Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 13 Sep 1966, p. 5

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HAND 1mm mllnNTO WW an WiHIMn Imkm Mmllny nilMn vlnl Ivy Mun ml ury on mm xldlmlm Mu wtan will WM Ilmn nulldiwanl mmlnr on llw name nmlui mm lvrw Haw up In mu vmwm Humm Harkn C90 um lmmkm mun IIMIVAIID HAN IIAHl HIUNTHHAL 1CIlA rlmir In nnndlml Iludlu III In In Illlulml nul yur nl Ilnnnnl Uulvmlly Dr anlmn lmny lhn Ilnhrrlllyn vmirltnh MI nnunml Mnmlny Tho IIIIHI Mm Anwrlrm hum of an mlnunl Dr luwy MM In lmlwllnu mrrIlnz Mn IIMVMII 1qu nl Muulvrnl 11w rhulr Ill Im mmnrlnlly upwvml by as anmllun rum men Mum mulrflmllnul uIII bmilhld hr Amnlrnn mm ndinnldnn ncu pulled INNI UM PLANT PRAGUE Hlmleml Trmle illnllltr Ilnlml WIMm Cmmrln Mnmlny Impoclul mnrhlnulw lmlnry nl In lllmrlnl mm mnr lhn major rl rnv lho ufllrlnl mh RCMP MAKE CHANGES OTTAWA CPIChic Supl Fllulmmonl Wu bora 011 nml annnin the RCMP tommnndlnx cmur In Ioulhcrn Onlnrln will nuumn mmmnml lho one In lnrln In Decrmbcr ounnlx Ilnncr 11ann II Mcclrllnn nn nnmmcul MmrJay Sum Hunt SJ lidnmnlon mid Vunrouven III more In On nrlo The brothers cut tho grass undo rock flower garden and traded new fence at their mm In Mn ha compelmon joinlly Iponsuml by lhe Slmcoe Counly rcnlcnnlnl cnmmluco WORLD NEWS IN BRIEF BRADFORD Sin Robert Richard Jackson of nu Bradford have been declared wlnnm ha HI club cemen uInl project for showing lho Krmlcst lmprovrmcnl In Inrm enlgnnzy lq Saulh Simone MOST IMPROVED arm en lnncu In South Slmcoe bh Club on and centennial compcfluon shown Hub and flick Jadunn RR Brad4 Bradford Brothers Winners 01 South Simcoe 4H Contest ORO STATION 15mm With an the paving Mill Street in approval having been rccnlvzd Hawkeslone mm the Ontario Department of This am of savera Improve lllghways war In proceed menu which have seen mm Oro Council Passes Paving At Hawkestone Ann Med left is allan wllh Mend Kathleen Morelami 10 and her lather anW Cflrkn WATER POWERED mu mumsm mm rmkiriuuuana 17 1mm in ma Wuhan Sunlmrl 7o Imnlmll uvara or an mm Inun zh mlmlc ml Only or um than to nu flux Innmmer Ifan mm Ollnra hunk Mada Jam mm 5mm ML Mylrwum IN HIM Ollnra hunk Math II DOVNH Ind lrhlrrl Ilmwmv Itulmlumxlm wry unlim wmkl vo munnl nuflmllly minim mlnm Muth Mm Ivan 7V nnlxlnm Iryuiy lnII lwr ul Inlmr 1va IDII III In ll I067 Hm Memllrml Arm uh Monday JunAuk lluslrrrl Iald Ihl mm would mmlnuo In Ionrmhlu plum on mum bum mm mm Inllmnllonnl an nnlmwm In umvmuon next year In Twrmln II THE CANADIAN NUTM mllm Jmnu dumb 01mm Frmcall whkh broke away mm the Cnnmfiln Iunlnr Nxmber ul 7mm ln ma will um unruly or HP Minion lo the Inlrrnntlannl or Hufndnfiummlon un no pica and lull 200 mu annucd 0pcer Elizabeth Ilmwn nld an unknown mm told her that he lama thlnx that lnmnd In 014an was 9an lo ham In the TV Iln tlan manly mum 70 Vlmelmll mmha tr mm yam RI Johnn NM Hmlwn Honorablo manllnn Wm lv an Anna and Ronald Orr 01 Bradford Juan and Earl New Slmud and lumerkk and Mlchacl Prim Cookslnwn Runnemnp wrre Diane Cran lnnd of Brntllord And Elimbclh fand Chrbllno Milllgnn Gil 0rd mmfin mopcrallon the HI Club WHJ PREPARE mn IMZAL cmj Ful lord wha received me cham pionship nwmis cut the gran mad the flower beds con slruclcd the once And put up their 4H club slxn here Fran Nicol slnndlng in front powerhouse which