdny comicde the war in V104 Nam and also mwmvcd motion use om necesaq In hype atha whim maroan 5mm name In deosia 0n Vice Nnm the council mm the Canadian goveran he make further ttmcments up posing cmlntkm of the war IL asknd um the mom Inttrnaunnnl Control Com mission oi whch Cnnnda mmlberbeusodloseekavlot IInm pom underarm based rem my nadeby Nadon Scum1176m nl mm 1h council minded ha mn pnlhy La tho people vm Nam ind txnmsed nnguilh or Mmdflu lnfllvmd by me V101 Own and by Unkcd sum 939 of napalm honRn 01w d9 union and doloflntkm ml Adm um mm and upon which came lndiscrlml gallon dex and de molmkm cxpmsod deco mow anguish by 14 RemVa as although cenA tux Initially amang tho critics of the largescale American ia dervenlion now have spread to some oi the voices most hawk ish on Viet Nam One rum is that the end oi the war and of tho American buiidug is not in right despite US attle death of nearly 50001 daily bill at this siage 01 about $32000000 and imp commiimuan surpassing the 109000 mark LChurch Condemns jWar In Viet Nam WASHINGTON CF From the time the United States he an its major manpnwer expan Ian In via Nam curly In 1965 ï¬ghuro has been debate In the collnlry on just how la re source can be spread In global pollen work Further as State Secretary Dcan Rusk told tangresxlonnl eommllleo recently the United sum ha some 40 delenca pact around tha world In any Anne wouldbe aggrqu gus Viet Nam 3111 $32000000 Daily WESTERN CANADA LA Homing warm dry math 33 um We lame east ltl Awkl Ibo mm and onlor yum Alumnum VlndtMI ml Dom mm For wllilmn mind In Miami anl DMCUUNT the purcbm prka up Unmvd Gum mm n1 llqmr ndvana or humiliation lbohnl hr hmry and mm mlm not In drink MRI Sammie cl Suh hoon dumbed US Mlle 1n lmd South Korea Formou vm NnmAusï¬Alla New Zea nnd Um Humminch patellim the Us moluuon asking the Vall can to help Unllcd 0mm mLs 510nm lat Into Aniola wu also awmved by ha council 1m Mmm mammal MM mmls UN Madam Alrican munuy doc not flow mhlonurles to ream In the mumy om Hwy but Ht 11 mm ban to nvemomc Mn thancit by fth yin Mn thch Sfmw 011 Human 230ch Church Ibo mined pmed 111le mnhuma rollgmflnu pm 1M war in vm Nam the drugs war II hum he and Inn Smllh declamd In illegal gmmmm In Moduln which espodnlly him mm the black tendon lime CALM ELECIION BIIAM Rev AL Doul er Ma ooola 110 Saturday gunch demon In Vlct Nnm sham and urged that law tides mm 301g Ihq um inflow In deosln In 31a Nm my police salon unden he U313 Nations the resole Al harm cerium 011w lnx nesday session Rev Rrlford of 1mm necro tnry Ihe lnLemannal alfaln cmmduee uld theta would be ï¬lo1t diflcremg between IL Wammmolnw Wendell Johnson opposed Mansfields wage anon on ground um would antennae Subsequently in movn re flecting some the name con cern Sunni majority lender Mike Mansfield and 12 coi icngues prucnicd resolution urging the United Silica in start hauling mm Europa mm 363000 American troops Iiili re Rusk Is cnnsequence was recalisd or iurther questioning led by Democratic Senator John Slcnnis Mississippi Ind Stuart Symimzlon Missouri who displayed uneasiness their rtcards of iirm support or what tha United States has been doing In Vie Nam mould suppose