Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 9 Sep 1966, p. 9

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Edmonton Star Thomas Injured LateComers Bolster NL Flag Contenders MONTREAL um mm leh renal heard In Montreal today probably com mm the camp the Eastern Faokhnll Conlerence Alaueues The All hyln to recover mm shellacklng the hands of Saskatchewan naugh riden in Regina on Labor Day have been preparing week far tonights Invasion by Ed monton Eskimos the West ern Conlerem 1n pmlculfi Darrell Mudra and his asslsmu coaches have been attempting to devise same mean to stop Iho western teams onetwo scoring punch end TommyJoe Coffey and mch Jlm Thvmnl Hammer Bilmum mach Ne Armstrong solved hall their pmbmn for than He left Therm at hume The back suffered charley horse In Edmontons win over BC Lions lust Frl dny 1nd talker than uggmvau helnlufy Amsl flv Hum make he eastern swing with only hall hls artillery Wm USE BAIN Armstrong sald ho wll use Lu mm picked up ram Calgary stampedm as illKn or Thomas on ollence well If usual dfimslve haimack spot Eu Ihe Em are counting on Lu nnln lo mnko up nr Thnmnsl nbsunrc Enln was picked up on waivers lrnm lhe Xganprl with ham hed Ailquehésrfieady To Face CALGARY CPIThe Slam tedm and British Calumbla lom currently Inw lwu on the Wcslern Football Conference hr um pole clash Snmrdny in Vancouver but Edmonwn Eskl mo talus on the Easts llllrd plnca Montreal Alouellu lo nlshL In other VFC wcckend aciion league leading Saskatchewan Ronniidem will be in Winnipeg 9W while Ednwninn bullies Toronto Argonauts who will be trying or their iitsl win oi the lemon flayed lhrne season Until hurt week ago in films Against nc Thoma was win his best season In four with he Em and was ruled lhu by to ho nuance Rival dc lenders ware omd Io guard him at tho upcnsu their pas dEfHIEL Tonights gnma In Montreal Saturdays Calgary Vnncnuver encounter and Sundays Edmon lgnci Toronto rnclu 111 ha lcle VS The Eskimos Ml hallhurk Jlrn Thomas at homo Thursday vhcn they EnsL Thomas leading ground gain In tho WFC out with charlie horsc Alan on he Eskn Injurrd list delcnsho back An Jahnsnn who out for mu weak wllh Ihnuldrr lnury nut Llncman Ken Perkin has hccn rcmovcd Amrrlun Lulu Sllndinu unchangtd mnndlyl llrlnlll No umu Ichcdulnl NIHan lieIII Slundlnus unchnmcd Thundlyl lluulu No lumen Irhcdukd Inltmlllonll Lulue Columhul Toronlo llmllon lcml Ilnnl Ilrrl 1D mum game which yam II TIIH AKOCMTHI PRES 501mm pluyrr Mm Im own Imuml or vvpcnlng dny emqu mn lle 1m Ionm HIK lll hnpprnrd om nl 1an In Ml lcnRIIn lmrhall And 11 linqu lmmvcn nunin car Illldmrgh San lwmbm and MI Anlrlfi rt Id lur mm Inc Nalhmnl lmmlfl al my lg In nxng llnl By THE CANADIAN PRESS by mm hull Mm um 1h lmlzru are mm slam lrvm Iqu Arllnn mmnu onluM lnllnuln nmmlny mm Mn In nth mnlur lrunw mm H1va rnnhlnn umlrndm hume Hm Hm mu FLMuln hu llmh Inklnl on Ihrlcu mm and In mm mrrunx my on Inme Flnyd Htlwly 1M uh Hid MM Thry urn only lhvm hymn Mm rum5 out at nmnm Iv lw Mr duh wln prnnanl In he lmnl Iroluryl MT mun mm up In mun llumlllgfllalu lhn Inn um III In 1m mm BASEBALL RECORD EDI will