Iqu winl mlonu ngarm ua Angel Flrpu Tlu chn Inngor who managnl lo knock Drama hrough I0 mm WM Nimrod nix llnm In he very In wund hrfum bring llauenvd for good In the second llnxlmz am will mall Ulln mm In In apart his lnry hook Fnrlylhroo ycm Ionlght In 1023 JM Dunpnoy mfullv wgrld hqu rmnhl nUnndn BOD SHROPSHIRE Ia back In hockey but not an MUVO player The 34yoarohl Orilllnn who ended goal for he lopsla le conch no Orlllln Junior en try this winter Fonnrrly known the Huskies the union will carry the In of lholr ponsor Slock Hm xun Llnrl Iarrlo Sports hlvo Announced lumen nlnn or opnrnllon or one noalmn Iva club nro rx rod ml la yo In llm Gem Lm Hay Junior wlm for 1006 07 Iwy nrn nalvo champion Parry Sound Hnlnn wicks lrnbplnm lnlshor Penman llunlnvnln lnn lunmv rlllla MN Cnllingwmx 11mm BILL LIPAGE 20yearold Midiami youth L1 making most ambitious move In two woekI lime he dcï¬mrls for South Africa to play hockey in four team on Leinge starred as highscoring loft winger lh tho iencmng Huron for three reasons representative oi the South African iiockcy As sociation WM in Canada inst month and held tryouts at Lakeshoro Arena Bob Davidson and Jim Gregory of lhe Lea or anizniion selected iivo inycn lrom field of 40 on LePIge was omonx 050 invited to head south oi the equator The Venture L1 11 fulllimo operation they will have regular john Iion with instructing boys in minor ranks The South ricon hockey ICMDH insis nine monliu and the our club tiny inlernotionai rules at the MOOmt Wrmbiey rin in Johannesburg A150 making the trip Dove Park Coiiingwood resident who pinged Ionior hock in Syrncuse last winter and ion cinter youthfu dmnccman who Iknicd with Gait iiomeu oi the Oili Senior It loop While the revised schedule necessitated by the withdrawal at the new Toronto entry has not yet been released Shipbuilders are tentallvely slated to on at homo Friday Oct 14 against Onkville Oaks ey hit the mad two days later and renew their rivalry with Guelph Regain last years 011A cham ions Eulldm bowed to Regal our stralght last Mm but made good nccount with close ames Guelph was in the new recently when virtualy their entire execu tive resigned However they are reported to hm sun vivcd tth financial crisis and should have another ltmng team 0n the hockuy front wonl from Coliingwood notes that Shi builders are working hard to develop anolhcr canton ng team member of the new nineclub Senior cimulg last years Central Oninrio senior champions have maichod stride with Barrio Flyers in summer preparations Vic Charlebois has an expand ed executive ready to face most challenging season with tho amalgamated leagues mmmu no McCONKEY Barrle native whose brother is an instructor locally welltravelled lndlvldual Oper ator tho ski school in the 0kmagan Valley com munity of Kamloops BC brother Jlm teams up with famed skl ï¬lm producer Hans Gmoser for many thrilling Lrlps through tho mountains twohour program of sid films will be shown this Friday night at the Snow Valley Sid Rum Ali in terested 2mm are invited to View them for no Ad mission arge siming oclock The films which are 511 plied by Jim hicConkei of British Columbia show ling and mountain clim ing expedition in the Canadian Rockies shot last winter Two dozen aimny games needed extra innings with 106 decid by the narrow margin of single run The intensive coweï¬tion has to date posted 103 shutouLs with 18 these finishing with 10 scores Wlth hockey talk running high another indication of the fastappmaching wintm came across the sports dusk yesterday morning call from Jim Stirrup of Snow Valley reports Lhat the skiers are chomping at the bit WITH 330 TEAMS chasing 21 Ontario titles Pick ards statistics had 121 still in contention as