Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 13 Sep 1966, p. 10

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MHlM uni mm 7m MI lllleN hm IUI OH Mm Ilnll munml rm uni rum pm la Irv MIHvn hi my mu Mme hm hm Wm leIMIn pm rm In Ind ll Ilfily DWI Ind will IslHum mm Ivvaprurrrii lw IIINIKMVHHI 71431 VIIVHIM 1m mm mu lulu 11 mm Mllmr IMm man Inllnl Iqumu In whn mm mu ml hml lmmt mmnu mm moan mun nur Jun4H1 un hm pm um mun IMn mu mm Inhm mm must he rxpnlrnml lur Ullhxfl nrvm lilmlly apply mm pm niONilitll Ann Cmum HAMILTON Trentum Mnlhrr Grandma mm lo tlnrl we Lhuwlul luxurlulu hnmnns rank to lrlrmh ml unlnlllmm Earn rx lnr hxmmm thin may wny Nu cxmrlmce nmlnl Our calnlvuur dqu the solllnu lur you Inr 11mm 1letu huh110 In UHCHM Villu odny hr mmhym czan HI nmuv nulllr ml an more 31 llxnnrc Illl Minimum Ollva Min llobsun 1m Knllnc Del Klllchrcw Min Wnuncr CIL IO HELP WANTED By THE ASSOCIATE IIH Day will be avnllnblu the Argonauts when the Eastern Conference cellardwcllcrs play the remainder of heir Intzr lacking games on an eightday wesmn trip starting Sunday when lhcy visit Smkalchcwnn noughrldcrs in Regina Assuming the Eagle vnrks hls maglc against the Mn repeal against Winnipeg Blue Bombers hen the Argos visit them the following Wednesday Day paid his first dividend Sunday when he replaced rookie Wain Gabicr iaie in the first quaicr and engineered our iouthdnwns in Toronlox m4 vicicxy aver lhc Eskimos learn ihui had only one vic tory over ihu Essie In his scvenyar carou wiih Calgary an Winnipeg niuerliombcrs The Calgary coach set up the play by releasing Eagle Day hls surfing quarterback at tho beginning the VFC season and handing the Job lo Pele Llske whom he Acquired from ToreIto Argonauts in an olf seascn trade quarterbacks 2500 miles east of his line scrimmage In mnlos Exhibition Park Sunday and the manoeuvre shattered Edmonton Eskimos the team Calgmy may have to beat out or spot In the Western Fovb ball Conference playofls Credit coadh Jerry Williams of Calgary Smnpeders with first in Canadian footballme transcominenlal sleeper playi Williams flanked 0m ol his quarterbacks 2500 miles east of his line scrimmage in nlos Exhibilion Park Sunday RuMnsDn Hum IXAYSIIOIUI MOTOR By THE CANADIAN PRESS Eagle Day Deal Stamp Sleeper In nine Canadian was an generally regarded as breed Emu notably late in the season when the wealhcr Inqnssmmn football Inns WANTED NOWI WAITRESS FEMALE HELP Amrrlrnn hum All Id Min 550 91 176 320 Fun Hill 527 109 105 313 Del 13 77 115 Min SI 71 149 292 CIL 423 68 141 291 RuMnsDn 10 Oliva MINI lnlowrll ml 105 Hohlnson Ollra 170 Apnrlclo 13ka nus IL Ilohlnwn Hnlll BASEBALL LEADERS pqC mm 11 Mm auxin Nrntumm In mm mm mm pva mqu hum nm wqu pilln um nu um lnmlnov mum mum um wln hm mkm um Inm mum mum An II va 0mm Munulle n4 yml mlvnl wu mu nu ml mm mm In NIH IVHM Ill mm Iv Inn Nylkm 0y Mlllv Mrrll han Nle phrhlnw IUVIIVWI Tbmmu nmu mnvnnrnwnin my own Imn Aldll VI rm wt lummum IoL nu Anni EMPLOYMENT WANYEd mu balm mu luv Mm mmnm rumm lvu lmfulhl In mum nunw Munn um le mum mu mum IvhrmL hand In 1er mum lrvlulml lnr qu Ilm mumum nmdun mumm ImNuuM vyxvyllnl umlm um mu mum Mm In nunIr mu unumm Invm mu han 7mm nnuww minr almmhm IINIIK lull IM umnvulwulyua mu Hm lM MT MN whim Hum may MnnImn url Tmlmu mmle in my tummy mm mm luhyHlnl mu 1mm um um wnhm mm nrlmlun Apply My Arlvm Au 00mm mm 1111101 Tomnm Mum my mum lar xm And um operm uIflnn Hm pm mm In lIdy 1vm4mm mum Mnu Iuh Alnu All Sulktnul McDowell Clculuml lol llichm Wash Inglon ml IO HELP WANTED Trlplrl Knuop Cnlilnmia