be vlsed on he CTV network Armstrong spoke highly lha work latest quarerhack Randy Kerbuw who moved inlo the job mm hi flanker 5pm alter the Emma had floun dered In aarly season games Keer is 5mm boy Armstrong uld ll wed kept him at quanuhuck last msun think he would hava developed henJ In mlmlocklnl comfiwuon he Ala have regislmd only one win In foul Ilam agfihgs the Esidms 1w wonbfir om mule last seam by 2413 margin Edmonton Ls cumntly iocked ln second spot in he West with Winnipeg Blue Bombers two point back of the Saskatchb wan club which ha 10 Monm med three wins and hue losses to data form palms two less than 0L mva Rough Eldon and Han ton TimCall The two lop teams in ma East have each wan lnur and lost one Mudra serving his freshman year in Canadlan football said llmrsday he will go all the way wllh veteran Bernie Feloncy quarlerbmk and sli out import George Dork ll Falcney is in Jured delenslve halfback Larry mm was mm km the today Injury list and on Easy with th Cnnch fourth place Calgary may use Len Spark as fish end to place Herm llnnlson And lheret good chance George Carr will be recalled qum Org so macaw thetha Stamps are keeplng mum about Saturdays prov Ends Vancouver bonkles Bro clung on the Lions with sev eral of EC Injured men an the road lg rccpveg Tackle ennls who mlsscd Ihu Edmnnlon game Sept with back anury and possible kidney llmenk ls nwaltlng the doclors okay In plny And punlcr Nell new mom who was sufferan neck lnluw ls hoping to sue uman wlrlle Bill Mumy is hoping his ankle will be bellcr for he game The duo to watch when sec and place Winnlpcg Blué Bombers enlarlaln leaguelam lmz Saskatchewan Sunday wlll be lluxh Campbell and dblbll slve halfback Dlck Thornton sun amurllng lrnm Sn knlchewnnl 314 win over lhu Bomber Aug Thornton wul go Into the game with both eyes open so Campbell wont have nuch an easy limo mulching ourhdown passes from undcr hls nose Campbell caught lhrce Aumj Tlght and Farrell lunslnn and flnnkcr Bllly Coopnr will be back In uniIurrn or the Dom en ullcr nursing lnhlrics Aur lmd Aug Ill MINI Monlrca de lcalcd Winnipeg nlchmnnd llnchmcr Richmond loud humblivo acmHinals 10 lnlrmlllunnl Luxuo Inlumbul 120 WNWl Turnnln 200 020 001 0011 nml Iritc Ilnkuw Jnhnwn H11 TSmim lllrhmund 000120 000 llothulcr malomo nml nml Cnnmimm Mm hus Drlxndo GI mm Ind Mmhxcn And pluhgd IN Tim pm nnnl clinchan vlrlur fwrr Cluelml He he nm 1y Frl lrr lndlmx ml mull hnmlrr In lvrllllnm durl 10 MInnukro Irnvn Immrlll llnllv ll mlllrklerl mm Vi rhlm or Iho Amran Munda llrm err hMIMy mm In 1937 Min nnomlwl wnh 40 nu mm or 01 um nu llw nmku mm peémnnl Ind Un urld 5mm Im bl Hm Ivanun mu mnlln lrvm rankm 41 hr lnriflr lum nuns lry lhn Mum mg In um Ila allow hhuw nm In hula ml mm anl Alunnl mm In nm hm mm llrl wllll HH lunnrr up fault nah um mm ouln In nu Ntvw mm Fuml lvlmnnn Tun dm mkI lulu Ihl mm lmmm In In wny Well nwlny nlchl 5m Frmluo Immm up upmm m1 IFMN mm lhwnll AM Jul MI mh Innlnl rlnlh mull hlllo Mm mm Hm hm wllh lhn nln ml law In Glam vlrlmy Dnlrrll Minim Illfiwlmw 1m pmde Ibo mam Ill home In and Fnlrholm will move into the quartexback slot Well