of Sept The huge ï¬gures had 474 games in 67 series qulnng thin and deddlng contest PAUL ROWATS Elmveie crew aremaidng asuc oessiulrun at OASA Intermediate honors alter bow ing out locally in senior semifinals After that dram atic zone final 20inning marathon win over Williams lord they have their hands full against Merlin the southern section winners The Hotelmen will travel to Merlin for the second game of their besiotthree set this Satmday after Dan McHugh tossed tinwhit shutout at home in the orener This series could deveio into genuine ptehlng batiie as the Merlin sla duo have come through with some big ones In early round play Merlin knocked off Alvinston 810 as Ivan Guy who relieved in Elmvale lest Sun day tossed nohitter He faced just 28 men and set down 20 Alvinston batters on strikes Gary lilifliin who started and lost the decision to Mcllugh also was successful einst Alvinstnn Ha tossed onehitter and collect 16 strikeout scaips Richard Lunacy who pitched briefly for Larry Woods Stewarts ï¬nd this season 15 leading Zephyr in Junior comp flan He tossed fourhit shut out and claimed 17 strikeouts against Elginburg in early round action Newmarket who were knocked off In the Barrie and Dlstrlct senior semiï¬nds by Stewarts then oust ed Collln ood to take the zone title Pegg aubduelled Jim McA llster who performed for Elmvale this sea son in the latter series Pegg who has pitched masterfully on more than one occasion during league nctlvity Queena Park laced only 28 Ajax batters He allowed just one hit anned 15 men and won his own game with grand slam homer By cums AYLon pmgres Rpmt on playom from Oniacdo Amn beur Softball Association secretary LeRoy Plekard of St Catharina nates Mg mom mm two area ulnbmen Dale Peg of Newmankm Plan Tim came thmugh with no at strong night to eliminate Ajax from Intermediate play pl SPORTS COMMENT Pegg Lunney Shine In OflSï¬r Playbfls Nrw memo1 1m Alplu mumunu lrlml IHI lllmlllan ID 3mm llmlnrk um um 0mm nun Mlllrr Anrnn cm Carly 10 lHIIMIflI on IID will mllomI Elli HM FACE IV Ind inn hr Hunll tlJIJI Fun In 50er l7 Dfllllhl ll Aml llnlrnlnn Henlh lnl Ilu Igll nrnllemm In Elamll 10L Ihlll 000 IMMIl II III OllNIlhulfll hon NW Vrrlmnlc Known at qu 1D ml ImL Irmplc anklml 1110 mu llll IlIlIWhlll 111 Allnnll 00 HOIBM Null IMOWMD Joluuan um nml 011m llnltxmnn mu Nnnunn llermloin Early and Hnnrlluy llrynnlflln Illm All Turldly Imnn Clntlnnlll ooommz n1 Lani womena OToole Dnlelsnn In Nuller ml mm In How Iluuhu and OToole Dnvlllmn I12 Nullnhnvl ml mm tr 05 Iluuhu DI and Mc Cnnrr llll Cln Julunan 11H SI Inï¬ll Ilnclnnnu Houslnn Ilmbumh San anclsco Ihundclphln Mlnnln New ank ChicKn ï¬nxglu Pllcmnx In Mnrlchnl Glanh acnllcnd sewn his or his 22nd victory as San Pram chm downed Philadeth Phil Me 14 nailingLou Johnsun Dodg mdnm In our runs with two hamm In Angola cum New York New and mallr mm lhdr Ilagame load In the NMIrmnl Imguo By THE ASSOCIATED PRES The lead lntcmlunged several llmcl dun1m the ulna lnnlng game ml lmporlnlEastmnn lil cd protest wllh plat umpirs lnxk Kemvcu lu um film when 02m Lled the mum at Ime Peter Shomcod slafl ed or InverinlEasmxan albu nineweek nbscnm and only lasted short while Ne re placzd by Laurie Wheeler wth one gum In the will anu lho mo oven It Wheeler had some difficulty wllh hl changa up dcllvmy and was tagged wilt By THE CANADIAN PRESS Extrabase mu wen plentiful last night alQucons Park Olnrkson Howl created dead lock with mmï¬alEMnan in the best of seven Barrie Inlet medime samba chmnplomhip ï¬nal The Howhncn who died in the burn and inn played benh on the last day the regular schedule nipped the de ending Champion 66 Mb hava won twice wilh the 1th outing wt for 730 pm Thurs day at Queens 1m with Barrie