MINT JOHN NH CPL Irrmlrr Imu Ilnhkhmll fnnirmwml Munich Norm mmm mrrhrd ml at the yolk In mmm hr okrlim Mnnduy mm mm lln1n um flair John Cily nut or 1er pally Dr Voyman halal M11 um nnly hm Hum Im in Comrmuw horn lcUuigm Iifll MM wi mm not on er Run 73 unkm 0mm and flu nm 1man lnfly Irvrulm Io mum ml In the Nut rumid mull no llIflPd mm CllUllCll ANNIVERSARY 0n BmL 730 rm MM hunl lnllrd lmmh wtll bold mm nmvllnsnry mvim Md Mr MM 11 KHPM wonkfl Mrs Hnlanny Mu KimInna lml lhn chmr an mmnnnl tmlnl mmlr WA TING nm Smlmulm muting rl um WA wm MA at Hm MM cl Mr nnl Mm Wall ulx NI pleamnt amny mmw ml lhrEr hum Snturday cw hm In honor or Mr ml Mn hnrlu Trlurndm who wm IMHIRI rmmly Mr and Mrs wmm Drug Mn and lama 0m mnloml In Iiinann Labor DAY wrkcnd Alrx 0m rcmnlna or lell mm Mn 1qu Mrs Prim Oliver ITIUN NB Premiers Rolorm Program Survives Test Th mens Institute will mm Mn Snlsturyl on 5511 15 Roll call brinx mmh lhlnl you had on your weddlnx day Emyone ls nskzd lu be rzady wlth current event and to bring an Hm lnlcrorl or he chdmunir nook Plan Ml be made lnr cmriu la the Darrin Fair Mr Ind Mm William unions have returned from extendcd holiday in he Marmara district Thnlr dauglncm were 11715 to 10111 thch wllailc at the caluie Vdclllnlrinndry hu ï¬ne In St Catharina la enroll at ank Univmity In lb chum H1 wmflén Vii surrounding cammunllle are 1m viled to hear the lal up tr Mm swamp WI NOTES knzratulnliom Mr And Mm William Coward JL on the MIDI of their ï¬rst mud childv BM Vlllï¬am Aug 30 Mr and Mn bonnie Cawani Tatum to are 11 parents This alm the ma arealgrandde or Mr and Mn Wlllhm Cowud Sr Unllcd Chumh Women met he hm cl Mm Franck WIL llama Sept premium Mrs Vurntcn presldm Plans were mud or during the church lunher repairs also cm rim or wedding Worship saxvice mm Included Bible ttudy and discussion was com duclcd by Mrs Sponnnle Octob er mrcllqg will b5 on the Mill Mr and Mrs Van Dam 11 anuc 5L were Sept gums Mr and Mrs Wurl Icn Mrs Wurslcns aimr hu nturncd recently rm vial lo lhcr nfd home In the Nah land CHURCH WORK Mnny from hm jalnrd friends In Craighnrst to shower Miss Mary Ann Icdlingham with gm prior to her marriage tr singsong directed by His Mrry Jane mute and winr ML Shula Crnlg at the plum the Jl were presenw Mrs Mur ray Groave and Mary Jane rstcd An inlmstlng note was lhnl the deli Aug 31 was tha blrlhdny Mrs mum Irlnmh gathered at lhn ham Mn and Mrs George Bule Craighursl la prmm glfu as Inkens of Mondahlp recogni tiun at their life In Daislm trble lamp and oil palnllng were to Emma am George boudalr lamps la Mary 21c mud wde to Jlmmle 135 wishes the neighborhood sin he Buies In whatever their next venture may in BRIDAL SHOWER own 111 Unllcd church In Sept 18 at 11 am And 730 pm Rcv AllLson Hlynu will be In charge assisted by Ihn chalr Them vm bg spa dal song service In lho ovenlnz Nm UCW are planning mutimas bazaar Nov 19 anch yuur nowspaper or more By MRS SPONAGLI FAREWELL GIFTS Mr and Mrs Evelyn Goufll accompnnlcd Mr and Mm Ce gfl Punsmora In Klnmounl Fair Hwyl FH to TflE BARRIE EXMHNIR WEDNESDAY SEPT MI Mr and Mrs visited relatives recently ycd llshlng In Saul SL9 giarla on the hnldny weekend SIMCOE COUNTY NEWS Pw an Masa By mus DUNSMDBE My MM NASH MIDHURST CROWN HILL DRLSTON Gmld Kenny In Rochmer VMr In Mr vid Melcnll and unllywiflx their parents Mr and Mn MncPhOJsam ME andVMrl Eilflndhorsa Gordon and Sheila Toronto M1le Wigwam Domliw Miller and Pat Pound who we married SM Bilnd nrg vultbc Irehnd Mn Tm 00mm 1m week vhlted bar brother OHzl Imn In Phelpslon and with and Mrs Ndson Moore wan to N12 chmd Mrs Roy Mde entertained at mlscellnneou showr last week or Mrs Jim momma Mm melvcd many lovuy mad mggul Kim Mr mï¬vhlu Wawo Really hnva moved Into tho farmer guns hrme By MRS ETURGESS SHOWER Mr and on family of Virg Mrs MBar low Flint 1mm open law day with lhclr aunt and uncle Mr and Mrs Elank and Mrs William Davies have relumed lrcm Ddhl after spand Ing week with Mr and Mrs Ellis Visitor durlng the week at Mu Momeldl were her mndchfldren Mn and Mrs Amy McCaLun Jhn Monï¬llan any Debbieï¬tword Kingston Mr and Mm Way