Campancris Kansas Clly llrlnkmaxl Vnsbingynr Home nunsl liannsnn Klllcbrcw 35 filnlrn Hum Cnmpantrl ulnnlmchicflnp 45 rmmnuann Aims Cny 017 MtNtu mlllmorn 15H in amino Saturday nIghl but he Mom1k will ngnin be with Locke out with broken arm Although the MI fullback began working out vmh Ihc L1m Monday he Wont be ready to play or an other an wmks Also on Salurdny the 130 dc cnce will be lewd as the ons entertain Ottawa Rough Riders he Easlcm Conference leaders who mom on to Ed momun lhc lollwing Mommy Ouawn conch Frank Clair say his team so or the scn but he might be inlercslnd In big experienced dnlnnslve lackle one becomes nvallablc Williams oihcr inur days to tinker with his offence before the mampedcrs home engagement Saturday night against the Bombers who druppcd to ihlrd place when ihcy inst 274 in Saskatchewan Sunday The Stampcders virtually without nmnlng attack sinco they last Lovell Coleman and Ted Woods In he seasons open ing weeks dmppod Into last pIace tie with the Hon Satur day night when they were beaten 14411 Vancouver TIME TO TINKLR Tilerbalgnrv céach suifias In figure out way mn foglgall ggmcs and polishes of British Colum hln Lions in Toronto on days later only one law remains Io be overcome ensure the suc cesf of Williams slra tum ky Perhaps the most loyal In the country are sup porters of Saskatchewan Rmxghrxdmnwhn JavasInter Qd Lhrough quite aw her FEMALE HELP Nnununl Lruxuc All ll Id uh MI 71 ll 112011020 AULIION AH Saturday Sopl 17 pm Mn rm Flillfllh muunm 91 iiulhv lerhud Mull luv IIMiIJHf Trnm cnrh mx puml oinu mmnulo AthIl my HIM In Irw Tr 1mm in Inn n3 m4 um rm uumnn mm Tmmmm mum nmm buymum mm nub lwllrrwl rlllll IPVIII IYHX lrvvnl Mllrl NIKIHHO nAucnONSALés EMPLOYMENT WANTED CIIILDIUIN URN lXIlUSIl Chlldrtn Illlrlld lJD oral Hm which burnnl L000 new of Onlnrlo wavxllnml In 1965 Hum Run Anlon MINI 31 Torre Aflunlm Slulen an Hrnrk Louis GI Jackson lluuslun It lllthlngIlcgan bus Amie Ins 1729 Mnrlchnl San ism Htrlkra Koulax In An xvlnx 2m Hunnlng IMlndcl pm 219 IO HElP WANTED frplsMr€irn IJ Allcn Philadelphia I15burgh Clemente ID GonooNs 7289228 uni nnmrx InLAmn Clemcnlc M7 lms Alou Allanm 203 Rose Cincinnati 1118 Dnnblu Callxson PM dolphin 35 Alan Atlanta 33 Clcmnnln Pg 556 911 Curly Au 651 Slnrgcll Pan 751 Runs Alnu Allanm Anrnn Atlanta 10 Peter Kmpl of he Aloucllcs leads the Individual scoring race mth 33 point on two touch dawns our mavens Iwnn field goals and singlc Tommy Grant of Hamilton and Whit Tucker of Ottawa am 1ch or second with live touchdowns cachlor points IMHIN Tr cnzh AH 11 AN MW Third pace Montreal Alou Mlcs 56 first down by nnshm Is tops in he wntcrencc KEMPF TOP SCORE Hamilton Tag Cats who hold scwnd place in am EFC with eight points1w less lhan Ottawa have outscored mu Rough 1de 102 to The Arzomuu have gnlned 1137 yards passing 106 first downs and completed 73 passes In their six gnmcs accordlng ta stallsch rdchscd glondayi nlezence londlng Otuvm Rough Riders are 1111 top ground gainers giving them undisputed possesskon at first place In the yardsgaining dc paflmem TORONTO CHToronto Ar gnnauLs who won their ixst game in st sham Sunday have gained more yards In the air completed mare passes and gnincd more first dwns than any other Eastern Football 00n egenccrduh mquu mm II III lurulnuH mu 1m Iml mm ans mmé Winnipeg stadium oompicte Argonauts Top EFC Pass Stats PLUMBING Héb Pmém of Mormon ls mal scasnns in man Rm However mama different this at with Grey Cup fever 11 Here 1110 or Aunlmmrn 91 ll 65 150 75 140 min Alley mu 326 315 110 the