senior and Ln exmedian squads In Ibo Gem San Bay Ind 0mm Ontario emu he bespectacled fflldfl has made the first all 14mm or xix consowflve seasons Last year he WM an asslszam cnptaln withovenUps Mm the locals were dimmed by Collingwood In the mnHlm als Robertson was invited In juln Shipbuildarx as they strengmenui Lheir lineup fm tho Allan Cup playoffs Whlle the Central Ontario Grandma mm muted four straight by Guelph Regal ol the Senior FWD mason was standA out on defence with many Ive Checks Weeks bu been with the Bar rie senior for sovml scast Artu graduating tram Mnlo Clarkson Evens Round In Protested Contest rdes whh him an impressiv mmrd of all momma The Barrie resident was th em Domrim ï¬lmin champions back In 1953 He has been ï¬ermarm fixture on the blue th Barrie senior and ln Medan who once played wflh Hap Emrm Memorial uhunplon Juan Flym our rdes whh him an Inmesslvn Trio 70f signings EXAMle WANT Al PHONE 71 BALL STARS Nlllnnll BASEBALL RECORD WM ltl IL WV loll Chlcui nloooooooI II llolluu MIOISNlW III John ISO Hlfllnl MI llul hnnfl qul Ilnmnnn 1m bum IIOI Ind yin Mununi ommmI ll llrhnll WONl IVl ll Kflnl El10 Inrlhlnilnll l7 lulrnnn II ll Hrm 11 Men ll mu Brynn It Wlll Snvrrino ID Chlcui nloooooooI II Dalton Ml OilW Ill Thurduh lluulu Wllhlnllnn 002 OID Yuk W0 00 000 UIll nulllmun Detroit Mlnncmll Chlcnxo Cnlllvrnln Jovcloml Knnm flly Nuw ank Vnshlnulon Uoslun l7 and floscborv mu LA Johmun 113 Ml hm sicker Arm Non was he primipal ImpulnIEnslman halmm He collated throw Lin pormllUnz Rayuafl to me Wayne menn had Mmch 01mm night bat or the win nm He scored Moo mm lwn triple and smile nnycrul pair and unaided lwn doubles while Merv Bmlcy con tributed two slnulcs Amm wln grapple rounded out the Inc 111an southpaw Don Mc Fladden survived hard blow on upper ï¬lming arm to plck up Lhe win om lhe nude He was struck by Wheeler plkh durlng mm frame uprising When the protest was Mod McFadden permitted ll base hlla issued Lhrco walks and claimed halt dozen sllikmLL The vnnnlng run war registered duping ho hum hall the snvenlh as Clarkson oaLchu Don Amas clubbed antwt triple and scampmd home on an errant Wheeler plleh PROTEST RUUNG me oblcoï¬on la lhe umplrlng dcclslml came In the filth with the score tied 12 Norm Ray crnlt cracked long ball into lullme near the snow fence Id lleldcr Randy Lacey rated hack and played lhe ball on lhe bounce The Holder Melba um ball and ll squirted loose over the barrier anlng their mlan on the new ground rules brought ln wllh he presence cl the once1110 umplrel ruled double am twolmu error the defeat giving up live flu nigg Clirkson Ms Toronto entry In senlnr league was Toronto Marlhum who wan the Cana dlan championship and the Al lnn Cup In lQSSheir last sew son of senior play Called Varsity Grads the team will be tutored in league with teams ram Guelph Gall Woodstock Klng stun Onkvme Barrie Drillln Colllngwood and ncflevllle Each loam In the circuii Ml play gamu with the first let lorTarnnto 0L1 10 um seasons Tor onto will be represented In sen lor hadiey when the Ontario Hockey Associations senior se ries beginarplay this year Dumau ls weflhm to own jlmlor hockey lollowag Hts Junlorcamrwu wlfllflmstmng Fencing Hum 01 the Geor gian Bay Junlm league As captain and dangem to year and berth In the anomm Junior final mom hack He had brie mm with the nowdatum Midland Hymn in Marlbumn As both winner and mmn the redhead 14 noted for his bum at speed P11 $291 mat Toronto Back In Senior Loop Townq For Jhe Anminn Lei 1511an 55 flll 95551 MUIIC nun AL 80 Swlngu Thll Your School ullh lflllIIrll lmlrumrnl lmn KOOIMII mum mm Ill prlml or your lmdw or ma hm hm Um mm you his Tunllhll lImI Tornnlo at Illthnlund Irhmnnd 000 DW W0 IDO oll mian