arrovides walerpower or mm DEATHS MIKK NEW TALK Allhnush llwir mm cm ram do nut uptu lur mm mvrMN la unlom nuva 9M may at Aknn Almulnlmn In In QM mm new numd If mm Mom hm In mu Or rmm 11p nvrrm lwxl an tnr mvxnym rnn lWhHH In Ankh mu Ami an muuu mum prvdxlvul Ihp nnn vunn mxlmnlm Awrlwrm IAH Mnnday in 1mm ll Mlggrwtrvl lndmtl Inn mun plumini hr llm mnnhm 1n tlmhy Ihnrullfu 11 mmllnz nhruxily nllnllnn mmfllvr mm mm un Imam nxklnu ur 20pm rnl wan Incmu Currm lymlxly mu lnr jvurnrymm m1 1qu In S117 Illllflfil QUIlK CUT nm Iamnil mNnnlml my wllh Ar Thu un Io hkju ngyftrn um cm HHHVEIIIHS PROFIT Camflwll prmhlmt r1 Cnmdhm nrvwcrlu Hd Md he conqmny annual mudlnz In Tomnlo Monday ml prom In the luv quulnr cl lho wr um iml war wu cm mm This mmnnrnd with In In the lam parlor Ind yur BENT UN MINI Miku Hymn CnMdlan vim pderM 0w lnlrrnnlluml Insoclmlm of Muchlnlm uld Monday in Tmnu ho unlon II Menu mnh nulmmlnl 11M nc llnllang now utkr Further In waned mm the Board Tram For mmmlsslonnu and Canad nn National Railway regarding cmxslnn an Concession and llnwkesmnc Mackenzie chic llbrnr inn outlined pmiculnrl Inn to form nuw county ll on ll upmglni Lid chnngn atgheprcsgnl llmo pt 10 was chum lhn nut meellnm biofidny lho data byln mum to pro vldu or through mud nnd llop sign on porllon 0m and ilfla border mad at Elm Mlle Polnl Th wn forwarded lo wlth qua ornappnwnlj BUSINESS BRIEFS Various mad mlllcn were discussed Including lho Mill St paving project lnr Hawkcslune 31nd lnstrucuan zlvcn Mr Cur NEW s10p SIGN WV good than ran superlm tandem nus Currla presented hl road nporu In Septem ber mcellnz al Ora cauadl and those were approved Reeve George MacKny preslded and al so prcscnl were Deputy Reeve Gordan Caldwell and Councllloru Wallace Key Kcnnalh Gllchrlsz and Leonard McArlhur Tadhopa clerk road the corm pogdnpcel An nverhea hri on high way too which would provide ma direct route lrom Hawks stone to East 0m has been sug xcsted While recognized an an advantage there era other more figuring projects which have considered lint it was Hated There are no overhead brid ge over highway 00 In Ora but highway Na 11 mm underi 400 bridge near Crown Hill New Ontario Drpnrtmo ht oi Highways bridge over Willow Creek on highway 11 was an appreciated improve It was opened in traiilc last week end nnd eliminated temporary detour which rlowcd trniiic IN GOOD SHAPE Win Org generain are in slot water saxvices and other road work Including repairs to the 01d may Road which to recelvq mgrg Almullon been busy plane nummcr tear AlIlslon Thu rpm has énmmmm an an null Aympnd IM Embed Tiutm ran Innth Ms VII aim In mm mung wen ll mm lhe rulvnl lun mrnl and mum dlvmon lvnl Inllo In lllxhuy I1 nvur mhlnwn OOKhTOWN anHl Thu 0mm Drnnrlmrnl Ir Illlh um lm nunnlnl nn Mum cunlurl lnr mm um um nn lehwny no TM hnhwny Ml murlacod llvr mml at IM mt helm IMI lawn and MI lm Mailer IMI pom 11m new rnnlvnrl mm mil ml dultnue at well Wllh lwa enltirn In he 50th SlimIo Imruo mud nlxu good uvrmln rim MIMI hm mutll mrlmll umnl mmlnz nlunu nnd ll hm nlrrme Mm nuumml Hm ml plnym rum Hm mu rlubl would nmkc powerful why or 1901 lluwuvrr hem Ilmnu Irelln In lnvor ho nnurkl and nighll mull In Mr npnrnle lxlenllllu Contracl Let For Road Work Noar Cookslown In Glm Gruhnm Ind lob Don er Jr lho Cnnuch hnvn lwa n1 ha Icnxunl mm