Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 9 Sep 1966, p. 6

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ono solquart basket of been will yield about 12 cups prepared been Select heels of uniform slze Scrub thoroughly leaving mot and one twolnch blcm Cook until jusl tender Dlp in cold water and remove sklns For lhls uanUty prepare the allowing lymp Combine saucepan cups dder vlnegor cups auger cups water teaspoon salt teaspoon gmund nllsplm Inhhmoom whole cloves llul cheesecloth llrlm lo bell nnd boll or five mlnules Remove nplce be and keep syrup hot untll nculcdl Pack hm nlerlllzu sealers wllh repaml beets Pour hot Iynlp nvr beds to mmpleley cover them Seal cool and slow In dry place MflllM COME BACK HAHNM Onl ICI TM rlrnn up cnmpnlun lmckllrul uhrn lunwmo rnllrdfil lull nrlmio rnn nml Ilnl than up on mu Inn 111 can own erl tullcrlnl llwlr mvflevly and Ir Illa unrlmuo lml unlu llon duvmlmonl Ionl tolled ll hornuo Ill nut In In pmwr mulnlnm ANOTHER OF THE familyl avoflm 11 Pickled Beets Although tho prams quite time consumln and lmvcs your hands in rather sad state or mm days 1s ch worth the effort and the bum am real pickup lo winierumo meall 12 ripe tomatoes 12 tan apples Blmcdium onions rod pc er quart negar tablespoons salt teaspoon ginger teaspoon mustard teaspoon ground cloves teaspoon pepper cups brown sugar Fromm vegetables Tomatoes wash scald and peel and cut into pieces Apples wipe quarter com and am and cut into etghths Onions wash peel and cut to small pieces fled popper wash cut Into strip and dice Put in kettle and add mmalnlng Ingmdicnu Heat lo boiling point then simmer three or four hours sur ring frequently Bottle and seal in sterlth 1m PICKLED BEETS peeled and cut up llne peaches cut up small dozen large onions chopped finely 12 dozen red peppers sweet hot bunch oele chopped fine optlonal 21 cups of whw vinegar large bowl of applesauce cups Put tomatoes and celery on to bail while bolllng remove excess liquid until sauce ls airly thick Then add applesauce and peaches and cook Add cups of whlte vlncgar onions peppers and tablespoon salt to taste Put large package of whole mixed spice into cheesecloth bag and put on to boil with toma toes or 20 minutes to half an hour Let mixture boil to desired thickness Removing the excess juice reduces the boiling time and helps the sauce to Main its rich tomato flavor The ems juice is delicious as an appetizer so dont thmw it away When the sauce has Ruched the desired thickness add sugar to taste we like it quiteswcet and boil for 10 minutes after it has again reached boil Adding the sugar at the very last moment is also an aid in re taining the mums rich color Put the sauce in atenllzed sealers and invert until coo Another rich relish uslng fully flpencd tomatoes to recipe that will satisfy any taste The tomatoes are mixed with tart npplea and tangy spice to mate this pleasing condiment Wandering through the gardentho other day the qulckly ripening tomatoes and cucumbers mminded me that pickling time Ls right around the corner That is if flour tomatoes like ours no litflo slow in flyenjng is year Now Is the time to Lake adventa of the quantity of home Fawn wits and velgetab es which abound in your pe ghborhood supermar eta and grocery stares Many readers will undoubtedly have redpas which appeal to their families but