Ami In and Manl lmmy WOIDMM Llntlblnd Ilnnrlmhln id wlou Slack ll unendu tll Hunlcr 111 Mar 14 and 00 TIHOII Ill llnrmln Culver mt Hell and Iucuu 51ml Ill h04u1m CloWhil Md 2i lnlmulIonl Inn unrnurl Luv Tueldul flunlll Richmond Tumnlo IToroulu Vlumll behavmtn ï¬nal Ind Halley Lollch Sherry and lrtchnn Inn Vennllu DelHarlan 73 Fm 12 Km 600 ooz cumnu mmme Eastimn mm Sunday Inmlimtmm Ill Clarkgmlaoo Ul may at Imp 5cm em Clzflmn Im Barman 730 may Monday Slcwmts 01 710 necessary INTERMEDIATE SERIES Stcwarls Nam 730 730 KEENHNS solo home nm and dmnble with two males aboaxd Jul Hines singled twice as Lacey hlpled or the nights ninth ex lrabaso shot Shomwd and Rod Tumlow managed singles LEasl 102 010 ll Glamon 01102110x SH Shammi Mazda and McCann McFadden and Am flea and doubhe 1mm ï¬ve plate visits John McCann ac £91 for Huron some with Tmmn Vamty Grads SENIOR APMSERMJL mentalSum Flu um oarbet 16th home opener lho new senior setup In On arlo consbe nmalumadon of the Central Ontario and Sen ior groups along with twn new mm Tom permu ing are Flycrs Orfllla Pemb Co1llngwood Guelph Gal Hor MB Woodstock ALhIetlm01k vie Oaks mm along vie Oaks mm WWMW mi Lu lehtl Sewn 0111 Imemman unw coach 1119 local have hut Innerv of bend buss Jack 1M0 IIP °FW°°c last We playoll mm and waged well mm mm While ululgnlnguflnsemm WP Player sends Flynn at In 9°94 WW1 mqn Mlcflxul mun BxchiniShonhlmedwithm mkalmlgihnalorumkeep mcmmm my SOFTBALL Future ulmu Future Game 1L Stcwm Plaza Slcwmts Plaza Plan at Slewm1 II 7n loo hi1 been mulled but plywood floor Ill be Mid dmm or tonighll tum lulu bdrm plum lmflmmnn Momorlu Cenm when Town Maple 5111 he NINJwa minty ltngue bozln 110le lnlw MLMW vmick wrywold va eran at Ihme Mann um um wtu an out Monday bu road Bob Mmh feds wid two day ul rlctt hell norm goal nzn mm limo enm Inn senior rank In m1 Ha vmn Vnrmuvcrn Inn mm his new PETERBOROUGH GP Sid Wamlck Vnmmtrn high yinu Inward In the Mann lcrlcs will to lo my Wm avdd Allplum He wasnt aon when the Vmouvnr club new cast lor Last Mmdayl opener nallan unlur lacrosse llnal exams Pmrbomum Pam He arrived by min 20 mlnlflu be lore Hominy nlml mend arm The bestoltcven mks fled mm Vnmouverl IHJ vlv wry 1n the Hrs name and Pub erborounl wln in the II ond4 resumes mm pm rlvn neu The ierics resume at Rich mond lonlghl Reg Smith completed gearing 01 home run In the elth mm was Smiths mu homer In the seven pinyafl game ha Lents hnve played 3ch Upshaw the secondo lhrce Richmond pllchcu look the loss cal look 10 land In the bottom ha Inurlh Innlng when lhlrd baseman John Ryan nalivc Oshawa sin gled with one man ouL Short stop AI Ighrnr then dnubled acgrlng Ryan hitter by Ed mmm um Eagle TORONTO CF Right hnnder Galen Cian pitched ourhit shutout to lead Tornnia Maple Leafs to victory over Richmond Braves les day night in the second game of the International League vaernara Cpp iinai seriesi Clsco struck out lwn walked nofl 851x pp gulf ginglq Lay Wood Floor For Mann Series Leais Record Another Zero and his own discrolion wodld have an opporlunhy Io ox pnnd his operation Product Include full Ilno of lndlvldunl and group llfu health and ponslon plum Willa Box A34 The Danie Examiner All vopllos treated In slrklnsl confidence Canadian Ilfo Insurance company In buslnass for over slxty years has an unusually lavourablo opportunity for an oxporl qnccd fulllimo lilo Insurance agent In tho Banlo area The con ttact whlch will be otlorotl to the right man ptovldos tho moans for substantlally Improved Incoma Although the Company has an outstanding record of growth It does not hnvo represen tation In Barrla The man chosen for this contract would work Independently would onloy the full Iuppovt of tho Company KEN ROBERTSON Velenn luck