Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 13 Sep 1966, p. 3

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hllnum llmrlsl mum mmrll good lncnnm rnnuln mm Iuw In pcr can lnmnso lho Slmcm Caunly Mmcum nl Mldhurn high nf 71 NT crnl lnrrcnxo In hllorl Io Hm Olllml Quar lm Museum lenrlnng WAMGA 700 Upper Tmmdn Zmluulrnl Unr 1km angn Ilmrh uhnvu per ml mum llllnu Ihnn lnnl yrnr Thu Irminrlnl lmk Al Hm heath rlprlA mmd one mllllrm hflnu nr lhu cn 1qu 1mm Almiwim hulhmt lurh malnr mm lurlaml ow maul Manon Mullah Allmrtlum unh hanlul Mm Furl Knumhl ml llu Mmkuka Fllllllhln Mal rnnl rrlrm MI Mum 3M lml all um lruxlnm ll lml nod In In yur myon nmonu Muknhfi mmd yrnr lnr vltllnu mm Imrl luulnm up nlmmt In Mr ml mrr Innl mun Innvnl hlnlnm runrliHnn In 11an19 or Hm maul Auuuxl II up prr mu ow lml Amp fllll uhllo vzlllnzmmd mm um Sumy mm mm dnlry Ilqlmr Ilmr um munlwr mil nullrlu Ilmunl MI lnurnw l0 wr Irnl IIrnh aw Mosl mum urn Mg lhl ycnr but Jqu wna lmllrr mu August Pam and mnnnurr Lake Innd Tourist Ilcceplion Crnlrc Barrio mid August wns slaw cr than July btcnllsc pmplo rc Intmboml ho poor Amunl wru lhrr 01 hm hm mo mm and look lhclr lmlld monk Hrlnfl mm Al math rrpum Im nrrmo 01 prr mil In Arm mmlnnn Iqu Imwn ptr mu Inura ululm Hum Inn Imlllllll Figures lamd today by lhe Onlmin Dcpnrlmcnt of Tourism and lnlormnllnn lndknle Cm lrnl Onlarlo lmvel busincsn lhl unson Ms mcnrd Average buslnou was up nl lens eight lo 10 Mr unl nc cordlnl lo lhn report wllh rc ml alum rcslnurnnh and ion to Allan ahnwlnz he lnrxml lncrme up lo 30 per mm Tourists Boost Sales Up To 30 Per Cent PLASTIC BAGS Web cenuy replaced bellies an IN CENTRAL ONTARIO Alwdyionlalla Luis Ilmnn llrurulnq Ilny Wnl ulnrln 1M hunln Illlll Ina ln nmllmtl In In 15 nnrlh ml IlIlA nllrmmn nml Ioulh ml llula rvrulng lJMr lwrmnlnl lmnly ll llmu Ilvla nllrmmm ml Iwnluz Mlll Ha llvmulrrllnnm llun lmd mu ranle Ill mnkl 3m Illun Hm lixllH NT FISHING mm Hm lnrwr mum Inumrn hy Un rml July lhls war In ulnnllwl lllu mm lur all of my Mlnrlru llulmy Curnlvnl hrlll In Almud Mn lelrr nllrmlrd lhln yrnr AM rr 15m quln nllrnvlnl Hm Mlnnlrn IIlr mu val Hnlunlny IV nunMrs mum mm 11 mp rrnl In ll mulrl lunlnm lo III prr rml lnmnw In mm mm nnd lining mum Mnny llm lnhlldlmcnu In llnllhlmun inc lhlp Ammm An lnmnso In cmy cnlcflory the trawl huslnm Mn no In lhu Kamuflxu lMlKfl Camping at provincial and prl vqu mm mm up rr Ml nnd llln Departmenl Trnnv pull tsIlumlrs lmlllc lhmuxh lhu Trrnl Valcrmly In be up 10 wnl nvcr Inst mnun 10 per cent lmmlso In via an mu corded Ill the park Mlh total 510000 or his ltllwll Cnmpmrin Alxanquln lrnvlnA clnl Park lnlnllrd mun Hum 75 000 up lhrm pu cnl our Inst ycglr Sundl Vlndcrmcrn Ham and Lumina Ilcsarc was IndiaMed Algonquin Oullulcm Dwight 5mm aulmllng lypu 01 our In huslnnss rrporls over 4000 parties ml your wilh nn um ago my six lays Last ycarl luy averaged hm In our dnyL waving tar mom successful da Axmlu of Tumult or mood and eflidcnry Lln checks progrm MARINE FORECAST llIurIl JV 321 yr we Illlghlnnlln mm bunr lnw ml mp 11mm Exummrr mixm umml hurtling an lfllllmldlL Cnurlcll rclmr lhu nmller lo Ill Ilunnco minimum Thu mmmmlnn In II IMIrr belong caunrll lnsl lulu Ink It would maul um to hunt mu 1th nl ho mm or