for the new housewife who has not yet accumulated multitude of time tested recipes will pass on few favorites of mine From my treasury have chosen my familys fav érlte TomatoFruit Chili Sauce which enhances any dish from meat loaf to potatoes and Ls delicious mixed with sandwich filling or spmd thickly on hot dogs What bemn reminder that all in upon us than the tangy aroma of sauces pickles and preserve waning through the neighborhood Non Is the time to prepare for the long col win ter months ahead when your family will be able ap firedate the fruits of your labor over hot stave put ng down the winters supply of tasty garnisheu to add spice to many winter meal TIME TO THINK OF BACKTOSCHOOL um urdy loath1h with upwa nnllod by hum II our burnt wu eury tun MM llon llxlrlbfldm gun and pend mm mun pleau HIM Thu Melt vltdlm fl Ml India an II II Wrbhl Hurry dam mans annmsmr Yield blnls TWO IMAIIUN 10 Ill YOU l1 and DOWNTOWN WWIMDRHII TOMATOFRUIT CHILI SAUCE waging shgquqrt bufkef of tomaoes INDIAN RELISH Recipe can be doubled KITCHEN GOSSIP By EILEEN DIXON HOOKB ARE OTTAWA Ill nl D00 Cnnndlnn book can wlll bi Ihlpml In Frilan by run Hana llhrnry hrrn in Cm mom wu lnhl nunrlny nl bl Donlhl MILdam pull nwnlnry umllry lo External Mm Mln My Ink unl of Du book an IT rmch ml the wt In Enulhh Your but parloda lor mum llannl Advancement ulll moslly parallel the nlorumcnllcnul and monclnry cytlu but on wlll 1mm nddlllannl Ilclnr blcnlng along llxll llnu duran Illa last two wetla In April wlwn you my mullo mull lylnl rccnxnlllan or wmn outtuman mullpllflhmml Thou In buxlntIl can Iutcm lully tunclullc lmpurlanl lrnnl ncllnm In late December and mlxlMnyl tomorrow Is your blrthday your horoscope lndlcolcr that where Job and monetary pro fen ll ouncemod the next threeand nhnl month my gave rather nozntlve Do not come dlxeournxcd however Lulu December wtll brlng lame Iensonl Iurprlsc along lhm Ines and tho flood period you wtll cnler on Ihe 21 at that month ulll last nnlll mldFrb runry Next good Hnnnclnl cyn eles The entlra month of Juno August and Stplemlwr at next yrnrt Do nvold extmvn gance nndnr speculation bo lwcrn now and Dec 20 how ucrupeclolly In November Gemmu pllnllnry lnflu mm wlll novcm mlnl and lnmlly Inlemlu durlnu mall 01 III our nhcml but do try Io nvnl mumcounty clmhu In rlbu rlrrlel In rnvly March and mly June Mrrmlnnllon lo rurh llm Vluznnn tenthmy Io ho avrrunrllnl wuh Inumnm ulll he he but prorrnlnllve llm vrrlull or mmnncn Late Number nn allmound good porlodi next April my and Aunul lnr rml Itmly nury ml llm vrrlml helwrcn Mly II and Srplrmhrr or next yur child born on Ihln day wlli lm endow ullh Inc mind ml In unmme may IAI mll Mn ulll be nrnnlly wlnanuml F9 THE BIRTHDAY character or unusual unmu who and or concludan pend in prolncll or hullnm negoti uuons Flnnncinl dull sound and conservative lhould film work out wall Dur Ann Lllldtfl Ivc been munled lnr flva yam to wmnn who um wants her Phl Beln Kappa key ion chuln around he neck dont mind 13 key but her neck dirty And ho house which Ls By EBTRELLITA FOE TOMORROW Plunclnry Influence on Sat urday will be most Nil lclous 9r any wogk an llallve THE STARS SAY PATOU USES Ame cm In In lurquoha for Ihlx mun dress with the lush beaded ubckllne The undorsklrt ll ANN LANDERS ADVISES Its Back To School and qulfiltzqnina Time I0 ml our Km canvnnlml