likely not dressGeme in order to have another look at Billy James Dos at dden Ive and in linebacker spat Mudra said Dos cm to the Ah tom Allann Falcon the Nafilonal Football League and Wu Im prmlva 1n Lhe Montreal +2 will over the Bombgfl Ln Whmlpez Mudra said his top luster halfka Bab Parcmore has ufled hamstring muscle In hl but is expected to play Farmmm ran through Him workout Thuxsday but avoided Iny mung Aug 31 MIAMI Fla AP Joe NA math and Rlck Nunton lwn ur mer Soumeaslcrn Conference quarterbacks will square of ngalnst each other or the first time tnnighl below national televlslnn audience But Namath the American Football Leagues Rooklu ot theYcar er New York in 1965 probably wunl got me surfing call when the Jets launch Iheir season against Mlnmi Dolphku Conch Wecb Ewbank wanidni commit himself when the Jet arrived here but was expccled in open with Mike iaiinierra who stepped in ailer Numnlh wns iniurcd and directed New Yuri In iour straight exhihimn victories Tho game launches the sec ond wnek the AH 5211st Boston Patriot tome out or the first llrne against San Diego Chargers and Oakland Raiders play at Mansion Oilers Saturday ntght Sunday Knnsns City make their seasonal debut at Buflnlo Bill in another TV can Iets Namath Warms Bench Green Bay Fuckers defend lng Veslcm Divisiun champs klck all he Nallonal Football League season Saturday nlght ln blg game to be televised 1mm Milwaukee lesl The rest he NFL npcnerl will be played SundayCleve land Brown Washington Redsklns Lns Angnlu mm at Atlanta Falcons Chlcngn Bears at Detroit Lions Minnesota king San Francisco Mam New York Chm at Pittsburgh Smelt and Philadelphia Ea gles at St Louis Cardinals VANCOUVER CF Murals high ullcr an underdux western victory Vnncouvnr Curling 1ch hr Pclcrbomuuh 0nl lodny take an Inn Pom or the Mann 0111 Mimlic of InnIor L1 cmssu mprcmncy In Cnnndu Vancnuvnr mud by Ina goal landing skip Chapman knotkzd out dclcndlml Mann Cup chnmnlon New Vcslmlnalcr Salmonbrllirs our games In two ulnnlng lhu lust Ihrcu gnmrl Ilnslcrn an mw Vancouver In ntllun Mum lhu cum came back unh lhu cup in MI 19M and 11M lelcrhnruugh Mxlrh has nnl nn he rhmnplnmhlg dun mm mm Vnncouvcr alurdny ln um um some at tho Imbal noun Inn Vnnmuvrr llnldml rcuulnr unsnn play In Me nur lmm lnhr CHy Lurmsu MANN CUP El Tu and Wfdnrulu nluMA wan Um flu In league sum mu nw gain Illrk P71 mm 20 mo luvr In Mr mmlnx mlchrr lnnlxhl Juan Mariam wlm 2M Hunk ID at San IInn chm Al lm Anzrlrs Illl In ruhrr Dun bmlnn nr hwlo mun wlh mme lxy HIIIII re rmHy lur he llmlurvu Axuml Mhl uellnr lhe Adml noulh pnw llouke annn Imnl WHEN lmm LI Mill llur lmvlh MINI II NM mi nml urlnnnll II lhilmlllphl In ullwr anlmml Imam 1mm lll rlnw mm In lhu Amrrlrnn hum ur Imnl mlnnm lull lnr luxL nau mun hm lim Jun nlwnl mm lulxmm mm mm Irml our mm mm moat IIumpind NW vtll YMer Inn dmmwl Mn ho rfllar Alumna ml WMMA MEN FAWN Hl Dnhnil nl Kama Pity Wndvlnhznn Al hill MIMMA Haullnll and nnh ll 13mm Underdog Club Reaches Finals Ml handrr ley mum Illy OSHAWA CF Oshawa Green Gncl dont plan to let changedI rules stop them from upturing rccurdbreak4 Ing Minlo