Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 9 Sep 1966, p. 8

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11w lmnun movlurflnn val rm cmwlflflnn Smllh Mm mhml Inml numwl mm mm ml and MT mm on but mlml 001 lintgum qury Hr an Ilw Ian 1I lml nth M7 nun humor In the lnHonI The In who lml Hus llul game Hm mm Nlnrm ulny nle Inmn lnla Ivlumhul anlnhl ha Innl hm mu Mmmmh Hldlmnnd mu tmIn 20 Iml In llwir mm inal wuwl Nb II Idory our llmhnhr llw lem Th mlu Imm lllrlnnvmd lo thl llnlurw leml 1me lull uh Evlnlflll pvanl II rum Hm lwnrr and Irmlulu llm tall ldrnlnl Axhlmhm By THE CANADIAN PRIZES lid Maw pnmdnl HM Ir Irnro and flown Smith out ll hum lhrlc Tmmlo Ilpln Leah ovonud lhelr bushl Inn lulrmallnnal Lrniuc mul HMI min Tlmrulny nlrzhl In the following two seasons McHugh has taken his share of lumps along with the other senior starters Elmvalo has already been shuffled to the sidelines in Barrie and District Senior playoff eliminations McHugh himself was the victim of defeat at the hands of Plaza as Gary Hines touched him for decisive extxrainnlngs home run Louis who became known the world over as the Brown lionihcr was ccrliiicd LA by his lrufi board 25 years ago today in 1041 silodi before the United Status bccmno involved in World Var lun Louis liml lunpornriiy and served 15 somczmi in the army before returning to the ring wars in 1040 FORMER WORLD heavyweight boxing champiun Joe Louis is in Frankfurt Germany this week for the big title bout between Cassius Clay and 1an Mililenbcrgcr Vilh Ctay battling his draft hoard over his military status in recent months todays sport history note is of interest Sports history has recorded bird being slmck by batted ball in the outfield but this one must be first nnywhcrc blrd which was identified as arrow flew out of 1115351515145 and cql ncrqss toward rd base 115 WW mm mum no light cut right across The plate directly in from of Belcourl and it met sudden death as it colleed with McHughs hathmwn toss Leafs Square Playoff Round grand total of 77 Elmvale batters paraded to tho plate vhlle lllcllugh faced 72 men Veteran Bud Mc Comb who mastered the Hotelmen 81 in the series opener was replaced Jack Thomson the second game loser after ten ramcs This game will most certainly rank among one of the biggest pitching achlev ments in OASA playoff history AS IF THIS was not enough the Mcniord outing produced one of the oddest incidents in the history of any sport gitchcd ball on its way to the plate actual ly struck an kiilcd bird in flight Elmvale catcher Lou Bolcourt described the rarity as real surprise Ho was in the procch of catching Mciiughs ilnai wnnnup itch as the batter was stepping into the box to start the Vtiliamsioni haif of the 18th inning DangMcHugh Shines In Historic Playoff By cums AYLOTT In 1064 Dan Mellugh who displays his exceptional pitching talents with Elmvale Palace Hotel com leted most outstanding season in the Barrie and strict Senior softball circuit In leading his team to double vlctory the regular schedule and playoff crowns Mo Hugh virtually dominated the individual achievments He came through with strong clutch performance to check Barrie Plaza 61 in the seventh and deciding game of the championship final showdown This earned him the award as the outstanding playoff performer Capping this memorable night Meliugh scored the games only run himself after singling to lead off the