DRIVEIN SERVICE LCALL gm rues PICKUP ma DELIVERYI 111 mm ll CIIlam mm mm Mlnur lltpllll Ind nun1m manI IQ Doesnt Include Homemaking Ability Speaker To Discuss Status Of Women rnmzn Admin In mh ml ho Unlml anlum Cuntnkulun ml IM 54mm W0 mcn hrld nl Gmwn Swluer lnml Iln lovlr MI Shun dfllnnmllan Wmmn Virurrmldent ho Lmurlinn lulcrmlon Unlvmlly anrn nlnrlo North MrL llnlwi Ounxr ull be mmku lho opemnu mnllnl the Ilmlu brth hr flUW 11w qufim Minn mu ho held In IIII mom of llmlu Central axlleglalu on Al nu In All unlvmily lrnd unlu hp mm Am In VHM lo nlkml why am writing Wo moved into this brand new duplex when we wen first married My wile hasnt had 11 mg dcancd or washed the curtains or walls lince we moved in The laundry is sent out and We mkoi her why she douni Jun send tho cunning She says she hnxnt lime to lake ihgm down nut on drt but lhil place more hall can stand When ask Mr in please clean up the hallway balm somebody lnlh dwn the annml alalrs The woman is am reader which Ls what she must do day We hnva no chlIdrcn and we rut aux must of he llmc hero wlullun or am thick crownDuh VDeIiDukr mm cleanlng woman and give her lnslruc omin other words lake ovur pocketed whllc tho cnflnn lop suggem the cm sllhouetlu in slighlly widened line 1th dress 11 par of the CEL CIL Paris Couture Collection MRS 0111 ORANGE nu nu ma mum1 5mm OIPII nod and 71 Denr lmud Iman do but ll mm 51ml an morn lhnn lull wanan lo do on thlnu Drnrlo CHEER RULE VILLAGE NEW HOT WELL Man CWWI lower him 200 peo rln lhlA Ionlhenflcrn Mnnllnlm mmlrl In Hm FIOVIHCII dml rlnr them In lnL II op dniry pmlum mm lhnn 000 punmll ha ha lumvlntel ynxlutlkm 1m ym Denr Aunl Anyone who rud my column knows my Vler on 10mg alnndy am 100 per cunt against IL Tho almnlion on do lmhn muud llke lmub But unlm your mm mm far your advice you Ihwuld not have nlfcml Unsollcltrd counm LI nenornlly comldmd lnlmcr NICE LIVE 11 UI Hm Ann landrm Im nm burning about Ihv alkl who mumva lhn1 wonderlnx cauplc In xholr 70 who like to dmce That pch pnlr should be lqn houququ not brkkbgu My grandparents And al1hry null Ila gall and lem Almost every ny Thny Ibo rnjny hikan and can dance Hngn nrouml klds Grande pluyn he banJo nnd zrnndxm lnnyn the plan Thar lho My pafly Im In cmum who Ullnkl wonder when onrr lolh mm 10 do hlnzl Ilka Ml Dmrl yumProud of film You are loo ymml know an old long mm mm Ilka lhll hrn ho mind hlu Imlru um the body rnnl Ill mm mm hill bnxlwrovrr lhl hill TROUBLE AHEAD love my nlccc an worr nbnul her She going study wllh boy 17 They are encn nthcr awry evening 011 week cnda he 14 at their homelmm moman Lil night My niece has no girl Irlcnds and mo boy has no bay Irlcnds They mm cnjpd only In each nl Whm suueslcd that my alsur mould nm allow her daughter tn spend so much llm wllh Hm buy 5hr Accused me of having dlny mlnd Ink Aha mm bmh her daughlcr and tho boy and told mo keep my nosq out her business Am wrong at rIthWnnled Alml it you wait or Mn High to dp illllpcvcruiet gone 01 course In rounn that you should have to do thll but the only realistic lolullon to your problem Denr Ann Lmdenx My 5110 and have had blue quarrel ubpq her Isypnrold 515nm LOUIS FEflAUD deslxna ho mlnlshin In antnsllc Ilrlpcd action No doubla knlt wlth glylon leomds In conunallnl Ihe modern 1m ng build Ing with garden and lounge widl ire lace will have in awn heap uhoolrooms