Cup when they meet New Westminster Snlmnnhclllcs or the Canadian junior lucrasss shamptanshlp starting Satur The Gaels accustomed to playing three periods 01 20 mln ulu enth in me Onlnnn La crosse Association must adapt to ma westcm system of our lsmlmlle quaners We in wt period will help them Oshawa mach Jim Bishop said Thursday Vgvo been playing three mlnula periods and weve built our game Dmund sustained rulinng aginckf Bu Bishop uho guided the Gaels the Canadian crown in mm against Victoria and the Inst two years against lhc Sal monbcllics predicts his club will in bestotsemn series In six games maybe seven Modem mu facilities or Oakland California are near lng camplellnn together Bl shown here In this aerlnl vlew taken from bllmp The huge Oakland Alameda County Coliseum spans cumplex ls valued at $30 mlllan Tho aur tlercd netball smdlum in Gaels Must Adapt To West Quarters League In second mace ob lnincd Chapman lrom lclorln and John Cm midway lhmugh tha seasonand won thu llnnl Cm plnyrd wllh the New Weslminslcr lrnm Ihnl on Ihe championship In M11 and mice plnyml nr Vnncanvtrln 196 and 1m Cnnrh Bobby Mnrsh not solid purlnrmnnce mm mm hl ulmms nlurlm lhe lcazuu awn minding bmlsmz mu Chlsholm Mm lhn Innnua In prnnluu Hon Sn an lunaraid rouklu up mm Junlnr lrnm helped Vnncamnr In In Arasnn tml rush lo Iclmy nlonu Mlh cl mm Sill Vnrukk clor lllntk And Hob IIannck Vnr wlrk acnrul goal In ll um um NOW DODGER DANDY By Maver BRAND NEW STADIUM AWBITS RAIDERS The act that they didnt win lho last two years could glva them psychological advan La ld alshgp USE OWN PLAYERS Dlher dates are Sept 11 14 nnd 16 with additional dale ll needed to be set All games will be played in New Westminster And they ve alsé gm the ad vantage of Lhelr home 001 But unlike vast yea nellher club will be allowed to pick up players 1mm olhzr teams or lha serles and Bishop sec lhl break for Oshawa Last year we were allowed lo alck up only one player but Ne Westminster was allowed to add lhrc he uld Both club won 23 game and lost just one in regularscam play and both went undefeated Ihrough heir playoffs lo the nu liunal inn The Gaels on 12 ransacume playufl contest this yvar Each team has 12 player back from last smson Rockets Replace Their Manager We think he new regulation jnrgug In ourfilnvor foreground whch wlll hnuse Oakland mldarl ha Amer lcan Football League west erndivlslon and new cap unity of 53000 ls being rushed for September 1w league game belwcen Bnldars and Kansas City Chlels The alr culnr indoor Arena 151 CHARLESTON WVa MP The ICIEGSL Gwrge Caramel general manager of Charles Ion Rackets lmflmll team was rcparlLd lodny move lo mmm Kholrsnln revolt by pl nml ICOrDQtn anld dldnl mlgnlhey larccd me out Commas th cam here only 51 munth nu Mllr lhrcu mm gemml manager nl Winnipeg Blue Humbch ho Canadian Foulbnll uncut flld he now will talk wllh hh hum ycr nlmul hls umlzned twoyear comracl wlm he Ilotkt ox dimmed rucmly ha ncm Illntd the Contract with the urn because lhu ltnmx Inwycr allmd 1h original Tho Chnrloxlnn ancuc lay mm at ma lmmx 1mm mem bers were mum cl 010nm lwcnusu unly Mmul 