Innro 90 Intel an arm lhnl mild accommodate 1000 penplo Thu nnrrln Am mmmlsslnn lnxl nlnm nlkcd rlly tnunrll lnr curly mum in hrnllnx Um DunA lap 51ml hackcy rink numdy to tho lwmr mange llahlna camp on buy Ls ml was dolnz good bus um mu July 1011 mmmcmurnunz lhu arrlvul ol flu 11m sclllcr was an outstandan menu The annual ban cnvnlcnde In tonhmcgloq wllh Um losllvnl lhll hum cm bclnu um Seek Heat Rt Barrie Arena hm all In mII cl nl rumum NI 1qu m1 mm Inmm wmln mm null mm bond nu ha 7m Inn by MU Humm 04 lmfll um ml Ian My man In mum llul In In rm qum lnorlmfl 7h Banlo OfTho Boxoll Dill Illlfll hr llolplnl Wu lcrvlra had an Minna II In In nlnl mm an vpnHmy lnml all Im hml Aanluulldmg HUM lurk nnln In um Illv rm um pnlly llllnlfll wln Irlunlmlurllnn Gluinle whnm Mm mwllvml ul nHr mull wmmlmnnlhlhnlhhlmpmw llmfl IIV llulnumul urlrl pawl may nmnthu 1th Immmllxhvl Im mhn nubmm Illwnynl Mrh uh Mp hul Wu Ilmuhlfl mwlh MI sum lrnuwnml lwnuh Inulmh hu mm unlluu hull lulnlmr ullh Um IMHy In uh nk MM yhnllln Idnlrnly llrrlinvnllrMnI Ian AImmlml III mnulII In wooqu up lmhnx nl Inllmvl lnflmwl Hum uhm nlnlmmmmunnhfl hvauflmk vimpillow smclnlly dllpln ya Ill be Ahuun uu Iurh minus an rol Icrtlon at all Camullnn IIlrcr dnllnrl anuo HI MM Ilclmbn um um lvn hundred Llollnn Cum Human rm um leum npcnknr lhl ynarl nhnw ulll be PM Jawlll pm Idem ha Cunndlnn Inpcr Mumy IUWKMUOH He II mm led In nlu talk on paper mumya nw publlc lnvlml la allnnd lhu show rhlch nu year will hlflcr llum lhn rrulonnl coln lhnw Thcro mo morn than 75 mm hcrl In In mln club Somo Ma Iornlnl In Toronto Richmond mll Orilun Colllnmvood Slay er and as far away In Oua Dcnlcn ram Toronto and 01 Illln will also be presan wllh Ihrlr own layouly lluronla Numlsman Associa llon will held lhclr local coin show Thursday night 730 In in True Blue Hal on High Slrncl Featured ulll be display old larclgn Canmllun and mint calm Inpcr money will also he omdnlior nssoclnflon xpcct 20 or mum blg display rum Aasmlnllon membm Announce New Henlng Snbslnncc Shrinks lilts Mrs 1L MacLaren co chalrmlglol 19 mm blood in clinic 5am mihm Coin Show To Be Held In Barrie Thursday Night in Ihu nimw Ilhlu on Illa calm 1131 ylll be Another Him liirl Maanmn upruscd her appreciation lo the many aiun letu inciudinl membm tbs board directors who helped loud And uniomi in blood and neceunry equipment 0i iho 21 minds most had low hacmoxlohln bland color To be Icccplnble danarl blood must register minimum 53 MncLarcn laid lhc mu lIneups worried 01mm but with ha lwu extra beds um clJnic should he run mm Imoolhly and ellmlnnla long Wu lnr donm rush mm between and mo pm and he Inst donor did not Icnvu lrlnlly ArlgllcmLChyrch unlil 9M5 pm Burl lundl OILLMOURE Mama Blliliméfiilng Pliu Bunch WIOLI MIMflf Ald Fred Smith thnlrmln rlu needing prelnnlmm dlIllu auteur lhtro wont bl In lmmedhle and lo hl flrnu have no yum to yrohlrm firm hm lwo Jun In complete their new ua plum Mlyur Cocks urnd hll Indllllllu trnllnl lhe odor prnbltm Ihould ID produd null pmlblt Thu bylaw dulxnrd lo me lndlvldull Industrial in Innll prltlenlmenl plum llclory Illu Io lhll um II In beller cundlllnn when ll ruchu ha pnllullon conlrnl tulle Cool atr will move across the upper Inks today and tm night but mt