Eramhlnu ynunz pilchcrl cute or Don Rodrlzuu Hm ll now unending mllllnry collm at Klnulon bl help lo the club and mum nrlnn Nlmlzuan 1mm Marhy Jain nml nulllclllrr nn In Morrison mu Mlh lha lml In no NHL The Inner pair was plcked on lha lanuuo nll nun lnrdlcu ol Inc county lln Ill ml lha club hlu done well Ind deserves to be can grnlulnlM Inld Mr Doncr Itrunu baseball booster Flnlshlng filth In lho regular standing the Cnnuch chmlnnl ed Ivy Lent and Orillln kglan 1n lhe first lwn pllyo round Ind then edmi Cmmom Red Sox lhrco unmet In two In lha Kroup Hnul mulh Iccllon uln nm the Cnnuclu hurl ha right In flay um Icnlur Orlllla Mnjnrl an the mm now in program young loam wllh most of the player null 01 Junior axe the Cnnudm Improved Ileudily he msun progressed and won an ulel bnlllu to lake the honorl ALLISTON sum Wu an very proud the thawing our team and eel thny dcsene due crodll mid Dob Doner welewn Mllswn 1mm and math Million Cnnucks Mr Donu wns mch In the Canucks ncthvcment In wlnnlnu ho lwlhcrn section champlun Ihlp thu Slmcoa County haw bull lenzue ALLISTON sum Them were 218 admlsions to Stcven sun Mcmqnnl Hospital at Alllr on durlng the past month ll C0 DWATER 52am Clerk at Goldwater village Chester Marlln has reported lho latest population this municipality at 780 people Public school at iendanca was 155 up an since llw June term ASK MORE LIGHTS WASAGA BEACH Stall Wasngn Hydro Commissiun has been asked in Ipecd up action an requests or light in IhuOuk View Bench district ml Geor gian Buy village HOSPITAL ALLiSToN Stall Thcru Alliston CQQCh Lduds Ball Club STAYNEII L01 MEETS StjvlAYNleRBl or Mew No ner Ange gs hive been canad to met In their odgmm loniiht Wed ncsday SepL 15 gogvunou driving and malntammca wing nvw operating will be lollowed on $21311 by an lunlor offlms mum which will but slxweek course and ha clerk noun Iva week coy Transportation tralnlmz wing under Malor Ron Pnlu has heavy all Ichedule which flan ed on Sept 11 mph um am rules Integrated transpor tailor procedures courses Thus are two week course In Iran portallon subject an officer nluall eejrrvlcgr $1521 BASE BORDEN Royal Can adian Army Service Corps school has started another raining tum wllh mums In all wings Ind companies selling under way monih Second ytnr aldier Apprent ices started their year long course of military and academic mining an SepL under the xSign Captain Ron Strick nnd Harry Boyd senior member of the apprentice teach in Ilnii THE MERE EXAMINER TUESDAY New RCRSC Training Coursés Under Way At Base Borden DISTRICT NEWS DISTRICT BRIEFS Nlnn Mclmn Ind Km GIL rlulu In duaer horn nhou wmm canton Int rltrpu On which ll Io bo Suky mm mm Ilmtuck thaw and calmcmvnl mu Mm plum WMnIIdaL rhxm cl fly um have Mn nrmnml wlUI wmI 04 Ilsa lur ram ll Her my more than nlm Mm nmthrr will In mklcd Hucan ol admol Inh exhlthl L1 to tch Inca today along with other minor dlxplnyl Hownnl calmlin Guthrto LI dialrman t1 the nunturnout cummfltco Ln chm at In uhool lntr section and member hl commlttca Include Pluto Gonlnn Blduoll Humid min Morlty Imw Donz Wilma Scott mm leytt Fktdwr hut Wash and my Ilium nm ldmt undo wlll lnke place an many at HAL lmmm On Agricul tural Buddy Lloyd Flttvhm In mm nrrnrunntmu amt hll rommfllm Inclmtu MIICHUL SQUARE sum hlIe 1h mldn mtnm L9 lonwmn Oms mu annual lull rxhiblllon 