last half the 20th He was advanced into sconng pos ition by catcher Lou Belmurts sacrificebunt and scored from Doug Stones single Paul Rowats crew went the distance right down the complete balling onl cr employing just nine men Loser Vllliamsford used just one substitute unwuu umuluouu Inc sIde inVOEder 11 umcs ran up string of 20 consecutive putouts and scattered six singles 1H THE BARBIE zxumngmmnsamm use However while accepting his share of losses Mc Hugh still comes through with flashes of brilliance Wednesday night in Meaford was ierhaps his finest hour He exhibited great stamina in olding 9ut for 20 innings of shutout gitching as Elmvale eliminated Wil liamsford to gain erth in the southern Ontario OASA Intermediate finals McHughs contribution to the Elmvale winnings in 1964 was recognized in his being selected the most val uable player and most valuable pitcher On top of this tho Elmvale ace was tower of strength at the plate He edged out Plaza star Corby Adams by single percent age point for the batting title McHughs big season gave Elmvale all six trophies in 1964 for team and indi vidual efforts INCIDENTALLY hisiory re eated itselfln manner of eaking this season Anot er special playoff was nee ed to snap tie between Plaza Stewarts and Elm valc as newcomer Newmarket were twopoian of the pace Prior to this limitextended battle for playoff laurels McHugh combined with pitching mate Leo Belcourt to trip lruelove Heating and ace pitcher Don Dyks1ra 60 in suddendeath clash Iruelove who were to become Canadlan Tim year later were deadlocked atop the fivedub heap with the Hotelmen 21130 points each two up on Stewarts Garage UH CIOIILECTED 21 strikeouts dismissed the SPORTS COMMENT 1M Nth rur In day hy Iwhutcr Iml In My Illrfl mmd rum In Hm hmnh luuinx Hun ml 0qu mm MII in munlmn Um vhlnry Hw hmr lum IlmrhuL Imml only My lull llmlnl lhn llulllvy lnnlnat nml lvm nu llvl vllllmn nllwrll lwa mnrn Illls during Um 17ml lmlr Inn Inn nu Inning nml mm It will twwul warm double 1n the my Mum mam STUDENT RATES OLIVEWI UNDERWOOD lld hm Mum llmm mmku CryIn 7283411 STUDENTS RENTALS SALES Dung 1h m1 Mum lhnkn In Uw hnl In gain LmM ltr Uu klwy MUMHJI Ito gut lulu WW ha nimh owl wywr Dhl NI Man 171 Mimi Huh Dumr m4 anqu MANSION SL111 mem Um mm mum In sum mn Unnfly lusdmll lumxo llll lmuldu Wm nm 74 In nhh Maan llironlah lmk Lu mm mm Nulng mm Tcny Man 0w nwum IN by Jun Hmr WM dmllylu nul xiuulo ha MaiIII ram lunmcinz Huck nun lml llmt Lvln Unvlr Mfilul IUnJKM wth In Um lwfllt mm min lur Um minty We Mr Cawan drew Mr Pm nrlla nllwllnn In also In Great Hrllnm uhcra ll Nu rulcd lhnl pInyrr Ilml he rlghl lo ncuouulo wuh nny rluh he anch In play or Tm name rlnhl Ihuuld extend lo Cunmllnn hathy plnym happen Cann dinn lamtr was lnld he must wrk Mlh m0 lnw mm or nlso not bu aimed to pracllsa hLI profissign Mr anan mm mm the NHL L1 made up Cana dlnn and four American clubs Vn Ihe lcnguo snylnz thnl lho our US luflmx could black Canadian pluyn ho wunlcd lo play or Cunndn In lnlcrnallannl cumpcmlnnfi Majors Again Beat Blliston They sa Brewer must lirsl be wired out Um NHL and but New York Rangers hnva Indicnlcd lhcyll clnlm Brewer hcl placed an waivers 45 FQUII US CLUBS nrcncr now wants to phy with Cnnndnn national learn but both NHL prcsdcnl Clar cncn Campbell and Lea coach Punch Imlnch say Ms cant be worked mil The Toronto area pleading tho case Brewer 27ycnrol man who left