expected to move into lower lake areas bc tore Wednesday night Sent ured showers and mundenhow may he expected in the vi This plum um beeuse ll II uuhln but cerIlln In mum wum dischlrud In tn In new yuem Synoplh Temperatures will rise lo the 75 lo mdeme range this allernoon soulh enl Qnmrla GOOD NEWS FOR ALLANDALEBS Council pissed bth rez ulnlnx Ihe dlschnrge uler llld wulu lnlo the newer Ind vrovidlnl pmlllu for v1 olnllon TORONTO CP Forecasts Issued by the weather office at 530 3111 Clly taunt Inn nlgM need on measure mined In man Barflnl malndar on uwln pllnl Tha Tannin weather oflice predicts showers or thunder showers late Wednesday Low recorded last night at the Ex amino was 50 degrees was 66 10 mm Alter low of 55 onlghl the mercury expected to climb almost lo the an degree mark Iomumy Another sunny warm day predkted or the Barrie are up gnorrrawrbu theres nosxlhlmy origin In Ihe Whérever possible inuncnlvhll not borrow or general mulch p311 purpose until reduction Ln Bmia may be one the lint municipalities to act on nnuinfluiou unification of led Stu Finance Minister Mitchell Cqundl weed last night on guidelines duslgned to Imp he dly clyllal debt mm mount Ing lunher DISTRICT WEATHER Predict Showers Wednesday Night CITY COUNCIL Agree on Guidelines To Keep Debt Down cinlty nl Ihe ndvanclng lresh outbreak olwld air Soullmn Georgian Bay Luke Ontario llullhurton Killaloc Toronto Sunny with law cloudy Intervals and warm to day and Wednesday Scattered showers or thundershowera lale Wednesday Winds llght loduy southwest 15 to 25 Wednesday Northern Georgian Bay goma Sault Ste Marie Timu gaml southern White lllver North Bay Sudhury Sunny with few cloudy Intervals to day Varlnblo cloudiness tonight and Wednesday For carrier delivery to your homa or office call our circulallon dept 7266539 The zuldellnu ingested by flnmm chairman Roberts ylype In 91mg unQJl current In the meantime capiul llems will be flnmced romlha annual budget wherever pos mauve ylll be lab yum for he moleElla Iifiaunnary trend contract ydflnanclnz cosh level out thevaxhung debt are sufficient ta oflset urlher increases Education for lomorrow AfINISH HIGH SCHOOL AT HOME HOME DELIVERY ury cw Grid Bill WI Wu to mu mme mm bonkl Ind ml II I11 00 Melly FER lull Information Illd MC mu lawn ACADEMIC STANDARDS LIMITED 40 mm mun HAMILTON ONT mum prim you lur ampwymmt nun mountnu mummy as $160 Wu you qu Mum The Barrie Examiner only 45 weekly Ald own mm It feed laid the finance Ald om asked that motlon calling or clly hall lmprnve menu In sat aslda In 11th ol the ecnnomlt situation uuflined by Aid Roberts However his amendment was deleated Aid Bruce Owen accused Aid RobcrLsoi blowing hat and cold in urging reduced spend ing on one hand and asking council lo approve 84000 ex pendiium or council chamber and committee room lmprbw ments an the other AliRoberts suggested that the city shauld not Issue lumber dabenlute or capflal project until 1969 We cant Mord flu morbi lanl men to eight per cannu tfiml chimes ha warned coun Harry Pmmm 10 C011 ll Hum NIL um 11 1101 Jul 59 qu ruin unluu Aulumubfll Innuucl Co AUVTO INSURANCE can nun onlr READ ALL THE NEW DAILY IN THE EXAMINER Esau Its In

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