JON WEEKS Fm wlnger lIFE INSURANCE SPECIALIST nii Tlxm back In mend plan mm bchlnd Illa Orioles In er American Ltan mnlcsu Boston fltd Sax bcnl Chlcnzn White Sex 1M Wuh Inmon San non edged Ncw York Yankm 32 and Kama Clly Mhlellu oullnmd Claw Innd Indians 34 In 15 lnnlnnl Bulllmnra and Cnlflurnll wm nlncd out They almost did it again Tuesday In Minnesota lhrce unearned run In the end and alter Delrnll had taken 68 lend Zena Vermllu hi home run to bring Minnesota wiflxln run singled Kalina walked and man hlt 25 humor FmL han his 1h lollowlni lnnlnu CIJICAGD BOMIIED In his inst inur auilngl the Minnesota southpaw has surren dared six human but not till Tuasdny did ii mm to mullet The Twin niwnyl tome back with lens though runs to In and oiicn lot mare than engugh hue run homer by Wil lie Hutton and son by Bill Freehan gave Detroit Tigers Just enough runs In post $5 trIumph over Minan Twins and deny Knat his 24th vlclary nnd 31th raw Jim Kaat Tuesday missed golden apporlunily to pass Sandy Kaufax nl Lo Angela Dodgers or must vlclarles 1n the major leagues this year Both have hue run homer by Wil li Ilurlon and gong by Bill By RON RAPDPOIIT Alsochled Pun snort Writer He batted only 259 but many 01 Ms mu were dutch hm and he dmve 1n runs and HM Jim Webm for the cam lead qr mu But his year Jnhnson is doing even better nu aEK¢rlormnce zgahm tha Meta ed his Iv age to 1439 and vaulted hm ahead MI 1965 during The Dodgers didnt unliy ex pect much from Johnson but he did more than most at their all In driving them In the as Spnad 70w Ml oil paynmm ovanly on many mm Mold Navy mldminm hill whn conwmplion Ia Nah and othu uponm an gunzvnlly ham or Call in lodayl By MURRAY cams Imam Pnu am erla WM his en city Hall for Mu Johnson wighaw NIL seem and the Dodge mldnt be more plowed They malnlalned their lead in the cm pennant ms 11le by making New Yor gets behind Johnsons slug ha The left ï¬elder abated two homer and ï¬rm in four mu surpassing In yeul marks 12m helped direct him to City HID in as Angelo when he received mom claim or unupected pm in the Dedi mm mm for the pen mm baldnhmon ï¬uihafled upilo the zen cam ro leniond baseball In an agar geney last lesson ho fill the left Md spot suddenly left vacam When Tommy Dam broke hi right ankle May sgnmygm norm BUDGET PLAN MIC Tigers Wreck Kaats Record chnSOns Bat BoostsDOdgers lpmul HEATING payment unllounly 010w SARJEANTS SHRJEHNT George Scott was the hero of the Huston rout driving In our runs with single and doubly and dropped the Nan to third In games auL Cum Fbodt lwo run elghflr Inning double boomed 5L Louis past Clnclnnall The blaw wiped out 21 lead Cflnclnnnd had taken an Daron Jahnsonl nua Icoring double in the fourth and N3hqmexf In the seventh Hank Aaron dmva In three suns wlth his 382 and 39m homers leading an Atlanta at uck Izalm thaxa that also Included bmm by Rico Carly and Felipe Alon 1m Anieln wn compellflrl Ike won Tuesday night burm Firm remaining zeroes Mk wnnopinn Hous ton Axum and San haw cho Glam staying out with 14 Hump over H1113 delphla Phle In other games SLY Laula Cardinals edged Ch clnmfl Reds Ind Mun Bofnvoa hwnced Chqu Gab LEVEL BROADSLDE The Pirates unloaded lbhlt gwuandrilï¬stoxkvfm Willle arse our with mum fly and mm homer Gene Alley Ilroked our MI Ind Mmy Alon Hm whil Roberto momma dmve In run mm single and double San FtlncJSNI Juan Mui ehal scattered seven Mu or hh 220d vkmy against 51x damn Tito mm lashed rrun dmble ln Um lefl nnln and Willie McCovey sacked 29th homer twwun shot In 0113 any his He nowhn sacked human and drlve In 51 mm Ha mend in dopart mm 0515 mew whn has belted homer and JACKS 300K STORE 7266474 HERTZ Buy Sell Trade ESSA ROAD CO LTD um NAV CAR Eu Road Usad Books RENTA Phona