Turn Lean last year to college smdcnl OllAWA CP Ralph Cowan LankHumbcr said In the Commons Thursday night Its lime hockey players became Iron men and not just slaves the Na onaJl liockey Leggue Haw He asked Sollcnor6encral Fennel lo lnlnrrn the NIH that Cnnndlan lawn supersede hockcylulc TORONTO CF Billy Hewilt who quietly pro muted Canadian sports over five decades died in hospital Thursday night Hewitt 91 was the lather and grandfather respectively of na tionally known sporucastcr Foster and Bill Hewitt But nl though the mama llewitt is mare readily rccagnizcd through his sun and grandson Billy was the driving are behind many big league sports in Canada Brewer Takes Case To Ottawa Chrksm mum McFaddzn was once again dudfing with ImpmialEasunm making ball nun Lamb thder as the load changed hands on Lhme occas ions Both slabmen chimed nine amount and mined mu walks while Claim nap mm 10 has lo we nummmhsmn the delend inz champions smmk for two nm beadseven final mund ismsqumndalomwmm with 012th mum shamed Queens Park Sumin night at 830 solid cmwd was hand for last aim Unmet VIde was decided whh um out In thehome hm ol uhe mu firmly shims by Dan McFad den and Don Amos ks night brought Clarkson Hotel on even km wilh Impmnwmm in we smuggle for In mes Bame lnLermediala softball playofl fimpmhip The Holflmm combined these mulal Mabo noun 43 decisim in their av or thg game muimed mu Prominent Sportsman Hewitt Sr Dead Clarkson Wins In Extra Frame 27ycnriéld Violonce lcn Twrnnlo anln yqar to become blown MP was 91 on mm our Dunlap mm mmlul lmlmmml hum meml Gullm Ilnnm nll mlml or ymr WIN or ym mm Ian lha mum you lilr Do Swlngor lhls Your School mu anan huh lhiillllfl 47 DNIMNN Smulny lmhm lnmFAnl mm In 30L Sopt 11 lflmefladmm Al CLukm tum qul 11 lmhun Al Imp human 101 mum 51110 IIIIILIMfiHHM nl CIMIIm IIIJo um ry Imp Hulmm Clmim snafu mull nl llnw ll nccmnry 730 INTERMEDIATE MINI flrbLof$fvtn Flnlll Saturday Slcwu ll Plum 750 llnndnyPlnu Slewnrll 130 5ch Slrwnrln ll Plan In nnmgnnyL sun 11 mix hi 51mm Slewarll Plum In died In car 11ch dan In Pennsylvania In 1952 and Hewlll Ipcnl week In hns pnnl covering 1mm mullipla lhlnk lhn bcglnning undoing was when he collapszd In Czcchnslnvnkln In 1961 nl lhough hn mndn rnmnrkablo rrggve llockcy was his first lore and In scldam missbd name All Mylalylfqafrcardcns Amer 191 Ihlnk his nblllly lo come back from the depth stemmed ram hl grunt amhluon and his ml of hockey his on Foster Ia KEENRNS Hewitt along with Claude Robinson took the Initial atom in the nrmntlon the CAHA in 1914 and was mrctnrytrcns war of the association mm 1511 until his appointment as roglstrarlrcasurcr 10 year later William Arthur Hewitt was born in Cobourg 0nt May 15 1375 He moved with his family to Toronto at the one of our and as youth worked as copy boy on Inc Toronto Evening News Later he became re porter with The News and even tunly sporu editor Lm Nllhll 5mm Uzukmu ImEunm Immm hull Gan He had played large part ln larmlng the lnlerpravlnclal Rugby Football Unlon alter 1901 was sports cdllor ol the Tomnlo Slur far 31 your alter working as sports cdllor with he Manncal Herald during 13mm and held the post nl ntlrnctlons manager Im Maple Leaf Gardens These were but few his sport allillatiom hnwever was naistrartrcasurer oi the Canadian Amateur Hockey Association continuously from 1921 to 1924 secretary at the Ontario Hockey Association for 60 years