0pm today with he pleclnx oi cmibiu good row Inz 1mm mum better hnn nymso disimu 1mm pro dun marl on Our III in Imu num luau va Dulllll MI lb ulm mm cl QUEENS HOTEL Mm Vm film when Adln It and good any younxlter coming along lnld Hurry Crux In relercnw lo Beelon mu buse ball lulenl Nu by good prospect or new entry next your after having won me Angus bnsrball Inumnment wilh lhc help uperh pllchlnu by Juhn Gould Vo have cams playing In mlu park Ill the limo Nmnnv anV Orlllla he only thr own In the league with two nmrlu the unJar Major and Junior gIon Iqugd Today Is Preparation Day For 114th 0m Exhibition Thu ann Tvlo GOGO comm wmnm COOKSNWN Winner of beauty contest at Bceton Rotary Jambom recently Diana Tuck of Cookstoml has been receiving congratulation In In fiends In men also was Cookstown girl Ellen Drupslecn with Judy Urbanski nl Token ilnm was third did the best crown few In Ron nie Fennnll Bradlord was runnerwp was shown by figures released by the hospital The daily av craze number patient Wu JUNIOR PLOWMEN ALLISTON Stall Vlnner All the recent junlor plnwlng mulch compctlllan Cookslown recently Tod 10th of Alllh ton has been prncllslnz fur tux lllcr honors Hulda the regular contest he also won top placo or bus inished plawgg An aw Senlnr NCO hahdnx Com pany Insuuclora were glvan can cenlrated training In preparation or their first all course liar nz Sept 19 the clerical training type writers have been cantlnunu lhrn Um urnmer will not less an an course at all Ilrnes Bath zroup And group clerk mlnlslrauve come not under way lhls month The nod servlce lralnlnz com pany Instructor under Mllm Narman PEImvruru preparing for steady program train lngnlrL 090k kills medal group now under lralnlnz are the black beretted tankmen who are learning In op eralo wheeled vehicles belore than nrmoured raining Ls cam plclcduat QIafiQAC thool lransparl training school under Major Al Pearson has Mom seven Army and RCAF coun In transport akllll and trade In residence These cumm aho began 5212 12 SEPTEMBER l5 13665 LONDON Jllnmu hem lnry flay Jenkins old In hbnr puny mectlnu Mundny nluhl ha Inland nndlna nnmlrlclcd Inlu of Ihuuum hectiqu lhclr Incronslnz use by umL nnh Tlmo ls avhlrnre malt Janm that ho rrlmlnnl mu IIUIKIIM lntrcnllnx mp IdIyailll morn rnpldly lhan 11ml of Wm hmpom TIHMI SIIOTOUNR Demcll McKay and Mo Mamlslvy nre cIuh laden at the 0m Hi Swino luh which In MM it Movement day on chnuday 50171 Min Jvluunn ll tIub pzmldcnl and Donald Sindmon utmnry Immum BLIGHTY plum BARRIE ARENA munsmw 230 lo pm on Thursday Scyl 15 no loumarncnl was ngcvlju an lddcd mum mun lo bring info Qon villagc bu were Miami several llme regarding boost In tourist trade The new acfllllos were Inlmductd at he Talen hne 17w man and lounge mimics which were awroved by ins Deccmg r15 promote Mmhnm lndusirlally 350 are belng pInnntd With armle pow er availabk natural gas and muniblpal uulcr and other 5ch Im the village is mnsldcred to have murh to ollu certain Lype ol lndmuy 3f the prgvlnce WWW 15mm lenhams Vth parking Hm 12 1n business sedlon Lhe pvpularily cl It consonme pond And also of Sun Valley Golf Club were among Item men tioned to account for rezord tomIsl trade during the past lummzr survey mm also blvuLhQ mention the Nomad haul and recreauon mutual as othtr masons why this vll Inge