workshops and mining Incl tlu There an no bun Insmnd hr wlndcws have modomlook lng concrete scrum um make cscnpq mpgsibl REACH NEW STATUS INUVIK NWT CPI Thin communlly 1200 become vlllnza next ytnr lollowlnz pruvnl by Torrliorlnl Commis Iloncr Slverlz coun til duclslon Inuvlk In on lhe Mnrkcnzlo lvcr dclln LZOO mllu northwexl of Edmonton FIIIIIMI 11H Spcnca ruan xuperlntendcm Jgng and L1 in chum ol MATSQUI BC CF The flm Mara prison or women In Western Canada In In opera Ion In the Fraser Valley part of he Mulsqul Inslltudnn 10x narcollcs addlcu legnad to hold 150 grlson the wvmenl leclinn Id 15 when It npened curly In Au 1110 15 wm women from Vest cm Canada whn had been mv lnl we yam or more at KIM slon Ont Thty elected ran tnr to prison closer to hmne Womb from Enslzrn Canada In future all addicts lnlhe wm Ionlcnccd chnrnl term wlll also be mt hm Ilon Prisoners Move Closer To Home coIor lg Ranging with the Mn an funny the new seasun Tho Fnrnud mlnlshln will seen In Canada pm the CELCIL Parts Collectlon was 11 mId ml TEE alumna EXAMINER FRIDAY SEPTEMBER The Fun opening thin aon maul new conulnusnm the qukkened pm at our in group dulznen of whom Paton mutant Car din and Found In ha lead The hnva coma ur with lnzy colecllunl mlnxhllu demur minor mile valve will nnd flwlnz lent mm In de Ilgnad wllh Iho actInn crowd In Tho fibfflllfll shorten skirts lonow hem ovor 12 Mr Above the knae uslnz doubIe hill or Iklmmy mu mm mm and enclosing all that lei In muslin hounds al ny lon The 0195M sector cream wllh Ion Arnel crepes unbur dne3 and valve SEIVcr and gold are prumlnenl along with rilllnnl mu greens stark whlte and belie in all collections Resident 0f PEI Heads Commission 331ml hm gonuen ll tha lradlllonal group Lanvln Cnxtlllu and 111ch who reuln tha Inca and elegance nlwnyl modular wllh Put Cow lure but who hm now lddld youthlul 1le to produce younz elem lushlons OiiAWA CFiMn Jana MacDonald of Chnriniieimm widow 01 Enrl MacDonald former Prince Edward island heaiih minister and provincial Increiary has been unpainted io lhmyur term as com misxioncr oi iha National Cap iiui Commission Mu McDonald pas ro vinan president 10 Paris Couture Collection ShoWs Two Faces Of Fashions ALL PERMS Imd dont or our ann Colm nuchlm um um you mm mm PIECES MIAan llAHllTYIIITI or numch lu Dlnlo and man ovcnlng gown mi lung Coleman Show ma talcum 01 both the action designers and ma yauthfully elegant coulur lere1Tho Collecllon will In adapted in Canada In comm parnry llbm Arnel acetate and Eonml belna nhown Ihwwn acres the country Mrs Phyllis Low and daugh ler Lulu Halifax spent days with her brolhrr Dr Mellon By MRS CAMERON Recent visitors al Mn Gflchrln and Stewart were new Ind Mrs PueGllchrlsl of tnwn Mrs Blrd and daughter Orlllla and Mr and Mrs John Cape on route home tn Owen Sound from their summer hume Miss Jessie Gilchrist oi Tor onto is visiting her sister Mrs Campbell who in no nwglln qsuaii éafiwell and Miss vim Leeuc Sympathy exlendcd In Mu Jmms Pearsall and Albert Penr nu In the passing husband and brother GuUIrla school has six chug room In use wllh Mm Russ ell the new teacher wgrmzarma Vnmenl Insutuu meeting will be at the Commun lty Hall hxesdny Sept 10 pm reprucnlallv Culimr Society will show films 10 II My pet home rem Ewen GUTHRIE me Wu IIINu 19M

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