Not Godd At Figures But Has Her Number Dnr Ann unders You have problem It is called xagger atlarL When Loo Angela Heart ache complained about her daughter in laws dirty house you replied all the wmmn who mom to me on this subject ware lined up lhoy would reach from ndwrage lo Amarillo The distance from Anchorage to Amarillo ls amoxlmtcly 2150 miles you allowed an feel of space or each complain lng woman 1575000 womm could 11110 that space my nicely MOM llw Anhnr 5mm nanuwy Arrldmzlvqt ul 0mm Inw mlval in 1mlfï¬ Tmvlvy In um um urlmn p110 Lt Herman Roach Austin Tex the prime recov ery helicopter crew for the SOUR DRAPES Kma mm txAmNéR mm midst Pilot Lt Arthur Dacge Runnels AN LANDERS ADVISES err ltnnlnl dnpnlu mu unnn Inm nhvlnh poor pnulnl mm Mrnllld Xunr Hum llvlr 1m lllM Hum Wlllhln llnprr hum Ilium lfAMnl fully lulnnlnd lnlnil Ihvlnhli ml hmuml drmulnr lnIIJI lml HI homl Ind II um In HI mum III III lndly ll 71 Inll nnll llullllly ynur hnnln Immrdlnlvly VREENEHE ARCHBISHOP CHECK COPTER FOB GEMINI RECOVERY NEVER AGAIN mum II nmlhlon 21n mlian our He was urlmmul hy Mun Ilov II flank Hmtl Anglkml lflmnla All Canada 101 MM GOES WEST figure that Mr every woman who writes about 11 pmblm here are about thousand who have it but dont write Since you are apparenLly much better with ï¬gures than Am please DIM just put in new typewriter ribbon so Im going to fly my darndm to use out the punishment ï¬lms 3an hate llu ink gm my 111ng Wfll you take 250 lashes with your old typewriter ribbonor do gnrgle my gartemD Mlle cg Gcmlnl astronauts check the engilw oi heir trait on the deck of he amphibious assault ship USS Guam Their assigned task is to pluck the Ilmlyu rukln ou Danip rmnfm 728651 hm imitrrey Mold p17 clam have minions mum mm mm ulna nl nn Mm Nuflrim Hy all man in one or rvcn tw mm 1le llnMIIml lwlmlw unulrnL mm In In number lain and not 11 lulm Mm um dodorl Numb Won this he ethi an dont want make an mrmy HM Hm doctor It the ï¬nal MuIfld an buck In him What your mlvim1Mcmlrny new Ann landrm My hut band and haw been mnrrle In slx ymm have no ch11 dun wont lo wry Iino doc lnr Ilul wk and be old me Id have In Inn mrguy ll In Ign IamIIyl You mlte like whma lhmkhuz in ram 50an he mmdmu lewd mat Lu Kcm your wlu about Toots nnd dont go of your rodent and marry om me birds DH lflUDENT Drlml hm deï¬myl am In when mwl and have been dadm mm Icllows would be ashamed have my paranx met any arm ol Um IIwyd mlnk had ï¬lmch Mail have Why am al tracmd to the unpoIIshmI we 41st whn are poor manage material Wm me out lntm Dmr concerned Men am Is numde in young men bhull ho In ixglmduca In her melts liflmngly sum51 5M nbdlmz like poutlnz child This probably phase mm MAW W4 Bur Ann Landau Im girl brought up by cultured par cnu who have him morals and good um have been exposed tn extensive travel ï¬ne ad mmic and manure My lather one of the citys most pund nem civic lendm You would think that Id bo dammed In young men 51ml llar backmmmd and Interests Iii Im not Err some mange msgn am 51mm to crude WW7 Evy if sigma very diffmnt from lelmeknowllthlaxmnwofl the howsomewhat PSllllamguiltydwu sum the use you are equally slimy understadxm IL just learned Lhal the distance be Im Alma and Amarillo 3496 miles go Ahead and gargla 3mm 2mm Bub JUST POUHNG Rememberlhls number Ocean Thursday and mum am to the deck he Guam AP Wircpholo by cable mm USS Guan astronaut from PM Tammy he Atlantic APPLES ONTARIO NEW CROP SUGAR 13 BAGS ONTARIO NO TABLE PEACHES CIGARETTES OCEAN KING FANCY PINK FORTUNE MEATY WHITE YORI HOUM PHONI 7260 Id DUNLOP IT OVEN ALL DAY MON TUE WED THURX 1A1 1106 FRIJIDDV BUEHlERS 1151 mm PORK HOCKS FRESH HAM ruxn wocKs LB Foil 88c BBEHSTS VzLB TINS livamnz SIRLOIN OR WING cnoxcs mm wnamansl leB PKG POTATOES 2801 Tim Only CHEFMASTER MHBGABINE PORK Hock AITCH BONE REMOVED CHICKEN 35 FOR Lb Bag For PKGS 0F 20 FOR MUSHROOM 59 ONTARIO NO SNOW WHIIE USA SUNKIST SIZE 180 TISSUE SOFTRITE TOILET ENCORE BETEBEENT LB BAG FOR 125 GIBLETS ORANGES 29c CHICKEN FRESH BEETS 0R EHRROTS ONTARIO No1 Moll Pak 12 GOLD RIBBON FROM BUEHLERS 10151 FOR $119 DOG FOOD bun Sum SIDE BACON 19$ IUNCHES FOR