reached ks share the oodtou ado or this part AL SPONSORED HY BAN MINOR HOCKEY ASSOC TIMw IMIIM 0n Camig SIMw£m¢ cover en 7pc jrw Creek bridge on highwny Na 11 northwest of Barrie Wu heavy during the past few days Built by Arnou Construwm Comany the bridgc was opened last Fri day and slam then traffic has been able to proceed on the highway Mather man the tem porary detour Omenllyi wm Weeding an eliminating mo deiour The ncw bridge mains an appreciat ed inmrovomcnt whim has been commended by motorists 5Hour Parking Boosts Trade Ht Tottenham Reeve ngévln also empha dzed the need for leneral cw operallnn malnlaxnlng good river water and sensualding beaches was manu of can fern to all residents and v1 lora The new iuggesled he Cham Anni mm mm MW um is being prepared which the clerk William Fuller tan is expected to resent an early meeting will will givo authority or prosecuting and panniizing offenders ASK CflgPEEATION Traffic Heavy On New Bridge WASAGA BEACH Stall Fquowtng numernus camplalnu rum reddenla Wasagn Beach Villa council which 11 huded by Reeve Lnngevln has moved to take strung measure to help prevent threat to pol lution the Noluwnsaga River and hopes for germll cooper anon Dumpina of refuse Into the river has caused hazard well as 19an the watnr Coundl was told um broken bolus were menace to safa Iyl4nvu cut grass and other reins punt yn DI river WQSdi Council 116 To Prevent Pollution ImminfiiMManfiiifanANEm Lamar 4m The mallet also 15 to be lak en up with Um Ontario Depnrl men of Realm New regulntlnns making It an offence to dump raw sewage ram boats into lake and rivers have been pass zd and these also will be Ivan attention was emphasized council was anxious to act or lh good They break all he rulesfrom larceny to lava ARLnAI ch will In repre sented the Georgian Bay De velopment Assnclnflnn convention at Lhé Continental Inn Harrie on Monday and hxesdnm Sept 10 and and Reeve Langevln 581d he would Lake up In mat ter of protecting Noluwasaga 11nd other water In the area then SPECIAL POPULAR PRICES SPECIAL SCHEDULED PEREORMANCES her of Commerce might be Inter csled In taking up the matter through mmng cleanup campaign Illa early spring or 1967 The need tor constant et mgect the wnlar also WE slreésed representallam hsd COMMERCIAL PRINTING l6 Bayllald SO THE NEW RUBBER STAMP THAT NEVER NEEDS AN INK PAD 119 Emit Examitwr HHIMWMBIIKWWWWHmfii mumm ima Direct From Its Roadshow Engagement Llrem IE9 NOW SHOWING ZiflflfllMPflESS0NS TRY PEBMASTHMP mun rumlay Knnfl was awarded the Onkvlaw dlslrlcl street 11th Ina contract $300 year Slmcoa County Health unn recommended stepsbe taken concerning candillans around ham xtnble The letter was read and wul be taken up further Fine up $300 nonalnuvld ed In new bylaw given third reading concerning business 11 tagging Noisy parties and nude swim ming late at night were charzbd In another eommunlcaflnn to tunnel and adaquata action Wll muted been made to the Department ol hamper which forwarded letter stating control dumping refuse tn the Nottawaaage RIV er dtd not come under that department and suggested It be taken up with the Onurtn da partment 01 health and depart ment cl public works N9qu humus 645 900 NOW SHOWING TODAY AND WEDNESDAY FEATURE AT 715 AND 25 7166537

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