from 1903 steward ol the Ca nadia Incorporated Racing Association or 31 years and president of the Canadian Rugby Union tram 1913 to 1919 Dick Rube and Wm man hit back bank infield singlm fllwy hm shiftod into seaming mum on wild pied when than stuck out Jaw De cam and muffled the Ana Nam Roycnafi muck out In land otf he Clade 10th Mdaddun wan safe an ham hit ball back 01 mm He managed dul second base helm Merv Bmley skied me centre for he second out Oat dwr Am then delivered an import singie mm the hall at swam base and Manni dm easily counted the deciding nun mwemmummmm wjmlhegm with max Wmwmugqt mmiglfiiqoggzqandflarh HENIOII Ruin DH 59m Finh SOFTBALL Fulnra GIMM Ill PL IMlliu nml Mlllrlln nu mul nhtxl or lmm Ixonml burned hlcly lvllmlml ho Mum mlinu Ill lhu Wllltanl Hrnlllr Tm hy Ilnkr In AcmHInnf nrlfim lhlIs ovlslfll tho Thur and Mh lellu Ilnppfil Indium sumlcndcalh chnm lonshl lmnl Hume Tlllu Ml doc cd In no age groups with the Mom livml at pm and the PFNM linullsls Iqunring of 530 Syrnuun will Inrn Toronln In ha Alum dIIIIIon almndnwn Inr Hm mu 6mm Trophy In pm vIaus plnanI nclMly also ann game auddcndcalh Syrnrum cllmlnnlcd Mimi and mom lmncluxl out Ilnmna In Inc uml flnnln The 1906 ltglon mlnur base hnll scasun drawn to close In marrow unoran Ill Quocnl Pnrk MI he slnxlng or lwn Ilcnd chqgnplorghln lmnl More than 500 nporls personal mp from Canada and he Unimd Stale samurai In Tor onlu in 1951 to honor him at Icglmonlal dInncr 713705 his flnCd years he remained ncllvn unlll about nix munth ngu rug trip to Prague but he was getting on thy plane in com home hm ho collnyscd He never gm over Ihat Foster said Ha gradually re mud Ms normal routine haw evcr and he Insislnd on going to glnchDSJnvakln In 1961 NJ Brndlovd SO Injuries Including arms Legion Baseball Slates Finals Impala Convmlldc VR nlllo lmwor Mvnrhlg and brnkcx radio roar lam wpmkcr lmlrtc windnwn vhllownlls whorl Hm hmvy duly allapnnnlun lhln rar driven by mnnmny vlroprmhhnl Ilnlco Dangnrflold ImpEast mimooow 71 Claran 200 000 01014 no Wheeler and mm Mo Nddcn and Amm mu malt dy mm edbasemalamfieldeudnice play In ehe lourdl Jim mute Ied at with triple and scored mm Jack Etherlnglans ham mailer back to second base 01mm moved in the hams ban of the WW1 bi at back Rayualt Eiufied Merv Bwley Wfiflfl Mc Farlch lined out on Join M9 Cam in light field Aims than mu sbmt mm The hall eluded time making Holden and two mm cane when mnk JardLne popped out to 1mm sacke Neal Impeml used 2mm hit to lull advantage for only leads In the first Jam McCann cleared the mic loustalplo to left field alter lender man Brgan MoOam was WW 9m Smbyimiw Dangerfield Motors men HEWITT REG 475 Al DI I966 CHEVROLET two broken NOW $3495 lhn Em Gcrmnn lmm plum lnur ha In Um mnb null and lhrtu In Um Ilnah mul mm nll ll mm with ml Inlth In xpnm The Sovlrl Unlon on Inur or II ICVlVI honla nml West Ger many which nlm Icnl trcul lnr uuh mlngury won lhrm Nona of he mm mm by Wu Gcmmny nnd lluuln nod for An Aulomnllc place In mo flnnls was dlsnppolnllnk day at Canada placing tnurlh In two cvcnl nnd flflh In his llIinL Canada enlcud In nnly lhreo Icvcn crem his year Some or Thursdayl htnl Mn nor ndvanml nulumnlluully In the main which lake place In nll evenl Sunday and Home ad mum lo Um snmlHnnlL All of Thursdays lostr cl chance lodny la wnluru lho rcmnlnlng hm bulbs Thu East German onrsmrn compellng scpnrulcly rum Vcsl Germany