top ground gaan with 445 yards in 94 carries for 47 yard average Parcmores ong est run has hem 78 yards and he has scored one Laudrdown Don Ashen of Montrealls second with 356 yards on 70 carries While Bo SM Lawu thin with 319 yards on 71 carries 0am to 1251mm FlZ4 win over Blueanbm Sundwnl éwuu uuwu nun 21655 c9 wmmx camcfileyflwyre p3 of mar In New Coralthe only modem laundry formula specially developed for all your modem fabrics Only Coral ls newer Ilmn the modern Ahvin which make up mml nl ynur lamllyo wash Mll why Clllllyplflfi vllilcncss In yellowed nylnn lcvylcnc and Luann lllighlncss lo alums Amlsollncss In knlls Use new Coral lhc modem laundry formula for modem labdu And let nu your lnnllys wnh World lhflmitaational skating championships 3150004 Calgary and Vancouver spring 1967 TRY EXAMINER WM ADS PHONE 721W Inmmauonnl ski jumping meet $18900 Ottawa whm rp€mflnflAMdRn mi hockey champivnship $13000 Warlds lacmsse chample ships $24000 Kingston Easter Worlds lmsse chamlm Ehips $4000 Tommo Angus Mannl Films5 Cmuwll and the edeml centennial commlssions Spots pragraxn The grants indixde Duke Edinburghs Cvm mmwcalun go1d award expedb flan $1500 Quebec and or turbo means Comm2am Junior mi chumpionshim $13m onnwa Amt Special Ccnurmlal Ming event $1323 Ottawa August Tr couniry intemannai 1mg meet $37159 mhawa Au The grants mostly to sports governing bodies were awarded lmdcr provisional the Na Woxlrlis snowshoe aan dial WmL Ofinwfl Japuafy Umwa 1C Fedenal grant Malling $546920 were nvlmqedmtoday by the 153 llonalrrhcalfll and flvvellare 33 parunem SPORT BITS Annotmce Sport Grants For Centennial Year whhm luu ln lnloduclngv his blll Cra mcr ranklng Republican on lhe llmse of Represcnlallves ludi claxy commteecrlllclzrd Clulrmnn e1 Geller Dem NY for rdusal lo can aldcr legislation to accomplish the merger Cramcr sald hat wluwul spe cific legislaflve appmval qnauon of whether the merger would be In violation the nanrust laws as an agree ment in resnrnint of trade would remain unceflaln WASHINGTON AP Con gressional sancfion pf the pro Med merger ol the National and American Football Leagues was ed Manday by Rap resenul ve William Owner Rm Fla Grid Sanction 5th not film by 1mm plane phone THERE IS NO CHARGE FOR THIS SERVICE VALLEY TAXI DRIVEYOURSELF CARS AND TRUCKS An Copy Win in ngflxered Tu Ynnr mm by pm CARRIERVMISS YOU 7282433 hl The Canadian senior chum plonshlp will lake place My 19 11 at Halilaxs Ashbum Gel and County Club The fourth Commonwealth learn matches held every our years will be This year 15 Canadian Open is scheduled Sept 29 to Oct at Vancouver Shauzhnessy Gall Club The RCGA also announwi dates for our other 1967 tournaA mgpls TORONTO CmThe Royal Canadian Golf Association an nounced today that the i967 Ca nadian Open will be held at Montreal Munlcipal Gall Come Jun 29 to July The prize honey8200000 willmalch the purse the Kai1111311 listed the richest aml Golf Dates Hmb Lulu duck crap 51me years is pramins in ma dm lhc flyway mu ille Ptairla to the United State winking gronnds Ducks Unlimited Canada says in its monthly mum in waterfowl Early bmodnow strong film are massing with on the larger marshes in Prep aration or IE flight nth Largs flock ol geese hav al ready mwvcd lnlo Central Al bem the report said In Mammal tha papdaflon was up across the Ince wth Saskmm Lake near The PM In northern Manitoba carrying an extremely heavy duck population nrnl NW Big Duck Crop MNNIPEQ gp HERTZ 7266474 TRUCK 43 Essa Road RENTWA Phone

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