1900 mum llckcls Mn 50 rompnred mm ho 4000 llrm goal But wera minus our two big Elm at last year Iorwards John Davies and Ken Thomp son Isnld Bgsho am an this year In xcnlor ranks and led Peltrbor uugh Pele to flu Mann Cup final against Vancouver for the Canadian senior title That se tics opens Saturday In Paler bmflgh The Gaels highscoring club have light forwards but big denncemen Thclr blg man 11 emue Gaylord Pawlcss Mm Canadian junlnr norm record during the mmlar sched ule lhls season wilh 71 goals nnglzu assils 1m 1M poings seat facility will open Nov with baxhthall and Ice hackey the principal attractions Object oi the hurried Inst mlnute work tin complex parking int syate mushown at upper right is the Nimitz Freeway one at Snutllern Cal ifornias largest superhigh ways AP Wirephoto TheSaimnnbcllles dldn loss any or lhelr tun playen milup anld Harwéver we feel our club might be stronger In balance this year lhan last BIG 0N DEFENCE hcr star or all fight Me Me Phil Claylnn Brian Thompson and Ross Jones Each scared more than 100 poiqls lMs your The key man dcknslrcly goallcndcr Merv Marshall who will be making his Iourlh con necullvn appearance In the Mimq Cup finq Oshnunl dmnce Incluch Icnm captain Jim Eggs Dwight Davin and Charlin Marla all oulslandinl check EH Tho only olher team In Win hm consnrullve Mlmn Cup was nramplan uhlch mm plclzd lu awnp Io yuan ago TULSA Okla 4M Tulln 011m Eu only three hlll Thur day nlxht hul mnnnkcr Chum Mom wasnl mmnlnlnlni TM Mr home rum and HM he Inclllc Corn lmnnucl ltaslrm Dhlslon Innm pm Vrslnrn Divlllnn champ Sumlln Angels and munm he lml scvrn ml at one Rama nplccr 5qu llnhl handcr Hnwlo llml Ind rcllrcd mm In law when Inlm Klmfl Hunt nnu nvtr lho Itll mun 11 Val load all In menlh lnnlnl nml lnol um mm Ilnhhy Nell ma lho mm lhln In our he cluhlh and prov In nlnpmmln Tulsa Oilers Square Series Tum mm lmmltr Tmy filnlhml nhu KIM up nine hlls mnlml llIrrnls In the nm Inn lhlnl Inning pkk up Um lr lury nllnrd an up two hlu In am hole Innln hm ham lulu rrnlvo lirhlrr Jun llllrr Ian dmm runnm lrylnx In mmo mm IIIIl lo lhlnl an IF In Thu Anirh Km Ohclr hm run In Ihn mum hm Tom Som duuhlrd than Valli In Jim lpmpnnll Anullwr pnlr HM hand Inert lnnhzhl In lha IlMl mun bun lwlnu ml mm In Kanlllo Far Fwnllll will In Jlm Mrfilnlhlln who hurl Frill Adth 1110 will pllfll 13 gum unnn mnnl lnr Tulm my nxmmm um ADI nmuanuu Imvmirxt Mlslnr Mummun ml Nnxrll Tmiay Mm Mm twopar rnmmcl nmmlny In tunllflno lulu rlmr wllh the uhnlry my thuan Mmlml CIMllm Immune Ch uyl he on gum be In In Ml mm em tlllllnfl hl wmlnl mu uvnl lbw1f mmIll glmlnl lhBm mm Elfivflbm an wml MNAmrxn MUNIIHMI 1m quun Turf Mum Emma11 man an NEW YORK CPI Gary Cowan Kitchener 0n and Deane Beman of Buncde MIL who met headnn in the United States amateur so Chlmplvn IhIp will had their cnunlrle team Into the world champlo Ihlp In Mexlm Cjtynext Edam tookvthe Ulla In playofl with thu luauold Began lgsl Sunday PP US wnrld cup team was an nouncnd by the us Golf Instr claflon which also picked mm aid Comm Sun Rahal Calm Dawning Gxay Fans cola £13 and Bob Murphy of Galnesvflle Fla