or he first time won all seven of lhclr hnnls Thursday and amused cars in rival squad Ihnt lhey might wln mas the seven Hnal races Sunday They have born claiming that they can win emy event exrnpl lhe Irngle and dnuble Sculls ann coach said Based an heir parlnrmnncn Thursday lhcy nppurcnuy mcnn ll wunldnt be ngalnst lhcm BLED Yugoslavia CPAPL Rowers ham live mnllncnu lnce another day gruelling qualifying races in the world rowing chnmpiunshipl May but the East Germans got rest NEW YORK AWPele Ro zelIe commlssioner the Na llona Football Mague still 15 voicing cnutimu optimism but theres some danger planned merger of the NFL and Amen lcan Football League wont go Lllrougn are committed In Lhe lal plan Rozelle said in his East Germans Sweep Heats Grid Prexy Rozelle Cautious Optimist Rookie quarlerback vWally Gahlcr the Michigan State xensatlm who has caught on will Toronto Argonauu pleased will Lhe acquisition of Canadian Football League vet 7261 ROOKIE GHBLER GREETS EAGLE We Are pleased lo have his nssurnnm canmnln Ibo 1e gamy 01 out plan or flu ex panded league and hll advim lo Inrwnrd Bu lie Scior hand In hcsllanl bccnum the nu fiug DON unu ll MN NAHONA AND MIN GI WOMIN Vol CNIlDllN luv DlllCl OM WI MIOIMOIV AND SAVE mar OUMIIV llNSll SAIISMCHON nwumum IROKIN MMIS IIPAlllD OI IUIACID WINE V00 WAIT OCUHSII IIKSCRIVIWNS HID MM 10W KL N0 ommmr NICIIMIV Rep Emanuel Caller NY chairman of the House judiciary commillee and IL anlIlrusl subcvmmluce advlsnd Rozclle tn go ahead with plan to combin the two leagues Into single clrcuiL He warned hwevcr that no egislalmn cmpllng the merged lwgue rum nnlilmsl laws will be cn acted his year He said that nc er the jur xlce drparlmcnl nor Congreu has any plans of questioning the pramsgd mcrgcri nbzclle 511 prepared slaumant when he returned to New York The proposed merger ccivcd mild setback when the me nnlllmst subcommillee mum Rozcfles plea of lurk lalion exempt 1h merger 1mm angllrus laws 0U If any 15de of that total planme common drall he pastseason playoff eventual interlacking play propmed ex pnnsIon any nspod it any part cl in danger hen Ibo Inga plan Ls In dang Ing hédre Ceilrcsslnngfvm committee meeUng in Washing lomehursday ALL GLASSES NE SW PHISH 65 STYLES SHAPIS AND gm aypear afimw meeLs Day at an Argo prac tice session while Day models his new number 19 uniform Tmnlo coach Bob Shaw has employed Day who was re cran Eag Day Hm Gabler Push 5mm scum Ollllll ml SlflGLE VISION 0mm mm mug mus whimEMT COLORS Io cuoogs FROM Immu 0pm Tun Uml RM In pm Friday nllhl III pm nun All In Maudy PHONE uuul The AFL now composed 01 nlne team came lma axlslenm In um The NFL now am posed 15 team has bean In operation alnce H10 1920 mun gm Thu leagues announced plans or merger earlier lhil year The phns Include post4 season playoff between me two champions in January next year meseum exhiblflom be tween the luv leagues In 1961 common dram and complete mnsulidalhm under mm 1W0 merqu complex commitments that must be made on IQHX mm basis For nus reason wa will cvnfimxc to urge legisle lnCongmsf leased Alter nanIn many years in the wut with Calgary Stampede Day could be starting a£ternonn whenlho Scullera host Edw monlan Esklmm at the ONE Sladium OP Wuepholo VANGUARD ENSIGN mum TM SPORT CAR hyfleld nun In io All Mlku Anthqu bum Ill HAROLD JORY morons 0M MA CM ROAD SERVICE 1mm

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