hat the absence or defence treaty congres slunnl declaration er US mul uuy presence grunts Immunity to ugresslon Rusk declared RISK QUESTIONED AID FLOOD VICTIMS TORONTO CF Luallnn flood victims llnva been Elven At 13000 grant mm the Cana dlnn gavunmcnl nnd $1500 grant from tha Canadian Red Cram ha Red Cross unnnunmi Wedncsdny In ddlllan 11 can luppflu Me bclnz ur wardm In tho Ilrinken mm mm the Red Cross wnrehwu 1n Hon Kang The Ihlpmznl In valued at 35000 Thu decllnlnu U9 gold slack of about $13300000000 cauld be wnlrontcd In Nicoly by thori lerm aroan holdlngs at Amm can dollm totalllng some 27 000 000 000 Meanwhlle the us lrnde lur plus lhrlnklng becausn war Iluplred prosperlly home Ls runglnz up the hlll far lmportul Am Thu United States In pay cholaglcnlly vllnl stand prom lsu to redeem every oumand lug American dollar or In aqulvnlcnt In 101 France West Germany and other have been cam ha mm ywv um am pm SEE YOUR DEALER LINED BELOW mm In ROOFING BULLEYIN Symmton Slcnnls and others also are wonled abnut tho dal lnr drum lo magnmed by the Vlelnnmesn war that tho United States has virtually wrlllcn of campaign to trim this out warms 49 Em Rd 7h Ham AI nnd DAIo 7164466 mm lullnblt mm mm no my mu mm Alumna Iwun lmbelud um durum vmbo nu ALCAN alumnum ew lnb mm cum mdlh no nullul As my up up Punm 11 Lou III anml Illa lvllllbll In MID nunv unl lmuh mu mll luv In mll III an But Fuck more than the avail ability Amerlcnn mllllary manpower Is Involved mm lnflatlon factor Britain to alert paring its army oi Lhe ilhlna at asterinan dealrcd pace deprive the West of disarmament bargaining power wilhihe Soviet Uniwn and lnIIame West German earl ahout being lei In the lurch Mansï¬eld has delayed action accardlngly FEAR INFLATION mu Prumn Ivum um Aumlnurnlfl LAP loch Ind mm dim MM um luvMun mmmw let an mm mum mm mm For Complolo Rooï¬ng Produm Comm dieled temperam CP BALI MING MILL HLLMDHLE LUMBER mm ml ma mum Muth Mun Mu mll Inn HI lot blunt Avnllnblo CO LTD WEAKA AmThe Zambian ovaran mendared Wed nesday to mmm demand In mu face ol tho locond mow bnlunz nrlke widfln chm week In the mnuy copper industry leanmmm ml hi country broach bor Mlnbm Munu Sipnl He Trust mi mi AndbAmdmn Com In view at me Introduc lion mu nIn pension nthemaOdJ the mmm hm reed la 0300000 payout from the pension um run by mlnlnz companlc ho Faun ScIcQHon Arid Wdfmer 13 Friday FarecastT DISTRICT wznmzn thu énlnrla Lake Erin NIth lo northeast winds 18 In as knot becoming nunhweat to 17 knots Into might My cloudy Lake up ré Varlnblu winds 11 la la knot bmmlng geitcrly 21 to 21 km tunlxht Links Huron Genrllnn Day Northeast winds 15 35 knots becoming northwest 21 lo 21 knot by dawn indny Variable dgudlnm mu wlmuw £1710 nlfarnoon cloudiness Northerly wlnds near 15 and Halllmrm mum Eastern L35 WW no mu HM dny NM mm near 25 and Zambian Miners Win Pension Deal Iave Scour so mm mm nl Ontario Mm Sllmpungdmlhn In mm In Wn On mu unwrw wumem um glen Bay Windsor quon Ton lumen asnnvw Friday wm Ammmmzdomwl mmmmm Wm mmmnmm mdfhNMWusa dam ammudem TORONTO 6P mm Issued at 580 am mmm may Oollrh MARINE FORECAST 72mm 7166505 SHOW IMPACT 1h hungan hrushes Ihesdayvnlï¬itts bum mound the casebook