Gail and Helen and Smrmn An demon visited marlin wadcry ovgr the weekend VISITORS Mk Jean Maw Totmm mutt Lbs weekend with her siy lerMrs Black and aka vis ch her mother in Pendant Homitul Em ell RM for day ngrlmllurnl tour 01 the Scanï¬mvinn mnmes Poland and Russia dï¬anbd zunomm woun SCHOOL STAFF Slzfl Foles Hill Mr mm princbal Mk3 Doreen Urry Mrs 8011mm MN Edam War 3511 mn Mrs Nash mmied by Mrs Roam Ooum Much vm new ed by Mm 1ch and Mn Elma The ladle accept ed the Invitation tv Join SQ Pmll WA at ododch St Pauls Pixsh Hall Sept Keep mhd lilo rummage sale In bu held on Monday 02loer Donations nrmefufly Accum You can Ind malnlunlncu wonlu Ind mm your ham Ipuhlin wwhh Kalm Alumlnum Siding You Kllm dulu will wow you ulccllon madam colouu unim 20 ym mm nbla aumnm anh lddl In to you home Winn II comn Io Alumlnum Sldlna Numlnum Deon 01 Window you Dll lhl qUIHlv you mm mm Kllm Ind Kllm dnlm Conwll your yollow KAISER By MR5 MONTEmI from Kalsor Aluminum Sldlng and Kulaar dealers Alhlonbn cad Scnbowuah Onl You gatthe quality you expect KNOCK ALUMINUM Me Me recde blah dny mellngs vln cano mm wxhter Dyroibywmrk 1m 11an Sept Mr and Mrs Allen llllllcr El waod Mr and Mrs ll Bell Miss Bella Miller Harrie Mr and Mrs lvan Spec and sun and Mm Mason mama In Mal ton Scpl In no Mr and Mn PAL Poland nee nnrnllly Mlller lcnvu by AirCanada or two week honqyrqqnn lrclpnd Mr and Mn Bruce Miller and Mr and Mrs DouglnsMc Master on the holiday week cngi nnuver district ends hm and It Ease Borden hm wellknown augment were shack cd and saddened lr Lhc sudden death Erma North th spendln the we HI the collage of hl brotherMaw Mlndbn He and hi wilu had vlsllcd frlcnd here only two wggks agoir Mr and Mrs Ivan Spccrs wen guests or the Labor Day week end at lhc cottage or Mr and Mrs Man Parks Beaver Lake ERNIE NORTH Joe Vllsa on an Monday or Landau whem he will Icnd Onlnrlo Vocational Centre Mr and Mrs Ivan Spam spent the weekend with Mend In Mu kaka Mrs Earl Biron spent the weekend wllh her syn and daughterMaw Scnrbornugh with Mr and Mn Elwood Jen nett and Heather Mrs Keith hicvancl and Mm Glen flush ton with Mrs Hamid Arnold Mr and Mn Earl Cochran and daughter with Mr and Mn Gar dnn Cochrana Fred Green ior onto with Mr and MnwBeri McLean Mr and Mn Ken Suth crlnnd And Gary with M11 Guam Wilson Mrs Ffllku Cameron and family with Mr and Mrsi Earl Raid Robert Coultcr Majnr Sash with Mr and Mrs Elwood Jennett Mr and Mrs Ed Bum Toronto to see their grandmother Mn Geargo wflsnn Huathu Cunninz ham returned Saturday alter months trtpio EC Cunnhttflnlléis laVRuth Steer and Jlm McDLrmoll who wen mgrrled Au fly MRS WILMER WILSON rHOHDIAY VISITORS Frank Hill Toronto with Mr and Mrs Jame Mn Margaret Phnlr and Bob Spur Hug Pm Orcdfl with Mr and Mn Jannett Mn Lucllla Cunnlnzham Toronto nvne WWW 112m By MRS ALLAN MILLER IVY UTOPIA REG $30388 NOW SALE SPECTACULAR our THEY Go mom Zcm Zone FREEZER holds 100 lbs 00d FROSTLESS Automatic REFIUGERATOR Iulhvldth m1 shelves hill width glass crisper oovm shell Eullhwldlh plastic aispcr keeps fruits and vegetables garden res Plague egg bucket allplum ice cube trays Dairy bar with lb butter dish Mldod mngrwflc gaskets on both doors 13 Cu FL DOOR All FROSTlESS COLDSPOT REFRIGERATOR FREEZER SAVE $3010 ON SILVERTONE $1500 Mommy 528388 NOW REG 25495 Porcelain lined wont rust stain or yamw cabinet shelves fullwidth door shelves Julco Can Racks Su Wan Construcflon BAR FOOD WARRANTY $11MI LABOUR WARRANTY 0N COARRESSOE AND SIEA lYEAR ON ALL OTHER PARTS INCLUDING LABOUR iMnani no DOWN mum wn AM In All ml In nod lmmodlm Mlmy II leogvn Mn 4le Fully automatic zig zag 25 pattem discs Automatic Blind Hemmlng and Buttonhollng Lightweight pmtable OURGREATEST EVER sewmc MACHINE VALUE REG NOW REG NOW timid11mm the Man how no need to Adjuu nzaln even Mr mm on om an Wllnul 400 Monthly CUSTOM ohm or bright pholoaharp $13995 with re $29398 15 Cu Ft UPRIGHT FREEZER HOLDS GANT 487 1135 FOOD COLDSPOT QUALITY KENMORE AUTOMATIC ZIG ZAG SAVE $4007 CONTEMPORARY STYLE CUSTOM lOWBOY 23 TV Immumm mm nugget SEWING MACHINE 100 Monthly $700 Monthly 599 $26338 $22495