or the Oct 2130 cumming Cowan phyla on his ourlh warld amateur tum will be joined by Nick Weslock 49 Burlington 0nt Camdlan am new champion Ind Doug Sil verberg 33 and Kellh Alex andgr 3510111 olCnzar Coqu Beman TO Meet Again John Johnston 15 um aller nate with Wayne Vollmer as second 41mm Both are from Vancouver FRANKFURT Germany AmIll fight or my fife Karl Mfldenherzcr said today his bout against world heavy weight champlon Cassius Clay Saturday nizhL But the odds maker dont lhlnk the German southpaw Me worth very much Theyve made Clay HM favorite In win hl slxth we de lenca and fourth th year Clay who hu wan bouts 17 by knockout the Euro pean Mlle holder Mndenberger who has won 49 bouts l7 by knockout the European Mlleholder Clay from Lculsvule Ky ready Ls looklnz past Saturday nights schtduled 15munder to ward mme matches against Cleveland William Ind Ernie Terrell Odds Against Mildenberger The light Ml be telecast by closed circuit ta theatre in Lon don and aim via the Early Elm Satellfle to In United States and Canada The teiecast by EC will nan at 240 gm MIKITA WINS TDURNEY MANCHESTER NH AP Stnn Nikita or Chicago Black Hawk won the first annual gofl Iournamcm or player in Iha National Hadwy lmgua mms day wilh lwaday mm Nllfl Bobby Roman at Montreal Canndiuu wax mend with 737615 Vic llwdtield 01 New York Rangers Wu Ihin at 151 and Gordie Haw De rull mirth at 156 SCISSOBED SPORT BASIEIN NAMED COACH PITISBURGII 1A Gen eral manager Ba nuieln wu named conch cl Piusburgh or net mm or Mr lmnl Amerlcnn Hockey Learns um Inn Basuln who lucceeds Bd die Bush will return to coach lnu or he louth lime in hl er rarur In Pittsburgh In 1901 Iillmlrzh will begin play In one six mm In the new dhlllan the NMionnl Luann GAME1 EXPENSIVH GNLJODH INC 131 54mm Minlsler Iranrni My 10510 said Thursday Franks nd about 1000000000 lrnm 0000ml on the 10m winter Nanpiaylng caplainls Duncan Minivan of Montreal pmldcnl ha Royal Canadian Gall Aasnclauon Enlcred 1n he ladlcs cham plomhlp alsn at Mexico City are Mnrlcna Stewan 51111 Toronto and Famhill Onl Gayle Harvey Mom at Tornnm and Gay mlchem or Vancou ver Mrs Kay Helleur nf Tor onto nonplaylng capluln The menx team is the name that finished only twb strokes behind Gren BritainIreland Xn the 1961 World Amauur at Rome The world champlnushlp ton slsts of 72 holes al stroke play 18 hole dnlly Only the Illm lowest scores each loam will count dally and the team wlu LII lowest 711ml mun wlnsa Cnnndlnn menl learns In shcd sixth In 1953 and 1560 and second in 1952 and 1964 Amateur gollerx from 21 countries will compete aver nu Club de Golf Mexlco or flu Eisenhower trophy Email us nmaleur cham plun In 1960 and 1953 has played on the Eisenhower learn the last three times Cerrudu and Murphy are new lo lnlnrnalinnnl competition Murphy as 1565 USA champion Ccrrudn missed lying Emma and Cowan at the end at lh regulation 72 hula In the us Amateur by blowing shot pull on lhe final hole DEPENDABLE nmvmzs 0F IEXACO FUEL CHIEF Homo Haullng Oll Sec SIMCOE PETROLEUM 7282563 WE GUARANIE 7S ANNE ET LTD 196

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