mum coroner WEIS You could hear pin drop said artist Mex Jnnvicr re lzflom during one houMnng We felt so much pm police and oymen am with cnuhflinzmwmess WAWA CmIndians Wm I0 moved by the ï¬rst lnslBl mult cl WoJeck new dra matic whï¬slon series that they plan ask the CDC to 59 We Ill azrcod mm the CBC and ask them Do dww It awn said Mrs Jean Good thI native Summownn mw edeml emponce here She was In that watched rany the story of th frustrade that drive younr Indlan to violence and aukide In bl aw Jana dwdy with new or flurfles of we WW and cold Mud min 25 0am Mainly sunny with afternoon alumna Very cool Winds MWesmly 15 Forum Tempmturel Low mm hllh Ndly Wlndmr 45 66 them White River coch me Mostly cloudy with show Momma Math 15 to 15 ea Bay yaxrfly swim Nam any new Wojeck Series ImpresSes Indians ZFoRISALE seeing much McCLARY EASY RANGE Model 5C3 opener STORES 0J3 Elmrlc Blnnlm OHoovor Blond Ollwn Umhnll SOD 02 Snow Tlm TLC USE OUR UNICHAROI OHoonr Blond 063 llamle Blank Smfllh All 01121 mac Ont had many expe riences In comm Emall ï¬lms also North ern Ontario native and now repomr In Indian News HM the scenes 1n Wojeck are per dually way at Me or In dians just of mom mmwnsamolpfldein mm on the acting Tm IndiumJohnny chno Tab om and Jean Lahnche Mo hawk Irom Montmll Cm Manoplayed Mot Yam wan the mattered Oilkmlny Inq Ian as Mir Min idea to keep MZucb bud may Hoover Chanr OSunbum MIxmum 05W Joe Lnnd who moved 1mm remote Northern Ontario reserve lo Winnipeg 5331 found che show WW city had the impact of ma exmï¬emc St Commas Toronto Peluboroush Klnmon Trenton Klllnloe Muskoka North Bay Sudhury Eamon ï¬aults Marlo Kn uskanlu Rh River EASY CREDIT TERMS PICK ONE OF YOUR CHOICE FREE FREE DELIVERY SERVICE AT ITS BEST YOUR CHOICE FREE WITH PURCHASE OF RANGE imï¬mm PLAN asaasssSga 4s 61 THIS SALE IS FOR FRIDAYSATURDAY ONLY Sept 16 Sept 17 I966 NkCLARY EASY DRYER MAKE MORE POP cannula manufacOurm pro duced 24191092 zlllxmwof drink in July an Increase 01 per cent over pmducflm In the month Ms year the bureau remM Wedner 35 Iliyjmz CANADIAN nu HUNI F05 MARKETS An 11 member ICmadim trade misabn ta hvesflgah auxWax potean or lumber in WI WWW mm wmq ulnav Mmk Mu Israel Cy pm Gum and My 31min SN It Intermed 1n the magnum ol the four mm mm AH M15 Canada 5735 WWW START PEER MGR One of theï¬nest Canadian whiskies this country has ever tastedby GILBEYS YOUR CHOICE FREE WITH PURCHASE OF SPARTON TV OPAIR TC SNOW TIRES OHOOVER POLISHER OLAWN UMBRELLA TABLE BUSINESS BRIEFS mu to mtrqduci Lweekw 1mm OHoonr Cm 0pm OOJE Ellml Blink OSvnlmm Elclrl Frypln 02 inow Tlm TAC YOUR CHOICE FREE WITH PURCHASE OF only be service between Guam and Europe Onrfllat date 9mm mlxed passenger cuyn union will be changed to Allow the NE Ms to catty ypfoloo009poundx RADIATION NO PROBLEM ViCiORiA CF Conadal Industrial radiation accident record in exorlicni ray tho assistant director or medical service for Ontario Hydro Di irewin oi Toronto Nes day said there have been no deaths in recent years and vii tuoin no aorious exposure to ionizing radio on He was lpeakinz to the International Association of indusiriai dontlfloordr ism oi hi present moo pom mg pamngeu DRYER um lmnun 716M